As much as i hated to hear being told this when i was suffering its likely most dont actually need TRT and there is some underlying issue or lifestyle piece you need to solve. I did two rounds of TRT each time being on a roller coaster suffering some miserable side effects and not feeling right and quitting after 6 months. I was suffering from other undiagnosed things that can be solved through less costly and more natural means. For the first time in years finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Its still a long road but i am excited from the first improvements i have seen. You think you have done A LOT or everything you can in lifestyle and diagnosing but there is always more that you dont know about. Ultimately its your own responsability it can also be that you will waste years spinning your wheels and regretting not starting TRT sooner its highly individual.
Testosterone is just one piece of a very complex system that is our body do not tunnel vision on it there are many other things that can mess you up badly that are not highlighted and hyped because they are not profitable. If you do go to a TRT clinic just know that they wont actually diagnose you properly and you WILL get on trt from just a few superficial intake consults. Because that is the only thing they have to offer and make a good profit on. That can be a good but also a bad thing. Just my experience i wish i had never done TRT and that i had found the true cause of my problems sooner (lyme). Here is one other piece that i have felt life changing results from in a short amount of time and simple to implement.
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