Tactics for being "in the world" but not "of the world"


Orthodox Inquirer
This is something that I see myself struggling with as of lately.

I make progress spiritually, and then get tugged back down to the material - concerns with money or status (far less these days) bring me back to proverbial and literal Earth. This is not to say that I have not made progress from who I used to be. Me from 5 years ago would not recognise the man that I am today.

How do you reconcile being in this world, but knowing that we are not of this world?
The less modern technology you use the easier it gets.

Not having, nor watching, TV is essential.

Living in a small town, or in any case outside of big cities, also helps a lot.

Earning a living independently outside the system also goes a long way.

Finally the type of people you interact with regularly should feel similiar to you. If not limit interaction with them to what's essential.
For me I suppose the real question is whether a day to day problem or goal is a legitimate object of concern or whether it is a worldly one, and thus a waste of time. We should question whether we are getting caught up in something that is coming from the wrong worldview.

Money for example, someone who has a spending issue should think about money more, while someone is living a modest, but self-sufficient, wholesome life should be content with that and not think about what the world considers success or high status.

Probably stating the obvious here but it's worth repeating.
This is something that I see myself struggling with as of lately.

I make progress spiritually, and then get tugged back down to the material - concerns with money or status (far less these days) bring me back to proverbial and literal Earth. This is not to say that I have not made progress from who I used to be. Me from 5 years ago would not recognise the man that I am today.

How do you reconcile being in this world, but knowing that we are not of this world?

If the real world is dominating your thoughts then you need a holy purge. Fasting and prayer will nuke worldly desires right out of you.

People need to talk about fasting more. Go vegan on Wednesdays (plus no oils) and Fridays if you need even more help. Some weeks I do one, some weeks I do two days. I also always abstain from any food before holy communion on Sundays and my Sundays are basically holy bliss.
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If the real world is dominating your thoughts then you need a holy purge. Fasting and prayer will nuke worldly desires right out of you.

People need to talk about fasting more. Go vegan on Wednesdays (plus no oils) and Fridays if you need even more help. Some weeks I do one, some weeks I do two days. I also always fast before holy communion on Sundays and my Sundays are basically holy bliss.

I'm interested in trying that vegan no oil fast. Food is a major issue for me, has been for years. What are some things you like to eat on your vegan days-Breakfast, lunch, dinner?
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I'm interested in trying that vegan no oil fast. Food is a major issue for me, has been for years. What are some things you like to eat on your vegan days?

Breakfast: Toast and Peanut Butter.
Coffee: Black (no cream or milk)

Lunch: Fruits, Hummus and Pita Bread

Dinner: Pasta & Beans

Sometimes I fast on the same day of a gym workout, I still have my protein shake afterwards. I have no idea if this is allowed or not but going with a protein deficiency on a lifting day is a bad idea. Other than the protein shake I still stick to the fast and feel amazing afterwards.
I think the main tactic is realising that we really can't do it by ourselves, we need Christ.

For instance in Orthodoxy we have the Jesus Prayer. One can pray this in a manner like; I am going to use this as a technique, a tool, so through my own exertion and sheer spiritual aptitude I am going to reach the heights of glory. If you do that, you might as well be praying to satan.

The way to approach it is to realise its all you've got. The only shred of hope for your pathetic and useless state is that the Lord come and give His mercy.

There is no technique other than to cry out like St Peter as he began to sink and hope that the Lord pulls you out. There is nothing we can do through our own efforts
The less modern technology you use the easier it gets.

Not having, nor watching, TV is essential.

Living in a small town, or in any case outside of big cities, also helps a lot.

Earning a living independently outside the system also goes a long way.

Finally the type of people you interact with regularly should feel similiar to you. If not limit interaction with them to what's essential.
I only watch the Food Channel here. Cooking is a passion for me so I enjoy watching experts and love the tips, tricks, and advice on how I can be a better cook; but other than that, TV is trash and I refuse to watch any of it, news especially.
Reminds me of the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4 - 15). You're stuck in the bushes, as many of us have been - and many still are. Let me be yet another voice to say get off social media, take a bucket of salt with you if you consume MSM, and get involved with your church community as much as you can. Talk to your priest about it, he was put there to guide you. Make sure that when you pray that you pray with your heart as well as your mouth. The Devil will do everything he can to put a stick in your spokes. Just remember that the more attacked you are feeling, the more you are on the right path.
Breakfast: Toast and Peanut Butter.
Coffee: Black (no cream or milk)

Lunch: Fruits, Hummus and Pita Bread

Dinner: Pasta & Beans

Sometimes I fast on the same day of a gym workout, I still have my protein shake afterwards. I have no idea if this is allowed or not but going with a protein deficiency on a lifting day is a bad idea. Other than the protein shake I still stick to the fast and feel amazing afterwards.
I've been doing the fast every Wed and Fri but with oil and fish. Usually I have a tuna, lettuce and avocado salad. I think I would go insane if I couldn't eat at least fish, but maybe my discipline is just very weak still. Nonetheless it has been doing much for making me feel less dependent on the world.

Whey protein shakes are technically dairy products so I've been avoiding them, but I suppose this is something you ask your priest about. They're not exactly pleasant to drink so it could still go along with the spirit of the fast.

The Jesus prayer is also very helpful. 100 repetitions every night helps not just the spirit but also the mind. It trains your mind to focus more on Godly things and not worldly concerns.
This is a major struggle for a Christian. There are days where I convince myself that I can balance things and interface with everyone, without letting it influence or impact me in a negative manner. A mere hour into it, I return to the conclusion how messed up society has become and that I cannot maintain a facade just to get through the day.

Limited fasting helps, but I have a terrible physical reaction to it. I'm neither fat nor a glutton, but restricted eating tends to have a negative impact on my physical health.

Otherwise, I make it a goal to regularly pray every three hours during the day, and to also pray if I wake up at night. It helps in performing a spiritual reset of my mind on a consistent basis.
Besides attempting to fast, not a strict fast but a modified vegan no oil fast, I want to start monitoring how hyperactive or overstimulated I am during my free time. I've realized now how hard it is to decide what to do, because we have so many options- what book to read, what podcast to watch-it's too much. We have too many choices, and there's too much pressure to pick the thing that will comfort us. I can't go on youtube and know what I should even watch, with all my subscriptions and recommended videos. It's not spiritually healthy.
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Attending the Divine Services is effective in cultivating a sense of being in the world but not of it. When one attends, and really is mentally present and focused, on a service that is holy, solemn and beautiful, it is very possible to "carry that around" with you for the rest of the day or even several days. When I attend Divine Liturgy, I try to remind myself that Christ is present, the angels are present, the saints are present. That helps to serve as a reminder that the kingdom is Not of This World and that God "is everywhere present and filleth all things."

Listening to Orthodox chants and singing also helps to put one in mind of holy things. The theme is replace secular, worldly content with spiritual content.
Something I like to do is to live the feast days just as much as the fast days. My parish church does a good job of cultivating this in us with frequent special feast day Masses in addition to the regular Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation. It's nice to have regular special days on the calendar to look forward to that aren't secular holidays.
I was listening to Gregorian chanting last night. Even though I'm not Catholic and had no idea what's being said, it was incredibly relaxing and put me in a good place. Plus, apparently it helps lower blood pressure which is something I'm having an issue with at the minute.
This is something that I see myself struggling with as of lately.

I make progress spiritually, and then get tugged back down to the material - concerns with money or status (far less these days) bring me back to proverbial and literal Earth. This is not to say that I have not made progress from who I used to be. Me from 5 years ago would not recognise the man that I am today.

How do you reconcile being in this world, but knowing that we are not of this world?
Prayer and the sacraments, not owning a TV, and replacing secular music with Gregorian chant - these have been the biggest helps to me, for avoiding worldliness.

In most large US cities, a Catholic has options for Holy Mass every day of the week. Since you are inquiring into Orthodoxy, I know you don't have that, due to the EO community in the US being small. That said, do your best to maximize attendance at Divine Liturgy, Orthros etc. that your church does offer. I find that I do way better when I get to mass on the majority of days, and receive communion every time.

Two weeks between confessions is a long time for me - I try to go weekly.

As for prayer, obviously it is critical. If your church has adoration of the blessed sacrament, try to go often and just practice mental prayer. In addition, of course, to your regular at-home prayer routine. I have cultivated a habit of saying short prayers very frequently. User Lawrence87 mentioned the Jesus prayer, and I consider it foundational, along with the Glory Be, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary. I say these prayers dozens of times throughout the day.

And of course, don't forget to include the saints and your guardian angel in your prayer life! They are heavy hitters.
If the real world is dominating your thoughts then you need a holy purge. Fasting and prayer will nuke worldly desires right out of you.

People need to talk about fasting more. Go vegan on Wednesdays (plus no oils) and Fridays if you need even more help. Some weeks I do one, some weeks I do two days. I also always abstain from any food before holy communion on Sundays and my Sundays are basically holy bliss.

Eh, I thought we were supposed to do that in general? My Father tells us to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm told it's because our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was arrested on Wednesday and crucified on Friday. So we fast to commemorate his sacrifice.

Blessed be his Holy name, Amen.
This is something that I see myself struggling with as of lately.

I make progress spiritually, and then get tugged back down to the material - concerns with money or status (far less these days) bring me back to proverbial and literal Earth. This is not to say that I have not made progress from who I used to be. Me from 5 years ago would not recognise the man that I am today.

How do you reconcile being in this world, but knowing that we are not of this world?
The Jesus Prayer is crucial for me. My main stumbles into worldliness, which sometimes last for many hours, happen during stressful situations resulting from work and family matters. If there were not a ready-to-use formula to invoke for the briefest of intervals during the most distracted of moments I would go for long stretches of forgetfulness.

In one of those great "Stories and Parables" videos the guy has a big family to support and all he can do is say "Lord" when he wakes up and before bed. It almost gets like that for me some days. Then I find the more I force myself to pray the more my awareness of ultimate reality bleeds into my worldly reality even during the frantic times.

This is something that I see myself struggling with as of lately.

I make progress spiritually, and then get tugged back down to the material - concerns with money or status (far less these days) bring me back to proverbial and literal Earth. This is not to say that I have not made progress from who I used to be. Me from 5 years ago would not recognise the man that I am today.

How do you reconcile being in this world, but knowing that we are not of this world?
"It happens sometimes that the saints of the Lord sit in theatres and behold the deceit of the world. According to the inner man they are conversing with God, while according to the outer man they appear to men as contemplating what goes on in the world.

Worldly people are under one influence from the spirit of error, to mind earthly things; Christians have another purpose, another mind; they are of another world, another city. The Spirit of God has fellowship with their souls, and they tread down the adversary. It is written, “The last enemy that is destroyed is death The godly are masters of all things; but those who are slack in faith and sinners are the slaves of all, and the fire burns them, and the stone and the sword slay them, and in the end devils have dominion over them.' "

-St. Macarius the Great, Homely 15, section 7-8