straight women who are friends with gay men

That actually explains something that some younger siblings in a former in-laws family used to joke about you're not gay unless you take it. They used to hang with some middle-easterners, one was Egyptian.
Yea they do it to rationalize having sex with men, cause it's very difficult to get the female virgins to "put out". Therefore, the men either try to have sex with "receiving" gay men or they try to fornicate with goats and sometimes cows.
Yea they do it to rationalize having sex with men, cause it's very difficult to get the female virgins to "put out". Therefore, the men either try to have sex with "receiving" gay men or they try to fornicate with goats and sometimes cows.

Brother if they try to get them to "put out" the entire village will drag them through the street by their balls....
cause it's very difficult to get the female virgins to "put out".
I don't think that's the reason at all. Back when the West was Christian, our girls kept their virginities until marriage too (and they even wore headcoverings and modest loose dresses), and we didn't have an epidemic of goat fuckers and fags as far as I'm aware. If pent-up sexual frustration was the problem, there's always prostitutes. I feel like if someone who was remotely civilized was going to commit a sin due to sexual frustration, they'd go for a prostitute or masturbation instead of the nearest goat or man.

Pretty sure it's just because muslims are literally nothing more than a glorified barbarian horde, and because their religion is demonic. Islamic countries literally still do laws where they cut people's hands off, because that's how much it takes to get those barbarians to behave in a civilized manner, and their rulers know it.
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I've seen it first hand more than once where a normal woman is enabled and encouraged to do completely revolting and heinous things by the gay men she keeps company with. I left a long term woman over it and I ended a relationship before it got off the ground because of it. In both cases the fags hated me because i wanted to hold the woman accountable and lead her to a better path, they saw it as a challenge.
Omg you're also speaking from personal experience!

In my first case I fortunately won over the fags but then, seeing signs of it with a fresh new woman triggered the outrage which made me start this thread.

Actually, once a woman has children in some cases they may be willing to let the fags go, or deliberately decide to keep them more on the periphery. Anyway some fags are more discrete, like quiet couples, but the signs were that ones who were friends with this woman were unfortunately the loud, colourful kind.

I possibly regret not starting this thread in the mixed part of the forum. If any women members are lurking and feel strongly about it can you please start a thread somewhere? Not sure if you would be saying you love your gay friends and no man will take them away or whether it will be you would not want to deter a man or upset your husband so avoid having gay friends although you are tempted but would be interesting to hear.
I don't think that's the reason at all. Back when the West was Christian, our girls kept their virginities until marriage too (and they even wore headcoverings and modest loose dresses), and we didn't have an epidemic of goat fuckers and fags as far as I'm aware. If pent-up sexual frustration was the problem, there's always prostitutes. I feel like if someone who was remotely civilized was going to commit a sin due to sexual frustration, they'd go for a prostitute or masturbation instead of the nearest goat or man.

Pretty sure it's just because muslims are literally nothing more than a glorified barbarian horde, and because their religion is demonic. Islamic countries literally still do laws where they cut people's hands off, because that's how much it takes to get those barbarians to behave in a civilized manner, and their rulers know it.
I agree. I'd never consider goats, men, baby elephants etc. either.
When I think of my ex and this new girl, who both like or liked in the past to have fags around, something else they both have very much in common are a passion and devotion to their technical, desk based careers.

Let their 20s and possibly 30s go by, avoiding having children in the years where they naturally would have them.

...but for all the programming about having a career, not being a mother etc.

Unfortunately brainwashed to a certain degree, drinking the Kool-Aid.

So while living this life against nature and God, who better to give them some validation in their choices than a poof who has made a lifelong commitment to avoiding the opposite sex and not reproducing?

Just noting the parallels - both love their technical careers, both like or (or liked before becoming a mother) to have poofs around
I personally agree with the notion that it should be a red flag. There are some cultures, like Latinos or Phillipinos, where it seemingly doesn't have much of a negative impact.

However, an American or European girl with conservative values us usually somewhat put off by this.
All other speculation aside, there is simply something fishy about a woman who is friends with a homosexual. Whatever it is she gets from it, or whatever psychological stuff might be causing it, its clear something is off. You wouldn't start such a topic otherwise. Theres something fundamentally "not right" about it. And you don't really need to go any further than that. Any endeavour to try to push this aside is misguided and any attempt to dig deeper into it is superfluous. Its a red flag, pure and simple.
All other speculation aside, there is simply something fishy about a woman who is friends with a homosexual. Whatever it is she gets from it, or whatever psychological stuff might be causing it, its clear something is off. You wouldn't start such a topic otherwise. Theres something fundamentally "not right" about it. And you don't really need to go any further than that. Any endeavour to try to push this aside is misguided and any attempt to dig deeper into it is superfluous. Its a red flag, pure and simple.
Of course it’s a red flag but almost every modern woman has red flags. The question is which red flags are you willing to live with and which ones are not to be compromised on.
something fishy about a woman who is friends with a homosexual
its clear something is off. You wouldn't start such a topic otherwise. Theres something fundamentally "not right" about it

It's not wholesome, put it that way.

They may have the good sense (or be forced to) ditch the poofs upon having kids but you can't be sure and it anyway takes vigilance and effort to enforce those standards if she is pushing the other way.
My wife has a sibling who came out of the closet a few years ago. Here is my .02
1- be clear with your beliefs. She should have no uncertainty about the limit and what you consider intolerable.
2 - don't berate the woman about her gay friend. You will get nowhere.
3 - it is a red flag. Be careful with pursuing a woman like this.
4 - be an example to follow. Show leadership. Women despise weakness. But do not be a tyrant (#2 above).
5 - women have inquisitive nature's. If she asks the reason for your beliefs on homosexuality, explain them. It's an opportunity to share the gospel. This world needs hope in Jesus Christ. There is plenty of condemnation to go around.

Hope this helps.