straight women who are friends with gay men

I'm confused about how you said she had lot of the qualities you are looking for in a woman while at the same time she is absolutely averse to going to church and that she is estranged from her father. I don't know what sort of qualities such a woman could have that would make her an appropriate wife. Based on you saying that she was "out of our league" I assuming it was mostly physical qualities you saw as positives in her?
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This "daddy issues" topic however - I don't know exactly what that means it is but this one is estranged from her father.
This is the mother of all red flags.
The aversion to church is beyond a red flag, and it alone should disqualify her immediately if you're looking for a wife.
Again - have any of you heard a woman speaking passionately against gay marriage and expressing very strong disapproval and dislike of gays and lesbians?
I have, but it's very rare for them to dislike fags, and they have to feel quite comfortable with you to actually state it. Really hard for a woman to say something that far outside of the Overton window, even if she thinks it.
Again - have any of you heard a woman speaking passionately against gay marriage and expressing very strong disapproval and dislike of gays and lesbians?
Paris Hilton got in trouble for this a few years ago:

She ended up not doubling down when pressed though.
2000 years ago a woman was happy with some eunuchs and slaves to run her house. Now a woman is happy if she has a gay best friend and indentured servants from Mexico to fix up her lawn and do landscaping

The more time passes, the more things stay the same.

I would not even consider it a red flag so long as she is not trying to flip the gay man straight, like if she’s a total fag hag to the point where she wishes she could have a real relationship with her gay best friend

Good luck dude. It’s a weird time to be trying to date, whatever happens don’t give up and don’t be mad or frustrated
Paris Hilton got in trouble for this a few years ago:

She ended up not doubling down when pressed though.
That’s hot.
From what I've heard, it's not uncommon for gay men to have sex with their female friends. And given the chances of them getting AIDS and other diseases, seems like a really bad idea to date women who have gay friends. They're probably a bad influence regardless.

And to add to this: I personally suspect most men are homo not due to some weird innate genetic condition (ie being born that way), but due childhood sexual abuse, or from straight up desperation and/or self-hatred. Neither of these preclude them from enjoying sex with a woman if given the chance, and the idea here is they "sneak" their way into women's pants in much the same way that "nice guys" would. I really don't know how true this is, or how common it is, but honestly I just don't see many circumstances where men and women can be genuine friends and as a rule you shouldn't date a women who has a history of having male friends, gay or not. Many of them are highly hedonistic sex/drug addicts, so it's not that crazy to imagine them getting drunk/high with your girl and fooling around.

I once encountered a "bi" man who was invited out to go drinking by my friend, and me being the polite and inquisitive type of person I am, I tried to get in his head to understand his mindset. At one point I literally asked him why one would ever go for a man over a woman, and his answer was basically "I can't get them" in a roundabout way. Absolutely pathetic. A lot of them are just snakes.
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And to add to this: I personally suspect most men are homo not due to some weird innate genetic condition (ie being born that way), but due childhood sexual abuse, or from straight up desperation and/or self-hatred. Neither of these preclude them from enjoying sex with a woman if given the chance, and the idea here is they "sneak" their way into women's bedrooms in much the same way that "nice guys" would. I really don't know how true this is, or how common it is, but honestly I just don't see many circumstances where men and women can be genuine friends and as a rule you shouldn't date a women who has a history of having male friends.
Even if they are born that way, they are still culpable and called to repent.

But as you say, a lot of them have a history of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is rampant in the gay community, a fact that gets suppressed by the social engineers. Many of them also didn't have a healthy relationship with their father, and being deprived of proper male affection, they seek it out in a perverse way. You can't help but feel sorry for them, though not to excuse their sin and deny their guilt.
2000 years ago a woman was happy with some eunuchs and slaves to run her house. Now a woman is happy if she has a gay best friend and indentured servants from Mexico to fix up her lawn and do landscaping

The more time passes, the more things stay the same.

I would not even consider it a red flag so long as she is not trying to flip the gay man straight, like if she’s a total fag hag to the point where she wishes she could have a real relationship with her gay best friend

Good luck dude. It’s a weird time to be trying to date, whatever happens don’t give up and don’t be mad or frustrated

I want to agree with you because I also go with the general idea that the sky is not falling, things have just changed. But in this case it's different as gay culture is nothing but absolute disgusting poison devoid of any morals or shame and a woman is easily lured into it because she isn't threatened by it.

I've seen it first hand more than once where a normal woman is enabled and encouraged to do completely revolting and heinous things by the gay men she keeps company with. I left a long term woman over it and I ended a relationship before it got off the ground because of it. In both cases the fags hated me because i wanted to hold the woman accountable and lead her to a better path, they saw it as a challenge.
Even if they are born that way, they are still culpable and called to repent.

But as you say, a lot of them have a history of sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is rampant in the gay community, a fact that gets suppressed by the social engineers. Many of them also didn't have a healthy relationship with their father, and being deprived of proper male affection, they seek it out in a perverse way. You can't help but feel sorry for them, though not to excuse their sin and deny their guilt.

The problem is this overall sex-positive attitude society has where it encourages sex/porn and acts like it's something you should cultivate and pursue and it's absense is somehow missing part of the human experience. 33% of men who have ever existed did not procreate. It's brutal, yes, but it's just the reality - sex is not something that should be given automatically, it's earned. Homosexuality completely bypasses this axiom.

Honestly if I was homosexual I'd just choose to be celibate my whole life. People act like that's "suppressing" but that's just nonsense. There are people who are born with the "psychopathic gene" but still go on to have (relatively) healthy families and be upstanding citizens - you don't have to be a slave to your impulses. By this same logic, if you're a pedophile you should be shamed for "suppressing" your impulses -- as if there's an alternative?
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I spoke to someone IRL about this and he made the point that it is white women who tend to have gay friends not women in general.

I can't confirm or deny this but just as a thought experiment it does not sound as likely that a black, brown or yellow woman would would have gay friends. More traditional cultures in some cases. Less feminism, not so appealing to be befriending gay men in defiance as it is something that is almost guaranteed to offend masculine men, ie smash the patriarchy. I also can't quite imagine this in the Arab world, but again it's just a thought experiment.
The problem is this overall sex-positive attitude society has where it encourages sex/porn and acts like it's something you should cultivate and pursue and it's absense is somehow missing part of the human experience. 33% of men who have ever existed did not procreate. It's brutal, yes, but it's just the reality - sex is not something that should be given automatically, it's earned. Homosexuality completely bypasses this axiom.

Honestly if I was homosexual I'd just choose to be celibate my whole life. People act like that's "surpressing" but that's just nonsense. There are people who are born with the "psychopathic gene" but still go on to have (relatively) healthy families and be upstanding citizens - you don't have to be a slave to your impulses.
Very good. God does not promise us sexual satisfaction. But in this world where my will and desires reign supreme, how dare you deny me the right of sexual satisfaction? You can see that they are indeed slaves of their impulses. Thus the necessity of God's grace in their lives.

I don't think it's good to bludgeon them over the head. They should be led out of their sin by the hand of compassion, not the hand of coercion.
I spoke to someone IRL about this and he made the point that it is white women who tend to have gay friends not women in general.

I can't confirm or deny this but just as a thought experiment it does not sound as likely that a black, brown or yellow woman would would have gay friends. More traditional cultures in some cases. Less feminism, not so appealing to be befriending gay men in defiance as it is something that is almost guaranteed to offend masculine men, ie smash the patriarchy. I also can't quite imagine this in the Arab world, but again it's just a thought experiment.

Not true in my personal experience at all, women of all cultures can fall into traps. If anything for the women of more conservative cultures it can be argued that spending time with a gay man is more acceptable because of the perception that sex isn't involved. One of the women I personally have experience with this with was of an extremely conservative middle eastern culture, it was more acceptable for her to pal around with a gay guy than with a straight guy believe it or not. There is a huge amount of middle eastern fags, you couldn't have sex with women in their countries they did lots of gay shit and it stuck with them. It's just not paraded around like it is in western culture. The other women I personally know who fell into this trap was hispanic, her case was much more extreme.

You want to hear something disgusting? In middle eastern muslim society, I mean actually in the middle east not middle easterners here in the USA, the fag receiving is considered gay and the fag pitching is considered not gay.

There is one caveat though and that is blacks, although it's not what you think. Blacks are like animals, they will have sex with anything at any time with no shame....I don't want to generalize but as someone who was forced to deal with blacks daily in their own environment for many years I observed this pretty much daily. For a black woman a fag friend does not do anything for her the way a fag friend would for a non black, I hope that makes sense it's a longer conversation but you can put the rest together.
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Very good. God does not promise us sexual satisfaction. But in this world where my will and desires reign supreme, how dare you deny me the right of sexual satisfaction? You can see that they are indeed slaves of their impulses. Thus the necessity of God's grace in their lives.

I don't think it's good to bludgeon them over the head. They should be led out of their sin by the hand of compassion, not the hand of coercion.
Yeah people act like sex is a human right, like they're entitled to it. I don't think it will ever work from a coercion standpoint either. I for instance do pity and empathize with "incels" to some degree. The fact that we shame people for being involuntarily celibate is incredible to me, is it any wonder they turn to anime girls and homosexuality? They think sex is the whole purpose of life. I'm happy to tell them how wrong they are. Casual sex is utterly pointless and depressing and so is any relationship that isn't with the exceedingly rare type of woman that is actually a good fit for you.
You want to hear something disgusting? In middle eastern muslim society, I mean actually in the middle east not middle easterners here in the USA, the fag receiving is considered gay and the fag pitching is considered not gay.
That actually explains something that some younger siblings in a former in-laws family used to joke about you're not gay unless you take it. They used to hang with some middle-easterners, one was Egyptian.
It's brutal, yes, but it's just the reality - sex is not something that should be given automatically, it's earned.
Of course the problem is our society makes it so PUAs get the bulk of sex from young women and not the men who contribute to society, which men pick up on and then are demotivated to contribute to society.
That actually explains something that some younger siblings in a former in-laws family used to joke about you're not gay unless you take it. They used to hang with some middle-easterners, one was Egyptian.

Yup, I'm surprised they were even joking about it. These things are left unspoken but everyone knows, believe me as much as we deride American culture we also way over romanticize supposedly "conservative" cultures as well.
I imagine if a woman is friends with a sodomite she is probably relishing in attention from him. Probably they behave inappropriately together because it's 'not gonna lead anywhere', probably it has gone too far on more than one occasion.

He's going to be a bitch about any man who comes into her life.

I would seriously question the judgement and moral character of a woman who is close friends with a sodomite.
I heard someone once describe the type of gay men that women likes to keep around as 'gay familiars'. They are almost like an animal pet that is being kept as an attention dispenser the way a dog or cat functions as one. I'm surprised that some of these men end up having sex with their female owners. I always thought the reason a woman allows these gay famiiliars in their presence is because they are viewed as harmless neutered pets who would never make a move on them as opposed to a heterosexual male where that is the lingering threat that the straight guy would make an unwanted move on her.