straight women who are friends with gay men


This post was motivated by another date with a woman I've met with a few times.

I thought she was out of my league and I had sort of disqualified myself, now she has revealed a woke side of herself I was not aware of, some stuff that namely is too similar to my ex, gay male friends and also negative early experiences of the church. So it's lost its appeal a bit for the moment.

An aversion to the church and lack of aversion to gays.

Brief observation - straight women are often friends with gay men but the inverse does not occur - straight men are not friends with lesbians who are generally bitter and aggressive.

Is this a purely modern phenomenon - in 1850 were there gays around who women were friends with?

Some relevant biblical passages on homosexuality -

Leviticus 18:22 ~ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

What I want to know is - does the bible say anything about women who chose male friends who lie with a male as with a woman ?

It's a red flag with this woman but not sure if it's a deal breaker. It does concern me though, not sure how deep it runs. If I meet her again I may test it and see if it is not a big deal for her or if she is suddenly leaps to the defense of the poofs when challenged, and female empowerment, and everything else troublesome.
We don't want to hang out with lesbians because it goes against our rational nature as Men. Unless we need an extra team member on our social basketball team, then just this once if you can run the point.

"Out of my league" , "it's a red flag with this woman but not sure if it's a deal breaker"

You are confused because you're ignoring your gut instinct and trying to find a bible verse to pry in and find a way to make it work. Why?

Move on brother. Keep going!

A gay best friend usually means drug abuse, encouragement of degeneracy and sometimes even sexual history between the two of them, more often than you’d expect. At the very least he likely has no boundaries with her and touches her inappropriately and will have seen her naked. If he knows you’re based and redpilled, he will try to sabotage.
I think this post is disengenous.

You met an attractive woman that got your hormones all riled up. As is usually the case, the woman is a whore. Obviously shes throwing out red flags but a man doesn't care, she's hot. What does the church have anything to do with this?

Gay men are as secular and hedonistic as you can get. You believe they're falling in love with other men and want to go have a picnic on the beach? No. The conversations she's having with her gay friends are as far from the Church as you can get.

What advise you need? How it's okay to date her so you can try her body out or how you can turn a whore into a housewife?
I bet when she hangs out with her queer friends that they talk about things that "straight people just wouldn't understand." A lot of people who are into this stuff are self-described Satanists. Don't have anything to do with them.

does the bible say anything about women who chose male friends who lie with a male as with a woman ?
"Don't be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals."
A gay best friend usually means drug abuse, encouragement of degeneracy and sometimes even sexual history between the two of them, more often than you’d expect. At the very least he likely has no boundaries with her and touches her inappropriately and will have seen her naked. If he knows you’re based and redpilled, he will try to sabotage.

Spot on
Every woman I have known who "just loves gay men" are inevitably depraved, sexually promiscuous, and exhibit massive red flags and severe daddy issues. Just DON'T get involved with them. In my opinion, for them homosexual men are basically "safe" orbiters who act like women, sound like men, and in a pinch will bang them in a gas station toilet stall. There is a serious level of mental disorder with women have keep homos around.
Thanks for all the feedback..
This women going to bring these "guys" around and let influence your children? Ask yourself that....
This is why this thing has caused me enough panic to start a thread on it, could almost say "been there, done that!". Well, more correctly, took drastic measures to take my ex and child away from a place where there were too many poofs.
You are confused because you're ignoring your gut instinct and trying to find a bible verse to pry in and find a way to make it work. Why?

Move on brother. Keep going!
I'm just distressed as that girl meets a number of the things I look for nowadays which excludes a long list of other women. But will keep moving. I had to post to have you guys convince me of what I suspect already.
why would you choose unnecessary drama when you can have peace
You're right just need to be patient and persevere. I've seen bigger examples of drama than her actually and as much as I liked a different woman in particular I had to decline - could see a mountain of problems on the horizon. With this one it is maybe a 'submerged iceberg' which was not as obvious as with the other one.
What advise you need? How it's okay to date her so you can try her body out or how you can turn a whore into a housewife?
I don't need to try out her body that badly. Oh dear, that's like the the line from a certain Rolling Stones song.. Will say a bit more below on this gay friends topic generally. It has just distressed me as she is right in a lot of ways, just certain things I'm looking for. Anyway, I've messed up my life enough times now with oneitis and am not going to do it again with her. Will certainly not be chasing her with any particular enthusiasm after this gay friends revelation. I did not discuss it with her yet but just saw that red flag on the 3rd date and had to post because of the upset it caused. Had felt very strongly positive about this one but my heart sank when that came out, I tried initially to forget I'd heard it.
Every woman I have known who "just loves gay men" are inevitably depraved, sexually promiscuous, and exhibit massive red flags and severe daddy issues. Just DON'T get involved with them. In my opinion, for them homosexual men are basically "safe" orbiters who act like women, sound like men, and in a pinch will bang them in a gas station toilet stall. There is a serious level of mental disorder with women have keep homos around.
I don't know if she "just loves gay men", that would be an absolute deal breaker if she did. It may be just one superficial gay aquaintance, but I got into a big panic at the mention of it due to the havoc it has caused in my life in the past - dragging a modern woman away from her poofs. Will not be chasing her with any vigour and if there is another meeting I will be strategically querying more about this thing with her and the gays.

But as mentioned, have already found out something about her and the church which is not good, she has an even stronger aversion than my ex who was at least respectful and maybe open to coming back to it one day. This one spent all her Sundays in her childhood in church and I think later on may have rebelled in a powerful way, that is at least what the story suggests.

This "daddy issues" topic however - I don't know exactly what that means it is but this one is estranged from her father.

This is not the only degeneracy I've observed with women I've met up with in the last years. Have gotten rid of some rapidly and more easily for other kinds of degeneracy, but none of them were as right in other ways as this one.

What would help would be to hear some stories about some of your guys wives or girlfriends who abhor gays (and lesbians). Even from woman members if they are allowed to post here. I just have not in recent times met a woman who told me how she hated gays and wish I knew one would give me hope as my past makes me think I have to put up with or fight this thing with straight women and gay men.

My mum hated lesbians.

Another elderly female relative would sometimes get assigned a gay hairdresser when she got her hair done. She said that she felt a bit disgusted by him washing her hair. However she would excuse another very discretely gay public figure saying he just does it in private and she didn't judge him on that. I'm almost okay with that attitude, it's women pairing up with gays as close friends which sparks more concern.

This is really a woman thing - I cannot think exactly what incorrect company a man would have to keep to be equivalent - drug addicts perhaps..

Some relevant quotes :

1 Corinthians 9:11
9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—
10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world.
11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

1 Corinthians 33
33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
she’s putting herself at much higher risk for STDs
It's hard to catch Aids, you can't get it just by sharing food..

There's a cure these days, with the right drugs they can lead normal lives..

After living through all the scare campaigns in the 80s, sometimes one has to hear excuses like this from faghags
Wherever there's one homo, there's five more close by, and wherever there's a group of them, trannies are not far off either.

Someone I'm close to made the mistake of hanging out with her friend, who is apparently "bisexual" when hanging out with her gay and tranny friends. They shamed her for being straight and for believing in God, despite her being incredibly nominal. She didn't even bring it up. They just pried her and tested her to make sure she affirmed their degeneracy 100%. Gays don't want equal rights. They want super rights. They want you to worship them and approve of their death style because it soothes their seared concienses.

The movies make them out to be likable, funny, neat, but in reality, they are disgusting and far more depraved than they are presented to be. Give it a wide berth.
This is actually a good question for vetting a woman, to find out their opinion on homos. It's so rare to meet one that would openly shame it.
Again - have any of you heard a woman speaking passionately against gay marriage and expressing very strong disapproval and dislike of gays and lesbians?
This post was motivated by another date with a woman I've met with a few times.

I thought she was out of my league and I had sort of disqualified myself, now she has revealed a woke side of herself I was not aware of, some stuff that namely is too similar to my ex, gay male friends and also negative early experiences of the church. So it's lost its appeal a bit for the moment.

An aversion to the church and lack of aversion to gays.

Brief observation - straight women are often friends with gay men but the inverse does not occur - straight men are not friends with lesbians who are generally bitter and aggressive.

Is this a purely modern phenomenon - in 1850 were there gays around who women were friends with?

Some relevant biblical passages on homosexuality -

What I want to know is - does the bible say anything about women who chose male friends who lie with a male as with a woman ?

It's a red flag with this woman but not sure if it's a deal breaker. It does concern me though, not sure how deep it runs. If I meet her again I may test it and see if it is not a big deal for her or if she is suddenly leaps to the defense of the poofs when challenged, and female empowerment, and everything else troublesome.
I think the best thing to tell her is that you find her attractive and like her but because she is friends with the opposite sex (gay or not) its a big turn off, tell her the person you looking to marry you dont expect them to think and talk negatively towards the church so because of these red flags you have decided not to persue a relationship, Its very important to set these boundaries from the start, if she argues and fights you back wish her well and let her go, if she says she will cut ties with male friends including female lesbian friends and will stop talking bad about the church in your presence then I think there might be a chance of persuing her but as long as she knows where you stand, it might be that she just doesnt know so if she still does it after you have corrected her then stay away from her it will save you a heep of trouble later on in life. Also tell her you expect your children to pray at home and go to church with you and see what she says this is important to ask.