Stock Market Thread

I have predicted a coming population decline as well. I am just not sure on how many and how fast it will happen. I am on record though saying that by the end of the decade, we will know that what we just lived through was both historic and tragic. And that will set up other things ...
I have predicted a coming population decline as well. I am just not sure on how many and how fast it will happen. I am on record though saying that by the end of the decade, we will know that what we just lived through was both historic and tragic. And that will set up other things ...
Edward Dutton has been saying we are on the decline since the late 1800s that only began to manifest in the 1960s and onward.

He's right. And we are seeing the ramifications of that loss of societal in group preference from whites, as a Jew and ill informed yankee democrat paved the way for societal destruction (Hart - Cellar 1965 bill) and Jewish Scholasticism in the form of MLK have served to destroy our countries unique identity.

That's why I'm outbreeding the Mexicans on my block. At least one of these cornfed redneck children is gonna grow up and make it to the NFL.... Wait...

Jokes aside. People need to get out there and make some babies. It's the matriculation of manhood and an I a very hard time listening to folks who tell me what to do who ain't had no kids. They argue from a point of view with out progenical (not sure if real word...or rednecinism... but I claim it if not) skin in the game.
a very hard time listening to folks who tell me what to do who ain't had no kids. They argue from a point of view with out progenical (not sure if real word...or rednecinism... but I claim it if not) skin in the game.
Not in the least because they tend to be bitter spinsters and men who are more-or-less the male equivalent. People who have, essentially, failed at life, have no real purpose, and want to drag the rest of down to their level.
People need to get out there and make some babies. It's the matriculation of manhood and an I a very hard time listening to folks who tell me what to do who ain't had no kids.
I agree with the first sentence but one must understand that mostly it's a rational response to how bad women are in the modern age, whether it is their fault or not. Also, if you live in the west, it doesn't seem to me that you have any allies culturally, so are you going to add home schooling to the list of the unicorn traits that are needed? LOL

It's hard to get even young and not fat, so the kids thing for anyone any woman is even looking for is almost a non starter. Let's face it, for many reasons, and perhaps several their own fault, 50% of men weren't even in the game to have kids, unless they were going to try the welfare fat slum partner game of "yay I have kids".

I don't think guys that are successful tell other men what to do, in general, they just lament the current social structure if they say anything at all. If you have money and aren't materialistic, there are a lot of people who seem stupid to you, and modern women would be at the front of that line.
This guy seems like the jewish deli doomsday guy at a booth drinking an egg cream soda
Dr. Nenner trained as an MD, Noticed cycles of health in his medical practice, became a cycles researcher, learned to apply cycles to markets with the renowned Goldman Sachs for 10+/- years and in studies has gone back 3000 years to ancient China to modern times studying major war cycles.
Rich Genius Jewish MD and Cycles Expert giving us all a free heads-up periodically on

I only know one person with a higher IQ and better markets track record and he is my markets guru (An Italo-WASP) and why my markets and crypto charts are not total shite like much of the other stuff on the interwebs.

Just because Nenner is Jewish does not mean he wants to feast upon the Goyim and drink our blood.

Another reason why Goyim like me live in the Live Free or Die State with our 2A rights and tools.
Just because Nenner is Jewish does not mean he wants to feast upon the Goyim and drink our blood.
He just sounded funny. You post a lot of doom guys, just sayin'

I led it off with a thought that a significant portion of the population will pass away, so in a sense I agree, I just don't know when or for how long, or how many - as I stated.
He just sounded funny. You post a lot of doom guys, just sayin'

I led it off with a thought that a significant portion of the population will pass away, so in a sense I agree, I just don't know when or for how long, or how many - as I stated.
LOL Is it Doom or are Nenner's warnings reminiscent of the Hebrews who left Europe for Hollywood in the 1930s just before Hitler and Himmler started firing up the Ovens in Auschwitz to eradicate the Hebrews and Christian Pastors and Catholic priests etc., who opposed the 3rd Reich.

Just saying I am not a gloomy guy but have been accosted on several occasions in the past few years in the Live Free or Die State. Just last week I was enjoying a leisurely late afternoon Cigar stroll a few blocks from home will checking out a street mural. I noticed a Shadow and an Afro-Latino youth 19-20 y.o. cultural enricher about eyeball to eyeball to me had snuck up behind me in a pair of cheap slacks and a t-shirt in 35F weather - a cold day implying the fook was high on something and looking for his next fix/victim. I turned around and the fooked-up-fook (FOOF) stared at me for about 15 seconds, of course, being former military and extremely street wise I stared this punk down and as usual I was dressed in Black Heavy Duty Tactical Clothes and shooting Cap.

The FOOF then asked if I had a light as I was smoking a 6x60 Maduro. This is a classic FOOF move as when you are distracted by looking in your pockets they try to execute a quick mugging. With laser eye contact I barked at the FOOF "NO" like he was a stray dog and luckily for him my left hand was on my stogie while my right shooting hand was firmly grasping my concealed compact Glock 43 9MM in my heavy black duck coat pocket with aftermarket Shield Arms 9 round 9MM steel clip vs the std Glock 6 Round Polymer clip - plus a red Crimson Trace laser sighted to 50 feed dead nutz on target.

I am now looking for lightweight Stab and Bullet Resistant vests that could protect me from a surprise attack either from the front, lateral or behind.

Point is we are now starting to see both Latino and White-bois wannbee gangsta FOOFs in the Constitutional Concealed Carry Live Free or Die State far away from the Tejas border chaos and about 150 miles from our Canadian border. This is why I carry two 9MMs and USCCA 2A insurance and legal services card ($39/mo) just in case I have to use my Glock or Sig etc., in self-defense.

Forewarned is forearmed.
You have to protect yourself with 2A tools and defensive gear if you want to enjoy your Stocks and Crypto profits...

Another disconcerting forecast:

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is predicting political turmoil, civilian unrest, war and a big economic downturn in 2024 in a new report called “The Year from Political Hell.” It’s not just a US election year, but it is an election year for more than half of the world. This is a global phenomenon which no one can be sure of the outcome. Armstrong explains, “This is not just the United States election. This is what you hear on the news locally. However, step outside this country, and, for example, Indonesia just voted in a leftist government. You have the EU going for elections. You have on May 2nd all the local elections in Britian. You have Russian elections on May 7th. 60% of the world is going to the polls in 2024 to vote for a new government. You might as well throw them into a tumbler, shake well and see what comes out. I mean it’s all over the place.”

On the war front, get ready for more mass killing, and don’t be surprised if it goes nuclear. Armstrong predicts, “There will be nuclear weapons. The neocons keep telling people on Capitol Hill that Russia would never use a nuke because they know we would use them back. That is nonsense! If you are about ready to conquer somebody, and this is all they’ve got left, they are pushing the button. . . . These people, all they want is war. They don’t care. They really do not care. They don’t care about the economy. They don’t care about anything.”
Ok, I'm biting. What's your over/under on months til we see some nuclear weapon detonated somewhere?
With the DOJ Prosecutors Hur's recent refusal to indict the POTUS for illegally storing, sharing and possessing Top Secret documents due to the fact that bumbling stumbling Biden is to paraphrase a "Well meaning old man who has a senile mind and inability to remember important (Any) information".

That said the part that concerns me is he could bumble and stumble over the Nuclear Football at any time launching Armageddon at any time between now and Christmas ostensibly to Protect democracy in Ukraine (A lie) or to protect Israel from being overwhelmed by 200,000 rockets destroying the entire land mass of Israel including Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and all the Kibbutz's effectively turning every square meter of Israel into a smoldering Gaza Ruin. Any excuse for "Arms a get-it-on" will do.

Then off course there is the issue of China and Taiwan that could easily be avoided by moving TSMC to massive new plants in the USA (When did Beijing Biden STOP this move???) Could Biden be the CCP's elite capture puppet?

All of this could be used to declare a USA National Emergency and shut down all opposition political parties and cancel elections and imprison opposition patriots just like the CIA told Zelinsky to do in Ukraine.

With this level of Marxist-CCP intense Tyranny the Nuclear Football could be used by Bumbling Beijing Biden at any time between now and the Nov24 elections or Christmas if the elections are cancelled. Take a Lucky Silver Dollar and flip it for 50%/50% potential for a nuclear winter.

Is it Heads We Win or Tails we Lose - or the other way around?

Time to Arm Up, Ammo Up and Prep Up...

I am testing canned food for flavor and digestibility to survive Armageddon for at least a while, so far, my list includes:

1. Campbell's Chunky Chili and Beans - 5 Hideous Nuclear Subvet Seabeast Godzillas (GZs) Yum.
2. Campbell's Chunky Old Bay seasoned Clam Chowder - I add canned Shrimp, Clams or Crabmeat... and or canned Tuna. Same 5 GZs.
3. Progresso Chicken Noodle. Same 5 GZs
4 Progresso Minestrone with simmered chunk Tuna or Chicken meat (Canned). Same 5 GZs.
5. Most other Cambell's and Progresso Soups, Chilis, Chowders etc. Same 4 to 5 GZs.

Canned chuck white Chicken and Canned Seafoods to mix in with the above.

Survival Shield Nascent Iodine Drops for water, juice and Coffee to condition your thyroid gland not to absorb radiation form Radioactive Fallout.

JACE Medical Emergency scripts kit.

FLCCC Preventative Immunity Supplements Protocol to build resistance to respiratory infections (Viral and Bacterial).

Zero Water proven Cesium and TDS Water filters for radiation free filtered waters though the filters can become radioactive waste.

Carhartt Flame Resistant Long Sleeve Shirts, Trousers, Headgear for Fallout Resistance.

Bugout Bags 1 with 2A Tools and Supplies, 1 with Tradeable Gold and Silver coins and Bars ($25K) and some small bills cash $2K to $5K in 5, 10, and twenty dollar bills. Long Rifle with Scope and Laser Range Finder for Hunting Meat and Stand Off Protection 500 to 1,000 yards/meters.

Useable Mechanics, Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenter Tools to be useful in your Bugout Safe Hideout Community.

Solar Battery "Generator" Chargers with Cell and Sat phones. With re-chargeable PCs or wifi Phones (If Cell Nets down or likely intermittent) and apps to get to your Fidelity/Schwab/Ameritrade and Banks or CU etc etc accounts as they will still be accessible from their hardened Corporate backup bunkers.

Best of Luck to Us All.
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Blade Runner is not happy with all of my Doom, Gloom and Nuke KaBoom reports...

I thought this might be another such report but surprisingly ended on an optimistic note...

Er Ah Umm ... You can thank me later (If it pans out).
Whoa back to serious doom update and a warning from the good Dr. that markets are toppy, gold and silver are close to bottoming and now would be a good time to sell equities and stay liquid in a good money market - My Fidelity Money Market cash reserve is current earning a 7 day rate of 4.96%. When Gold and Silver Bottoms a super bull Gold Market to follow... Scroll down linked page for full video.

Super Bull Market in Gold About to Start -Charles Nenner​

By Greg Hunter On February 24, 2024

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war and financial cycle, and it is clear both continue to build. The war cycle will continue to amplify until World War III breaks out. Meanwhile, unpayable debt will continue to explode until another Great Depression hits America again. Standing in the gap is gold, and the wait for a bull market is about over. Nenner explains, “The dollar’s buying power could possibly be cut in half. . . . That’s the reason why we expect a super bull market in gold and silver when the cycle bottoms. You remember I came on and said coming, coming, but not yet? I say it was too early . . . but, now, we are getting very close to a bull market. . . . Gold could still have one more down move because the cycles are still down.”

On Bitcoin, Nenner says, “We had a high of $54,000, and we said if it hit $52,000, we would sell. I do not believe this story that Bitcoin will hit $100,000 based on my work. It has been proven that NASDAQ and Bitcoin go up and down together because it is based on nothing, and people are buying out of greed. Because we think we are at a top in the NASDAQ, then we don’t think the outlook for Bitcoin is too positive.”

Nenner thinks the DOW is also topping, and he is telling clients to lighten up on the risk. Nenner sees a second Great Depression playing out again in 2026 or 2027.

Nenner thinks the “War Cycle” will continue to build in 2024, but all bets are off in 2025.

Nenner says his wealthy clients see dark days ahead for the world and have actual bunkers to go along with a bunker mentality. Nenner think domestic terror and even war is coming to America in a big way. Nenner is still forecasting “2 billion will die in the next global war, and the only way we get a body count that high is with nuclear weapons.”

Nenner sees an election coming in 2024 and still thinks Trump can win. Nenner warns that problems in America are too big for any one person to actually fix. Nenner still thinks if you know winter is coming, you cannot stop it, but you can get a winter coat. Again, Nenner thinks “Trump is the winter coat.”

There is much more in the 32-minute interview.
Some Good News... looks like I am inadvertently surfing in Nvidia's wake...

I purchased some reports on AI stocks to look at and bought a bunch of Test shares in AI ETFs and a few AI Stocks. The main ETF AIQ is up 20%.

One AI stock looked like my RR Engines shares, beat down during covid. This had been a $16.00 stock that I bought a few months ago at $1.61, a 90% discount like Rolls Royce was. (Today BBAI hit $3.44 today). I purchased BBAI as an affordable peer to C3 ticker AI (Bought at 27.45).

Info: (BBAI) stock has experienced a significant surge recently, rising on Tuesday without any specific company-related news. Here are the key factors contributing to this surge:

1. Nvidia

Nvidia’s Success: The dramatic success of Nvidia (NVDA) appears to have positively impacted BBAI stock. Last week, Nvidia exceeded expectations for per-share profitability and revenue, with revenue surging 265% higher than the year-ago quarter. Strong sales of AI chips for servers were a primary catalyst for Nvidia’s performance1.

Broader AI Enthusiasm: BBAI, along with sector peers like (AI) and SoundHound AI (SOUN), has enjoyed robust rallies. This suggests a broader enthusiasm for artificial intelligence (AI) companies.

2. Total Addressable Market: BBAI and its peers operate in a massive total addressable market. The global AI sector reached a valuation of $150.2 billion last year, and analysts anticipate a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.8% by 2030, with sector revenue projected to reach approximately $1.35 billion1.

3. Cautionary Notes: While the recent surge is positive, some experts warn about a possible AI bubble. It’s essential to recognize such bubbles early, as seen in past examples like the dot-com crash and the electric vehicle industry implosion. BBAI stock has faced challenges, with a 66% decline since its public market debut. Bears have targeted the stock, with nearly 18% short interest in its float1.

4. In summary, BBAI’s surge is likely influenced by broader AI trends, Nvidia’s success, and the company’s position in a growing market. However, caution remains necessary in the volatile world of AI stocks.


Company PR Spin: Holdings, Inc. engages in data-driven decision dominance and advanced analytics that provide its customers with a competitive advantage in a world driven by data that is growing in terms of volume, variety, and velocity. The firm operationalizes artificial intelligence and machine learning at scale through its end-to-end data analytics platform. It deploys its observe, orient and dominate products to customers throughout the defense, intelligence, and commercial markets. The company was founded in 2020 and is headquartered in Columbia, MD.

Next earnings report March 7th.
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Yesterday BBAI Shot up to $3.75 in an impulsing 3rd wave top turn into a .618 most probable 4th wave retracement before the next 5th wave up. Classic fractal 5 wave motive waves up before a primary 3 wave A-B-C- corrective pattern.

Decided to sell 90% of my BBAI shares today to capture major uptrend profits and buy back in at wave 4 lows.

Also concerned that BBAI is like Yogi and Boo Boo bear on a fresh picinick basket gorging themselves on Nvidia desserts.

So I strongly suspect that the recent weeks spike up on No Corporate News is a Buy on the Rumor (March 7 Earnings report) and sell on the news event.

Also, in Press Releases announcing the New Female CEO from IBM with a nod to her Participation in the Watson AI project (Which IBM never capitalized upon the way Microsoft did by integrating Open AI into Bing Search and the new AI Copilot productivity tool). Probably a good thing as IBM under control of White Hating India Subcontinent Dark Skin CEO still seething over their several centuries colonization by their British Crown Masters in India - similar to Chinese centuries of humiliation resentment of domination by Britain that allowed the British empire to reach heights of Rothschilds (British Royal Crown's Bankers) multiple trillions of wealth.

Clearly their New Female CEO is a fully indoctrinated IBM ESG DEI ... Environment of Social Governance by Diversity, Equity and Inclusion of everyone except White People (Even though she is obviously a White Female Race self-Hater/Race Traitor.

Does not mean I will not continue to beeatch slap this woke whoe stock for every crazy Nvidia fueled fractal surging wave I can snag now that I know this stocks volatility is driven by a woke AI agenda not too far away from Google Search, YouTube and Image search Anti-White extreme bias.

So old Wall Street Cliche is very true - take your profits when they come... key point I sold 90% of BBAI shares to capture this profit and keep the remaining 10% on my Fidelity Dashboard so it stays front of mind now that BBAI is a solid high volatility swing trade.

The BBAI Press Release announced their new Female IBM Exec CEO said:

COLUMBIA, Md.— October 11, 2022— (NYSE: BBAI), a leader in AI-powered analytics and cyber engineering solutions, today announced that the Board of Directors has appointed former IBM executive Amanda “Mandy” Long as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors, effective October 12, 2022. Dr. Reggie Brothers will step down as Chief Executive Officer and from the Board of Directors, transitioning to serve as a Company advisor and Operating Partner at AE Industrial Partners.

Long joins with 15 years of experience in software and hardware across multiple industries, most recently as an executive at IBM, where she successfully led organizations to launch multiple first-of-their-kind products and made significant contributions to the rapid growth of the IBM Watson artificial intelligence (AI) franchise. During her tenure at IBM, Long had full P&L responsibility for several large and complex global businesses, developing strategies to drive customer adoption of AI and other automation solutions. Long also played a key leadership role in IBM’s organizational transformation, leading the integration and optimization of new business lines for acquired assets, and introducing scalable operational processes, diverse talent curation and retention strategies, and pipeline management strategies. 11, 2022— (NYSE: BBAI), a leader,Board of Directors, effective October 12, 2022. Dr.

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Got another impulsing AI stock surfing on NVIDIA a company called C3 AI ticker AI popped today interesting that this was also a covid Hump Pump and DUMP.

Hit a 2022 high of $183.00 in Dec 2020 (IPO PUMP) then a dump low of $10 Dec 2022. Currently $38 per share.

The Big Question is C3 AI another AI PUMP and DUMP or was it a legit no travel no customers Covid Dump... AI founded by legendary Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tom Siebel who is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of C3 AI. He was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Siebel Systems, which merged with Oracle Corporation in January 2006. Founded in 1993, Siebel Systems became a leader in application software with more than 8,000 employees in 29 countries, over 4,500 corporate customers, and annual revenue in excess of $2 billion.

Oracle is focused on Bullet Proof enterprise software with a mandatory Devs security indoctrination and training. Larry Ellison is all about PROFITS and returns for stakeholders including himself - So Tom Siebel might not be as ESG-DEI-CRT as the BBAI IBM chick.

Leaning towards holding AI for the long term assuming another potential Oracle Merger and conversely using BBAI to sell on Pumps Up Fractal wave tops and Buy on Fractal Dumps down as this DEI IBM Chick Stock is liable to be more volatile that an old Female FWB with severe PMS every month. Fun to PUMP but ... a bio-psycho - had no choice but to eventually DUMP..

01:56 PM EST, 02/29/2024 (MT Newswires) -- Tech stocks were higher Thursday afternoon, with the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLK) rising 0.8% and the SPDR S&P Semiconductor ETF (XSD) up 2%.

The Philadelphia Semiconductor index jumped 2.4%.

In corporate news, Snowflake (SNOW) plunged nearly 19% after offering a downbeat short- and long-term product revenue outlook, while it announced the retirement of its chief executive. (AI.NaE) shares soared 25% after its fiscal Q3 revenue came in above analysts' estimates.
[Deepdiver] C3 is yet to project its breakeven only lower than expected losses (Early Amazon model) as it seems to be pumping profits back into growth and building up post covid - one can hope.

Vertex (VERX) surged 33% after it reported higher Q4 earnings.

MT Newswires does not provide investment advice. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited.

May 29th, 2024, AI Q3 and Q4 earnings.

"AI" High Low Chart since IPO ($183 down to $10 - a 95% DUMP - back up to $38):


Today's AI (NVIDIA Coattails) Gap Up Pump from 30 to 38:
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BBAI Still Pumping tagged 4.16 currently at 4.00:
(Completed both Major and Subwave Motive Fractal 5 Waves Up now topping for A-B-C corrective likely to .618 2.56 next buy target.... Unless of course Nvidia keeps pulling the entire market and pure play AI Software Stocks up to the Moon... everything moves in Fibonacci Waves in this universe so looking for a reentry on my 90% profit capture shares.


Mar 1, 202414:13 EST

Gold prices surged to a record on Friday as weak US economic data raised expectations interest-rate cuts are on the way.
Gold for April delivery rose US$41.00 to US$2,095.70 per ounce, passing the previous record of US$2,093.10 touched Dec.27.
The rise after the ISM manufacturing index fell to 47.8 in February from 49.1 a month earlier, while the consensus forecast expected a reading of 49.5. Construction spending and consumer sentiment also fell.
The weak data comes a day after the US reported its PCE Index, the Federal Reserve's preferred inflation measure, fell in January from December, while several European country's also reported slowing inflation, boosting hopes for lower interest rates.
"Patience among policy makers will continue to prevail, but eventual rate cuts on the horizon remain the main macro-bullish factor for gold," Christopher Louney, a commodities strategist at RBC Capital Markets, noted.
The dollar fell, making the metal more affordable for international buyers, with the ICE dollar index last seen down 0.27 points to 103.89.
Treasury yields were sharply lower, with the US two-year note last seen paying 4.533%, down 9.8 basis points, while the yield on the 10-year note was down 6.7 basis points to 4.188%

GOLD Weekly:
Long Weekly Major 5 Wave topped could correct to $1800 to $1950 range short term (6 Mos) unless USD disintegrates...

Gold 2084 divided by Silver 23.15 = 90 Ounces of Silver to buy 1 Ounce of Gold. This Gold/Silver Ratio is historically in the extreme of 90 to 1.
A classic physical gold/silver strategy for eons is when One Unit of Gold exceeds 80 units of Silver sell some physical Gold to Buy physical Silver. Then when silver reverts to the historical mean of 16 to 20 ounces of Silver to one Ounce of Gold sell the Silver and buy back gold at a relatively lower price ratio to silver. Just make sure to have some aerodynamic lead to protect your gold and silver.

Silver (Daily Chart) completed a major 5 wave move up and an ABC corrective now in new 5 Wave 1 and 2 with a 3rd 1.618 target of $30:

This has to be approaching the top ... BTFP, The Economist cover, no rate hikes coming anytime soon ...
I will be surprised if the Fed does not extend this:

Bank Term Funding Program​

Last updated:1/24/2024
What's New: On January 24, 2024, the Federal Reserve Board announced the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans as scheduled on March 11, 2024. In addition, effective January 25, 2024, the interest rate applicable to new BTFP loans has been adjusted such that the rate on new loans extended from now through program expiration will be no lower than the interest rate on reserve balances in effect on the day the loan is made.