South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

Inside one of South Africas most dangerous neighborhoods, according to the guy speaking this area per capita had the highest murder rate in the world.

There are over 100 street gangs in these areas, one of the biggest gang is called the Americans which this guy interviews, they have over 10,000 members.

The pastor speaking on the interview says his had over 100 bullets fly over his head in the past 5 years during gang shoot outs.

Here is an example of the government releasing thousands of prisioners due to over crowding, Iv seen headlines like this in the past over the years where thousands of prisioners have to be released back into society, these prisioners will obviously hurt people again and walk amongst us.

Fast forward to 6:15 min to hear the testimony of former gang members first experience of prison, the shock he had.

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Inside one of South Africas most dangerous neighborhoods, according to the guy speaking this area per capita had the highest murder rate in the world.

There are over 100 street gangs in these areas, one of the biggest gang is called the Americans which this guy interviews, they have over 10,000 members.

The pastor speaking on the interview says his had over 100 bullets fly over his head in the past 5 years during gang shoot outs.

An average of 11 gunshots are fired in this area every single day according to the gunshot sensors that were installed to help reduce the shootings.

The South African Land Act is moving ahead and will be based on a majority demographics principle.

Aka during the last census 8 percent of South Africans were registered as White, hence 8 percent of the agricultural land should be property of White farmers. Currently around 70-80 percent of all agricultural land is property of White farmers.

The South African Land Act is moving ahead and will be based on a majority demographics principle.

Aka during the last census 8 percent of South Africans were registered as White, hence 8 percent of the agricultural land should be property of White farmers. Currently around 70-80 percent of all agricultural land is property of White farmers.

Where are the "correct" population demographics in the bafana bafana soccer team and government employees? I dont see 7% white people in the South Africans soccer team and government employees.

Anyway this basically gives all our farmer a red carpet out the country and into USA and USA will benefit, The 7% of the land that the whites will own will out produce the 93% and will dominate the economy, then what?
Mass Starvation?

And another "Live Aid" but with really crumby music acts instead of Kino 80s performers.
In Zimbabwe when they took all the farms from thr whites only the members of parliment stayed with all those farms and about 2-3 farms were given to the war vetrans, the citizens were scammed they didnt get anything and they all here in South Africa working for white people.
Difficult to say which way this will go. There are a significant amount of people that would like to leave the country but not under the terms of refugee status, which has not been formally offered yet.
There are quite a few that will stay, for whatever reason. Its only after they have left that the real effects will be seen on the ground.

The other issue is choosing the lesser of two evils, a life in America under a new set of jew bosses or remain in S.A with a communist regime and the existing jew bosses who control all parties. At least in the U.S there is a growing awareness of the jew influence and power, here in S.A there is a tragic ignorance and even lesser acknowledgment of the fact.
Moving to the U.S will at best be a brief respite as evidenced by the lack of prosecutions from the Eptsein files or any arrests of the resident deep state swamp rats. At the worst we will have a front row seat to the eventual collapse at its current trajectory but at least be living in a first world country.

I do not state this as an act of ingratitude as I highly appreciate Trumps offer, but these are the choices we are faced with and to deny truth and facts is suicidal.
Heck, farmers here in the States have lost ground year after year. Granted I wouldn't have problems with Boer's being here, but have they won or we won?

I mean the Showdown with This Judeo-Masonic Blob is coming. Unless their is some 4D chess plan of getting Ethnic whites together again and organize. I don't think Jewish groups will allow such a thing!

As long as their International Network is intact We are spinning wheels....We are playing by their rules in their house, even though the European Nations were Our House!
Difficult to say which way this will go. There are a significant amount of people that would like to leave the country but not under the terms of refugee status, which has not been formally offered yet.
There are quite a few that will stay, for whatever reason. Its only after they have left that the real effects will be seen on the ground.

The other issue is choosing the lesser of two evils, a life in America under a new set of jew bosses or remain in S.A with a communist regime and the existing jew bosses who control all parties. At least in the U.S there is a growing awareness of the jew influence and power, here in S.A there is a tragic ignorance and even lesser acknowledgment of the fact.
Moving to the U.S will at best be a brief respite as evidenced by the lack of prosecutions from the Eptsein files or any arrests of the resident deep state swamp rats. At the worst we will have a front row seat to the eventual collapse at its current trajectory but at least be living in a first world country.

I do not state this as an act of ingratitude as I highly appreciate Trumps offer, but these are the choices we are faced with and to deny truth and facts is suicidal.
Seems like things are getting tough all over the world, just to go back to Zim there are still some white people living there and they doing ok but they basically cant leave as they wont get anything for their properties and possesions if they sell and cant get their wealth out.

I think places with strong communities in SA will be able to make it, Orania for example is in a very good position, but they are a tine minority in the country, the western cape might also do ok and might even break away from South Africa and become a new country, that would help, but I do fear that economically we are gonna go through very hard times.
Seems like things are getting tough all over the world, just to go back to Zim there are still some white people living there and they doing ok but they basically cant leave as they wont get anything for their properties and possesions if they sell and cant get their wealth out.

I think places with strong communities in SA will be able to make it, Orania for example is in a very good position, but they are a tine minority in the country, the western cape might also do ok and might even break away from South Africa and become a new country, that would help, but I do fear that economically we are gonna go through very hard times.

I’m wondering about Orania though. How is the property ownership of their community and farms structured and can this land grab affect them. Even break them up.
I’m wondering about Orania though. How is the property ownership of their community and farms structured and can this land grab affect them. Even break them up.
Orania is a tiny insignificant place, the advantage Orania has is they are a community and they have a very strong purpose and reason to stay and fight Im not worried about them at all they are the safest group of people in South Africa in my opinion. They all probably have hunting rifels and that community wont have a problem defending themselves if it comes to that.

There was an event in the past called the blood river war, over 10,000 blacks attacked about 400 Afrikaaners, over 6000 blacks were killed and not a single white person died, let that sink in.
In Zimbabwe when they took all the farms from thr whites only the members of parliment stayed with all those farms and about 2-3 farms were given to the war vetrans, the citizens were scammed they didnt get anything and they all here in South Africa working for white people.
Yes a lot of blacks appear to be too delusional to notice this. Just because stuff will be taken from white people it doesn't mean they will get it.

Its just like when low IQ liberals try to argue we should all pay more taxes to get better schools and hospitals. No dumbass if you pay more taxes the grifters will just steal more money and the hospitals and schools will remain just as bad as they ever were.
Yes a lot of blacks appear to be too delusional to notice this. Just because stuff will be taken from white people it doesn't mean they will get it.

Its just like when low IQ liberals try to argue we should all pay more taxes to get better schools and hospitals. No dumbass if you pay more taxes the grifters will just steal more money and the hospitals and schools will remain just as bad as they ever were.
They about to be scammed.... again