Situation in the Red Sea (Houthi Thread)

True enough, but that is because China has gained massively from them.

Intelligence from Israel (Netanyahu), massive investments from Blackrock and other institutions (Fink), and of course the transfer of trillions worth of industry and jobs from the USA (Kissinger).

Seems China has had the better part of the deal, at least on the surface of it.

That depends on the ultimate plans of the banksters. But obviously when two strike a deal two will gain.

Missing Navy SEALs have been declared dead.

Full text:
CENTCOM Status Update on Missing U.S. Navy Seals
We regret to announce that after a 10-day exhaustive search, our two missing U.S. Navy SEALs have not been located and their status has been changed to deceased. The search and rescue operation for the two Navy SEALs reported missing during the boarding of an illicit dhow carrying Iranian advanced conventional weapons Jan. 11 concluded and we are now conducting recovery operations.
During this expansive search operation, airborne and naval platforms from the U.S., Japan, and Spain continuously searched more than 21,000 square miles to locate our missing teammates. Search assistance was also provided by Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, the U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Area Command, University of San Diego – Scripts Institute of Oceanography, and the Office of Naval Research – Oceanographic Support. Out of respect for the families, no further information will be released at this time.
“We mourn the loss of our two Naval Special Warfare warriors, and we will forever honor their sacrifice and example. Our prayers are with the SEALs’ families, friends, the U.S. Navy, and the entire Special Operations community during this time,” said General Michale Erik Kurilla, USCENTCOM Commander.
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The founders of contemporary China include (((Michael Shapiro, Sam Ginsburg, Grigory Voitinsky, Grigory Gershuni, Solomon Adler, Boris Shumiatsky, Sidney Shapiro, Boris Epstein, Michael Borodin, Adolf Joffe, Pavel Mif, David Crook, Israel Epstein, Sidney Rittenberg, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster and more))).

In contemporary China people like Netanyahu, Fink and especially Kissinger are considered emissaries who get the red carpet treatment from the top CCP leadership.

Jewish control has always been centered around usury, blackmail, control of the info-sphere and banking. If the Chinese are so wary of pale skinned people then why do pale skinned Jews keep on being influential in China throughout its recent history?

Xi Jinping will have prove itself. China's ethnocentric demographic makeup does give it a leg up on others, and decreasing Jewish Power in especially autocratic states has happened many times before. It's obvious Xi sees the US as a competitor. However, so far I see very little reason to believe that he is willing to take on the (((International Banking Cartel))) and the state of Israel.
They also have major disadvantages which are the nature of their (((political system))), their submissive nature and their lacking exposure to International Jewry.

Key points you are missing here is that

1- the Chinese leaders from top to bottom are hardcore nationalists. Unlike the Indians, who look up to the Brits and the West, they are anything but submissive, they are hardcore ethnocentric and nationalists. Don't confuse mainlanders with the Taiwanese or modern Japanese, who have been culturally colonized. But they also are very pragmatic, meaning, they will ride the globalist gravy train as long as possible, though it is increasingly clear to them that the endgame is this decade, and they have been preparing for it.

2- the (((globalists))) have ZERO leverage over the top CCP leadership. Their allies, the Shanghai clique and others, have been purged. That is the main difference between them and the rest of the world.

3- You have to be pretty naive to think they had no exposure to jewry, they know who run Hong Kong and through much of the 20th century, commercial coastal hubs like Shanghai, which have been theirs since the Opium Wars.

They're also sophisticated enough to play the (((liberal))) elite against the hardcore China hawks, they do understand our cultural dynamics, you can see that in Wang Huning's "America Against America", about as red pilled a book on American society as you can get, and he wrote that 4 decades ago.
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Key points you are missing here is that

1- the Chinese leaders from top to bottom are hardcore nationalists. Unlike the Indians, who look up to the Brits and the West, they are anything but submissive, they are hardcore ethnocentric and nationalists. Don't confuse mainlanders with the Taiwanese or modern Japanese, who have been culturally colonized. But they also very pragmatic, meaning, they will ride the globalist gravy train as long as possible, but it is increasingly clear to them that the endgame is this decade, and they have been preparing for it.

2- the (((globalists))) have ZERO leverage over the top CCP leadership. Their allies, the Shanghai clique and others, have been purged.

3- You have to be pretty naive to think they had no exposure to jewry, they know who run Hong Kong and through much of the 20th century, commercial coastal hubs like Shanghai. They're also sophisticated enough to play the (((liberal))) elite against the hardcore China hawks.

There are no nationalists in China, only patriots. The 1 country 56 nationalities policy is infamous for discriminating against ethnic Han Chinese in terms of access to housing, education and previously birthrights and health care access. Many Chinese of mixed background prefer to be registered as an ethnic minority as it gives them benefits. Chinese have an collectivist Asian herd mentality. When told to stay inside their pod and get sticks poked up their nose twice day they do so for three years straight.

There are always checks build into the system, and it's no different with China. The one child policy came with the (((economic opening up))). So did the Three Gorges Dam, the housing bubble and the debt based economy.

As for the Chinese collective memory, it's the West+ Japan who carved up China in the Century of Humiliation. Ask any Chinese about it - it's constant banging on 'the West' (whilst at the same time adoring the Western lifestyle) but hardly goes beyond that.
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^ how many ethnic minorities are there in the CCP top leadership?

How many ethnic minorities were there in top leadership positions during Jiang Zemin's time - which according to you (correctly) was a period of foreign meddling, cultural decay (especially drug use, fornication etc.) and globalism?

But to answer your question, many actually. Especially Hui Muslims are overrepresented in all sectors. In the showbizz/modeling area it's Uyghurs (Dilaraba, Gulnazar etc.) who are popular due to their more pronounced Caucasian features. That's the type of people young Chinese look up to - together with effaminate K-Pop idols and increasingly US negro getto rappers.

The only commie state with a strong nationalist Juche ideology is North Korea. In the DPRK it is prohibited for a Korean to marry a person of non-Korean ethnicity. They have a real 'keeping the blood pure' policy. That is real nationalism.
How many ethnic minorities were there in top leadership positions during Jiang Zemin's time - which according to you (correctly) was a period of foreign meddling, cultural decay (especially drug use, fornication etc.) and globalism?

But to answer your question, many actually. Especially Hui Muslims are overrepresented in all sectors. In the showbizz/modeling area it's Uyghurs (Dilaraba, Gulnazar etc.) who are popular due to their more pronounced Caucasian features. That's the type of people young Chinese look up to - together with effaminate K-Pop idols and increasingly US negro getto rappers.

The only commie state with a strong nationalist Juche ideology is North Korea. In the DPRK it is prohibited for a Korean to marry a person of non-Korean ethnicity. They have a real 'keeping the blood pure' policy. That is real nationalism.

I asked about top minorities running their government, not in modeling agencies! Once again, highly disingenuous argumentation.

During Jiang's time, oligarchs rose and started asserting their power and influence, building power connections with globalists. They were cut down by Xi. The fact that they were also Han Chinese is irrelevant on that context, you've used it as a red herring.

China has strong cultural safeguards in place against cultural subversion, with a strict film code that resembles those in place in the West before the 1960s, they also clamp down on youth subversions like effete male pop or baizuo feminism.

The foundation of GAE global domination is based on 3 main weapons: military, financial (dollar as fiat currency, control of central banks) and cultural, power projections that work together. Both China and Russia are moving to curtail these vectors of foreign domination, though Russia is a bit more exposed to the cultural aspect by virtue of being European.

To bring it back to the thread, both Russia and China are now stressing their Asian identity, and using that to extend their reach into the middle east ("west Asia").
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Unloving posts that insults other members
I asked about top minorities running their government, not in modeling agencies! Once again, highly disingenuous argumentation.

During Jiang's time, oligarchs rose and started asserting their power and influence, building power connections with globalists. They were cut down by Xi. The fact that they were also Han Chinese is irrelevant, and used as a red herring.

China has strong cultural safeguards in place against cultural subversion, with a strict film code that resembles those in place in the West before the 1960s, they also clamp down on youth subversions like effete male pop or baizuo feminism.

The foundation of GAE global domination is based on 3 main weapons: military, financial (dollar as fiat currency, control of central banks) and cultural. Both China and Russia are moving to curtail these vectors of foreign domination, though Russia is a bit more exposed to the latter by virtue of being European.

To bring it back to the thread, both Russia and China are now stressing their Asian identity, and using that to extend their reach into the middle east ("west Asia").

The more you show your cards, the more you start oozing a thriftstore Q-tard vibe. Forever stuck in a self inflated bubble of cognitive dissonance surrounding make-believe notions on geopolitical salvation and supposedly righteous scheming of commie white hats. It reads just as r*tarded as it sounds bytheway. Just because you are against the US doesn't mean you can just turn off your brain to reality.

"Xi Jinping is scheming against the globalists!! He is secretly on our side!!11" whilst Chairman Xi is rolling out The Fourth Industrial Revolution at breakneck speed, digitalizing and centralizing every aspect of Chinese society, implementing SDGs an ESGs alike, preparing the cashless society/ CBDC, hosting WEF summer summits, being in general one of the fav destinations of (((Wall Street))) money, being good buddies with Kissinger, Schwab, Fink, Netanyahu, and acting in total cahoots basically any other matter of importance. But somehow he's about to throw off his (((commie))) unisex overall and take on a superhero role - zero proofs provided, as usual. It's delusional. It's bizarre. It's dangerous levels of Hopium intake.

There is more of course. "Putin is secretly working against the Jews!! Trust the plan!1!" whilst the man has than nothing but selling out and furthering the works of Jews both in and outside Russia - with the receipts being slowdripped into this thread for extra impact. Absolute big brain highlight: repeatedly claiming that Putin is not a Zionist with both the Zionist entity and the man himself openly, on several occasions, stating the opposite. Have some self-respect man.

Your takes on domestic Chinese matters are equally weird. Maybe download one of the main social medias and have a look yourself instead of just penning down complete drivel? Young Chinese girls drool over stars like Jackson Wang, Hua Cheungyu and other androgynous they/thems. Just check out the rankings. Even convicted sex offenders like Kris Wu are still the talk of the town - and there is nothing being done against it. Same goes for BlackPink's Lisa and Angelababy, two of the biggest stars in China that released a raunchy striptease video filmed in a shady Paris establishment on the socials. Apparently they got the talk. Now they are back as if nothing happened.

Strong safeguards against feminism? Mate, the 2023 TFR is 0.88-1.02 and tanking every year. Literally South Korea trajectory. China is facing complete demographic collapse due to rampant feminism. What are you even talking about?

Yes, the US hegemony is tied to the USD. The goal has always been to get rid of the USD - the problem being that noone wants the Chinese yuan and that the CNY itself is pegged to that same USD. China's debt, both direct and through SOEs is of a US level - especially when dialing in all the debt they stashed away in BRI projects abroad. And remember, if you're dependent on security agreements signed in the Pentagon to keep your economy running at skeleton level, you are not in a position of power. Those who don't control ocean violence control nothing. Learn history. Deep water Navy, the Americans, the British, the Spanish, the Dutch, the Portuguese. Hence why ((they)) try to bring down the US from within.
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The more you show your cards, the more you start oozing a thriftstore Q-tard vibe. Forever stuck in a self inflated bubble of cognitive dissonance surrounding make-believe notions on geopolitical salvation and supposedly righteous scheming of commie white hats. It reads just as r*tarded as it sounds bytheway.
This is low down. When you saw you had typed this, you should have deleted it. There is no excuse for posting this.
This is low down. When you saw you had typed this, you should have deleted it. There is no excuse for posting this.

It's right on target. It's time crypto-commies and other low-lives rooting for the destruction of the West through all sorts of (((nefarious Talmudic plans))) get called out. This place needs a McCarthy-esque purge but it won't be with me. I mean, claiming to be Christian while at the same time rooting for Talmudic-ideologies-in-disguise that are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions is not cool. Especially not when they have the entire (((International Banking Cartel))) backing them up - as shown by yours truly relentlessly in this thread and elsewhere. At some point ignorance becomes nefarious. Come on now.

As for moral highgrounds and whatnot, the similarities are obviously there. Q-tards and Xi-tards. What arguments has this man presented during the past 48 hours? Close to none. It's all hot air, feelgood narratives and wishful thinking - and nothing of tangible content. Does that sound familiar to QAnon? Likewise, when confronted with overwhelming evidence pointing at a opposing conclusion, the Xi-tards double down in a frenzy. It's cult-like Q-tard behaviour. Cognitive dissonance in optima forma. Unless there is something more sinister at play or course. LOL.

Those interested in finding Truth should genuinely ask themselves why the open scope on the JQ apparantly only applies to the US/ the West but not to ZOG-ged hellholes like Russia and China. And then, after a few of minutes of quiet introspection, put the outcome of that question in the perspective of narrative pushing, gatekeeping and propagandization that happens in every corner of the internet.
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It's right on target. It's time crypto-commies and other low-lives rooting for the destruction of the West through all sorts of (((nefarious Talmudic plans))) get called out. This place needs a McCarthy-esque purge but it won't be with me.

This is the type of lack of self-awareness and self-control that got you banned from the RVF. You have a hard time expressing disagreement without resorting to insults.

What arguments has this man presented during the past 48 hours? Close to none

Every post I have made above has elements relevant to the conversation, presented without acrimony.

Those interested in finding Truth should genuinely ask themselves why the open scope on the JQ apparantly only applies to the US/ the West but not to ZOG-ged hellholes like Russia and China.

A country that builds this kind of new building doesn't strike me as a "ZOGged hellhole":
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Houthis attacked a US vessel - heavy-lift ship "Ocean Jazz" with a history of carrying US military cargo - in the Gulf of Aden.

Houthis posted a statement on an official Telegram channel identifying their latest target as the 10,700-dwt heavylift ship Ocean Jazz (built 2010). “Appropriate naval missiles” were fired on the vessel, Houthi military spokesman brigadier general Yahya Saree posted. Saree did not elaborate if the vessel, which he described as “an American military cargo ship”, was impacted.
The Clarksons Shipping Intelligence Network database lists the Ocean Jazz as operated by New Orleans heavylift vessel operator Intermarine and managed by Tampa-based Seabulk Fleet Management, a unit of Seacor Holdings. Neither company could be immediately reached for comment.
US Navy refutes those claims.
US Naval Forces Central Command said on Monday that there was not a “successful” attack on the Ocean Jazz.
“The Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists’ report of an alleged successful attack on M/V Ocean Jazz is patently false,” the Bahrain-based US Navy command known as NAVCENT said. “NAVCENT has maintained constant communications with M/V Ocean Jazz throughout its safe transit.”

In response US and UK launched strikes against the Houthis.
Full text:
U.S. Forces, Allies Conduct Joint Strikes in Yemen
As part of ongoing international efforts to respond to increased Houthi destabilizing and illegal activities in the region, on Jan. 22 at approximately 11:59 p.m. (Sanaa / Yemen time), U.S. Central Command forces alongside UK Armed Forces, and with the support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, conducted strikes on 8 Houthi targets in Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist-controlled areas of Yemen.
These strikes from this multilateral coalition targeted areas in Houthi-controlled Yemen used to attack international merchant vessels and U.S. Navy ships in the region. The targets included missile systems and launchers, air defense systems, radars, and deeply buried weapons storage facilities.
These strikes are intended to degrade Houthi capability to continue their reckless and unlawful attacks on U.S. and U.K. ships as well as international commercial shipping in the Red Sea, Bab Al-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden.
These strikes are separate and distinct from the multinational freedom of navigation actions performed under Operation Prosperity Guardian.
In other news:

1. France deploys the FS "Alsace" frigate to the Red Sea to relieve, or reinforce, the FS "Languedoc".

2. In Australia protesters (union workers and activists) prevented an Israeli container ship - Zim Ganges - from docking.
Trade union members in Australia have kept a Zim container ship out of the port of Melbourne in solidarity with Palestinians.
The Trade Unionists for Palestine (TUP) group said on Facebook that the 5,504-teu Zim Ganges (built 2023) has been kept at anchorage off the terminal.The Portugal-flag vessel is owned by Germany’s MPC Capital but operated by Israeli line Zim.
“For the last four days unionists, activists and community members maintained a picket at Web Dock, Victoria International Terminal, at Port Melbourne, in direct protest of the lsraeli shipping company Zim, stopping all work on the Zim Ganges,” the group added.
Other groups including Free Palestine Melbourne and Disrupt Wars were also involved.

3. The anti-Houthi offensive operation will be called “Operation Poseidon Archer”.
The United States has named the ongoing operation to target Houthi assets in Yemen “Operation Poseidon Archer,” according to two US officials.
The named operation suggests a more organized, formal and potentially long-term approach to the operations in Yemen, where the US has been hitting Houthi infrastructure as the Iran-backed rebel group has vowed to keep targeting commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.