Situation in the Red Sea (Houthi Thread)

Has nothing to do with Israel, which for some reason always gets grouped with the US. Israel is good buddies with both Russia and China - which should be obvious not too sedated by propaganda.

People seem to think that the US-Israel relationship goes both ways. Especially the redneck MAGA crowd.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The relationship is a one way highway. Israel hates USA and Americans with a passion. But they'll take their money and smile.
I dont think putin is doing much more than playing lip service to his arab friends net net. I think that he is aligned with Assad personally, and I agree that they did significantly help his regime from being toppled.... but I dont know that they are willing to commit to doing anything that has significant negative repercussions against Israel.

Things are already challenging enough on the PR front for Russia with the Ukraine war. Being further tied into anti-Israeli action will be a net negative for Russia economically, even more than the current sanctions ect.

Russian Jews still have TONS of power there in Russia. While he's broken many of the oligarchical trends of the post Soviet Yeltsin era.... there is still a big Chabad influence and Russian Jews have significant sway.

About a year ago a high level Russian general Aleksey Pavlov said something bad about the Chabad Lubavitch cult (in Ukraine).

Two days later he was personally fired by Chabad boy Putin and replaced with a 100 percent kosher shabbos goy.


People seem to think that the US-Israel relationship goes both ways. Especially the redneck MAGA crowd.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The relationship is a one way highway. Israel hates USA and Americans with a passion. But they'll take their money and smile.

The jumping host theory is very interesting.
Yes, because Syria is absolutely not balkanized right now. Not in a 15 years will they pose a military challenge to Israel - the only challange being the Hezbollah-ization of the border something which Russia is diligent not to let happen.

On the matter of Putin being a Zionist or not, I'll let the Israelis decide for themselves.

The prestigious 'Friend of Zion' award commissioned by the World Holocaust Forum and handed out by former Prime Minister Shimon Peres in 2020. The winner: Vladimir Putin.

As for illogical thinking, you still don't get the actual play. The goal is to get the US OUT of the Middle East, OUT of Eurasia and BREAK UP NATO. That's the center piece. Has nothing to do with Israel, which for some reason always gets grouped with the US. Israel is good buddies with both Russia and China - which should be obvious not too sedated by propaganda.

Israel is designed to have very prominent role in the multipolar world order.

-Syria is a functioning government encompassing roughly 2/3 of its former territory. That government wouldn't even exist today without Russian intervention.

-The "Friends of Zion" award is given to a lot of people, including to people like the Pince of Monaco to the Sultan of Oman. The president of Serbia also received that award, it doesn't mean that Serbia is in bed with Israel.

-The Russian/Chinese goal of getting the US out of the Middle East is 100% incompatible with Israeli policy. Israel would not even exist without US military, political and financial backing.

-The neocons in charge of the US hate Russia about as much as they hate muslims. This, and the fact that Israel is irrelevant as a market and trading partner in comparison to the region as a whole, will dictate political alignments.
-The Russian/Chinese goal of getting the US out of the Middle East is 100% incompatible with Israeli policy. Israel would not even exist without US military, political and financial backing.

Thats true currently..... BUT.... in the future China and Russia have significant future trade investments with Israel. Israel will ditch the US for those countries when the timing suits them AND.... so just like you're stating there's a generational paradim shift going on in this decade... the same thing applies here.

-The neocons in charge of the US hate Russia about as much as they hate muslims. This, and the fact that Israel is irrelevant as a market and trading partner in comparison to the region as a whole, will dictate political alignments.
Israel is not irrelevant. They have significant trade especially in the energy industry. Forgive me, but I dont think you're aware of their impact, especially with state owned Chemical Companies

Israel also has MAJOR tech companies that are state owned as well as private. China and Russia need both of these as they alienate German/Taiwanese ect
-The neocons in charge of the US hate Russia about as much as they hate muslims. This, and the fact that Israel is irrelevant as a market and trading partner in comparison to the region as a whole, will dictate political alignments.

You seem to be confused about who is in charge of the US.
-Syria is a functioning government encompassing roughly 2/3 of its former territory. That government wouldn't even exist today without Russian intervention.

-The "Friends of Zion" award is given to a lot of people, including to people like the Pince of Monaco to the Sultan of Oman. The president of Serbia also received that award, it doesn't mean that Serbia is in bed with Israel.

-The Russian/Chinese goal of getting the US out of the Middle East is 100% incompatible with Israeli policy. Israel would not even exist without US military, political and financial backing.

-The neocons in charge of the US hate Russia about as much as they hate muslims. This, and the fact that Israel is irrelevant as a market and trading partner in comparison to the region as a whole, will dictate political alignments.

Syria is a basket case and from an Israeli POV that's a desirable outcome. Somehow framing Syria going from a strong militarized anti-Zionist entity armed with biological weapons to a balkanised economic husk relying on continuous aid a with its military capacities now in ragtag territory as an Israeli L is nonsensical. The Russians and Israelis have deals about Syria and that's why the Israelis don't get engaged in Syrian airspace, and is the IRGC kept away from the border.

Your other points are equally strange. Putin is not a Zionist despite the Israelis lauding him as 'a Friend of Zion' because Serbia is what you say. Makes zero sense. Yes, they are all Zionists, thats why they are being rewarded as such.

China being incompatible with Israel`s policy or whatever? Basically all Chinese military hardware are carbon copies of their US equivalents and its Israeli backdooring that got that highly classified info there. A history that runs at least 50 years back (hello Kissinger), going from The Silvermaster Spyring to Unit 8200, to the Talpiot Program, to the BIRD, to Zohar Zissapel, to Johnathan Pollack etc. Etc.
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Syria is a basket case and designed that way. Somehow framing Syria going from a strong militarized anti-Zionist entity armed with biological weapons to a balkanised economic husk relying on continuous aid a with its military capacities now in ragtag territory as an Israeli L is nonsensical. The Russians and Israelis have deals about Syria and that's why the Israelis don't get engaged in Syrian airspace, and is the IRGC kept away from the border.

Your other points are equally strange. Putin is not a Zionist despite the Israelis lauding him as 'a Friend of Zion' because Serbia is what you say. Makes zero sense. Yes, they are all Zionists, thats why they are being rewarded as such.

China being incompatible with Israel`s policy or whatever? Basically Chinese military hardware are carbon copies of their US equivalents and its Israeli backdooring that got that highly classified info there. A history that runs at least 50 years back, going from The Silvermaster Spyring to Unit 8200, to the Talpiot Program, to the BIRD, to Johnathan Pollack etc. Etc.
Israeli spies would never steal from the US gov and sell our secrets to China.....

(I mean Clinton did it directly to China but other than that.... It's never happened right ????? ;) )
US/UK are mulling expanding the strike campaign in Yemen.


Lots of old footage of the Saudi/Arab Coalition War on Yemen. Surprised to see it still on YT, usually it gets scrubbed once designated a terrorist organisation. There is no first hand ISIS footage anywhere on the mainstream web anymore for instance. All pulled offline due to laws 'on the spread of terrorist propaganda'.

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Syria is a basket case and from an Israeli POV that's a desirable outcome. Somehow framing Syria going from a strong militarized anti-Zionist entity armed with biological weapons to a balkanised economic husk relying on continuous aid a with its military capacities now in ragtag territory as an Israeli L is nonsensical. The Russians and Israelis have deals about Syria and that's why the Israelis don't get engaged in Syrian airspace, and is the IRGC kept away from the border.

Your other points are equally strange. Putin is not a Zionist despite the Israelis lauding him as 'a Friend of Zion' because Serbia is what you say. Makes zero sense. Yes, they are all Zionists, thats why they are being rewarded as such.

You're being a disingenuous debater here.

You've claimed that Putin is a zionist because he was presented with a "Friends of Zion" award by an Israeli foundation. I've pointed out that this award is given to many heads of state, using Monaco, Oman and Serbia as examples, with links provided. That is a perfectly valid argument, which you have dismissed as "strange" and "making zero sense".

Also, the desirable outcome for Syria from an Israeli POV is the complete dissolution of that country and the overthrow of Bashar Assad. Their plan to oust him and dissolve the Syrian state has utterly failed, Syria is still standing as a country, its Christian minorities protected, with most of its main cities and institutions under the governmental umbrella. And the main reason for this was Putin's intervention to crush ISIS and other Israeli/Gulf/US/UK funded jihadis in 2013, just as the ISIS/AQ scum were at the gates of Damascus about to overrun the capital. You've dismissed all that out of hand. Again, very disingenuous.
Thats true currently..... BUT.... in the future China and Russia have significant future trade investments with Israel. Israel will ditch the US for those countries when the timing suits them AND.... so just like you're stating there's a generational paradim shift going on in this decade... the same thing applies here.

Israel is not irrelevant. They have significant trade especially in the energy industry. Forgive me, but I dont think you're aware of their impact, especially with state owned Chemical Companies

Israel also has MAJOR tech companies that are state owned as well as private. China and Russia need both of these as they alienate German/Taiwanese ect

China being incompatible with Israel`s policy or whatever? Basically all Chinese military hardware are carbon copies of their US equivalents and its Israeli backdooring that got that highly classified info there. A history that runs at least 50 years back (hello Kissinger), going from The Silvermaster Spyring to Unit 8200, to the Talpiot Program, to the BIRD, to Zohar Zissapel, to Johnathan Pollack etc. Etc.

China today is way ahead of where it was 20-30 years ago when it depended on foreign tech for its MIC. They are today the world leader in many fields including supercomputing and have closed the gap in chip technology.

China leads advanced technological research in 80% of critical fields including hypersonics and underwater drones, a report from an Australian think tank shows, as the country pulls ahead of the U.S., Europe and Japan through state-led investment.

Out of 23 technologies analyzed by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), China leads research in 19. The rankings are based on the 10% most cited academic papers among 2.2 million published between 2018 and 2022, with a focus on fields considered key to the trilateral security partnership among the U.S., the U.K. and Australia, or AUKUS.

The U.S. leads in the remaining four technologies.

China accounts for 73.3% of high-impact research output for hypersonic detection, tracking and characterization, far ahead of the U.S., U.K. and Germany.

Hypersonic missiles, which fly at more than five times the speed of sound, are seen as a potentially game-changing weapon. China is developing hypersonic missiles that are faster and have less predictable trajectories in order to penetrate enemies' missile defense networks.

Israel claims to be a world leader in tech, but in reality they are more of a parasite that grafts itself in US tech and forces US corporations like Intel to open branches in Israel. To claim that China depends on Israeli technology in 2024 is a bit over the top.

Furthermore, the CCP is aware of Israeli/neocon influence and attempts to infiltrate its government, economy and institutions, they have already purged all the globalists in their ranks like Bo Xilai and publicly disgraced Hu Jintao. You're talking about a country that has been colonized by the Rothschilds, Kadoories and Sassoons for centuries, they know their history, a lot more than our people know theirs...
You're talking about a country that has been colonized by the Rothschilds, Kadoories and Sassoons for centuries, they know their history, a lot more than our people know theirs...
I know a few people who moved from China to the USA, on a very personal level. Their understanding of who really runs the west, and what these same people did to them during the opium wars of the 1800's is pretty amazing. They are certainly red pilled on this subject.

Can the CCP prevent satanic elite infiltration over the next __ number of years and allow their people to remain largely free of it, like Xi Jinping has done for them? We will find out. But the people there are aware of the situation much more so than most any Americans do. TBH, many of the educated Chinese know more about the USA than most educated Americans do. And then you throw in this subject, the Chinese citizen's knowledge of the USA blows the doors off most blue pilled Americans.

Xi Jinping has really poked his finger in the eye of the satanic elites by refusing to help Israel or help the USA in attacking the Houthi's.
You're being a disingenuous debater here.

You've claimed that Putin is a zionist because he was presented with a "Friends of Zion" award by an Israeli foundation. I've pointed out that this award is given to many heads of state, using Monaco, Oman and Serbia as examples, with links provided. That is a perfectly valid argument, which you have dismissed as "strange" and "making zero sense".

So what is your point then? That Putin is not a Friend of Zion despite being awarded as such by the World Holocaust Forum/ ie. the Israeli Deep State? That Putin does not support the Israeli state in its right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish Nation and its right to defend itself?

Putin has called himself a Zionist on several occasions. The Israelis on the other hand love Putin because of it. Yet there is one small guy on a fringe board running around shouting at the top of his lungs that none of this matters because xyz.

Here's the deal. When A says he's in love with B, and B says she's in love with A but there is one outsider on the sidelines denying everything that latter's person worldview needs a healthy dose of reality.


Also, the desirable outcome for Syria from an Israeli POV is the complete dissolution of that country and the overthrow of Bashar Assad. Their plan to oust him and dissolve the Syrian state has utterly failed, Syria is still standing as a country, its Christian minorities protected, with most of its main cities and institutions under the governmental umbrella. And the main reason for this was Putin's intervention to crush ISIS and other Israeli/Gulf/US/UK funded jihadis in 2013, just as the ISIS/AQ scum were at the gates of Damascus about to overrun the capital. You've dismissed all that out of hand. Again, very disingenuous.

Russia intervened in Syria to protect its share of the energy market and prevent the Qatar pipeline from metastasizing - a project which was designed to undercut Russia's marketshare in Europe and thereby destroy the decades long USSR/RF plan to manufacture a break within NATO through creating energy dependancy in Europe. Russia's foreign policy is completely self-serving (unless Israel gets involved) and not concerned with whatever radical ideology of the day takes over in Damascus or fringe Christan minorities in faraway Arab countries - that stuff is just propaganda designed to get the feathers ruffled of the less informed.

Fast forward 15 years and Israel has absolutely nothing to fear from Syria and won't have anything to fear in the next 15-20 years either. Mission accomplished. The country is under heavy sanctions and in perpetual chaos. A failed state where half the population has (internally) migrated, and most of the natural resources are under foreign occupation. It's territory is dotted with foreign bases - and all bar Iran are sympathetic towards the Jewish State. You claim that this is an Israeli L and a Russian W. In reality both are contented with the outcome, and are working together around the clock to keep it that way. The only problem Israel has are the pesky Iranians - with the Russians doing their part to minimize that threat even though keeping the Iranians on a leash has a zero net benefit for them. Hmm, I wonder (((why))) it happens anyway.
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China today is way ahead of where it was 20-30 years ago when it depended on foreign tech for its MIC. They are today the world leader in many fields including supercomputing and have closed the gap in chip technology.

Israel claims to be a world leader in tech, but in reality they are more of a parasite that grafts itself in US tech and forces US corporations like Intel to open branches in Israel. To claim that China depends on Israeli technology in 2024 is a bit over the top.

Furthermore, the CCP is aware of Israeli/neocon influence and attempts to infiltrate its government, economy and institutions, they have already purged all the globalists in their ranks like Bo Xilai and publicly disgraced Hu Jintao. You're talking about a country that has been colonized by the Rothschilds, Kadoories and Sassoons for centuries, they know their history, a lot more than our people know theirs...

China was built up top to bottom by (((globalists))), is the blueprint for the technocratic dystopian superstate, has deep ties to WEF, is seeing (((Wall Street))) investment grow and, to keep it related to the topic, is on very good terms with Israel.

Not sure what more you need to understand China's position. As for all the other assertions, Bo Xilai was not a globalist but a protagonist of the neo-Maoist New Left instead (and hence anti-globalist by default), and hardly anyone in China knows about the Rothschilds etc - if they do they'll get framed as 'American', or 'British'. Jews in general are a topic of interest in China but mostly in a positive way. Chinese stereotypes surrounding Jews are that they are rich, well-educated, and influential. Three characteristics that are important in contemporary Chinese society.

Also the topics of Israeli infiltration of the US critical infrastructure, its vital role backdooring towards China and its fundamental role in building up the enemies of the US were left untouched I noticed.
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China was built up top to bottom by (((globalists))), is the blueprint for the technocratic dystopian superstate, has deep ties to WEF, is seeing (((Wall Street))) investment grow and, to keep it related to the topic, is on very good terms with Israel.

Not sure what more you need to understand China's position. As for all the other assertions, Bo Xilai was not a globalist but a protagonist of the neo-Maoist New Left instead (and hence anti-globalist by default), and hardly anyone in China knows about the Rothschilds etc - if they do they'll get framed as 'American', or 'British'. Jews in general are a topic of interest in China but mostly in a positive way. Chinese stereotypes surrounding Jews are that they are rich, well-educated, and influential. Three characteristics that are important in contemporary Chinese society.

Also the topics of Israeli infiltration of the US critical infrastructure, its vital role backdooring towards China and its fundamental role in building up the enemies of the US was left untouched I noticed.

China has one massive advantage over the West when it comes to zionists.

And that is that they won't one day suddenly discover that half (or more) of the leaders in government and board members of major institutions/corporations have dual citizenship.
China has one massive advantage over the West when it comes to zionists.

And that is that they won't one day suddenly discover that half (or more) of the leaders in government and board members of major institutions/corporations have dual citizenship.

That's a good point.

They also have major disadvantages which are the nature of their (((political system))), their submissive nature and their lacking exposure to International Jewry.
That's a good point.

They also have major disadvantages which are the nature of their (((political system))), their submissive nature and their lacking exposure to International Jewry.

They have a deep mistrust and wariness towards Westerners and Western culture in general.

They will distrust and be wary of anyone with a pale complexion.
Yeah.... but They also idolize Jews as smart...

You base this on a couple of Chinese weirdos? I'm sure they get laughed at as much in China as they get laughed at in Israel.

They certainly don't meet the criteria for Israeli citizenship.

Say what you will about China. They are not the ones that have dual citizens running their government.
They have a deep mistrust and wariness towards Westerners and Western culture in general.

They will distrust and be wary of anyone with a pale complexion.po

The founders of contemporary China include (((Michael Shapiro, Sam Ginsburg, Grigory Voitinsky, Grigory Gershuni, Solomon Adler, Boris Shumiatsky, Sidney Shapiro, Boris Epstein, Michael Borodin, Adolf Joffe, Pavel Mif, David Crook, Israel Epstein, Sidney Rittenberg, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster and more))).

In contemporary China people like Netanyahu, Fink and especially Kissinger are considered emissaries who get the red carpet treatment from the top CCP leadership.

Jewish control has always been centered around usury, blackmail, control of the info-sphere and banking. If the Chinese are so wary of pale skinned people then why do pale skinned Jews keep on being influential in China throughout its recent history?

Xi Jinping will have prove itself. China's ethnocentric demographic makeup does give it a leg up on others, and decreasing Jewish Power in especially autocratic states has happened many times before. It's obvious Xi sees the US as a competitor. However, so far I see very little reason to believe that he is willing to take on the (((International Banking Cartel))) and the state of Israel.
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In contemporary China people like Netanyahu, Fink and especially Kissinger are considered emissaries who get the red carpet treatment from the top CCP leadership.

True enough, but that is because China has gained massively from them.

Intelligence from Israel (Netanyahu), massive investments from Blackrock and other institutions (Fink), and of course the transfer of trillions worth of industry and jobs from the USA (Kissinger).

Seems China has had the better part of the deal, at least on the surface of it.