Roosh V & Muslim Skeptic: A Discussion About Orthodoxy and Islam

UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi in particular) isn't dangerous or even remotely hostile to Westerners/Christians, Saudi isn't really anymore either. MBS has reformed the country a lot, and an insane percentage of Saudis are under 30. If anything, it will become too liberal over the next 20 years and just become a middle eastern USA. Iran is Shia so less politically Islamic than the Sunni countries so again you're not going to be discriminated against in any real sense (more so for being an American or whatever than being Christian)... the others? Yeah I'd avoid them but more because they're not very nice places as opposed to them being Muslim.
@GoodShepherd and @The Berean

The comparison that living under Islam as Christians is better than living under the current jewish marxists and their demonic faggotry everywhere (given the abject failure of these half-ass evangelicals who promote heresies left and right) just opines the need for a Christian Nation run by believers of the Apostolic Churches. We don't need to be ruled by anyone else, but it is debatable which system of oppression is "better" to live under. Some are "better" materially, like in the west, whereas some are cleaner "spiritually" like under certain types of Islam where there is none of the anti-life activities.
@GoodShepherd and @The Berean

The comparison that living under Islam as Christians is better than living under the current jewish marxists and their demonic faggotry everywhere (given the abject failure of these half-ass evangelicals who promote heresies left and right) just opines the need for a Christian Nation run by believers of the Apostolic Churches. We don't need to be ruled by anyone else, but it is debatable which system of oppression is "better" to live under. Some are "better" materially, like in the west, whereas some are cleaner "spiritually" like under certain types of Islam where there is none of the anti-life activities.
As Roosh mentions in this great interview, there isnt a Christian land that he knows of that he could move to that would be ideal since even in Russia abortion is legal. Not saying we must be ruled by anyone but I think I would smile for awhile if the muslims had to overthrown these secular governments who actually encouraged Muslim migration into the west, my only concern is they would probably shut down churches and tax me an infidel tax if they were a majority, so there would also be problems
Are you serious? Would you willingly move to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, the UAE, or Sudan? Christians in the West are not persecuted like there are in Muslim. Not even close IMO.
Christians are being persecuted right now in the west watch the video as Roosh explains, no I would not move to middle east, Im saying that right now we have feminism, abortion, same sex marriage and all that stuff and it shouldnt be around in a Christian nation, would it be so bad if those things went away?
@GoodShepherd and @The Berean

The comparison that living under Islam as Christians is better than living under the current jewish marxists and their demonic faggotry everywhere (given the abject failure of these half-ass evangelicals who promote heresies left and right) just opines the need for a Christian Nation run by believers of the Apostolic Churches. We don't need to be ruled by anyone else, but it is debatable which system of oppression is "better" to live under. Some are "better" materially, like in the west, whereas some are cleaner "spiritually" like under certain types of Islam where there is none of the anti-life activities.

Christians are being persecuted right now in the west watch the video as Roosh explains, no I would not move to middle east, Im saying that right now we have feminism, abortion, same sex marriage and all that stuff and it shouldnt be around in a Christian nation, would it be so bad if those things went away?
I live in the California one of the most liberal, progressive, and spiritually dark places on Earth. I don't need to watch a Roosh video. Christians are not being persecuted like in the Middle East or Africa. People being mean and nasty to us on social media or getting "cancelled" is not persecution. Our Christian brothers and sisters are literally being murdered for their faith in the Middle East and Africa. I agree that feminism, abortion, same sex marriage and all that stuff are demonic and shouldn't be tolerated. But, living under Islam is not the answer.
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I think people have their priorities out of sync if they are willing to welcome Islam in exchange for getting some "based" cultural/societal trade offs. What's next - advocating for a return to Paganism because a lot of Pagan LARPers are also anti-degeneracy or moving to atheistic China because they have better family values?
While I'm not willing to welcome Islam anywhere, since Iran was mentioned, I'll put forth my 2 cents for those interested.

I have distant relatives who live in Iran. Iran's regime is currently very respecting and protecting of the Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches in the country. There is no discrimination with regards to Churches, Christian community centers, Christian-only schools (accredited), and so forth. I don't know about the other countries mentioned in this thread, but Iran is run somewhat differently. I have heard that they do go after Evangelicals for the sole reason that they evangelize to Muslims, and that's pretty much a death sentence by law, so there is the negative.

As an aside, everyone in Iran is classified by religion. If a Christian couple wishes to legally divorce, the court will not handle the case and instead direct them to their respective Church. Only AFTER the Church has approved the divorce and issued a formal letter, the couple can take it to the court to dissolve the marriage. Whereas their court has special processes for Muslims wishing to divorce, those are waived for a Christian carrying a formal divorce approval from their Church (which also refuses to issue the approvals unless it involves adultery, crime, and other types of wrongdoing by either party.)
I don't think anyone here is particularly shilling to live under Islamic occupation in order to escape globohomo. I certainly am not. I am simply stating the obvious that they do not suffer certain globohomo conditions. The vast swathes of lesser-IQ'd people are bound to be quicker to violence, and it would be obvious that our Christian brethren in these places are experiencing more physical violent repression.

My claim is as it always was: there needs to be nations where the government, military, and nobility are inherently Christian, run by a strong leadership consisting of a leader or group of leaders in symphony with an uncorrupted Apostolic Church and the non spiritual elements of these nations still maintain a pro-Christian morality. The synthesis of the old world faith and the new world rule by the people with a strong leader for every nation.

I certainly don't see Muslims rejecting this notion, and it would also bolster support for those of the faith who are scattered far and wide living under those who practice misbelief or outright enemies of God, as strong Christian nations would not let their adherents suffer so.
I live in the California one of the most liberal, progressive, and spiritually dark places on Earth. I don't need to watch a Roosh video. Christians are not being persecuted like in the Middle East or Africa. People being mean and nasty to us on social media or getting "cancelled" is not persecution. Our Christian brothers and sisters are literally being murdered for their faith in the Middle East and Africa. I agree that feminism, abortion, same sex marriage and all that stuff are demonic and shouldn't be tolerated. But, living under Islam is not the answer.
Someone might not be holding a gun to your head right now (yet) but there is a direct persecution against white Christians, the SPLC even has a graph monitoring the ups and downs of the white population and they celebrated when it was on the decline, that means there is a directed attack, through various means through abortions, birth control, perversion, indoctrination and not to mention migration, they not importing white Christians into America, they not asking me a white Christian South African to come to America they asking people of different cultures, values and religions to come into America to do away with the native white Christian majority, fortunately affirmative action was recently outlawed but all these things are direct persecutions, and the worst part is you cant even openly say anything against it you can get into trouble, so Islam will persecute us in other ways yes, but at least they actually believe in God they arent atheist who are Godless, if it wasnt for the risk of churches being physically shut down or bombed by Muslims I think we as white Christians would indirectly benefit at this stage, Iv thought about it a bit, I do know that there would also be bad side effects but at least you guys over there still have your guns so you should be ok, the day they take your guns away then you in trouble
While I'm not willing to welcome Islam anywhere, since Iran was mentioned, I'll put forth my 2 cents for those interested.

I have distant relatives who live in Iran. Iran's regime is currently very respecting and protecting of the Oriental Orthodox Christian Churches in the country. There is no discrimination with regards to Churches, Christian community centers, Christian-only schools (accredited), and so forth. I don't know about the other countries mentioned in this thread, but Iran is run somewhat differently. I have heard that they do go after Evangelicals for the sole reason that they evangelize to Muslims, and that's pretty much a death sentence by law, so there is the negative.

As an aside, everyone in Iran is classified by religion. If a Christian couple wishes to legally divorce, the court will not handle the case and instead direct them to their respective Church. Only AFTER the Church has approved the divorce and issued a formal letter, the couple can take it to the court to dissolve the marriage. Whereas their court has special processes for Muslims wishing to divorce, those are waived for a Christian carrying a formal divorce approval from their Church (which also refuses to issue the approvals unless it involves adultery, crime, and other types of wrongdoing by either party.)
So for a guy like me who has a wife always threatening divorce and threatening to destroy the lives of my children with these threats because of the liberal laws and womans right that we have, I would greatly benefit and so would my kids if for example Iran took over the government here and didnt bomb my church, like I see that as a plus for me directly because then my wife would be afraid to break up our family for her own selfish desires, also abortion would be banned, hundreds of thousands of babies would not be killed every year, I could openly speak out against homosexuality (I still do anyway) and not get into trouble or be threatened, the husband would be automatically considered the head of his wife that would actually be taught which the opposite is being taught right now which is against Gods ways. But yes I might get executed for my faith or not be able to go to church, maybe. So Im still deciding which one would be worse but so far Im leaning a bit more to the Islamic side, personally I would prefer neither of them thats my first option, I dont believe a Christians faith is in any way threatened by Muslim doctrine, their faith is threatened by ours thats why they ban us and the bible, we dont have to because theres no threat
I don't think anyone here is particularly shilling to live under Islamic occupation in order to escape globohomo. I certainly am not. I am simply stating the obvious that they do not suffer certain globohomo conditions. The vast swathes of lesser-IQ'd people are bound to be quicker to violence, and it would be obvious that our Christian brethren in these places are experiencing more physical violent repression.

My claim is as it always was: there needs to be nations where the government, military, and nobility are inherently Christian, run by a strong leadership consisting of a leader or group of leaders in symphony with an uncorrupted Apostolic Church and the non spiritual elements of these nations still maintain a pro-Christian morality. The synthesis of the old world faith and the new world rule by the people with a strong leader for every nation.

I certainly don't see Muslims rejecting this notion, and it would also bolster support for those of the faith who are scattered far and wide living under those who practice misbelief or outright enemies of God, as strong Christian nations would not let their adherents suffer so.
Such a Christian nation no longer exists and its probably only gonna get worse as we approach the final days
I was more interested in the second/bottom video, but I couldn't separate the two, for whichever reason. The link pasted both of them.
I have seen the 2nd video before its a testimony of a Muslim guy who converted to Christianity and apparently he came to that conclusion through the koran, he came to the conclusion that Christ is God through the Koran, I think if Im not mistaken that he was eventually killed by Muslims, Sharia law does that if you openly leave the faith you can actually get killed by your peers it allows for that under their law
I first heard about this years ago as a protestant by Dr Chuck Missler and have heard it mentioned by a few different people of the years, when I do engage with Muslims I do have a feeling, a hunch, that this is true by the way they respond to me, its almost like they all have the same script


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Father Josiah Trenham also did a very good talk on Islam and the autobiography of Mohammad, this is part 1/2 its really worth listening to, to add to the Roosh V interview with the Muslim skeptic
To be honest I dont think it would be such a bad thing for Islam to take over the governments of the west, protestant Christianity has failed and at least islam with force would put an end to Feminism, abortion, womans rights and especially the right for a woman to get divorced for no reason and take the kids, same sex marriage, to be honest I think I would be quite happy to see all that stuff gone, Islam would be better than the current secular anti God atheist society, yes we would be persecuted as Christians but we are already being persecuted, I dont know about you guys but I think It might not be such a bad thing, maybe we should fight against it too much, we can always convert the Muslims later
In many Islamic countries being a Christian is a death sentence. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

Islam is a barbaric, thuggish religion that is based on heresy.