Resisting The Sirens of The Modern World

Kings 2 9:22

And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, [Is it] peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts [are so] many?

Revelations 2:20

Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

Just some quick quotes from Kings and Revelations but I'd suggest reading it all in context.
I had a very weird experience today. I gave into temptation and went along to a "gentleman's club" this afternoon. One of the dancers who went by the name of Ariel came and sat near me talking to me asking me if I wanted a dance. She put her leg over mine and was touching me while she was talking to me. She was very attractive but I wasn't aroused.

I got her out of character and she told me her name was Ava and where she went to school what she was studying, etc. She told me she was raised as an orthodox jew. I was flirting with her and teasing her but I kept it PG. At one point she stared at me and asked me point blank if I was religious! It came out of nowhere. I wasn't wearing anything denoting my faith and my medals were inside my shirt.

I think that these places are infested and they can tell when their enemies are present.
Good Lord, her entire face is fake. She literally painted a fake face on top of her real one. This is papier mache mask shenanigans. Why is this so common? Who finds this attractive? It looks like a sci-fi android's synthetic faux-skin.

"You know what I need in my life? A woman who looks like the bicentennial man before he fully turned into Robin Williams"


Imagine the ungodly mix of hundreds of different chemicals that the (((cosmetics company))) had to use in order to make a product that can so closely resemble human skin.
Women’s makeup has become rather similar to the process of painting Warhammer miniatures. You carefully add layer after layer until you’ve created a simulacrum of a human face. They even paint highlights on the cheeks. Only thing I haven’t seen women do yet, is apply an ink wash.
I had a very weird experience today. I gave into temptation and went along to a "gentleman's club" this afternoon. One of the dancers who went by the name of Ariel came and sat near me talking to me asking me if I wanted a dance. She put her leg over mine and was touching me while she was talking to me. She was very attractive but I wasn't aroused.

I got her out of character and she told me her name was Ava and where she went to school what she was studying, etc. She told me she was raised as an orthodox jew. I was flirting with her and teasing her but I kept it PG. At one point she stared at me and asked me point blank if I was religious! It came out of nowhere. I wasn't wearing anything denoting my faith and my medals were inside my shirt.

I think that these places are infested and they can tell when their enemies are present.
Well you certainly have more self-control than me. Years ago my friend and I went to this gentleman's club in Ukraine. There were a half-dozen beautiful naked women dancing in a big room. Just the sight of it threw me into a frenzy. I have always struggled with lust, and I could feel my dopamine spike to ridiculous levels, as if I were on drugs. It was not a pleasant feeling, it was like I was losing control. That night neither of us could sleep much because of these sexual images flashing through our minds. I don't know how the male bartender and sheesha guy can work there and not go crazy.

Even the slightest provocation from the sirens needs to be taken seriously. We really need to constantly watch our minds. Because they can jump start you from 0 to 60 just like that. They only have as much power as you give them.