Resisting The Sirens of The Modern World

I think the most important thing is giving up porn and masturbation. Stop being addicted to those things and you'll get your judgement back.

Once you realise "I don't have to make my life about cooming" then the women who aim themselves at those kinds of men start to seem uglier and uglier.

Porn is poison to your soul just like the strip club, I loathe both of them I've seen both warp peoples brains. There was a time when I was younger that the strip club around here pretty much replaced the regular club, young guys were going there every other night just to hang out. I had to fight with my friends not to go to the point where I straight told them "if your plans are to go to the strip club then don't call me to hang out". Mind you this wasn't because of religion or that I thought i was high and mighty, I just found the places and girls there to be absolutely revolting. I'll be honest I did go a small handful of times and only that much just because I couldn't fight with them every single time about what to do or they said it was a birthday and this is what the person wanted to do, I would just sit there and eat...but never again I don't care what the reason is. They grew out of it and luckily the entire culture changed for whatever reason, a lot of the strip clubs around here closed thank God.

You want to talk about disgusting behavior....I've known girls, nice very attractive girls, who would go to strip clubs to hang out. Remember what I said about girls acting like men thinking it will make them more attractive to men? I even dated a girl once her sisters nasty boyfriend had just bought a strip club and she went there with her sister to check it out before it opened. I flat out told her I will NOT be with a woman that thinks it's okay to hang out at the strip club I don't care what your sister or anyone else does and shame on you for disrespecting and embarrassing your man like that. Now everyone there thinks Francis' girl hangs out at the strip club might as well just spit in my face, that relationship ended not long after that as while she didn't go to the strip club anymore that same pattern of behavior continued.

It was just a thing around here in Metro Detroit for a few years, everyone just went to the strip club like it was a normal bar. I bring it up to my friends now to remind them how stupid and big of losers they were that they had to go to a place where they would get guaranteed fake female attention to make them feel good. Of course now they want to act like it never happened and that girl acts like she's mother theresa now, nothing learned from it.
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RSV. Also, Young's Literal Translation also has nose ring:

Both the RSV and YLT draw on the Hebrew Masoretic Text. MT appears to be the only major and widely distributed manuscript tradition that says "nose ring" in this passage, everything else is "earring".

My Bishop has the same translation, and he reads these languages.

Well, if he reads Hebrew and picks up an MT manuscript text such as the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, then he too will read "nose ring" every time.

Excluding the MT and one of two Samaritan Pentateuch traditions (i.e. one says "earring", the other says "nose ring"), there are multiple translation traditions (Septuagint/Greek, Armenian, Syriac, Latin) that support "earring".
Both the RSV and YLT draw on the Hebrew Masoretic Text. MT appears to be the only major and widely distributed manuscript tradition that says "nose ring" in this passage, everything else is "earring".

Well, if he reads Hebrew and picks up an MT manuscript text such as the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, then he too will read "nose ring" every time.

Excluding the MT and one of two Samaritan Pentateuch traditions (i.e. one says "earring", the other says "nose ring"), there are multiple translation traditions (Septuagint/Greek, Armenian, Syriac, Latin) that support "earring".

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The Orthodox Study Bible, which is pretty much the most authoritative translation we have in English, also says "earring". I guess it's high time for us to learn some Koine Greek and do away with all these translation issues.
That's why I started. After I noticed the same verses being translated differently between English, Russian, German, etc. i.e. languages that I know, I started to get frustrated. I can't recall off the top of my head which they were now, but there a few shocking mistranslations into English that I even discussed with my priest in the past.
That's why I started. After I noticed the same verses being translated differently between English, Russian, German, etc. i.e. languages that I know, I started to get frustrated. I can't recall off the top of my head which they were now, but there a few shocking mistranslations into English that I even discussed with my priest in the past.
I also looked at the Bulgarian Synodal Bible which is official in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. It reads "earrings on the face" or "rings on the face", as the word used can mean any ringed jewelry today, but perhaps it was just earrings in the past. So it's ambiguous for modern readers, but I'm guessing they do mean earrings.

Also checked a few Protestant and Catholic French translations and they mostly read "ring on her nose", or in one case "ring on her face". They are primarily Masoretic based, with some consultation of the Septuagint and Latin Vulgate used in the translation.

The Douay Rheims in English, which is a translation of the Vulgate, confirms the Septuagint with "earrings". I would be shocked if the mother of Jacob actually wore a nose ring. I can't get over how ridiculous they look today.

You are right, there should not be this much variation in the Word of God. But most of all this shows us we need to be very wary of using the Masoretic text as so much has been changed.
I actually feel as though worldly women are fairly simple to resist. The real difficulty is the women who LARP at being trad but are actually just feminists in modest dresses.
I actually feel as though worldly women are fairly simple to resist. The real difficulty is the women who LARP at being trad but are actually just feminists in modest dresses.
Ask them about their views on abortion, birth control, vaxxes, and the importance of going to church and praying regularly. That'll tell you pretty much everything you need to know.
Ask them about their views on abortion, birth control, vaxxes, and the importance of going to church and praying regularly. That'll tell you pretty much everything you need to know.
But I think it can be more subtle than that. They could answer all of those questions in a pleasing manner and still have an issue with being submissive to a man.

They can even tell you that the man should lead, and still have a huge problem with it in practice.
But I think it can be more subtle than that. They could answer all of those questions in a pleasing manner and still have an issue with being submissive to a man.

They can even tell you that the man should lead, and still have a huge problem with it in practice.
This is where there is no substitute for courting a woman for a longer time, if you are at all unsure. Make sure to take her to church regularly, watch her interactions with other men, the priests, and see how she reacts to you disciplining her. This is why long distance relationships rarely work (i.e. getting a tradwife from abroad). LDRs are the ultimate in beta behavior, as Rollo said. You have to be with her over a longer period of time and really get to know her closely. Unfortunately, this puts a majority of the good non-feminist women abroad out of reach for most men. Very few men can afford to go to Eastern Europe, South America, Asia, etc. and spend a year or two in her culture, while simultaneously building their careers and a stable foundation to start a family. It's a catch-22, I know.