It says it all over the place. Knowing God is eternal life. Mental assent is not knowing God, it is not belief, it is knowledge about God, which any old person theoretically could have. Faithfulness, rightly directed action, is what "faith" is - keeping the commandments and also (very) importantly, repenting when we don't.Says no verse in the Bible.
I don't see how any Christian disagree with this.
No, but I see where you are getting this wrong, and it's because your logic is circular. Since you think you know the mind and judgment of God - something you never address because it proves your arguments to be nonsense - everything becomes self trust and glory for you for the people who correctly believe that we have hope and trust in God, but we have to cooperate with what He wills for us and be faithful.All this to say that you pay lip-service to God's providence, purpose, plan, etc, but you don't really believe it. You are trusting in yourself to make the difference, which is consistent in how you jump from one idol to another, in the various threads you engage in.
Your arguments make no sense in the bigger picture. God is doing all He can to save his creation, so it's pretty clear that those who don't want to be saved (made whole, well, brought to their purpose by God), reject Him. That's why he says:
He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has a judge; the word that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day.
Since you think you know your judgment, you think you are "predestined". It's circular logic. Until you jettison this foolish idea, it's not something to argue. The problem of course with that, and yet another proof that you don't know your own judgment even, is that you also claim to know others judgment, which you also can't know. So it's even more bizarre to also claim to know their judgment and then condemn them as "reprobate" or whatever! You truly must have the mind of God!
Following in their footsteps would mean that you aren't teaching false teachings. The human is called, predesignated, foreordained, to be with God because that's what our fulfillment as human persons is, what our calling and purpose is as beings made in God's image. THIS is the reality.To the contrary, we should follow in the footsteps of the Apostles, who taught that predestination is true and that because of that, the believer is confirmed in His work to strive after God.