Relocating to Romania

Yes I remember he was in Belarus. At different times Estonia and maybe Georgia? He was hopping around trying to find the perfect place and then leaving. No idea what he's doing now.
He lived in Russia a while ago, then in Estonia. During coronahoax tried Ukraine, Belarus, next he went to Serbia, he was banned over and over from RVF and haven't posted since. He considered Latin America. Curious what country he had finally chosen to stay in. He had thoughts of going back to England though and I bet he did when the corona scam had died.
There was a blog going around during The Madness, which I think was by a man in Lithuania, and what he described was utter tyranny. Without the sacrament, you literally couldn't even go to the shopping mall or supermarket, and had to buy food from corner shops.

On an even more sinister note, I remember the guy's name as being Glubo. When I attempted to search on Google, I only entered his name, and the search box autofilled "glubo covid diary", however, nothing came up.
I saw a blog from Lithuanian family back then. They were barred from their work, shopping, transport and most medical care because of being unvaxed. They were looking to escape overseas but did not have the funds, having kids on their hands. It's a matter of time before this fascism comes out in full bloom, we havdn't seen nothing yet, right now is a temp breather.
Slovenia too, they wanted to prevent all movements without vax pass, actually. In parts of Romania, also: someone on RVF said he could no longer buy natural foods in the supermarket, back then, the mall wouldn't let him access it. Lithuania really went to town, they were the first one.

Romania went all in did they? Bummer I was looking for real estate there to live just before.

(Obviously it didn't work: "2021, Romania had the second lowest vaccination rate in the European Union, 33%, just before Bulgaria")

Which countries ignored the convid lunacy the most in Europe? We all know Sweden but were there any others?
Romania went all in did they? Bummer I was looking for real estate there to live just before.

(Obviously it didn't work: "2021, Romania had the second lowest vaccination rate in the European Union, 33%, just before Bulgaria")

Which countries ignored the convid lunacy the most in Europe? We all know Sweden but were there any others?
I know Poland and the UK never implemented the vax pass. Perhaps also a few other small ones, like I'm not sure about Bosnia.
The laws in Bulgaria around covid were slightly negotiable just as the current smoking ban in restaurants, for example. The lockdowns were mostly indoors so people would just hang out in the cold next to the cafes. The total duration of the lockdowns was also comparatively short while the prime minister had to justify himself every day on TV. Even those that believed everything were irritated by the situation and wanted it to stop.

Only a small bunch of Western educated folks were "masked" npc types. Actually some of the authoritarian right also thought that it was a "resident evil/mad max" situation and were very lockdown-friendly in the first days of the plandemic. It is something to keep in mind, some people wish they lived in more interesting times than they actually do!
The laws in Bulgaria around covid were slightly negotiable just as the current smoking ban in restaurants, for example. The lockdowns were mostly indoors so people would just hang out in the cold next to the cafes. The total duration of the lockdowns was also comparatively short while the prime minister had to justify himself every day on TV. Even those that believed everything were irritated by the situation and wanted it to stop.

Only a small bunch of Western educated folks were "masked" npc types. Actually some of the authoritarian right also thought that it was a "resident evil/mad max" situation and were very lockdown-friendly in the first days of the plandemic. It is something to keep in mind, some people wish they lived in more interesting times than they actually do!
My mother in law never got the jab or vax pass in Bulgaria and had zero issues going anywhere. In Sofia. She was asked for it a few times but just said she didn’t have one, let her into whatever store anyway.

Some westerners can’t look any further than MSM reports and assume implementation and enforcement on the ground level is the same as in places like America.

It is not. Local culture and economy is entirely different. I laugh when people think an average Bulgarian business will actively turn away customers over something like a vax passport. Or that cops there get paid enough to care much. No one was getting stopped from using the subway or going into Fanstastico/Billa.

This is why people need to travel and spend time in places instead of on forums.