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Pros and Cons of Anglosphere Countries


Orthodox Inquirer
I was a member on the RooshVforum for many many years from the original forums heydays. I was banned in October 2022 with the reason given being "secular poster". I respect other religions especially Christianity but I am an agnostic and that was eventually not welcome on the Rooshvforum towards the end.

Your username was always spot on.
Your username was always spot on.
Credit where credit is due as much as Australia sucks, Australia is one of the best places in the world for non top tier people (i.e. people with more average jobs) to earn and save money (to set yourself up to escape the Matrix later). Sure there are a handful of places with higher wages like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and Monaco, etc. But those countries come with much higher cost of living so you might save 10% more money per year once you factor that in but you will spend more than half the year freezing your ass off in cold miserable weather, whereas in Australia for the most part you got decent weather and great beaches so its a worthwhile trade off to those other places.

Sure if you are an investment banker or brain surgeon New York or London etc will offer you a lot more money but I am, talking about the bottom 90% of people. That is why I am still reluctantly in Australia for now.
I've never been to Australia, but if I was to live in an Anglo-country, I think I'd go for Australia first, just because of the much tougher immigration laws. The COVID policies were the worst of all Anglo-countries, but all are taking their own weird anarcho-tyranny routes - Canada with euthanasia, the US with transgenders and immigration, the UK with a sadistic nanny state police force that will arrest you for a minor infraction while letting unwanted immigrant rapists run free. Though The Channel Islands and The Isle of Man are probably more interesting choices.
Australia was paradise not long ago (before my time) until the masons and other (((filth))) declared it theirs and ruined the place with extreme nannying laws and just tyrannical laws on speed limits (when there's not even one car a day on some roads) etc when the distances between towns are enormous. It's all based on fear of the "coppa". Reasons so that no one even thinks of starting a business here. Just the legal jargon you have to go through is beyond absurd, everyone is a criminal until proven guilty and I could go on and on... nice beaches lost the battle.

Edit; sure the place is beautiful and it's not all deserts, at all, some of the most beautiful climates and landscapes exist here. But(!) the covid tyranny was extreme to the point that some of my friends killed themselves, all this space and so little freedoms.

The cost of living is also nuts, a block of good cheese (European) (250g) is $8-12 when that's $4 in Switzerland or Austria. The lack of good food in general is another don't go to Australia.

I could go on for a while, please PM me if you need more ranting.
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I was reading about Australia just a few weeks ago. What really surprised me was the juiced up kangaroos. I had no idea some of them when standing up look about 8ft tall, apparently love hitting the iron in the gym and will walk up to a man and box him.

I thought they were cute little fuzzy things which carried their babies in their pouch.


I was reading about Australia just a few weeks ago. What really surprised me was the juiced up kangaroos. I had no idea some of them when standing up look about 8ft tall, apparently love hitting the iron in the gym and will walk up to a man and box him.

I thought they were cute little fuzzy things which carried their babies in their pouch.


I hit one of those big ones doing 110 out back and the engine got pushed under the car (Ford Falcon, they're designed for this). The thing was huge, hands the size of a boxer. Waited for a night for someone to bring us to where we were going.

They're all jacked up, I wonder what they use.
I hit one of those big ones doing 110 out back and the engine got pushed under the car (Ford Falcon, they're designed for this). The thing was huge, hands the size of a boxer. Waited for a night for someone to bring us to where we were going.

They're all jacked up, I wonder what they use.
Next time a group of 18 yr old pampered lefties get to protesting on a university campus, should just unleash 50 kangaroos on them.

Forget a K-9 unit. Cops should have a kangaroo unit.
Though The Channel Islands and The Isle of Man are probably more interesting choices.

The CIs and the IoM have been crossing my mind several times recently. I think they are worth looking into for men wishing to leave the UK without taking on the cultural, language and financial risks that are associated with South America or SE Asia. There is a barrier of entry to these islands to stop them being overrun by people from the UK but this barrier may provide a few more decades of civilised living once a residency permit is granted.
The CIs and the IoM have been crossing my mind several times recently. I think they are worth looking into for men wishing to leave the UK without taking on the cultural, language and financial risks that are associated with South America or SE Asia. There is a barrier of entry to these islands to stop them being overrun by people from the UK but this barrier may provide a few more decades of civilised living once a residency permit is granted.

Alderney (pop. 2,000) doesn't have restrictions for outsiders. Not sure about Sark (pop. c. 575), but you can't get freehold property at all there. Gurnsey and Jersey = £2M+ for something good.

I was planning on moving to The Isle of Man in late 2020, but they completely shut the island down, so I went elsewhere. Property in the main town there is fairly cheap.
Terribly sorry, I'll beg your pardon, sorry, sorry.. That is the English, you hear sorry so many times in a day.

It is funny I managed to scare off an English person recently in a minor argument, I didn't even say anything rude or agressive, it was just very direct and the British are very indirect. She actually refunded me a lot of money for something she did not have to. It would be too hard for me to adapt to the English way of interacting although I can fake it for a week or so.
the UK with a sadistic nanny state police force that will arrest you for a minor infraction while letting unwanted immigrant rapists run free
Although I have never had a run-in of any kind with the British police on my visits, you do sense an energy like they want to indict you for some kind of infraction such as being racist.

Part of the reason for this importation of immigrants from lower IQ regions (Great Replacement) is that they need to dumb the population down in order to get enough people to believe in and go along with various lies such as covid is deadly and you should wear a mask and get vaxed, or men are rapists please report anyone looking at you in a flirty way on the Underground. See it, say it, sorted is the slogan / mantra they love to repeat.

Feminism and anti-male sentiment is more of an annoyance in the Anglosphere countries that elsewhere.
I was reading about Australia just a few weeks ago. What really surprised me was the juiced up kangaroos. I had no idea some of them when standing up look about 8ft tall, apparently love hitting the iron in the gym and will walk up to a man and box him.

I thought they were cute little fuzzy things which carried their babies in their pouch.


Also this recent popular one:
You have to get up close to appreciate just how massive some of these buggers are. Just don’t get too close though, if they get their arms around you they can pull you towards them and literally gut you with their legs.
I've got photos of me feeding a big roo when I was camping up in the blue mountains. Never really felt I was in danger. Though I did some stupid stuff when I was there, like wading right up close to a massive stingray thinking it needed help moving along while I was camping in Bundeena.

I enjoyed Australia, but it's got far too many things that can seriously hurt you, and the animals are pretty dangerous too.
I just mentioned Australia in another thread of one of the known, biggest disparities in M:F smv, and how it does nothing to continue to give women more and more value and men to choose from. It's also a concentration camp (covid) and "progressing" faster towards being a cashless system. Another former resident/citizen there told me all sorts of crazy stuff about restrictions traveling to and from, even being a citizen. Finally, I know for a fact they are going the US route of trying to make all their citizens global tax citizens. All 5 eyes is going that way, of course, they see the writing on the wall and it's the same usual suspects pulling the strings. Luckily, a place 14 hours away never interested me in the least, so it never would have mattered anyway.
I just mentioned Australia in another thread of one of the known, biggest disparities in M:F smv, and how it does nothing to continue to give women more and more value and men to choose from. It's also a concentration camp (covid) and "progressing" faster towards being a cashless system. Another former resident/citizen there told me all sorts of crazy stuff about restrictions traveling to and from, even being a citizen. Finally, I know for a fact they are going the US route of trying to make all their citizens global tax citizens. All 5 eyes is going that way, of course, they see the writing on the wall and it's the same usual suspects pulling the strings. Luckily, a place 14 hours away never interested me in the least, so it never would have mattered anyway.
The whole world is the devil’s playground for now. No nation will be immune.
I've never been to Australia, but if I was to live in an Anglo-country, I think I'd go for Australia first, just because of the much tougher immigration laws. The COVID policies were the worst of all Anglo-countries, but all are taking their own weird anarcho-tyranny routes - Canada with euthanasia, the US with transgenders and immigration, the UK with a sadistic nanny state police force that will arrest you for a minor infraction while letting unwanted immigrant rapists run free. Though The Channel Islands and The Isle of Man are probably more interesting choices.
Australia's immigration laws are famously tough.

We still get a lot of unnecessary immigrants here mostly for the purpose of squeezing the plebs by putting downward pressure on wages but there are very few refugees and the immigrants we get are almost universally law abiding and looking to work (you don't get full welfare benefits here until you get citizenship or at least have permanent residency for a long time). There really aren't too many immigrant ghettos here (they exist but they aren't common and are small in size).

For the most part the immigrants that come here are decent people however, I am still against the immigration as all its doing is pushing down wages, pushing up house prices and putting strain on our infrastructure, The only people benefiting are corporations who have more customers to sell to and cheaper labour and wealthy land owners who benefit from rising land prices. Also the government gets to kick the can down the road by adding new taxpayers to the population pyramid to kick the demographic time bomb can down the road.
I've never been to Australia, but if I was to live in an Anglo-country, I think I'd go for Australia first, just because of the much tougher immigration laws. The COVID policies were the worst of all Anglo-countries, but all are taking their own weird anarcho-tyranny routes - Canada with euthanasia, the US with transgenders and immigration, the UK with a sadistic nanny state police force that will arrest you for a minor infraction while letting unwanted immigrant rapists run free. Though The Channel Islands and The Isle of Man are probably more interesting choices.
This might sound weird, but, are transgenders way more rare in the rest of the Anglosphere outside of the US? I live in a purple state that's turning blue, and it seems like the proportion of transgenders and nonbinaries have really skyrocketed in the past 5 years. Is it still super rare in UK, NZ, Australia, Canada?