Pearl Davis: "Just Pearly Things"


What are your thoughts on this YouTuber?

From my perspective, I don't see how a blacked, 30+ unmarried woman, without children can argue with anyone about the state of men and women's relations. She comes across as everything a man does not want...

She only reiterates talking points put forth by others and is quite unoriginal. And I'm kind of disappointed that other forum members might actually consider her opinion...
What are your thoughts on this YouTuber?

From my perspective, I don't see how a blacked, 30+ unmarried woman, without children can argue with anyone about the state of men and women's relations. She comes across as everything a man does not want...

She only reiterates talking points put forth by others and is quite unoriginal. And I'm kind of disappointed that other forum members might actually consider her opinion...
She did bring up the Jewish thing.

But let's be real... no men listen to a word women say about politics or really anything for that matter.

We all saw how Ann Coulters turning out.
I tried listening to the recent Michael Knowles interview with her and had to turn it off. I found her irritating, unoriginal and generally just full of bad ideas.
Her entire stance is undermined by the fact that she isn't married
She's actually very anti-marriage in the context of modern society. She constantly tells men that in the current society to avoid marriage. I think I heard her say once that she would be okay with being a live in girlfriend instead of having a long time lover marry her, which is strange cause she's supposed to be a practicing Catholic. Then again, she did say once that she was thinking of renouncing Catholicism since she think it places too much emphasis on venerating a woman (Mary) so who knows how serious she is about her faith.

There's this Orthodox Christian debate channel (The Crucible) that she's pretty friendly with and she's been putting a lot of these classic red pill ideas into the hosts (Andrew and Rachel Wilson). It's strange to see the Wilsons complain about how no one is having children and about sexual degeneracy but at the same time saying men shouldn't get married. Now they do say they believe in sacramental/religious marriage but they think only Eastern Orthodox Christian marriages are true marriages. Since the vast majority of people are not EO Christians does this mean most people should just live the red pill lifestyle and not care about any sort of marriage at all? That would seem to lead to the exact sort of society that the Wilsons constantly complain about. This is an example of how Pearl's ideas aren't really of help even if she does call out a lot of the Clown World stuff when it comes to issues related to feminism.
Her entire stance is undermined by the fact that she isn't married
I disagree with this. I'm not saying she sees everything clearly, but one can see things clearly without being married. She's not counseling people already married, so you're missing the point entirely, I would argue.