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Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Peter Cytanovic, the poor fellow pictured below, was indicted in late 2023 for his role in the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. He is facing charges of "burning an object with the intent to intimidate," these charges carry a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison. These charges come many years after the event and despite Cytanovic's efforts to distance himself from the alt right. William Zachary Smith, Tyler Bradley Dykes, Dallas Medina, and Augustus Sol Invictus face similar charges.

Charlottesville was a costly blunder.
To be fair these men thought they were protected under the First Amendment.

And now college students are getting the same treatment.

The risk to the system is that the college students can now see what the racist White Supremacists were saying.

And 7 years later, those racist White Supremacists have been proven right in that Jews are trying to replace us. Whether or not they succeed ultimately is still up in the air.
Charlottesville was a costly blunder.

When you follow idiots like Richard Spencer, you only have yourself to blame, unfortunately. In this day and age, picking a bad leader is lethal.

All of these guys playing up race fears are nothing more than race hucksters, Thomas Rousseau included. They have no solutions; just march their guys out in public to attract support. Collect money from donations and book sales. Then when the poor suckers who are marching get arrested and have their lives destroyed by the big boss Talmud - the leaders disappear and mysteriously never face years in jail.

If your leader isn't being persecuted, and facing the threat of annihilation, then he's not for real. Just remember that.

Then when the poor suckers who are marching get arrested and have their lives destroyed by the big boss Talmud - the leaders disappear and mysteriously never face years in jail.
Rousseau is literally facing tiki torch charges.

Patriot Front didn't exist back then but still -- he's fighting the same system as a leader of a dissident organization today, right now. The comparison to Richard Spencer in this specific regard is not warranted. In fact, he may be the only one not to take a plea deal as all of the rest have to my knowledge, which makes him a better leader by default than any other WN dissident I can think of.
Rousseau comes across as extremely intelligent and well-spoken in the interview, despite being pressed pretty hard by PBD. He also appears very genuine and earnest in his beliefs, which are nuanced, carefully thought out and nothing like what you'd expect to hear from a Fed posing as a pro-white political activist (i.e. he refuses to even acknowledge that whites are superior to other races, simply stating "I believe that Americans are superior at being Americans", and also flatly denies any inspiration from or ideological association with Adolf Hitler. He also talks about how Patriot Front has rules against members even discussing guns/firearms among themselves, specifically to insulate them against a common vector of FBI infiltration and attack which they've used in the past against right-wing groups). He appears very calm and reasonable throughout, and overall comes off very well in my opinion, which judging by the comments is the consensus view.

If Rousseau is not a Fed, he is something of a prodigy as a political organizer/leader/activist/spokesman. If he is a Fed, he is an extremely gifted actor, one who is inexplicably squandering both his valuable talents and reputation for no clear gain. After watching this interview, it's hard for me to believe that Rousseau himself is a Fed, although I've no doubt that despite the careful vetting process he talks about Patriot Front doing with its prospective members, that FBI or other Federal agents have almost certainly infiltrated the organization and are busily attempting to subvert/sabotage it as best they can. For that reason alone, I would not recommend any young men to become involved with them, unless they truly felt moved to do so despite the risks.
Rousseau, at 1 hour in says he is not religious. Believes in the physical existence of Christ as a historical figure and as important..
But isn't religious personally.

So I think PBD pretty much nails it, he is a white nationalists.

He's not really "America first" to me. He is white (European) first.

Rousseau is fairly polished, but his non committal statements seem very funny for me.

His definition of "American" is also not aligned with what the Founding Fathers said. "white" was Scottish and British. Not German/swedish ECT.

So is white first.

Thats fine. And I get his tactic... But it's not really accurate to move the goal post as far as I can see.

Him pretending to not know who Tim Scott is, is complete bullshit.

Personally I still don't trust him.

PBDs indian example was retarded though. It didn't do anything to support his point. None of that makes sense... Legal immigration, with tons of H1Bs... Is still very bad. Rousseau's counter was on point.

Eta... The final 5 minutes don't fair well for PBD however. and I tend to agree with Rousseau here.

But... PBD is correct In that Rousseau is "white first" ... I understand why Rousseau is not willing to accept that claim.

Overall PBD did him a favor fed or not by having him on.
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Rousseau, at 1 hour in says he is not religious. Believes in the physical existence of Christ as a historical figure and as important..
But isn't religious personally.

Pretty crazy how I didn't ever need to listen to more than 10 seconds of this Rousseau to figure this one out, all the way at the start of this thread, isn't it? It was easy to tell just from the imagery of the group, plus the ideological history of White Nationalism in America, as their arguments are easily recognized if one knows this man:

100% of all White Nationalist arguments were summed up, or created by this guy. His influence is far beyond the people who have ever heard of him. For example, the argument that religion has served it's purpose and can no longer help the White man because altruism is killing the race originates with him. He was a staunch Atheist.

He also was a massive apologist for Hitler, hated Talmuds, and was almost 100% blackpilled. He argued that with the defeat of Hitler, it was likely the White race was ruined forever and would likely go extinct. He was so blackpilled he refused to have kids, even though he was married. Basically every argument we hear from @It_Is_My_Time was already stated by Oliver first, although Oliver was a masterful writer (no offense to IIMT).

Regardless, while the arguments of White Nationalists can be persuasive, ultimately it's their lack of faith in God which is their downfall and makes them ideologically and spiritually bankrupt. They cannot justify their own existence or purpose in any meaningful way other than "WHITE GOOD," so it's really no surprise when they cannot muster the courage and will to reproduce.
Regardless, while the arguments of White Nationalists can be persuasive, ultimately it's their lack of faith in God which is their downfall and makes them ideologically and spiritually bankrupt. They cannot justify their own existence or purpose in any meaningful way other than "WHITE GOOD," so it's really no surprise when they cannot muster the courage and will to reproduce.
Painting with quite the broad brush there, @Samseau.

It'd be like me, if I were a non-believer, basing my view of Christianity on Milo Yiannopolos.
It'd be like me, if I were a non-believer, basing my view of Christianity on Milo Yiannopolos.

No, it would be like basing your view of Christianity on C.S. Lewis, who had the most reach and influence on Christian apologetics in the 20th century. That's how huge Oliver is for WN ideology.

I thought PBD did an awesome job interviewing Rousseau. One of the best interviews I’ve heard in quite some time. Despite Rousseau demonstrating high intelligence and persuasion/influence capabilities for a young man, he also clearly revealed his views are white first and US second in his priority order. I still think the PF organization is Fed bait for what it’s worth.
I thought PBD did an awesome job interviewing Rousseau. One of the best interviews I’ve heard in quite some time. Despite Rousseau demonstrating high intelligence and persuasion/influence capabilities for a young man, he also clearly revealed his views are white first and US second in his priority order. I still think the PF organization is Fed bait for what it’s worth.
One of the commenters correctly stated:

When any country"s founding culture becomes so diluted it is no longer common, you cease to have a country. This was always the goal of limitless immigration.

This is the point. I also think a lot of people pay lip service to a lot of "American" things that are really just side issues to the only real important thing, which proves the point: economy. If people didn't make more here, or a lot more, or have a higher standard of living, do you think we'd ever hear about "freedom of speech" or "freedom of religion"? It's actually sort of a joke when you think about it.
Rousseau's argument is that by the historical definition, an "American" means a white person born in or naturalized into the United States of America. Which is true. Until the last few decades, this was how the word was used and widely understood. This is also why we had terms like, "African-American" and "Asian-American" in the first place, to clearly differentiate those races from the standard white "American".

He explicitly says he is not "pro-white" in the sense of promoting some sort of pan-European racial unity, nor does he embrace the concept of white supremacy. His interests are specifically in advocating for "Americans". So in one sense it's fair to say he is "pro-white", because by his definition only whites qualify as Americans. But it's also sort of inaccurate, because he is clearly focused on the issue from a national rather than a racial perspective (i.e. you never hear him talking about brotherhood or solidarity with whites in Europe).
To the surprise of no one, it's now confirmed that the National Socialist Movement (NSM) was crawling with federal informants. Apparently, federal informants received (the date of the document is unclear) $150/month for services and up to $100/month for expenses.

Cliff Herrington, one of the founders of the NSM, married Andrea Herrington a.k.a. Maxine Dietrich. This woman founded a Satanic cult called the Joy of Satan Ministries. Anyone who has spent time on Bitchute has undoubtedly run into Joy of Satan trolls. I noticed at least one of their members ("Sexy Slave") posting on Roosh V and Dr. E. Michael Jones' Bitchute channels.
To the surprise of no one, it's now confirmed that the National Socialist Movement (NSM) was crawling with federal informants. Apparently, federal informants received (the date of the document is unclear) $150/month for services and up to $100/month for expenses.

Cliff Herrington, one of the founders of the NSM, married Andrea Herrington a.k.a. Maxine Dietrich. This woman founded a Satanic cult called the Joy of Satan Ministries. Anyone who has spent time on Bitchute has undoubtedly run into Joy of Satan trolls. I noticed at least one of their members ("Sexy Slave") posting on Roosh V and Dr. E. Michael Jones' Bitchute channels.
$150 per month? That's all it takes to get someone to stab their fellow man in the back? Unbelievable.
$150 per month? That's all it takes to get someone to stab their fellow man in the back? Unbelievable.
Well, like I said, I don't know when that document was dated. It looks like it was produced via a typewriter, so I'm assuming that it was drafted in the 70s/80s. Informants probably get a bit more money these days, but not much. I remember reading articles about how KKK informants were living in trailer parks. An informant isn't a full-time job, it's more of a way for dishonorable people to supplement their income.
$150 per month? That's all it takes to get someone to stab their fellow man in the back? Unbelievable.

That was a lot of money back in 1965, which is the only date in the article.

According to the official inflation calculator, https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=150&year1=196501&year2=202405

$150 in 1965 = ~$1500 in 2024.

$1500 a month is chump change for our rulers, but can practically cover some guy's rent nowadays. The only way for Whites not to be Judas's is to have faith in Christ, by the way. Otherwise the 30 pieces of silver is too tempting.
@Samseau Revilo P. Oliver was an interesting post-war figure. I've read through a few of his works. He's prescient in his coverage of jewry but he explores little new ground there except for the WW2 stuff.

Where does he state that he did not choose to have children because of the defeat of Hitler? He married his wife in 1930, 15 years before the end of WW2 so something may have been wrong with his wife. Perhaps out of loyalty to her he did not remarry. Oliver did express pessimistic views about the future of the White race, but there is no source that specifically claims he personally refused to have children because he believed the defeat of Hitler would spell doom for their future. The only quote I can find that corroborates your claim is this one:

"In 1917, a sleazy shyster, whom the Jews had cleverly
installed in the White House, proclaimed a holy "war to end
wars”! The witless Americans, maddened as their holy men
howled for blood, as usual, stampeded into Europe, believing in
their frenzy that the Antichrist had become incarnate in the
German Kaiser and his nation. No one needs to be reminded
what profits that jihad brought to the Jews.

Again, in our own time, when the Germans tried to make
themselves independent of their Jewish parasites, the Jews
proclaimed a holy war for the stupid Aryans in the rest of the
world and incited them to a blind rage against the satanic nation
that dared not to venerate God’s Holy Race. In their fratricidal
delirium, the crazed Aryans not only fought with the mindless
fury of a holy war, but repudiated all their own racial sense of
fairness and honor, degrading themselves to the level of the
Huns and the Mongols, whose perfidious savagery they had once
contemned. Thus did the frenzied Aryans consummate what is

likely to have been the Suicide of the West and the irreversible
doom of our race. Now, after that appalling outbreak of suicidal
madness, the Jews happily suck out the economic blood of the
stultified Aryans everywhere, demand that the cowering white
men believe even such obscene fictions as the “Holocaust,” and
ever more openly display their just contempt for brutes who

can so easily be stampeded to their own destruction. "

We cannot trust wikipedia sources for all the claims. His contributions to the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) are noteworthy, this organization has taken a frontline stance against holocaustianity going back almost 50 years since organized jewry started pushing that narrative.

However, suggesting that an atheist formed the basis of "WN Ideology" and it hasn't changed from that is not accurate. I can trace the influences in Oliver's writings to many previous figures, like these:

Madison Grant (1865-1937): a prominent American eugenicist and author of "The Passing of the Great Race" (1916). His work argued for the preservation of the "Nordic race" and had a significant impact on American and European racial thinking. Grant’s ideas about racial hierarchy and the need for racial purity resonated with Oliver, and Grant's views on race and eugenics certainly would have shaped some of Oliver's.

link to book pdf:
https://ia801801.us.archive.org/17/...-great-race/The Passing of the Great Race.pdf

Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950): an American historian and eugenicist, known for his book "The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy" (1920). He warned of the dangers posed by non-white populations to Western civilization. Stoddard’s racialist views and concern about the decline of white dominance pre-dated Oliver's perspective on race and demographics.

link to book pdf:

Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927): a British-German philosopher and writer known for his book "The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" (1899). He espoused ideas of Aryanity and anti-Semïtism. Chamberlain’s work contributed to the intellectual foundation of racialist and western nationalist ideologies almost identical to what Oliver later adopted and propagated.

link to book pdf:
https://dn790000.ca.archive.org/0/i...ntury Vol 1 - Housten Stewart Chamberlain.pdf

Henry Ford (1863-1947): American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company published "The International jew: The World's Foremost Problem" (1920-1922), a series of articles promoting anti-Semïtic conspiracy theories. Ford’s anti-Semïtic writings were widely read and influential in the American far-right, awakening anti-jewish sentiments prior to the ones that Oliver espoused.

link to book pdf vol 1: (the world's foremost problem)

link to book pdf vol 2: (jewish activities in the United States)

link to book pdf vol 3: (jewish Influences in American Life)

link to book pdf vol 4: (Aspects of jewish power in the United States)

Oswald Spengler (1880-1936): German historian and philosopher is known for his work "The Decline of the West" (1918-1922), which argued that Western civilization was in decline. Spengler’s ideas about cultural and civilizational decline can be traced as an influence point to Oliver’s pessimistic views on the future of Western civilization.

link to book pdf part 1: Form and Actuality:
https://ia601002.us.archive.org/32/...ory/Oswald Spengler - Decline Of The West.pdf

link to book pdf part 2: Perspectives of World History

Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953) a British-French writer and historian known for his critical views on jewish influence in Western societies, as expressed in his book "The jews" (1922). Belloc’s work contributed to Oliver’s countersemitic beliefs and his perception of jewish influence as harmful to Western culture (jew Spielberg also named his villain in Raiders after this guy in typical jewish-revenge fashion).

link to book pdf:

Francis Parker Yockey (1917-1960): an American political theorist and author of "Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics" (1948), advocating for a unified, white, European superstate. Yockey’s neo-fascist ideas and critique of American foreign policy also pre-dated resonated Oliver’s own published views on race and civilization.

link to book pdf:

William Dudley Pelley (1890-1965): founder of the Silver Legion of America (Silver Shirts), a paramilitary organization promoting fascism and anti-Semïtism in the United States during the 1930s. Pelley’s organization and his ideas about White nationalism influenced the development of far-right movements in America, which Oliver later engaged with.

All of these men preceded Oliver. Grant and Ford were Episcopalians, Stoddard and Spengler were Protestant, Chamberlain was initially an Anglican as common in England, Belloc was a Roman Catholic, not much is known about Yockey's beliefs, and Pelley was a bit of a kook, but none of them were atheists, Oliver was the first at that. All of these men had influences too, which I will spare the reader of this post from listing.

Since that is not enough to convince Orthodox Christians of this validity, here are several Orthodox writers in the same racialist and nationalist vein who were significant long before professor Oliver began his writings:

Konstantin Pobedonostsev (1827-1907): A Russian Orthodox, Pobedonostsev was a prominent statesman and advisor to Tsars Alexander III and Nicholas II. He was a staunch defender of autocracy, Orthodoxy, and Russian nationalism, promoted policies that were anti-Semïtic and aimed at Russification, and he opposed liberal reforms and Western influences.

Ivan Ilyin (1883-1954) Another Russian Orthodox, Ilyin was a Russian philosopher and émigré who developed a form of nationalist and monarchist ideology. He was a critic of Bolshevism, jewish power, liberal democracy, and advocated for a spiritually and culturally unified Russia under a strong, autocratic leader. His ideas have seen a resurgence in some nationalist circles in modern Russia.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (1899-1938) A Romanian Orthodox, Codreanu was the founder of the Iron Guard, a far-right, ultranationalist, and fascist movement in Romania. The Iron Guard combined Romanian Orthodox Christian with justified anti-Semiïism and extreme nationalism. Codreanu viewed Orthodoxy as an integral part of Romanian national identity and ideology. He was one of the few leaders of these groups other than Hitler to leave behind a large enough work of personal writings.

Oliver's writings on Christianity being thoroughly jewish are another example of post-war hucksters corrupting the cause that the Axis fought for and taking this fight and inserting his own personal atheistic bias into it. It was the protection of Christianity over communism that they fought for primarily. Oliver's influence on American white nationalism may seem significant because he articulated and propagated ideas that were adapted to the American socio-political landscape, however his atheism and rejection of Christianity also mark a divergence from the European fascist movements which were all Christian. (Romanian Iron Guard= Orthodox, Spanish Falangist = Catholic, Belgian Rexist = Catholic, Italian Fascist = Catholic, German NSDAP = Catholic/Protestant, Ustase = Catholic, Hungarian Arrow Cross = Catholic, Latvian Arajs Kommandos = Protestants, Bulgarian National Union = Orthodox, Portuguese Estado Novo = Catholic, Serbian White Hand = Orthodox, Greek 4th of August Regime, and in addition the Hellenic National Socialist Party = Orthodox).

He shouldn't be considered the progenitor for these ideas, as they certainly weren't his. We can admire his writing when he's not criticizing Christianity like below, where I posted some more quotes by him about Washington which demonstrate his keen perception of political affairs:

'When I left the mephitic atmosphere of Washington late in 1945, I had no great misgivings about the future of our nation. On the basis of the best estimates that I could then make, I was confident that our future was assured by a popular reaction which I deemed inevitable within the next five years. I felt certain that the secrets of Washington would quickly become known and that our nation would be swept with moral indignation and revulsion when Americans saw exposed to the light of day even a small part of the foul record of the diseased creature that had squatted in the White House for so many years, surrounded by his appalling gang of degenerates, traitors, and alien subversives.

I knew that the secret of Pearl Harbor would be quickly disclosed, and that Americans would soon know how the Japanese had been maneuvered and tricked into destroying our fleet and killing so many of our men. I was sure that the public would soon learn of the old conspiracy between Roosevelt and Churchill (who was at that time a private citizen in what was still Great Britain), and also of Roosevelt's persistent efforts from 1936 to 1939 to get started in Europe the insanely fratricidal war that devastated that continent, that destroyed so much of what is the most precious and irreplaceable treasure of any race -- the genetic heritage of its best men -- and that inflicted on our own country a great squandering of life and wealth in a war that was deliberately conducted to assure the defeat of the United States and Great Britain no less than that of France and Germany. I was sure that we would quickly, once peace had come, see that we had fought for the sole purpose of imposing the beasts of Bolshevism on a devastated land. I was sure that we would quickly see the nature of the great treason trap called the United Nations. I thought that decent men's stomachs would turn when they learned of the officially admitted strategy of the British government which, in deliberate violation of all the conventions of civilized warfare, had initiated the vicious bombing of unprotected German cities for the express purpose of slaughtering so many defenseless German civilians that the German government would be forced to bomb unprotected British cities and slaughter enough helpless British civilians to work up in Great Britain some enthusiasm for the suicidal war that the British government was imposing on its reluctant people -- the first example in history, I believe, of a government at war deliberately having its own citizens massacred for the purposes of propaganda. I thought that the truth about such domestic outrages as the infamous Sedition Trial in Washington would necessarily become known, and excite the feelings that such crimes must excite in the breasts of decent men.

And I was sure that a thousand other infamies, unsurpassed and only rarely equaled in recorded history, would be disclosed with the result that all the steamships outward bound from our shores would, within a few years, be crowded to their very rails with hordes of vermin desperately fleeing from the wrath of an aroused and angry nation.

In 1945 I really believed that by the year 1952 no American could hear the name of Roosevelt without a shudder or utter it without a curse. You see; I was wrong.'