Respectfully I have to disagree with your premise.I understand but the inverse is true, I know plenty of western young men not of my culture who married good women and raised beautiful families. I also know men of my culture who married absolute trash and I know men of my culture who are desperate to get married and nobody will have them.
It goes both ways. You have to make yourself valuable to a good woman. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that values haven't devolved with women in modern society but it's not as simple as that and if you just concede to that it's not going to work out well for you.
Of course there will always be exceptions to the rule but your basic premise of "just be a good man and a good woman will find her way to you" is by and large not something that works in the west.
In western countries I have observed with my own eyes many high quality men married to garbage tier women. There simply aren't enough quality women to go around in Western countries as the ratio of high quality men to high quality women is absurdly out of wack (in favour of women). The inverse is also true in certain countries.
I have traveled a lot and in many third world countries you have an inverse situation and so you see a lot of high quality women married to garbage tier men and often its accelerated by cultural taboos where women get shamed for dating outside their culture or social circle so that the only choices they have are garbage tier men. Albanians are a prime example of this. You see a lot of low IQ Albanian guys who dress and act like thugs, do drugs, smoke like a chimney, lie, cheat on their wives and scam others and they are married to beautiful young virgins who learned how to cook traditional food from their grandmothers.
The place you grew up in (country, culture, etc) has far more influence on average over the type of woman that will be available to you than any objective qualities that you either have or lack as a man. Its like if you at random pick a man living in Sub-Saharan Africa and at random pick a man living in U.S.A. probably at least 98% of the time the American man will be earning more money. Sure there will be fringe cases where the African earns more money for example if you happened to pick an African who was a brain surgeon and an American who worked at McDonalds but those are going to be rare exceptions.
By the way I am not saying that your qualities as a man don't matter, I am just saying that on average where you grew up and where you currently live are an orders of magnitude more important than any other factors in terms of your access to quality women. In some countries men have it so easy that its basically a case of "just try not to fuck it up" whereas other countries its bordering on mission impossible.
In an Anglosphere country finding a woman who is young, say maximum 23, attractive, virgin and willing to get married at a young age, and willing to marry an older man that would literally be something like 1 in 10,000 women and I am not even exaggerating. So you are basically looking for a needle in a haystack to begin with then if you even find the woman there are likely to be a lot of other suitors to compete with. Its basically an impossible task. Then there are other countries where you see women that fit the above criteria on an almost weekly basis.
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