Older Men, Younger Women

I understand but the inverse is true, I know plenty of western young men not of my culture who married good women and raised beautiful families. I also know men of my culture who married absolute trash and I know men of my culture who are desperate to get married and nobody will have them.

It goes both ways. You have to make yourself valuable to a good woman. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that values haven't devolved with women in modern society but it's not as simple as that and if you just concede to that it's not going to work out well for you.
Respectfully I have to disagree with your premise.

Of course there will always be exceptions to the rule but your basic premise of "just be a good man and a good woman will find her way to you" is by and large not something that works in the west.

In western countries I have observed with my own eyes many high quality men married to garbage tier women. There simply aren't enough quality women to go around in Western countries as the ratio of high quality men to high quality women is absurdly out of wack (in favour of women). The inverse is also true in certain countries.

I have traveled a lot and in many third world countries you have an inverse situation and so you see a lot of high quality women married to garbage tier men and often its accelerated by cultural taboos where women get shamed for dating outside their culture or social circle so that the only choices they have are garbage tier men. Albanians are a prime example of this. You see a lot of low IQ Albanian guys who dress and act like thugs, do drugs, smoke like a chimney, lie, cheat on their wives and scam others and they are married to beautiful young virgins who learned how to cook traditional food from their grandmothers.

The place you grew up in (country, culture, etc) has far more influence on average over the type of woman that will be available to you than any objective qualities that you either have or lack as a man. Its like if you at random pick a man living in Sub-Saharan Africa and at random pick a man living in U.S.A. probably at least 98% of the time the American man will be earning more money. Sure there will be fringe cases where the African earns more money for example if you happened to pick an African who was a brain surgeon and an American who worked at McDonalds but those are going to be rare exceptions.

By the way I am not saying that your qualities as a man don't matter, I am just saying that on average where you grew up and where you currently live are an orders of magnitude more important than any other factors in terms of your access to quality women. In some countries men have it so easy that its basically a case of "just try not to fuck it up" whereas other countries its bordering on mission impossible.

In an Anglosphere country finding a woman who is young, say maximum 23, attractive, virgin and willing to get married at a young age, and willing to marry an older man that would literally be something like 1 in 10,000 women and I am not even exaggerating. So you are basically looking for a needle in a haystack to begin with then if you even find the woman there are likely to be a lot of other suitors to compete with. Its basically an impossible task. Then there are other countries where you see women that fit the above criteria on an almost weekly basis.
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Respectfully I have to disagree with your premise.

Of course there will always be exceptions to the rule but your basic premise of "just be a good man and a good woman will find her way to you" is by and large not something that works in the west.

In western countries I have observed with my own eyes many high quality men married to garbage tier women. There simply aren't enough quality women to go around in Western countries as the ratio of high quality men to high quality women is absurdly out of wack (in favour of women). The inverse is also true in certain countries. I have traveled a lot and in many third world countries you have an inverse situation and so you see a lot of high quality women married to garbage tier men and often its accelerated by cultural taboos where women get shamed for dating outside their culture or social circle so that the only choices they have are garbage tier men. Albanians are a prime example of this. You see a lot of low IQ Albanian guys who dress and act like thugs, do drugs, smoke like a chimney, lie, cheat on their wives and scam others and they are married to beautiful young virgins who learned how to cook traditional food from their grandmothers.

The place you grew up in (country, culture, etc) has far more influence on average over the type of woman that will be available to you than objective qualities that you either have or lack as a man. Its like if you at random pick a man living in Sub-Saharan Africa and at random pick a man living in U.S.A. probably at least 98% of the time the American man will be earning more money. Sure there will be fringe cases where the African earns more money for example if you happened to pick an African who was a brain surgeon and an American who worked at McDonalds but those are going to be rare exceptions.

By the way I am not saying that your qualities as a man don't matter, I am just saying that on average where you grew up and where you currently live are an orders of magnitude more important than any other factors in terms of your access to quality women. In some countries men have it so easy that its basically a case of "just try not to fuck it up" whereas other countries its bordering on mission impossible.

There will always be exceptions but my experience in life has been that bad people end up with bad people and good people end up with good people. When a bad person tries to pull the wool over a good persons eyes and trap them in it never works out, the good person usually sniffs it out just naturally and walks away.

I think you're selling yourself short and worrying too much about what you can't control vs what you can control. I think if you went back home and surrounded yourself with good people and started doing the things that good people do and congregate where they congregate putting yourself in those situations you would definitely find a good woman. There doesn't have to be one for everyone there only needs to be one for you, you only need one woman right? But that being said if you're looking for perfect....well I don't know what to tell you there nobody is perfect.

Also I know you're just using the Albanians as a basic example but don't look at those people as any type of normal measure, this will sound cruel but so be it....Albanians are gypsies they are not people to be taking any cues or example from. Think about it, have you ever met a normal Albanian? They are either the craziest person you've ever met or the weirdest person you've ever met, I've personally never met a normal one and we have a large contingent of them here in Metro Detroit. Anyone I say this to agrees with me, they have never met a normal Albanian.
There will always be exceptions but my experience in life has been that bad people end up with bad people and good people end up with good people. When a bad person tries to pull the wool over a good persons eyes and trap them in it never works out, the good person usually sniffs it out just naturally and walks away.
It sounds like just world fallacy. I think you are just trying to see the world through rose tinted glasses, its not what I'm observing in general.

I think you're selling yourself short and worrying too much about what you can't control vs what you can control. I think if you went back home and surrounded yourself with good people and started doing the things that good people do and congregate where they congregate putting yourself in those situations you would definitely find a good woman. There doesn't have to be one for everyone there only needs to be one for you, you only need one woman right? But that being said if you're looking for perfect....well I don't know what to tell you there nobody is perfect.
Hope is not a valid strategy. And I do worry about what I can control, the biggest factors of which are being in the right location and being in a sound financial position. If you manage to find the right country and within that country the right city/town and can stay there a while your chances of finding the right woman to marry increase exponentially. Its like with fishing if you go to fish in a location with lots of fish its exponentially easier to catch a fish.... The same logic applies here.
Also I know you're just using the Albanians as a basic example but don't look at those people as any type of normal measure, this will sound cruel but so be it....Albanians are gypsies they are not people to be taking any cues or example from. Think about it, have you ever met a normal Albanian? They are either the craziest person you've ever met or the weirdest person you've ever met, I've personally never met a normal one and we have a large contingent of them here in Metro Detroit. Anyone I say this to agrees with me, they have never met a normal Albanian.
Yes I largely agree with what you are saying about Albanians being strange people. And yes as you pointed out I was just using them as a basic example you can make the same point by looking at Ukrainians, Russians, Colombians, etc. Lots of garbage tier men in those countries punching well above their weight.
It sounds like just world fallacy. I think you are just trying to see the world through rose tinted glasses, its not what I'm observing in general.

Hope is not a valid strategy. And I do worry about what I can control, the biggest factors of which are being in the right location and being in a sound financial position. If you manage to find the right country and within that country the right city/town and can stay there a while your chances of finding the right woman to marry increase exponentially. Its like with fishing if you go to fish in a location with lots of fish its exponentially easier to catch a fish.... The same logic applies here.

Brother you obviously feel very strongly about this I don't think I'm going to change your mindset, we can agree to disagree. I suppose I'll simply leave you with the advice that you should be more positive and not fixate on negative, you don't need perfect to be happy and people generally don't gravitate to negative people. I hope you find what you are looking for.
This is everything. You live in a good country/culture and therefore have only seen a healthy sexual marketplace. I’m not sure if you’ve even stepped foot in the west and even if you did it wasn’t for any decent amount of time.

Does the USA count as the west?

Well then I'm going to have to disagree considering I am a born and raised proud American, the life you live is what you make of it digging for excuses holds you back and it appears you didn't actually even read my words before deciding to dismiss them.

The fact that you are labeling it as a "sexual marketplace" is also telling and indicative of a problem.
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Does the USA count as the west?

Well then I'm going to have to disagree considering I am a born and raised proud American, the life you live is what you make of it digging for excuses holds you back and it appears you didn't actually even read my words before deciding to dismiss them.
I read your whole post I just focused on what I wanted to address.
The fact that you are labeling it as a "sexual marketplace" is also telling and indicative of a problem.
Oh shut the fuck up with your armchair psychology. It’s a phrase used on the RVF plenty, it’s meant to point out the balance between men and women in mating situations.
I read your whole post I just focused on what I wanted to address.

Oh shut the fuck up with your armchair psychology. It’s a phrase used on the RVF plenty, it’s meant to point out the balance between men and women in mating situations.

You obviously didn't because the quote you cherry picked I had spoken to being from Metro Detroit in that same post which tells me you can't even have an honest discussion.

This isn't rvf and I think you need to think about your response to a very simple criticism off your own words. Not the first time I've seen you fly off the handle over something simple that you just didnt want to hear, this has been a productive discussion in this thread I'm not interested in turning it combative. Thanks for your input.
…quality women

…Quality men

What’s that?

You guys sound like some Asian tiger mom. What is this checklist BS? A good man is basically a man who meets the threshold, same with women. That’s why the red pill is so popular in the first place because we forgot how things work. You ever wonder why some comedians are really good at their job? While others actually get hostility from the crowd? Human beings have instincts and your behavior makes a huge difference on how people respond to you. My mother lived in my grannies apartment when I was born. Talk about making the wrong choice amirite? /s

Are you easily frighted? Do you think assault against you is a police matter? Are you push over? Do you avoid conflict? Do you hold your tongue sometimes? Are you at time unsure and uncommitted? Do you avoid unfamiliar environments and situations? Do you need to talk things through? Are you constantly on the look out for danger? Are you unsure about who you will be able to talk to? Do you have a tendency to take the blame in situations? Do you lack a killer instinict, literally?

Answering no is the threshold.

You’re not getting laid for long. Your girlfriend/wife will cheat on you. She will also make it very miserable if she is actually stuck with you and you’re not just her shoulder to cry on. It doesn’t matter how quality you are. That’s why Albanian and Russian “losers” are able to have kids and some of us don’t.

Anyways good luck to anyone looking for a quality woman. Next time try asking yourself, instead of judging her, how she makes you feel. Masculine or like a puppy? That’s the threshold for a woman.
In western countries I have observed with my own eyes many high quality men married to garbage tier women. There simply aren't enough quality women to go around in Western countries as the ratio of high quality men to high quality women is absurdly out of wack (in favour of women). The inverse is also true in certain countries.
A lot of this is calibration of self rating and what men expect, again, some of which is confounded by men's competitiveness but also by their having traits or "qualities" that are based on other things, some of which are subjective. I would argue mostly that men can be more objectively measured, given that height is the most important physical trait if you aren't butt ugly, and resources/career are also objective, and matter the most to women. Where the wrench is thrown in, in the modern day, is that women mostly bypass their objective quality, which is youth. To put it a different way, men almost always have to have resources (esp given the modern day clown world where women have some baseline of enough that really messes things up), but men are left without much objective valuation for women, since they almost never get young women. I speak of the west, like Australia Suck, of course. The cherry on top of younger women not picking slightly older men and then sticking with them to their career heights is that older men, having achieved, of course aren't going to settle now that they have literally a finished product/guaranteed money. The social taboo or lack of thought process (if this young girl is legit) like the girl in the video - who says that women should just try to marry good, wealthy older men who by definition are ready to settle and be good husbands - of course puts the kibosh on the whole scenario.
By the way I am not saying that your qualities as a man don't matter, I am just saying that on average where you grew up and where you currently live are an orders of magnitude more important than any other factors in terms of your access to quality women. In some countries men have it so easy that its basically a case of "just try not to fuck it up" whereas other countries its bordering on mission impossible.
Yes, if the women know they need a man and at their best (young) will attempt to attract him, plus if they are genetically good, it means the environment is good. In the west maybe you have a window of luck, sadly it ends around 33, which of course then begs the question about how fast you matured in life AND when you had the career or loot. The thing people don't re-calibrate is that in societies where younger women are both heavier, work jobs, and have higher expectations for no reason (the west), they will also postpone and that ends up with just some really small remnant that as men age they get socially pushed out of in terms of both meeting them at all and if they even do, the taboo from friends and family regarding "how much older" the man is.
There will always be exceptions but my experience in life has been that bad people end up with bad people and good people end up with good people. When a bad person tries to pull the wool over a good persons eyes and trap them in it never works out, the good person usually sniffs it out just naturally and walks away.
Who knows what this means, "bad" and "good." I think generally ratings get together with one another, but it's also natural for the woman to be slightly "better looking" but also because that's very time limited, something people rarely talk about. Because women make money now it's hard for people to calibrate the looks thing to the manly provider bonus a man should get.
If you manage to find the right country and within that country the right city/town and can stay there a while your chances of finding the right woman to marry increase exponentially. Its like with fishing if you go to fish in a location with lots of fish its exponentially easier to catch a fish.... The same logic applies here.
Yes, I've come to the realization that one needs to go to a handful of places in the world that are left in order to get something commensurate to his value, and this takes a lot of work and/or has tradeoffs, and it will be only a small portion of people. A small crowd just behind this will just go to fun places where they can at least get short term relationships, since that is likely easier and you don't have to worry about sticking it out long term, family, raising kids and being with a woman for extended time, etc.
Anyways good luck to anyone looking for a quality woman. Next time try asking yourself, instead of judging her, how she makes you feel. Masculine or like a puppy? That’s the threshold for a woman.
Sandalwood is fairly black pilled. The way I see it, there will be probably one last chance for a decent number of guys on the forum, probably at the end of the decade. Then they'll decide to just live life out and perhaps just be happy with peace and freedom.
@Blade Runner When I say bad and good I mean as a person, not physically. Everyone knows what is right and what is wrong, it's your choice as to what you are going to do and if it's someone that doesn't know right from wrong....well yea time to run.
Sandalwood is fairly black pilled. The way I see it, there will be probably one last chance for a decent number of guys on the forum, probably at the end of the decade. Then they'll decide to just live life out and perhaps just be happy with peace and freedom.
I’m not talking about the state of women, I’m talking about how to get a woman. We have to get back to the basics.

This is something I learned about the “fear of women”. No one is actually truly afraid to talk to girls unless you’re afraid to talk to everyone.

The reason men get scared around women is because first they’re not getting choosing signals and a lot of the women they do talk to are basically rejecting their masculinity. You can feel it as it’s happening.

In the most simplest language: If girls are not interested in you, if they’re very hard to talk to, it means your masculinity is severely lacking. You don’t present yourself as a man. It’s not black and white but it’s the fundamental truth. Yes there’s all kinds of exceptions and special circumstances. Yes, in the west there are lot of crazy stuck up whores. The fundamentals are still solid though.

So hypothetically how would you get women to give you choosing signals? For most men is you have exert enough masculine energy to make women interested. Reputation is even good enough. Even stupid things like flexing muscles and being able to raise your voice in a controlled manner.

So when you talk to a woman if you’re masculine enough she will show submissive traits that will encourage you rather than make you afraid.

Most times they don’t make it easy. They might be on the fence and it will be confusing. This is where you have to show initiative. At this point you have to escalate. Maybe you want have sex with her or better yet you want to see if you can lay claim to her. You want to see if you can make her follow you and listen to your instructions. This is the point where you find out if you’re compatible essentially.

So I don’t understand the mentality of shopping around for a quality woman. You shouldn’t be shopping, you should be testing women. If she’s willing to submit, you can then decide if you want her as a wife.

So no, quality women didn’t choose losers. On some level yes but more aptly what actually happened was some asshole, as we would call him, claimed her. That’s it and she submitted. Is she perfect angel? We can’t know that, because we haven’t seen her with a beta, it wouldn’t look pretty anyway. I would avoid even thinking about “good girls”. A “good girl” to one man is an evil heartless bitch to some orbiter somewhere.
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If girls are not interested in you, if they’re very hard to talk to, it means your masculinity is severely lacking.
It could be that they are just not very interesting, and that means they aren't interested in talking to certain men unless (there's the rub) ... but that doesn't' necessarily mean masculinity is lacking. For that encounter, that would be one of the suggestions, though, I get your point.
So when you talk to a woman if you’re masculine enough she will show submissive traits that will encourage you rather than make you afraid.
No, because you could be what I consider the definition of masculinity, outcome independence (with other good human traits), and she may still reject you. I think the modern woman is so out there in terms of uncalibrated that she mixes a combination of dark triad traits with "masculinity", and a part of unreasonable requests for attractiveness (whatever that is to her) regarding her total package.

Put another way, you could have more characteristics that are closer to Jesus Christ than not, and it seems to me that would on balance be a bad thing for the modern day. Do you disagree?

Of course, the rub here is that we are talking about the small %s of actually attractive and/or young women. Most less attractive and fat women generally aren't going to be harsh at all, since they can't afford to be in terms of attention.
Isn’t a woman supposed to be a man’s helper? Have you read the Bible? The Bible clearly points at God creating woman to be the helper of a man.
This is the main problem of the modern day. Whether their fault or not, most women in the west at least are raised to take on masculine characteristics, including compete with men. And they wonder why there are issues. The crazy thing about this is that even this could be overcome if women just set some of those things aside, and pursued men seriously at young ages. Once that went away, it was all set up for disaster, as I've explained many times around the forum.
There's a difference between a younger woman being awkward from inexperience talking to men, and a woman just being awkward and uninteresting in general. The former is a good thing, the latter is when you move on. Most women are actually pretty boring.

I've also had women reject me (sometimes even twice). Naturally I move on and then find out that they were actually really interested. Who knows (or cares) what's going on inside their heads. They sound exhausting to deal with. Let women like that be some other guy's problem. I'll take peace and quiet over that any day.
My issue is that as much as I enjoy being with a girl 10 years younger than me, I also want to make sure that once we have kids not the entire financial burden is on me. In other words I want the woman to have her own money or at least come from a rich family. Now that becomes infinitely harder.
My issue is that as much as I enjoy being with a girl 10 years younger than me, I also want to make sure that once we have kids not the entire financial burden is on me. In other words I want the woman to have her own money or at least come from a rich family. Now that becomes infinitely harder.
This is much easier said than done, but you should focus on your own finances and wait. You can have kids in your 30's, or even 40's, you have time on your side to build your wealth. Work and save as much as you can and look for investment opportunities.

This will make you much more attractive to women, and also allow a far wider array of women to choose from, as you can date women with less money and still not have the financial burden.

Again, I know this is easier said than done, but this is the path I am following.