I went to check out that dumpster fire on twitter.
The line of logic is amazing:
- Despite being in the top 5 STEM producing countries, and despite having a world renowned education system, the engineers in the United States are stupid and unmotivated. Just like the birth rate it doesn’t matter why.
- Therefore we need to import from places like India that is well known for it’s love for diploma mills, nepotism and laziness. In places like Thailand they avoid failing kids because it’s “shameful” for the family. Russia, despite producing lots of engineers, imports electrical components from Europe and America, the bankers literally prevent them from being utilized. This is what the rest of the world has to offer.
- He compares this need for the “best” talent pool to the NBA, implying that the only thing that matters is having some international A-Team in American companies. I’m assuming these new amazing products and methods of technological control will propel humanity forward and will benefit everyone in the end.
- Somehow this is moral and good to take all the doctors and engineers from the rest of the world.
- This is the guy that says AFD will save Germany.
Make it make sense. The guys is literally retarded (autistic).