Monarchy vs. Democracy: Are Both Obsolete?

The only reason autocrats like Putin have an approval rating over 70% is because they suppress nearly all legitimate competitors
Really? The ONLY reason?
So their actual job performance doesn't factor into it at all?

An approval rating does not translate into "percentage of votes." It's simply a thumbs up or thumbs down statement by the people living in the country.

Mitch McConnell is going to win his next election despite having a 6% approval rating.

An autocracy cannot exist with a single digit approval rating, that is the point. Analyzing the thing backwards by trying to suggest alternative reasons for the number being that high in the first place completely misses the point.
The only reason autocrats like Putin have an approval rating over 70% is because they suppress nearly all legitimate competitors before they even become widely known. In Russia, a few token Nazi or communist parties are allowed and that's about it. When the people don't know anything else, they tend to favor the incumbent.

Now whether this is a good thing or not is debatable. These autocrats range from mostly decent like Putin, to oppressive tyrants such as Xi, to everybody's worst nightmare like Kim Jong Un.

Disagree, the main reason Putin or Xi are popular at home is not because of lack of competition, but because these leaders work for the interests of their nation and people. Every generation of Russians or Chinese since they took over has been better off than the previous one.

As well these countries are subject to great foreign interference, esp in Russia's case, whose foreign enemies want to break up and steal its vast resources. Putin has prevented that, and that is why he is popular at home. The Chinese would have long turned into Taiwan or Japan, countries culturally colonized by globohomo, had the globalist moles in the CPC prevailed. Their leaders are smart though, they have defended their population from globohomo social engineering.

Putin has a PhD in Economics, his thesis was in the economic development of a resource-based economy, he's incredibly well-suited to oversee the ongoing economic development of his country. Compare that with clowns like Biden, Sunak/Truss/Boris, Macron, Scholz/Annalena, Trudeau, Meloni etc. These are the kind of slick lifetime actors and oligarch bootlickers who end up getting elected in "democracies", which invariably turn into kakistocratic oligarchies where their elites suppress their people and promote idiocracy.
Every generation of Russians or Chinese since they took over has been better off than the previous one.
Tell that to the Uighurs in Xi's concentration camps, or the Chinese Orthodox Christians who aren't even allowed to open another church. China is one of the last places I would want to live and it is only getting worse. Did you see the insane lockdowns there, so bad people were killing themselves jumping off balconies? Plus they now have a national surveillance system in place that can find you almost anywhere in the country within 5 minutes. I would take Japan, Taiwan, or the USA any day over living in China. China is just globohomo without the "homo" but with a massively oppressive state apparatus.
I would take Japan, Taiwan, or the USA any day over living in China. China is just globohomo without the "homo" but with a massively oppressive state apparatus.
Have you been to Taiwan? It's 99% identical to China. They have a different flag and... can't think of much else.

China is a nation of bug people, with its own issues, but do you really think its surveillance is any weaker than Americas? Do they have a giant storehouse that records every keystroke, telephone call, or text message you send, the way we do in Utah? Do its banks report cash transactions to the government automatically? Does it tax its nonresident citizens? Do you need permission to travel, from a TSA entity?

Anyway, if we are going to have a strong powerful government, I'll take a nationalist, socially positive one over a dystopian diversified homo tranny warmongering one every time. Maybe it takes a strong state to oppose degeneracy.

I don't know that China is getting worse though. Everything I've heard is quite the opposite. Jim Rogers even said it was the single country he'd place a bet on going forward. He's teaching his daughter Mandarin.
Tell that to the Uighurs in Xi's concentration camps, or the Chinese Orthodox Christians who aren't even allowed to open another church. China is one of the last places I would want to live and it is only getting worse. Did you see the insane lockdowns there, so bad people were killing themselves jumping off balconies? Plus they now have a national surveillance system in place that can find you almost anywhere in the country within 5 minutes. I would take Japan, Taiwan, or the USA any day over living in China. China is just globohomo without the "homo" but with a massively oppressive state apparatus.

There are no Uighur concentration camps, at least nothing like gitmo. The muslims in China are the lucky ones, they are the muslims who will never, ever get bombed. Instead of getting JDAMs, they get high-speed rail.

US free speech in 2024:

There are no Uighur concentration camps, at least nothing like gitmo. The muslims in China are the lucky ones, they are the muslims who will never, ever get bombed. Instead of getting JDAMs, they get high-speed rail.

US free speech in 2024:

China has re-education camps with forced labor and forced recitation of atheistic, Marxist propaganda. Where Uighurs are sent on even the slightest suspicion they are too religious or too nationalistic. Essentially, these are concentration camps, and these are by no means lucky people.

I personally know Uighurs from Urumqi, who have had family members disappear for months. Can you imagine what it's like having to watch every word in every WeChat message you send because otherwise big brother might think you're starting a revolution? If they're living abroad, the state might refuse to renew their passports, and you have to wonder what waits for you at the airport when you get home. I've heard of these things first-hand, no western country treats their people this bad. What use is high-speed rail when you live a life of constant fear?

Make no mistake about it, China is run by a godless, abusive regime. If things are so good for the average Chinese, why do they have to work themselves to the bone 72 hours a week just to scrape by?
But I am an advocate of sound money, and historically, gold is THE sound money. Gold may feel a bit anachronistic, as today many people have never even seen or held it, and it IS indeed just a "weird yellow metal" to them. We could use something like oil as a more modern substitute for the ancient yellow metal, but the principle is the same. Fixed resources are difficult to steal.
Fixed currencies are terribly easy to manipulate though, because if usury exists, there will be deflation, and there is either way going to be credit scarcity at some point. That's why I don't buy into the crypto revolution any more.
If you oppose parliamentary democracy, then the government having the ability to produce interest-free credit doesn't pose a problem, because people won't just buy votes from the useless people. I'd be more in favor of a work guarantee any way.

Gottfried Feder, a person little known today even though his manifest against interest was at one point called "the catechism of national socialism", pretty much described the problem, and I think the history of both the US and Germany vindicate him.

Whenever the state actively works to reduce private debt as much as possible and makes investments solely on the basis of strengthening the industrial sector, the market is allowed to breath and the productive segments of society are pulled back into action.

We've basically already figured out how to run an economy well, like, 150 years ago. Every good episode we've had didn't collapse because they weren't done right, but rather because interlopers ended them on purpose.

America after Lincoln, Germany after the Zollverein and then Bismarck, Germany after 1933, and then again Germany in the 50s and 60s all essentially used the same recipe with a couple of modifications. If the state, with control over the currency, lowers credit scarcity, sets standards for good wages, keeps private debt low and the streets safe, productivity goes up immensely. That seems to apply at least to countries with a largely European population, but possibly most others as well.

The "Austrian School is Hebrew nonsense" pill is tough to swallow in many dissident circles, but it's a necessary step in the evolution of thought.

We now have the luxury of being able to read primary sources from those periods and also the collected works of Michael Hudson, who, while suffering from plenty of boomerisms, has an excellent insight into the pre-jewish takeover inductive economic schools of thought.

EDIT: Christians shouldn't be ideological to begin with, and I've also come to the conclusion that metapolitical debate is largely useless. Ultimately, what you want is a good king, and Scripture goes to great lengths to explain to us that that is something God gives us.
Someone will take power and take good steps if society is repentant. If not, people will support the next dirtbag.
Democracy is definitely a spook and a ridiculous thing to believe in. "Western Democracies" are usually marked by the feature that the opinions of the elites and the general populace on political matters diverge very widely. They have very little to do with actually manifesting good outcomes, because relativism on what those outcomes should be is already baked into the cake.
That being said "antidemocracy" also isn't really a thing. A monarch can be corrupted, an autocratic president can, too.
Good governance is usually a confluence of different factors, the most important of which is a solid foundation in Christian morality. In its absense, there are no "good systems". The never ending debate about the parameters of good governance isn't really one for the masses and it was only created to give people a fake political identity that leads nowhere.
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China has re-education camps with forced labor and forced recitation of atheistic, Marxist propaganda. Where Uighurs are sent on even the slightest suspicion they are too religious or too nationalistic. Essentially, these are concentration camps, and these are by no means lucky people.

I personally know Uighurs from Urumqi, who have had family members disappear for months. Can you imagine what it's like having to watch every word in every WeChat message you send because otherwise big brother might think you're starting a revolution? If they're living abroad, the state might refuse to renew their passports, and you have to wonder what waits for you at the airport when you get home. I've heard of these things first-hand, no western country treats their people this bad. What use is high-speed rail when you live a life of constant fear?

Make no mistake about it, China is run by a godless, abusive regime. If things are so good for the average Chinese, why do they have to work themselves to the bone 72 hours a week just to scrape by?

There are 20,000 jihadi Uyghurs in Syria, they are funded by the US and proxies in order to start a separatist revolution in Xinjiang. Exactly the same picture as in Chechnya in the 90s.

The 996 culture is the same in Japan, where there is a literal term for being worked to death:

Chinese standards of living have been constantly rising, they now have a very large middle class. Workers wages in eastern cities went up tenfold in the last 2 decades.
The only reason autocrats like Putin have an approval rating over 70% is because they suppress nearly all legitimate competitors
Is this type of sentiment common in autocracies?
You can find similar headlines in most if not all western democracies.

Is this type of sentiment common in autocracies?
You can find similar headlines in most if not all western democracies.

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You wouldn't know if it is, because in autocracies they don't get to publish whatever they want. Plenty of people in the Soviet Union hated the state, but they were scared to talk about it because they didn't want to go to prison, or worse. But they would talk about it with their friends. Carefully of course, due to the risk of informers.

You guys keep emphasizing how bad it is in the West and you're not wrong. But as long as headlines like this are allowed, you can't suggest we're some dystopia. That may not be the case in 20 years, but today it is.
How does one know autocracy is bad if it's impossible to hear bad news about autocracy? That is circular logic.
What I meant is you wouldn't know if it's bad from only the country's news like in your example. As I said you have to talk to the people directly. Or you can look at dissidents who live abroad, various Telegram groups and social media, etc. You might never get a complete picture as with a country with free press, but there's enough out there to peruse if you want a general idea.

Even in the West, certain topics are effectively banned in all but the most fringe publications. This includes the JQ. You have to dig deep to figure out the JQ and go to sites such as this one.
Interesting subject, but isn't the Notion of Zionist Subversion in all of these Countrie a factor? They evidently have been maybe not Always, but a Driving Force in Meddling in the Affairs of Most Nations and least in the last 200 years their has been thar element distorting most of the Government or Ruling structures around the world, especially after the Advent of Modern Central Banking?

Granted this is I know is just a Incoherent observation lacking references, and getting a Good Documentation on a String Theory for lack of a better term of Jooish Subversion would be interesting...since IMHO they now are the Dark Principalities mentioned in Ephesians...

We know of their meddling in China at least since the 19th century maybe before? Japan as well. Anywhere where their is a Civilization to Subvert or Stuff to Plunder...
^ Both China and Russia have been deeply scarred by bolshevik culling of their upper classes and decades of communism degrading their social fabric. In China that degradation started a lot earlier with the opium trade, which was run by families like the Sassoons, Kadourie and Rothshilds

These people were most likely behind devastating civil wars like the Taiping Revolution, where they funded a kind of pseudo-Christian ISIS that went on a massive rampage with over 20 million deaths, and near complete destruction of the Chinese hinterland.

Still, both China and Russia are emerging as growing powers and their people have greatly benefitted from their governments policies.

Just like the Emphasis of the Italian Mafia in Media, Movies, etc., but from good historical Evidence the Jooish Mafia was the Driver of Organized Crime in the U.S.
Almost goes without saying they seem to be the Master of International Networking from their Worldwide Diaspora.

By Default they have to be the Dark Principalities at least Now? Their Actions and Power to Administer these Actions were proven over 3 years ago Worldwide. Some may say before, i.e. 9/11 maybe.
The best-run governments and best leaders in modern times, like Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, Putin or even Xi are quasi monarchs of their countries. The only aspect diverging from monarchy is that there is no hereditary aspect to their rule.

The main thing these rulers have is that
-they genuinely care about their people, and strive to preserve their nations and national interest.
-while they are not officially tied to the church or native official religion, they work in harmony with it and protect it against neoliberalism and foreign influence.

This kind of rule is called a timocracy, defined as the rule by heads of state who are driven by a sense of national duty and honor. Note that this definition has been corrupted in modern times and conflated with plutocracy, which is the rule by the rich. Rulers under a timocracy draw their mandates by abiding by these values of personal honor and national interest. This mandate is in accordance with the state religion, thus becoming a mandate from heaven.

Plato's Republic is an excellent read on this subject, he defines the "democratic man" as an average citizen-plebe that is driven by his impulses and is thus easy to manipulate through bread and circus. His work has definitely stood the test of time.
Xi doest give a crap about his people. He is a communist who only cares about his party and the Legacy. He's a nationalist in the sense that he wants China to be the superpower...