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I doubt that some kids are "bound and determined to go wrong". I would bet that these kids were traumatized at some point and no one took it seriously or were capable of intervening.
I know this is a popular theory. It's nature vs nurture. Some say it's 100% nurture. All kids have a natural tendency to turn out well, unless they are traumatized or raised badly in some way as a child.

I don't believe this at all. Some kids are just ornery from infancy. Some even violently, criminally ornery from the time they are old enough to toddle around and do things. I know too many families where the parents are clearly salt of the Earth Christians who have provided love, discipline, and a generally good upbringing, where some of the kids turn out well, and one or more are black sheep that were always that way. Some children are rebellious and troublesome no matter what.

Surely you know people like this personally, that you have known from early childhood, and have known their parents and brothers and sisters. I would assume one of your own siblings, or cousins, or aunts or uncles fits this description, or one of your childhood friends or acquaintances.

Trying Not To Laugh Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter