Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

"If I pick up the phone and it's an Indian..."

bill hader smirk GIF
My friend please do not use Russia for racist memes, russia has very strong bond with Africa and support anti racism anti colonialist party everywhere

Also Russia smo in Ukraine is to end neonazi globalist evil West, same people that make use and take resources of Africa for 300 years.

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The Black man is UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy who gave a speech at the UN denouncing Russian SMO as imperialism and used his racial identity as evidence of this accusation. This is a common tactic in the West imposed on White people for alleged crimes committed against all non-Whites on the planet, past and present.

Full speech:

The facial expression of your UN Ambassador is an appropriate response to this nonsense attempt to browbeat a nation to stop taking action that many understand once you study the history, along with the past and current actions of the Ukrainian government. Also if you look deeper into the forum, there are multiple memes of a similar kind showing Chinese, African, Arab representatives and leaders brushing off these juvenile attempts at lecturing and moral grandstanding. You said it yourself along with speeches from your president, Russia rages against anti-racism and anti- colonialist parties. This is the new way that the powers that be attempt to impose their will onto the world.

I addressed the meme and I don't want to derail this wonderful thread so...

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