Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

Sweden is offering $35k for every immigrant who voluntarily leaves. Doubt a single one will leave.

Saw an article saying they cost +$115k/year to tax-payers.

Going to my shithole country with $35k or live like a retiree in Sweden?
This might actually attract more immigrants because its a win win situation for them, the Polish way is better "You might get shot"
This might actually attract more immigrants because its a win win situation for them, the Polish way is better "You might get shot"
Yeah I think it’s immoral to offer a criminal and enemy of the people a bribe to go away. The proper answer is to say we’re going to hurt you if you don’t go away, but you have to be in control of the state to be in that position.
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I’m going to include contractors and restaurant managers who hire beaners. I’ve dealt with these people my whole life. They say that if they don’t hire them, their competitors will and they will lose out. These people make me absolutely sick to my stomach.
That piece of shit would get better American employees if he had better pay, benefits and working conditions. Not that complicated, but these guys make it complicated.
That piece of shit would get better American employees if he had better pay, benefits and working conditions. Not that complicated, but these guys make it complicated.
Amazing how greedy business owners keep gaslighting the public about how they have lazy jackass employees when they provide dogshit pay and treat their employees like dirt. Do you think normies are dumb enough to believe their bullshit gaslighting?