Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Reminder: France Is Actually a Terrifying Nuclear Power​

True. Although France didn't nuke Russia yet for all of the French soldiers killed in Ukraine thus far, so why will they just because they shift to an 'out in the open' war?

Remember, the argument for female voting was that it would be prevent future wars. That was back after WW1. We're almost at WW3 now, that's two WW's since women got the vote.

But if you are an upper class Russian living in the ritzy neighborhoods of Moscow your cost of living will be similar to an upper income American as the Mercedez Benz you buy will cost the same, your overseas vacations will cost the same, your Rolex watch will cost the same, etc. Not to mention most commodities such as oil, coffee, silver, copper etc have the same international price regardless of where you are in the world.

None of those luxuries matter for winning a war. Meanwhile, the commodities you've listed are all produced by Russia itself.

So they get to export these commodities on the open market with full prices, and then exchange more expensive currencies for their own currencies at home and make bank. That's why Russia's GDP has been growing while the EU has been shrinking for the past 3 years of war.

Russia's 15% interest rate on debt is to entice buyers because of the risk, since sanctions and funds being seized is a real risk, not because Russia is broke and cannot repay debts.
Remember, the argument for female voting was that it would be prevent future wars. That was back after WW1. We're almost at WW3 now, that's two WW's since women got the vote.

None of those luxuries matter for winning a war. Meanwhile, the commodities you've listed are all produced by Russia itself.

So they get to export these commodities on the open market with full prices, and then exchange more expensive currencies for their own currencies at home and make bank. That's why Russia's GDP has been growing while the EU has been shrinking for the past 3 years of war.

Russia's 15% interest rate on debt is to entice buyers because of the risk, since sanctions and funds being seized is a real risk, not because Russia is broke and cannot repay debts.

The high interest rates are more designed to slow down the Russian economy, which is "overheating", demand is too high and production is lagging, hence rise in prices (inflation).

This however is not a good policy, way too aggressive, because demand has outpaced supply mostly due to the shift from imports to domestic production, which takes time to set up. For instance, only today has auto production caught up with pre-war levels. For this reason, inflation should subside soon.
France and UK have nuclear bombs. If France or french soldiers are attacked nukes will fly. Nordic countries are enough to eat russia. But Russia should be a partner. They are christians and europeans. And russian woman are beautiful. Why destroy beautiful people and architecture?
I agreed! Why did this Ukrainian MP destroyed her natural boobs spent America's tax dollars for gigantic boobs?

So true. When you have "leaders" who don't have to go to the front-lines, ever, and many of which have never served, it makes it a lot easier to send someone else's kid off to die for your political power. These old women, demanding war with Putin, are really getting on my last nerves. It is the height of evil, satanic at its core, and I hope more good people start to call them out for the demonic behavior they are displaying. Demanding young men go fight in a war, while they sit comfortably at home and feel good about themselves. It is time for these cowards to learn that sending other men off to die is evil and they will be socially ostracized for it.

Say what you will about Stalin, but he sent his own sons to the frontline.

Same goes for the Nazi leadership. Many of them had sons killed in the fighting.

JFK and George Bush Sr. had combat duty and was close to death in WW2 (JFK's older brother was killed).

I think WW2 was the last war that politicians and state leaders had real skin in the game. After that they got smart.
Say what you will about Stalin, but he sent his own sons to the frontline.

Same goes for the Nazi leadership. Many of them had sons killed in the fighting.

JFK and George Bush Sr. had combat duty and was close to death in WW2 (JFK's older brother was killed).

I think WW2 was the last war that politicians and state leaders had real skin in the game. After that they got smart.

Stalin's first born son was actually captured by the Germans and put in a concentration camp.....The Germans later offered to exchange him for some captured important Germans POWs but Stalin refused. He later died in the concentration camp under mysterious circumstances, possibly while trying to escape.

On the other end 2 of Hitler's nephews were captured by the Russians, one of whom died in Russia, and the other returned home after the war.
Good to know you aren't saying they can, though it seems like Euro leaders are saying that.
What do you mean by "if Russia wins"? They are currently winning and unless something unexpected is thrown into the calculus, they will speed up the winning over the coming weeks and months until a peace deal is signed.
Russia has been upping their industrial output for the last 3 years, but all we hear from EU is how they are running out of stuff to send Ukraine.
There are plenty of ways that Ukraine can lose the war. Lack of manpower is one. Lack of weapons is another due to the fact that even if the NATO block has the money it will take them years to ramp up weapons manufacturing and in the meantime Ukraine could lose.

But the one constraint NATO doesn't have is a lack of money. In this regard NATO far surpasses Russia. The question is there the political will to spend this money on the war (populations in the NATO countries might start voting against political parties supporting the war) and how long will it take them to ramp up weapons manufacturing.
France and UK have nuclear bombs. If France or french soldiers are attacked nukes will fly. Nordic countries are enough to eat russia.
This is something we'll, hopefully, never really know. There are, of course, some English speaking reports on Russia's weapons, but most are in Russian. I mean this is how they talk about their missiles:

The power of Russian missile systems "Oreshnik" is comparable to the power of 45 nuclear bombs dropped by the U.S. on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. This is reported on Wednesday, November 27, on the portal "Explain.rf".

In the Telegram-channel of the portal it is noted that in the nuclear version of the "Oreshnik" can deliver charges, the total power of which is 900 kilotons. The speed of the projectiles can develop up to Mach 10 (2.5-km per second).

A ballistic missile can be shot down only at the initial stage of flight, Gazeta.ru specifies. Because of this, its launch is taking place in the Astrakhan region at the Kapustin Yar test site.

Thus, as I said, hopefully, we'll never find out and can just calmly believe that France and Germany could take Russia out. Keep in mind that German generals have already said publicly that they would most likely have to capitulate after 1 week, if they were attacked by Russia with no US protection.
Thus, as I said, hopefully, we'll never find out and can just calmly believe that France and Germany could take Russia out. Keep in mind that German generals have already said publicly that they would most likely have to capitulate after 1 week, if they were attacked by Russia with no US protection.
Well sure Russia can conquer Germany but they cannot defeat the whole of the NATO alliance (excluding USA). There is 31 countries in NATO excluding USA. No way Russia can beat 31 countries. It took Russia 3 years to gain only 20% of the territory of Ukraine.
Well sure Russia can conquer Germany but they cannot defeat the whole of the NATO alliance (excluding USA). There is 31 countries in NATO excluding USA. No way Russia can beat 31 countries. It took Russia 3 years to gain only 20% of the territory of Ukraine.

They don't need to beat 31 countries....just the 3 or 4 most important ones, and the others will drop out, or change sides.
Also, their progress in Ukraine wuold have been a lot better if Ukraine got no US assistance.