Sorry it was a special military operation. Which meant a country placing troops into another country and fighting said countries troops.
I honestly hope Russia wins. I don´t understand what they will actually win. Here´s your prize in door B: A gigantic shithole. Let them keep it. Has it was before. Why would EU or US want that shithole is beyond me. Just to piss off russians?
Who cares about Ukraine? Who? What is Ukraine? It´s a fabrication made by US deep state retards. It´s an impoverished hellhole. Which was chosen as battleground by US Nuland to test and drain Russia.
Not sure what you are talking about here. Are you saying EU is stronger than the US on military forces and defense to stop Russia's invasion/attacks?
My legs are trembling. And my hands are sweating as I write this.
EU is undisputedly the richest economic block in the world. EU has the capacity and industry to obliterate any country. US included. The problem is if jews start infighting between EU countries.
In WWII which is what americans probably believe demonstrates the US military superiority. It wasn´t Europe against US. It was a devastated Europe civil war figthing each other. And the russians plus the americans helped one side of Europe to win.
Adding that Hitler was a suicidal moronic military leader.
The biggest risk is the possibility of infighitng between EU countries. Which is something I worry about since the beginning of this war. With the end of NATO. Who gives a shit about US protection? With the crumbling of NATO. EU countries might lack a third party neutral leadership. And old european rivalries surface. This is something to stress about. Not the lack of US army. Looooll. EU countries dividing themselves between russians/china and west and starting military conflicts between themselves.
US army is not here to protect Europe. It´s here to prevent Europeans committing suicide again. EU was created by France and Germany not because of USA. Trump is such a retarded ignorant. EU was created to prevent Germany and France to fight each other again. France and Germany are the initial founders of EU.
The protection of US gay army? Common man. Your ass was handed over to you by retarded muslims.
West protection is called NUKES. Not US army. Deterrence. Nobody is going to Ukraine cause Russia has NUKES. And if they go. It´s harakiri.
i) The possibility of infighting between EU countries.
ii) A coalition between Russia and China is something to think about also. Russia is an anacronic soviet shithole. But China isnt. And the two together can inflict some serious damage. Iran is irrelevant. Only dumb jews care about Iran.
If those nukes start flying it´s not soldiers, tanks or planes which will save you. The only thing you and your family can do is antecipate and leave to another hemisphere. Cause here it will only be dust and rubbles. No ocean will save you.
And Trump continuously talking about WWIII is the most retarded shit I heard recently. Unless he is so stupid he doesn´t realize the weight of this words. You don´t talk about WWIII. And the moment they start denying drafts. Not talking about it. But hearing news and more news about drafts and denying it. Politicians always start denying something which will happen.
It´s the moment to pack your bags. I know people who are eyes wide shut elite. If they leave I will pack my bags the same day and go to where they will. Probably to SA.