Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

They are literally putting all of their cards down on the table, for them to go to war without the USA will drive Europe into total bankruptcy so fast.

They'll have to cut back on 50% or more of their social programs, including their healthcare, to fund the military at scale necessary to fight Russia without American support, or take on astronomical levels of debt. Or maybe somehow send in the migrants as cannon fodder, I really don't understand what on Earth the Reform Jews are thinking.

Am I missing something here? I am not understanding the math. The EU has a total GDP over $20 trillion US dollars. Russia has a $2 trillion dollar GDP. Therefore the EU has a GDP ten times that of Russia. Even if it outspends Russia 3 to 1 in dollar terms its still a much lower percentage of GDP than what Russia is spending. Yet somehow the war will bankrupt the EU without also bankrupting Russia? Can you explain how you have come to this conclusion?
Am I missing something here? I am not understanding the math. The EU has a total GDP over $20 trillion US dollars. Russia has a $2 trillion dollar GDP. Therefore the EU has a GDP ten times that of Russia. Even if it outspends Russia 3 to 1 in dollar terms its still a much lower percentage of GDP than what Russia is spending. Yet somehow the war will bankrupt the EU without also bankrupting Russia? Can you explain how you have come to this conclusion?

The expenditures are much higher for Europe because they don't have the weapons, nor the trained armies, nor the factories...all of which Russia already has. Plus costs are much higher in western Europe. Until now most of these things were provided by the USA under NATO.

Russia on the other hand has China and North Korea assisting them secretly.
The expenditures are much higher for Europe because they don't have the weapons, nor the trained armies, nor the factories...all of which Russia already has. Plus costs are much higher in western Europe.

Until now most of these things were provided by the USA under NATO.
What are you talking about? Europe has given more to the cocaine junky than US. Even though mostly in the form of loans and not grants like the dumb mummy retard Biden. There´s probably a reason to this.

Transforming German tech to war tech would take less than a week. Europeans don´t need protection from the US. Europeans need protection from themselves. Europe is the bloodiest soil in the world. If there´s no brother wars no country can take Europe. But Europe can take all other countries. Single european countries dominated the world. Imagine together. Even US is just an Euro extension. Even though american retards don´t seem to understand they are 3rd and 4th generation europeans.

Dumb blonde Trump keeps inserting the term WWIII. He keeps repeating it. He shouldnt use this term. Helas.

Kushner father is an US ambassador in Paris. Not good. Wherever there´s jews there´s problems.

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This part is ignorance.
Sorry it was a special military operation. Which meant a country placing troops into another country and fighting said countries troops.

I honestly hope Russia wins. I don´t understand what they will actually win. Here´s your prize in door B: A gigantic shithole. Let them keep it. Has it was before. Why would EU or US want that shithole is beyond me. Just to piss off russians?

Who cares about Ukraine? Who? What is Ukraine? It´s a fabrication made by US deep state retards. It´s an impoverished hellhole. Which was chosen as battleground by US Nuland to test and drain Russia.
Not sure what you are talking about here. Are you saying EU is stronger than the US on military forces and defense to stop Russia's invasion/attacks?


My legs are trembling. And my hands are sweating as I write this.

EU is undisputedly the richest economic block in the world. EU has the capacity and industry to obliterate any country. US included. The problem is if jews start infighting between EU countries.

In WWII which is what americans probably believe demonstrates the US military superiority. It wasn´t Europe against US. It was a devastated Europe civil war figthing each other. And the russians plus the americans helped one side of Europe to win.

Adding that Hitler was a suicidal moronic military leader.

The biggest risk is the possibility of infighitng between EU countries. Which is something I worry about since the beginning of this war. With the end of NATO. Who gives a shit about US protection? With the crumbling of NATO. EU countries might lack a third party neutral leadership. And old european rivalries surface. This is something to stress about. Not the lack of US army. Looooll. EU countries dividing themselves between russians/china and west and starting military conflicts between themselves.

US army is not here to protect Europe. It´s here to prevent Europeans committing suicide again. EU was created by France and Germany not because of USA. Trump is such a retarded ignorant. EU was created to prevent Germany and France to fight each other again. France and Germany are the initial founders of EU.

The protection of US gay army? Common man. Your ass was handed over to you by retarded muslims.

West protection is called NUKES. Not US army. Deterrence. Nobody is going to Ukraine cause Russia has NUKES. And if they go. It´s harakiri.

i) The possibility of infighting between EU countries.

ii) A coalition between Russia and China is something to think about also. Russia is an anacronic soviet shithole. But China isnt. And the two together can inflict some serious damage. Iran is irrelevant. Only dumb jews care about Iran.

If those nukes start flying it´s not soldiers, tanks or planes which will save you. The only thing you and your family can do is antecipate and leave to another hemisphere. Cause here it will only be dust and rubbles. No ocean will save you.

And Trump continuously talking about WWIII is the most retarded shit I heard recently. Unless he is so stupid he doesn´t realize the weight of this words. You don´t talk about WWIII. And the moment they start denying drafts. Not talking about it. But hearing news and more news about drafts and denying it. Politicians always start denying something which will happen.

It´s the moment to pack your bags. I know people who are eyes wide shut elite. If they leave I will pack my bags the same day and go to where they will. Probably to SA.
Am I missing something here? I am not understanding the math. The EU has a total GDP over $20 trillion US dollars. Russia has a $2 trillion dollar GDP. Therefore the EU has a GDP ten times that of Russia. Even if it outspends Russia 3 to 1 in dollar terms its still a much lower percentage of GDP than what Russia is spending. Yet somehow the war will bankrupt the EU without also bankrupting Russia? Can you explain how you have come to this conclusion?

Good luck EU coming up with 860B. Basically another trillion for EU's yearly budget. They will go broke trying to make up that shortfall while keeping their enormous bloated welfare state alive, they would have to axe the welfare.



Did you catch that?

Zelensky admits that if Ukraine gets NATO membership, then he has “fulfilled his mission”.

His mission is not to govern Ukraine. His mission is NATO membership for Ukraine, which would immediately trigger WW3.

The reason his mission is WW3, is because that’s the only scenario where he MIGHT survive. His only way out is if NATO comes in and takes over the fight with Russia directly. That’s his plan, but realistically he would need the US in order to pull it off.

Zelensky, and his Deep State handlers, are literally trying to initiate full-scale WW3, in an effort to cover up the largest money laundering scheme in history, and crimes against humanity for bioweapon development.

That’s what we are witnessing.

This is not about Ukraine’s sovereignty. This is about covering up unfathomable criminality.

Good luck EU coming up with 860B. Basically another trillion for EU's yearly budget. They will go broke trying to make up that shortfall while keeping their enormous bloated welfare state alive, they would have to axe the welfare.


Trump should just abandon and pull the U.S. out of NATO as well as UN. That will cut off the heads of Deep State-EU Globalists.

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Good luck EU coming up with 860B. Basically another trillion for EU's yearly budget. They will go broke trying to make up that shortfall while keeping their enormous bloated welfare state alive, they would have to axe the welfare.



That´s incorrect. The title is misleading. US doesnt spend 800B in NATO. 800B is the US entire defense budget. How could it be spent in NATO?

They spend 800B in their own national defense.

US spends around 4B in NATO. And US military in Europe costs around 3B/year. Military bases in Europe are not there to protect Europe. But to advance american interests.

"On March 11, 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration submitted to Congress a proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget request of $849.8 billion for the Department of Defense (DoD),"

EU spends 400B in defense. I don´t know how much the entirety of Europe spends in total. But just EU spends 400B. Half of US. Of course we are not bombing middle eastern shitholes and leaving equipment there. So the budget is smaller.

So how much does US spends in NATO:

"The direct costs of U.S. participation in NATO are far more modest than the nearly $900 billion in national security spending just authorized by Congress in the FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act. NATO’s direct costs to member nations, often referred to as “common funding,” came to €4.6 billion in 2024, or about $4.7 billion in U.S. dollars,"

How much does the US spend with its army in Europe?

"In Fiscal Year 2022, DoD continues to execute $3.8 billion in European Deterrence Initiative funding"

I think Europe can cover the tab of the 4B lacking. Of course if the gay american disco didnt start a dumb war in the shithole nobody cares about called Ukraine the expenditure would be lower. No weapons of mass destruction found in Ukraine up to now???

"The U.S. contributes about one-sixth of NATO’s annual budget, not two-thirds, as claimed in social media posts.
Washington finances 15.8% of the military alliance’s yearly expenditure of around $3.5 billion. It’s the joint largest share, alongside Germany’s, according to a NATO breakdown for 2024, opens new tab.
Widely viewed posts, opens new tab said the U.S. paid $860 billion to NATO, making up 66% of a budget of $1.3 trillion, which garnered some angry comments, including: “It’s got to stop USA can’t afford doing this.”
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US contributes 16% of NATO annual budget, not two-thirds

U.S. contributes 16% of NATO annual budget, not two-thirds
But the post conflates total U.S. annual defense spending with its contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) budget, while also exaggerating NATO’s budget.
Washington allotted, opens new tab $816.7 billion for defense spending in 2023, according to the Pentagon. In the same year, NATO’s budget was 3.3 billion euros ($3.59 billion), according to its website. The U.S. contributed 15.8% of the NATO tab, which is around 521 million euros ($567 million).
Indirect U.S. financial contributions to the alliance of 32 countries, opens new tab, including Canada and more than two dozen European countries, include military forces but do not form part of the organization’s annual budget.
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The social media posts misleadingly suggest the entire U.S. defense budget is spent defending NATO.
It is possible to make the argument that everything the U.S. does in terms of defense could benefit NATO, Jamie Shea, opens new tab, a senior fellow at the Brussels-based Friends of Europe think tank, said in an email.
For example, a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier in Asia could be switched at any time to the Mediterranean to help NATO in a crisis.
“But if you are a European you can argue that the U.S. also does these things for its own security interests and they are not an act of charity towards NATO,” added Shea, a former NATO deputy assistant secretary general for emerging security challenges.

NATO says, opens new tab it was established in the aftermath of World War Two to deter Soviet expansionism and the revival of nationalist militarism in Europe.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump has frequently taken aim at European countries for not having met NATO’s own 2014 target to spend at least 2%, opens new tab of gross domestic product on defense.
Shea said the 2% benchmark was “a simpler and at least universally accepted measurement of contribution within the alliance.”
In February, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said he expected 18 of 31 allies to reach the 2% spending target in 2024.
In 2023, NATO figures showed, opens new tab Poland spent 3.9% of GDP on defense, the U.S. 3.5% and Greece 3.0%.
NATO declined requests to comment; the White House did not immediately respond.


Missing context. The U.S. contributes 15.8% of NATO’s annual budget of 3.3 billion euros ($3.59 billion). Washington also makes indirect contributions from its total defense budget of $816.7 billion in 2023."
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Several of the posters in this thread, along with myself, have been following and/or discussing this stuff since the SMO kicked off just over 3 years ago. I obviously can't speak for the others, but seeing folks jump into the discussion now without any context is downright hilarious. Whether RU achieves their stated goals of the SMO, or whether the US collects anything on its 'investment' remains to be seen and is up for debate. In war, nothing is for certain of course, but the notion that Europe can come in at the last second and help Zelenski pull off an upset is just insane.

Since Feb 2022 there has been varying levels of involvement by different interest groups, but no one (that I have seen) has disputed that the US is doing the bulk of the heavy lifting in terms of supplying UA with weapons, Intel support and technical advice.
Of course, various European countries have been donating equipment and some have even hosted Ukrainian soldiers for training, all the while complaining about "running out of reserves" with which to fight Russia.

Russia's supposed unwilling conscript army, has now chewed through 3 actual conscript Ukrainian armies. Do these clowns running Europe intend to make it 4? The rate at which Ukrainians are being kidnapped and thrown to the front lines is accelerating, and now it is openly reported that elite groups and foreign brigades are firing on retreating UA troops. If these EU "leaders" do send troops, untrained in the current warfare methods and lacking experience, they are going to learn the hard way. Just look at the NK troops sent to Kursk, they weren't prepared for the fight on the front lines, even though they had some prior training.

This latest episode with Zelenski just exposes how out of touch with reality so many world "leaders" are and just because they know a lot about multiple subjects doesn't make them an expert on this war in particular. Blind support and blind hatred have a way of clouding one's vision.