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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Russia has tried to close the pincers around Avdeevka, but has lost a good amount of armoured vehicles and tanks in doing so. They've made some gains there, but it may be safer to opt to not close the pincers and recreate the Bakhmut meatgrinder. They have established fire control over all remaining roads leading into Avdeevka, including the railroad.

Even with artillery and air superiority large armoured attacks have become very costly and difficult for any army. I think the Russians will now decide to keep bombing all the Avdeevka high rises and appartment buildings to the ground and then storm the town on foot Wagner style while they bomb anything going in and out of the town. There are rumours that 5,000 ex-wagners are there and ready to do this job.
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Seems like the Russians are now beginning their own counter-offensive around Lyman

SBU Chief Budanov has given an interview where he admits that the Ukrainian 'counter-offensive' has failed.

The Russian strategy continues to be the grinding down of Ukrainian reserve forces all along the fronts. The Ukrainians are still willingly sending them into the grinders.

Western media propaganda is saying Russian soldiers are taking chips from Ukrainian washing machines to make missiles. I can’t stop laughing at these images /memes



Territory wise....isn't Ukraine in the same exact situation they were a year ago ?
Not much has changed at all.
I have thought that the Russia/Ukraine war is fake for a long time now -- not fake in terms of the dead bodies, which are definitely real, but that both sides are controlled by international financiers for ulterior motives: to advance the Great Reset, to churn dead white Christians on both sides, and primarily to serve as the next "forever war" for the U.S. after Afghanistan, which washes funds from the U.S. taxpayer base into the hands of the transnational security elite. Julian Assange explains the concept in this 2011 30 second clip:

What else explains why we withdrew from Afghanistan suddenly after 20 years, only for the Ukraine/Russia war to magically start 6 months later?

Before he was arrested Igor Strelkov offered an in-depth, razor-sharp list of dozens of questions for the government regarding either Russia’s inept or undermined performance during this war and in its lead-up, discussed here: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/39-questions-about-the-war-in-ukraine. There have been no answers.

This post from May has further details on this argument: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/how-real-is-the-russiaukraine-war
I have thought that the Russia/Ukraine war is fake for a long time now -- not fake in terms of the dead bodies, which are definitely real, but that both sides are controlled by international financiers for ulterior motives: to advance the Great Reset, to churn dead white Christians on both sides, and primarily to serve as the next "forever war" for the U.S. after Afghanistan, which washes funds from the U.S. taxpayer base into the hands of the transnational security elite. Julian Assange explains the concept in this 2011 30 second clip:

What else explains why we withdrew from Afghanistan suddenly after 20 years, only for the Ukraine/Russia war to magically start 6 months later?

Before he was arrested Igor Strelkov offered an in-depth, razor-sharp list of dozens of questions for the government regarding either Russia’s inept or undermined performance during this war and in its lead-up, discussed here: https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/39-questions-about-the-war-in-ukraine. There have been no answers.

This post from May has further details on this argument: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/how-real-is-the-russiaukraine-war

It certainly is true for the US and Ukrainian side, but I hardly think Russia needs a war to launder money.
They have a 100 cheaper and easier ways to do that if really needed.