LGBT Agenda


Edit. Yes, below tweet is real.

Homosexuality and it's further degenerations are a social contagion. You are seeing more of it because you have a culture that is confusing kids of their heterosexuality and instilling into them the "normalcy" of homosexuality.

Even if the "gay gene" was true (it's not), someone being born gay does not give them a free pass. All of mankind is born sinful, and yet, God is able to reconform them into the image of His Son whether they are murderers, thieves, coveters, and homosexuals.

To some extent. However the behavioral markers tend to show up very early, and there's some physical markers that are present from birth. The one I recall is that the distance between the genitalia and anus is a strong indicator for how heterosexual a male child will be when growing up, and it's believed this is correlated to hormonal exposure during gestation.

The thing that very clearly DOES follow a contagion pattern is kids identifying as nonbinary/trans. That tends to pop up at a later age and follows a cluster pattern centered around schools.
I believe the Church needs a remedy for the illness of homosexuality, one that goes beyond mere abstinence (which is impossible for 99% of men) but stops far short of "gay" marriage (which doesn't exist).

Been thinking a lot about what sort of remedy would work for homosexuality, in the absence of a cure, and it struck me reading through Orthodox history. In the 500's, homosexuals were castrated. That pretty much solves the problem in the most humane way.

At first I thought it was harsh, but I realized that if I were to become ill with the homo disease, I'd want to be castrated rather than feel lust towards men.

Obviously, if there was a way to reverse homosexuality through hormone treatment, that would be ideal. But we don't have that and it may not be so easy to fix like that.

I'm beginning to believe the Church should recommend castration, either surgically or chemically, for those struggling with homosexuality. Far better to lose a limb than lose a soul.

What do the other men here think? Should it be something the Church recommends, and if not, why not? Remember, for straight men who burn with lust, the church can offer the remedy of marriage. What can a homo do other than the nearly impossible task of celibacy?
don't use pornographic language. write like your kid reads this forum
Fags have a mental disease. Some people like to eat shit. Fags like to take it in the ass. I think it should be illegal. As for man who have sex with man. There’s never love in gays. It’s a mental disease. There are many diseases. People who gamble addict. Clepto people. It’s a deviance or fetish. It’s a disease. Some can’t get pussy for some reason. I think the percentage of real fags must be much lower. Most fags are only fags because they can’t get sex otherway.

And they always have to announce to the world they’re fags. Like vegans do.

The best way would be to create programs for them. To understand why and some type of treatment.

Society want fags at the moment.
It’s quite disgusting to see a man with another man. It’s ugly. To the eyes. It’s just an ugly image. Was at the beach today. And two dudes. Who seemed fags. It ruins. If they went away. Woman with woman if they’re hot it’s not as bad. But it’s still weird. Met a lesbian once. After some hours she was in my bed. [MOD EDIT: STOP USING PORNOGRAPHIC LANGUAGE]

It’s this jew fag society who tries to promote this.

What’s nice to the eyes are big families. A place with lots of families. You can relax and enjoy. In Madrid you have families. Valladolid is also nice.

Was staying in Barcelona a while ago. I don’t like Barcelona. Never did. It’s a beautiful city ruined by communists. A garbage city. Always enjoyed more Madrid. I was going to use the hotel pool with my kid. Saw some dudes who looked like fags using the pool. Nope. Not for us. Full of diseases. No thanks.

Before you have kids you’re more tolerant. Or to be fair indifferent. After. A friend of mine I had talked for 10 years said I was becoming a fascist. And I told him. With children there’s no margin of error. When you’re single you have a wide margin of error. Not with children.
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Been thinking a lot about what sort of remedy would work for homosexuality, in the absence of a cure, and it struck me reading through Orthodox history. In the 500's, homosexuals were castrated. That pretty much solves the problem in the most humane way.

At first I thought it was harsh, but I realized that if I were to become ill with the homo disease, I'd want to be castrated rather than feel lust towards men.

Obviously, if there was a way to reverse homosexuality through hormone treatment, that would be ideal. But we don't have that and it may not be so easy to fix like that.

I'm beginning to believe the Church should recommend castration, either surgically or chemically, for those struggling with homosexuality. Far better to lose a limb than lose a soul.

What do the other men here think? Should it be something the Church recommends, and if not, why not? Remember, for straight men who burn with lust, the church can offer the remedy of marriage. What can a homo do other than the nearly impossible task of celibacy?
It’s hard to say what would fix anything. I think there’s a difference between the homosexual who is out and proud and the one who genuinely struggles and grieves over his/her passion. A physical solution isn’t always going to solve a spiritual issue. I know from reading on the topic that most homosexuals have been abused in some way and from what I understand it’s not just mental but a deep spiritual crisis.

There was a Catholic psychologist who wrote on the topic years ago (Joseph Nicolosi I believe) and the underlying theme was that most homosexuals had a lack of connection with fathers or others of the same gender. As a result, as their sexuality develops, it is inclined toward the same sex because they lack that connection—they sexualize it. A healthy boy will have healthy relationships with other boys and men and their sexuality will orient toward women naturally because sex is a connective act with the opposite gender. I believe his books were banned or blacklisted because of his research and he had success helping gay men heal from their trauma and develop natural, healthy sexuality.

I would think that maybe a combination of healthy paternal influence/connection (a church father or a priest or a solid Christian group of men) along with some serious prayer and fasting would be a way to heal. I don’t think castration on its own would solve it, maybe more of a treatment of the person as a whole—body, spirit and soul?

I’ve heard on a podcast that Father Seraphim Rose was a homosexual at one point and I’d be curious to read his perspective on it if anything is published. I haven’t found much on it though, so maybe it’s in a book?
I would think that maybe a combination of healthy paternal influence/connection (a church father or a priest or a solid Christian group of men) along with some serious prayer and fasting would be a way to heal. I don’t think castration on its own would solve it, maybe more of a treatment of the person as a whole—body, spirit and soul?

I would only recommend it as a last resort, but from the gays I've known and spoke to, their sexuality is just as voracious as any other man's. Even if you could fix their spirituality, I don't think it would help them deal with the never-ending lust.

For heteros the solution is marriage. You can be the most spiritually grounded person in the world, and yet still desire a woman so you'll need marriage.

For homos, what solution is there...? You can be the most spiritually grounded gay, but you'll still be gay and have a burning lust. Then what?
Been thinking a lot about what sort of remedy would work for homosexuality, in the absence of a cure, and it struck me reading through Orthodox history. In the 500's, homosexuals were castrated. That pretty much solves the problem in the most humane way.

At first I thought it was harsh, but I realized that if I were to become ill with the homo disease, I'd want to be castrated rather than feel lust towards men.

Obviously, if there was a way to reverse homosexuality through hormone treatment, that would be ideal. But we don't have that and it may not be so easy to fix like that.

I'm beginning to believe the Church should recommend castration, either surgically or chemically, for those struggling with homosexuality. Far better to lose a limb than lose a soul.

What do the other men here think? Should it be something the Church recommends, and if not, why not? Remember, for straight men who burn with lust, the church can offer the remedy of marriage. What can a homo do other than the nearly impossible task of celibacy?
First of all, I would be greatly concerned about false accusations and this being weaponized against men with "toxic masculinity." Secondly, I strongly believe this would meet the definition of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th amendment. Thirdly, this wouldn't stop homos from continuing to take it up the ass and spreading disease throughout society.

The problem is that Hollywood, corporate elites and government propaganda have been promoting this lifestyle for so long that it is being normalized and accepted by people that lack a strong spiritual foundation. We can't be afraid to speak out, reject and shame this behavior in our personal lives, while being cautious in our professional work. Never pledge fealty to the LGBT madness.
I don't know about female homosexuals, but male homosexuals are disproportionally, by many times, more likely than heterosexual males to have been sexually molested during childhood. We often think about this as some creepy 50 year old monster, but it's more likely to be a boy a few years older than him.

Here is the most incidious things about boys who are molested and subsequently grow up to feel same sex attraction...

If you are molested as a prepubescent teen, in the moment it happens, it doesn't necessarily feel like a negative experience. Victims will often report that it felt like play. And although it is a sexual experience, when a child is not of an age when he has developed sexual attraction, it's not an experience similar to where an adult feels sexual attraction and expresses it through sexual activity. A child is too naive to understand this. However, a child is capable of experiencing sexual pleasure through simulation. He doesn't feel sexual attraction towards his abuser, but he does know that what his abuser is doing feels good.

This is an example of the most common exploitative sexual interactions between young boys and teenage boys, that don't involve more serious abuse such as penetration, and only include "fooling around."

This is way more common than a lot of people think. And the effect on growing boys' brains when they experience this is profound. When you are prepubescent or at the age of puberty, when your brain is still developing and you're only just beginning to develop your sexual awareness, if you throw molestation into the mix, there is a much greater chance that you're brain will be wired towards homosexuality. Because the things that the abuser did to you made you feel good.

Even though we are not allowed to say that there is a link between homosexuality and child molestation, the link is clear, and few clinical phycologists will disagree, even if they aren't allowed to openly say so. Childhood sexual abuse turns boys into homosexuals.

And as I said before, this is not usually creepy adults predating upon boys. It is more often than not boys just a few years older, who have themselves most likely been molested.

Children's brains are extremely maleable. Early life experiences can all but set things in stone for the rest of their lives. Abusive homosexual experiences at a vulnerable age can absolutely set them up for a life of same sex attraction.

We need to protect our children. Usually we think primarily about protecting our daughters, but most people don't realize how common it is for older boys to molest younger boys.

As Christians, we can never feel hatred towards homosexuals. We must always have compassion, no matter the repulsion we feel. That compassion must come from realizing that there is a high likelihood that their degenerate lifestyle is the result of a heinous harm that has been caused to them as a vulnerable child.
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I would only recommend it as a last resort, but from the gays I've known and spoke to, their sexuality is just as voracious as any other man's. Even if you could fix their spirituality, I don't think it would help them deal with the never-ending lust.

For heteros the solution is marriage. You can be the most spiritually grounded person in the world, and yet still desire a woman so you'll need marriage.

For homos, what solution is there...? You can be the most spiritually grounded gay, but you'll still be gay and have a burning lust. Then what?
These are all great points, but I’ve seen in men who marry that marriage is not the end-all answer to never-ending lust. They may be married, but the lust continually smolders and in the right situation it can carry over to other women. I’ve seen this aplenty in secular marriages and Christian marriages.

JohnKruk brings up a great point, and that is the saturation of our society with pride propaganda. I would say that our entire media in all forms has been a vehicle for drenching our society in a constant stream of sex. What child of the late 90s/early aughts didn’t come across a Victoria Secret catalogue or Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue? Even a walk in a mall could be a lust trap, along with a trip to the movies, or checking out at the grocery aisle. Modern society is a tinderbox of lust. They laid the foundation by tapping into the natural drive, and now that they’ve established that, they are trying to distort it through the pride prism.

I think at the end of the day, the human heart is what needs the cure. That includes heterosexual lust and homosexual lust as well. One of the beautiful things I’ve learned walking into the Orthodox faith is that the church is seen as a hospital for the soul. This is new perspective on Christ and His church that I never heard as a Protestant and prior to that as a Catholic.

I believe that is where we will find the cure to lust and the passions. I hope the coming generations (including my own), having the battle scars of dealing with these issues, will have good solutions in the future to help curb these things that are so prevalent and out in our society. We need to get rid of all the propagandizing by the corporations and media. Modesty in all forms and every expression of media ideally should make a comeback. This will help rid the world of a great many lust traps that are out there.
I'm a new member here, and this is my first post. I wasn't sure where to make this introductory post, but I thought this could be the right place, because I didn't want to start a fresh thread as a new member.

I was a homosexual during my 20s and 30s. In my 40s, I put an end to that and became Catholic. Complete abstinence for 7 years now with not one slip-up along the way.

For the moment, I don't have anything else to add, but I did want to say that I can welcome questions, if you have any, as I haven't seen any other member here from a similar background. I've been lurking as a non-member since the transition from RVF.

God bless you all.
First of all, I would be greatly concerned about false accusations and this being weaponized against men with "toxic masculinity." Secondly, I strongly believe this would meet the definition of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the 8th amendment. Thirdly, this wouldn't stop homos from continuing to take it up the ass and spreading disease throughout society.

The problem is that Hollywood, corporate elites and government propaganda have been promoting this lifestyle for so long that it is being normalized and accepted by people that lack a strong spiritual foundation. We can't be afraid to speak out, reject and shame this behavior in our personal lives, while being cautious in our professional work. Never pledge fealty to the LGBT madness.

You're speaking like I suggested it should be a criminal punishment, when I said nothing of the sort.

I said the Church should offer castration as a remedy to homosexuals, the same way they offer marriage as a remedy for heterosexuals. I think you are wrong about castrated homosexuals still engaging in sodomy. Castration kills the male sex drive; eunuchs' are a well-known ancient phenomena and are completely asexual.

Also, laying the problem at Hollywood and other Talmuds does nothing to fix the problem. We can't blame the world for our problems, we need to take control of our own lives. For your average homosexual, celibacy will be impossible as it is for heterosexuals and thus castration would probably be the best solution.
I'm a new member here, and this is my first post. I wasn't sure where to make this introductory post, but I thought this could be the right place, because I didn't want to start a fresh thread as a new member.

I was a homosexual during my 20s and 30s. In my 40s, I put an end to that and became Catholic. Complete abstinence for 7 years now with not one slip-up along the way.

For the moment, I don't have anything else to add, but I did want to say that I can welcome questions, if you have any, as I haven't seen any other member here from a similar background. I've been lurking as a non-member since the transition from RVF.

God bless you all.

Are you still attracted to men at all or is that in the past?
Are you still attracted to men at all or is that in the past?
If I see a man I find attractive, at most I will think, 'that's an attractive man'. It doesn't rise to the level of lust, and it hasn't done so for years now. Then I look away, and I'm back to whatever it was I was doing. If I see a woman I find attractive, it's much the same. I may think, 'that's a pretty woman', but also, 'that looks like a woman I'd have liked to have for a wife had I lived my life differently'.

I internalised a question years ago that I believe helped me, at least in part, to get lust under control. This question took the focus off me and placed it on the other man: 'Do I want to send him to hell?' I stopped focusing on my own risk of damnation (because I believed I deserved it, so that wasn't initially enough of a deterrent), and started questioning if I wanted to send that other man to hell. The answer of course was always no. Another question I internalised was this: 'Do I want to disrespect his person?'
@Crux, were you born gay or is it what you did by choice?
I'm Catholic, so I don't believe I was born gay, but I never chose to be attracted to men either. (I chose to engage in it, yes; but I didn't choose to have the initial attraction.) Maybe I can liken it to your mother tongue. You weren't born a speaker of that language, and you didn't choose to be a speaker of that language either... but it's all you've known. You can learn to speak another language, but it feels forced, it's not 'native'. Maybe it's a bad analogy, but it's all I've got right now.