LGBT Agenda

1. How are you going to stop homos being homo? Chemically castrate them? Execute them? It isnt a slippery slope to allow them to be homo, if you never allow anything else.
Well the Bible says to kill them if they’re caught in the act. I think it should at least be criminalized. Even if they don’t get caught they are forced in the closet.
With regards to paedophilia, there are 2 types of homos. Those that are born that way and those that are made that way. Those that are born that way are just the same as normal guys, only they prefer other guys to women. Those that are made that way, are made that way by being the victims of child sexual abuse. These abused children are the ones who act feminine, mince around, put on a weird "gay" voice, etc. They are also the ones who perpetuate the child sexual abuse.

There is a third type of gay, those that are made that way by outside influences that are not paedophiles. These are made that way by chemicals they are exposed to and social conditioning, and things like that.

So, when it comes to homos, if they are the first type, they are born that way, are just like normal guys, and are quiet about their sexuality, then I dont care what they get up to. The second type should be given mental health treatment, and if they exhibit paedo tendencies, either lock them up, or execute them. The third type should be treated as mentally ill also, and research should be done into what causes the gayness, so it is removed from society.
I don’t believe in born that way nonsense.
2. All sexual activity that isnt missionary position is some form of abnormal (perversion). So, oral sex between a man and a woman is a perversion.
Different sex positions are not perversions. I’m not even quite sure oral sex is perversion considering it could be used for foreplay.
To be fair, if homos want to be homo, I have no problem with them doing it out of the sight of normal people.
It's just like any other perversion.
Everybody has a particular thing they like to do sexually, some more embarrassing/disgusting than others.
I only become the morality police when they try to pretend it's normal, or push it on kids. Because it isn't, and shouldn't be.

Transgenderism is a far more dangerous, disgusting and evil thing than homos.
Sounds like your a couple of mojitos away from "hey, let's cut our dicks off!"
let me get this straight:

It’s “unnatural” to be attracted to other men, goats, and 16 year old girls?

Feels like one of those is normal to be attracted to but shamed in todays society.
It's unnatural to be sexually attracted to prepubescent humans as well as animals or same sex. Unnatural in the sense of rare, but it's also degenerate and wrong. 16 year olds are 3-5 years past sexual maturity already.
There is far more to this situation. Let's look at the astoundingly high percentages of homosexual individuals that were previously sexually abused. We have a proxy to this that reveals a hard truth. In prison, weaker inmates are "turned out". They may not be homosexual but are forced to engage in such activity against their will. It's worth mentioning that the sexual predators are also not homosexual themselves, but because they're denied normal sexual outlets resort to this activity out of desperation.

By the way, approximately 2% of our population is incarcerated, which is equal to the percentage of homosexuals. Now, not every, and in fact, perhaps, most, inmates don't succumb to this behavior, but, prison clearly demonstrates an environmental cause to this condition. Moreover, what's noteworthy is the permanent change engaging in this behavior many times causes with these individuals.

You have to be honest with these people. Scratch the surface, which is hyper-embellished, and you'll find older homosexuals "turning out" younger ones as a matter of routine. This is the typical way this behavior starts. Again, this is entirely environmental, meaning had the predator not "turned out" his or her target then that individual may have never become homosexual. And that is evil. Also, throughout this community are common themes of pederasty and pedophilia, and that needs to be explored and revealed. Indeed, statutory rape is nearly ubiquitous in this "community".

You miss the forest from the trees in this situation. In not so much why people are homosexual, but rather, why is this such a persistent issue. We must look at the pathology of ideas over time because that shows us a conical direction or flow from one idea to another idea. Stay with me. What I'm saying is that homosexualism is a result of a series of ideas put forth, mostly over the last 50 years. It has a "flow" and with that a direction that it is taking all of us. And that direction and ultimate end-point is pedophilia. And we're more or less here right now.

This is the net result of "normalizing" homosexuality. As well as the removal of all social morals and restraint, plus, the adoption of "moral relativity". This combination results in the inevitability of pedophilia and we're seeing it. You cannot separate homosexuality from pedophilia, they are one of the same. See above, gay people are "turned out" at a young age and sought after by older homosexuals and those older homosexuals know exactly what they're doing.

pedophilia is self-evidently repugnant and odious. It is either at least equal to or surpasses murder, so, we're basically talking about the absolutely worst thing you can do to another human. And this is where homosexuality takes us.

This is why this condition was universally ostracized and why it's imperative that we once again shun it. I appreciate that Christian ethos, obviously when it comes to sin in general. But, all you're doing is appeasing these people and if you give an inch they will take a mile. And they have over and over.

Our eventual success will be justified by this obvious connection. Hitherto, it's been challenging, to say the least, to oppose homosexualism because they leverage (and can leverage) the "victim card". And they are right, we excluded them in the past, not for bias or bigotry, but for practicality and out of love for our kids. That said, homosexuals use "Mott & Bailey" i.e. the Griff or victim card, which has been effective. And its been effective because they make themselves out to be victims.

The reality of pedophilia fundamentally changes this dynamic very much in our favor. Because, gays are no longer the innocent victims of circumstance or prejudice, but are themselves, abusers and predators of young people and children. Now we must look at the victim-abuser dynamic; the gay is the abuser and the kids are the victim. From this prerogative, we get back to perceiving homosexuals as people who can't control their urges as opposed to innocent mockingbirds just wanting to "live their lives". And it establishes that homosexuality is a hostile and predatory condition versus being inconsequential and benign.
Great post.

A great film that demonstrated the true predatory nature of homosexuality is Power of the Dog (starring cumberbatch). I’m not even sure if the director (female I’m pretty sure) even intended her film to be so damning of homosexuality (maybe it’s just all because they’re not allowed to be openly gay etc etc) but that’s how I saw it. It was, for once, an honest portrayal of homosexuality and the grooming it entails.
I posted this on the old forum but this is a film to watch "the Hunt" starring one of the greatest actors of our age Mads Mikkelsen:

I watched this movie today based purely on your post (what else is there to do on December 29th?...).

A very good movie. I share your admiration of Mikkelsen. He's someone whose work I have never sought out but who has cropped up in so many movies and TV shows across a number of years and he is consistently superb.

There is a lot which could be said about this movie. What made an impression upon you?

Without going into too much detail, I am professionally trained in how to interview child victims of violence and sexual assault. The manner in which this was approached in this movie was a realistic depiction of how well-meaning but poorly-thought-through approaches can lead to horrible outcomes.

I think I need to go and watch Wallace and Gromit now to cheer myself up...
Just a reminder:

Also this incentivizes the spreading of AIDS:
Some AIDS activists think it could be detrimental that AIDS receives much more money than other diseases. Martin Delaney, founder of the HIV treatment information organization Project Inform says that by giving AIDS so much funding, the federal government makes it "almost an advantage to be HIV-positive."
"Why would these people try and change Gods word instead of just reject it completely?"

Because what they really want is control. They want to be gods and they already worship themselves. So they bend Jesus to their will. They are proud of it too.

DEI was never about equality, it was and is about supremacy. They gave them an inch and they’ll take not only a mile, but an entire city with their aim being to enslave you and other normal people. This goes for feminists, commies, and anyone else on board with this agenda.