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LGBT Agenda

Recently, on my friend's tinder bio he stated "If you support LGBTQ+, swipe left". The platform removed his bio and he was banned for 15 days. I don't think that it was a hateful statement, but I find it interesting that he was only stating a preference, yet that wasn't allowed. . Immediately the thought came to mind that 'you will accept homosexuality whether you want to or not'. But I could be wrong.
The end of week round up on the e-mail at work, and a large paragraph about February being LGBT+ awareness month, etc, etc. Is there no end to it?

Just read through this.

Judge rules 'it's a wash' in Pontiac court battle over transgender woman's testicles​

George Hunter
The Detroit News

Pontiac — A district court judge Wednesday denied a pair of dueling $6,500 small claims petitions that centered around a transgender woman's attempt to get her surgically removed testicles back after they were kept for months in her ex-boyfriend's refrigerator.
During a contentious small claims hearing in Pontiac's 50th District Court, Judge Jeremy Bowie ruled "it's a wash" after hearing testimony from Brianna Kingsley, 40, and her 37-year-old ex, William Wojciechowski.

Kingsley filed a handwritten small claims petition in August claiming Wojciechowski "retains possession of my surgically extracted testicles, preserved in (a) Mason jar, kept in (the) fridge next to the eggs. Demand immediate return of my human remains specimen and damages of $6,500."
Wojciechowski filed a counterclaim seeking $6,500 in damages because he said he had been "humiliated" by coverage of the case by "worldwide news outlets."

Bowie denied both claims, a decision he said Wednesday can't be appealed. The judge said Kingsley had an opportunity to get her testicles back when an Oakland County Sheriff's deputy accompanied her to Wojciechowski's Pontiac home in January 2023.

When the deputy escorted her to the house, Kingsley had just gotten out of the Oakland County Jail, where she'd been incarcerated for three days and fined $100 for violating a personal protection order Wojciechowski had filed against her.

"We allow a one-time visit with a Sheriff's officer in situations like that for people to go back to get their belongings," the judge said. "Ms. Kingsley failed to retrieve the testicles from the refrigerator at that time. ... If they were so important to her, she had the opportunity to grab them, and she didn't."

Wojciechowski said he threw the body parts away in July.

"They were rotting in my fridge, and it was disgusting — I've got food in there I wanted to eat," Wojciechowski told the judge. "She didn't keep them in a biohazard container like she was supposed to."

Since the testicles had been discarded, the judge said he was unable to grant Kingsley's request that they be returned to her, and he asked why she'd arrived at the $6,500 figure.

"Specifically why I asked you: I can put a dollar amount on, say, if you were missing work at $16 an hour," Bowie said. "But as to testicles, I can't really put a number on it."

Kingsley, who clutched a small black comfort dog throughout the hearing, said the March 23, 2022 surgery at Henry Ford Hospital cost $20,000, although she said because she's disabled, the state footed the bill.

"But the state paid for that; you didn't," Bowie said. "You're not going to be unjustly enriched."
Kingsley replied: "They were my testicles. ... We're talking about my nuts. ... I wanted them in my fridge — not his. ... He denied me access to my own body parts. I don't think that can be quantified. The damages were the loss of these nuts."


According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, "The Medicaid program covers medically necessary gender affirmation/confirming medical, surgical, and pharmacologic treatments and procedures for beneficiaries clinically diagnosed with gender dysphoria." Medicaid is the government health insurance coverage for mostly low-income residents.

At one point during Wednesday's hearing, the judge told Kingsley to stop interrupting him, saying, "I've been patient enough."

Kingsley and Wojciechowski said they met on Facebook Community in April 2020 and in the fall of 2021 they moved into a Pontiac house Wojciechowski bought.

After her surgery, Kinsley said she put her testicles in a Mason jar and stored them in the refrigerator "because I deal with trauma with comedy. Shakespeare did it."

The couple broke up in December 2022. Wojciechowski secured a personal protection order against Kingsley, which she violated a month later. After she got out of jail and was escorted by a sheriff's deputy to retrieve her belongings from Wojciechowski's home, she visited the house a second time about a month later.

Wojciechowski said he denied her entry the second time because he felt she was harassing him. The judge said he had a right to deny her entry, since she'd already been allowed to retrieve her belongings a month earlier.
Earlier Wednesday, Kingsley had a hearing scheduled on charges of destruction of property, after she allegedly damaged Wojciechowski's front door. Bowie said she didn't appear for that hearing and that it had been rescheduled for Feb. 28.


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This is just sad.

An elderly California woman claims she was forced to step down from her volunteer position of 60 years after she asked for clarity on the use of pronouns.

Itkoff, who has won multiple awards for her and her husband’s work with the organization, became confused one day after she saw several people sign their emails and letters with their names along with their chosen pronouns.

As Itkoff noticed the pronouns more often, she asked one of the society’s representatives what it meant.
The nonagenarian, however, did not get a clear answer.

“Finally I was talking to her and thought I would ask ‘what does it mean’ and let her tell me,” Itkoff said. “She said that it meant ‘they were all-inclusive,’ which didn’t make sense to me.”
Itkoff was confused about how the “she/her” pronouns could be labeled as “all-inclusive” if it was referring to females and not males.

Yeah, none of it makes any sense. Even if I were on the side of the LGBT I wouldn't be pushing it this way because it's totally illogical and internally inconsistent.

At the end of the day, end of the week, I got an email from her saying ‘they were sorry, but they had to ask me to step down as a volunteer for the MS society,” Itkoff claimed.

I just keep my mouth shut or avoid groups that talk like this (getting very difficult to do the latter).

I was taken aback by the discovery the drag nun for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was a child molester.

I attended a town hall meeting a few months ago on child trafficking. The female FBI agent on the panel told everyone in the audience (with condescending, smug delight), that contrary to popular belief, child molesters weren’t likely to be the drag queens and fags at the pride parades that we all know and love, but instead “your married, middle-aged white male neighbor.”
End of the week, the usual round-up e-mail and, for the third week running, it's going on about LGBT+ month. Add in the various other woke/minority/PC causes that it's publicising this week, and I really do wonder whether or not I've gone through the looking glass.

“newspeak” is the perfect description of it.

"Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly sent a memo directing staff at the State Department—the government agency that represents America around the world—to avoid using “problematic” terms that suggest human beings are male and female."