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LGBT Agenda

Just saw this,

"...The Supreme Court of Russia decided today that "the international LGBT movement" is an extremist organisation. This means that all organized activities for queers will be banned..."
Thankfully there is some mention of this in the Western MSM :

This is quite significant and hopefully it will spread to the West soon.
What does the average person really think about homosexuality?

I've seen surveys saying people are accepting of it, but I wonder what that really means. I feel like most people wouldn't actually want their child to have a relationship with someone of the same sex. They wouldn't say that in public, though. People think about someone they know with same-sex attraction, and how they like the person because they are a relative, have a talent, or do good things, so they say they support homosexuality.

I was born in the 80s and I didn't really understand homosexuality existed until the early 2000s. No one talked about it either negatively or positively. When kids used "gay" as an insult to other kids, I thought it was just an insult but not something someone would actually do. Looking back, I do think the topic of homosexuality sometimes came up,, but it never stuck in my brain for some reason. I remember in the 90s, seeing a TV show on MTV called My So-called Life and it had a gay character. I was around 11 or 12, and I remember not understanding it and being confused.
What does the average person really think about homosexuality?

I've seen surveys saying people are accepting of it, but I wonder what that really means. I feel like most people wouldn't actually want their child to have a relationship with someone of the same sex. They wouldn't say that in public, though. People think about someone they know with same-sex attraction, and how they like the person because they are a relative, have a talent, or do good things, so they say they support homosexuality.

I was born in the 80s and I didn't really understand homosexuality existed until the early 2000s. No one talked about it either negatively or positively. When kids used "gay" as an insult to other kids, I thought it was just an insult but not something someone would actually do. Looking back, I do think the topic of homosexuality sometimes came up,, but it never stuck in my brain for some reason. I remember in the 90s, seeing a TV show on MTV called My So-called Life and it had a gay character. I was around 11 or 12, and I remember not understanding it and being confused.
This varies a lot from country to country, and things like big cities.

If you're in San Francisco, you're going to get crucified for saying "fag".
If you're in any city in Brazil, no one will bat an eye unless they want to sue for money or something.
If you're in Yedebubebu Zesosawena, Kenya, you're going to get public applause if they understand what you're saying.

This of course changes over the years. I believe homosexuality was a crime in America even as far as the 2000s. At the height of religiousness / Christendom in the western world you'd see violence as a response for much of homosexual acts (Leviticus 20:13).

In general I believe the average opinion is still negative.
This varies a lot from country to country, and things like big cities.

If you're in San Francisco, you're going to get crucified for saying "fag".
If you're in any city in Brazil, no one will bat an eye unless they want to sue for money or something.
If you're in Yedebubebu Zesosawena, Kenya, you're going to get public applause if they understand what you're saying.

This of course changes over the years. I believe homosexuality was a crime in America even as far as the 2000s. At the height of religiousness / Christendom in the western world you'd see violence as a response for much of homosexual acts (Leviticus 20:13).

In general I believe the average opinion is still negative.
It also depends on the type of homosexuality, for example, there is no straight man alive that would have positive thoughts about gay anal sex.

However, there will be plenty of straight men who find the idea of 2 hot women getting it on together as titillating.
It also depends on the type of homosexuality, for example, there is no straight man alive that would have positive thoughts about gay anal sex.

However, there will be plenty of straight men who find the idea of 2 hot women getting it on together as titillating.

I've posted about this many times on the old forum because it's an important point.

The fetishization of lesbianism. Men perpetuate this coddling and tolerating of lesbians because of their hidden lusts. It's sick. #1. STOP watching porn.

And women do this coddling and tolerating also also because of things like feminism, groupthink, fake purity, double standards etc. "It's just girls having fun and celebrating their freedom from patriarchy".

We should not give lesbians a pass or for one second pretend that all they do is hold hands. There is no lack of vile acts. Doesn't everyone realize that a dildo can be inserted anally for instance? Hello?

Besides, homosexual women are more likely to be bisexual than homosexual men. So think about what this means for the spreading of STDs.

Nevertheless, homosexuality is not only a physical issue but also a deeply spiritual one. Many lesbians are hyperfeminist, antinatalist man haters. They are part of the front line of family destruction and depop.

We must remember that lesbians disproportionately represent elementary school teachers, childcare, social work, psychology, etc.

They are infecting our youth and vulnerable population. These women are mentally ill themselves (Look at rates for mental illnesses/personality disorders among lesbian/bi women) and among other reasons mentioned, are being propped up as a virtue signal.

Many are disproportionately alcoholics, drug addicts, gluttons etc and there is a high level of domestic abuse within relationship. Look up "lesbian battering". That's a real thing. It may mostly be nonphysical abuse but it's certainly happening and is very psychotic.

If you wouldn't allow your son to sleep in the same bed with another boy in your house so they can fool around then don't allow your daughter to do it.

Set boundaries. Don't be a hypocrite. Your child's identity is not what they do under the covers. STOP perpetuating this madness.

I see all this happening firsthand even within my own family. Again, it's sick, and I mostly blame the weak men for not leading the women on this.

We should also pray for these women that God will divinely destroy and burn away their demonic sickness from their soul.

Many of them have been sexually abused either as a child by pedophiles or later in life by "alpha male" pick up artist types that completely objectify them as dolls to be played with (I'm guilty of the latter and I've repented deeply for it and confessed these things).

So remember if any of you are still one-night-standing women and treating them like sex objects for your own pleasure, you are contributing to them becoming lesbians/bisexual. Shame on you. STOP.
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I've posted about this many times on the old forum because it's an important point.

The fetishization of lesbianism. Men perpetuate this coddling and tolerating of lesbians because of their hidden lusts. It's sick. #1. STOP watching porn.

And women do this coddling and tolerating also also because of things like feminism, groupthink, fake purity, double standards etc. "It's just girls having fun and celebrating their freedom from patriarchy".

We should not give lesbians a pass or for one second pretend that all they do is hold hands. There is no lack of vile acts. Doesn't everyone realize that a dildo can be inserted anally for instance? Hello?

Besides, homosexual women are more likely to be bisexual than homosexual men. So think about what this means for the spreading of STDs.

Nevertheless, homosexuality is not only a physical issue but also a deeply spiritual one. Many lesbians are hyperfeminist, antinatalist man haters. They are part of the front line of family destruction and depop.

We must remember that lesbians disproportionately represent elementary school teachers, childcare, social work, psychology, etc.

They are infecting our youth and vulnerable population. These women are mentally ill themselves (Look at rates for mental illnesses/personality disorders among lesbian/bi women) and among other reasons mentioned, are being propped up as a virtue signal.

Many are disproportionately alcoholics, drug addicts, gluttons etc and there is a high level of domestic abuse within relationship. Look up "lesbian battering". That's a real thing. It may mostly be nonphysical abuse but it's certainly happening and is very psychotic.

If you wouldn't allow your son to sleep in the same bed with another boy in your house so they can fool around then don't allow your daughter to do it.

Set boundaries. Don't be a hypocrite. Your child's identity is not what they do under the covers. STOP perpetuating this madness.

I see all this happening firsthand even within my own family. Again, it's sick, and I mostly blame the weak men for not leading the women on this.

We should also pray for these women that God will divinely destroy and burn away their demonic sickness from their soul.

Many of them have been sexually abused either as a child by pedophiles or later in life by "alpha male" pick up artist types that completely objectify them as dolls to be played with (I'm guilty of the latter and I've repented deeply for it and confessed these things).

So remember if any of you are still one-night-standing women and treating them like sex objects for your own pleasure, you are contributing to them becoming lesbians/bisexual. Shame on you. STOP.
Worth noting that LGBT starts with L, for Lesbian. It basically represents the slippery slope; at first it’s fine for girls to kiss each other, then it should be fine for two adult men to just wanna be left alone in the privacy of their home, then we should just let them get married because “love is love”, and now we have minors castrating themselves in their early adolescence while men in drag read stories to tiny kids to groom them.
Worth noting that LGBT starts with L, for Lesbian. It basically represents the slippery slope; at first it’s fine for girls to kiss each other, then it should be fine for two adult men to just wanna be left alone in the privacy of their home, then we should just let them get married because “love is love”, and now we have minors castrating themselves in their early adolescence while men in drag read stories to tiny kids to groom them.
To be fair, if homos want to be homo, I have no problem with them doing it out of the sight of normal people.
It's just like any other perversion.
Everybody has a particular thing they like to do sexually, some more embarrassing/disgusting than others.
I only become the morality police when they try to pretend it's normal, or push it on kids. Because it isn't, and shouldn't be.

Transgenderism is a far more dangerous, disgusting and evil thing than homos.
To be fair, if homos want to be homo, I have no problem with them doing it out of the sight of normal people.
This is the exact kind of mentality that enabled the slippery slope.
It's just like any other perversion.
Can you give examples of other perversions? I can think of pedophilia, which is something that lots of gays are. Also bestiality. Any others in mind?
This is the exact kind of mentality that enabled the slippery slope.

Can you give examples of other perversions? I can think of pedophilia, which is something that lots of gays are. Also bestiality. Any others in mind?
1. How are you going to stop homos being homo? Chemically castrate them? Execute them? It isnt a slippery slope to allow them to be homo, if you never allow anything else.
2. All sexual activity that isnt missionary position is some form of abnormal (perversion). So, oral sex between a man and a woman is a perversion.

With regards to paedophilia, there are 2 types of homos. Those that are born that way and those that are made that way. Those that are born that way are just the same as normal guys, only they prefer other guys to women. Those that are made that way, are made that way by being the victims of child sexual abuse. These abused children are the ones who act feminine, mince around, put on a weird "gay" voice, etc. They are also the ones who perpetuate the child sexual abuse.

There is a third type of gay, those that are made that way by outside influences that are not paedophiles. These are made that way by chemicals they are exposed to and social conditioning, and things like that.

So, when it comes to homos, if they are the first type, they are born that way, are just like normal guys, and are quiet about their sexuality, then I dont care what they get up to. The second type should be given mental health treatment, and if they exhibit paedo tendencies, either lock them up, or execute them. The third type should be treated as mentally ill also, and research should be done into what causes the gayness, so it is removed from society.
1. How are you going to stop homos being homo? Chemically castrate them? Execute them? It isnt a slippery slope to allow them to be homo, if you never allow anything else.
A sexual drive is not something you allow or don't allow. Teaching people not to act on their sex drives is the answer.
The only way is through religion.

The desire to fornicate with a man is countered in the same way as the desire to fornicate with a woman.
We all (straight men) have felt extremely strong temptation to fornicate with sexy women.
A homosexual is simply one who feels that same temptation, but to fornicate with a man.
The cause is the sex drive. The solution is convincing people to not follow their sex drives. Sex is to be reserved for the marital bed.

That's why you can't have free love, fornication, premarital sex, or divorce and not get homosexuality. One leads directly to the other. If recreational sex is permitted, particularly when sodomy (BJs and anal) are permitted, then how can one say that those same acts with a consenting man are not allowed? It makes no sense.

At the end of the day, we don't act on our sexual urges, whether they are aberrant or not, as we are instructed to reserve that for our wife. I don't blame someone for having an unnatural attraction to the same sex, or adolescents, or animals; i pity them. And it can be difficult to judge them for acting on their urges if we have also acted on the same urges. But the goal is having a society that does not accept or allow such actions. Our society today *celebrates* them.
A sexual drive is not something you allow or don't allow. Teaching people not to act on their sex drives is the answer.
The only way is through religion.

The desire to fornicate with a man is countered in the same way as the desire to fornicate with a woman.
We all (straight men) have felt extremely strong temptation to fornicate with sexy women.
A homosexual is simply one who feels that same temptation, but to fornicate with a man.
The cause is the sex drive. The solution is convincing people to not follow their sex drives. Sex is to be reserved for the marital bed.

That's why you can't have free love, fornication, premarital sex, or divorce and not get homosexuality. One leads directly to the other. If recreational sex is permitted, particularly when sodomy (BJs and anal) are permitted, then how can one say that those same acts with a consenting man are not allowed? It makes no sense.

At the end of the day, we don't act on our sexual urges, whether they are aberrant or not, as we are instructed to reserve that for our wife. I don't blame someone for having an unnatural attraction to the same sex, or adolescents, or animals; i pity them. And it can be difficult to judge them for acting on their urges if we have also acted on the same urges. But the goal is having a society that does not accept or allow such actions. Our society today *celebrates* them.

Not quite the same thing, most men become homosexual out of deeper issues. This has been well covered by experts in conversion therapy (which is now banned in most western countries).