LGBT Agenda

I saw a long post by someone claiming to be a biology professor the other day. She went over all the possible chromosome combos other than XX and XY. This was supposed to be proof that those of us who believe there are just two sexes and that it would be best if "gender" had remained just a grammatical term are ignorant dummies.

What she didn't do was say how common any of those other combinations are. It struck me as arguing that because some people are born without arms, it's perfectly normal and healthy both to have arms or not have arms and, in fact, some people were erroneously born with arms when their true nature is armless and they should probably correct this by having their arms removed.
What she didn't do was say how common any of those other combinations are. It struck me as arguing that because some people are born without arms, it's perfectly normal and healthy both to have arms or not have arms and, in fact, some people were erroneously born with arms when their true nature is armless and they should probably correct this by having their arms removed.
There are people who think this, and seek to get their arms amputated so their body will align with their identity.

It's obviously insane, but so is "gender transition".

Disgusting to see what happened to this once great organization.

Christian Based, boys only alternative:
