LGBT Agenda

I'm from a city with lots of Catholics and many of the churches have rainbow flags outside of them. A family member goes to a Catholic church with gay altar boys. It's an absolute disgrace.

Say what you will about Protestants, but they don't support this nonsense nearly to the extent that Catholics do.

In my area it's the protestants with rainbow flags.
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I work at a ski resort for the winter and they have rainbow flags everywhere. I had to go into the HR building and almost every cubicle had a rainbow flag. It was a complete freak show.

People are trying to ski, and not think about rainbow people's degenerate lives. Many of the customers have their children with them too. The sad thing is most of the customers probably like it.

These businesses have no spine. Or they want to enable it. But the rainbow flags are priority number one on the destruction of tradition.
I work at a ski resort for the winter and they have rainbow flags everywhere. I had to go into the HR building and almost every cubicle had a rainbow flag. It was a complete freak show.

People are trying to ski, and not think about rainbow people's degenerate lives. Many of the customers have their children with them too. The sad thing is most of the customers probably like it.

These businesses have no spine. Or they want to enable it. But the rainbow flags are priority number one on the destruction of tradition.
I thought we had it bad in the US, but then I went to Ontario, Canada a few months ago and coming back felt grateful for the relative lack of rainbow flags I see around here. At least in the Midwest. Crossing back into Michigan, I felt I had entered a Christian theocracy in comparison. In Canada they are really everywhere.

One day I was in a Canadian national park, Point Pelee, and they had giant rainbow flags in the middle of the forest. There were rainbow flags in the visitor center as well. The cashiers at the entrance were also wearing rainbow pins, and I'm not sure if it was by choice or they were forced to. Basically they miss no opportunity to remind you of where they stand.
do not insult
Whenever Americans slag Canada for whatever limp-wristed liberal malaise infects our nation, the irony is that we caught said diseases from YOU. The poisonous leftist/liberal schools of thought was largely introduced in the 60's by your draft-dodgers, your academics, your intellectuals. Then there are the Canadians who were indoctrinated in your schools. Pierre Trudeau, who has irreparably damaged Canadian society, was indoctrinated in...Harvard Grad School! So if you feel the urge to point the finger at US, first look in the mirror, you self-righteous fucks. May God curse your nation for the moral/spiritual/social poison it has spread across the Globe.
I thought we had it bad in the US, but then I went to Ontario, Canada a few months ago and coming back felt grateful for the relative lack of rainbow flags I see around here. At least in the Midwest. Crossing back into Michigan, I felt I had entered a Christian theocracy in comparison. In Canada they are really everywhere.

One day I was in a Canadian national park, Point Pelee, and they had giant rainbow flags in the middle of the forest. There were rainbow flags in the visitor center as well. The cashiers at the entrance were also wearing rainbow pins, and I'm not sure if it was by choice or they were forced to. Basically they miss no opportunity to remind you of where they stand.
I was recently in NYC for two days. Much to my surprise, I can count the number of pride flags we saw on my fingers.