Latest UK Lunacy

Yesterday, life in general sank to a new low. The weekly round up at work came out and, as you'd expect, it contained details of the Armistice Day's 2 minutes silence - blink and you'd miss it though, as it was about as unobtrusive as you could get. Scroll down a little further, and you were unable to miss the entry about Trans Awareness Week, which had a nice bright graphic, and took up about 3 times the space.
It appears that the madness has spread over the border into the ROI. A migrant related report, courtesy of Remix News:

Once the West has completely destroyed itself whoever is left to pick up the pieces will marvel at the hubris and naivety over which we sacrificed thousands of years of cultural and civilizational progress on the altar of an unproven and flawed ideology. Countless historians will attempt to unpack what actually transpired in order to establish the source of such widespread treason against your own people. What they all will agree upon most likely is that a cultural malaise infested the minds of its contemporaries and caused them to abandon all sense and reason.
Another day in our once great capital:
How stupid they are. At the beginning of this conflict I, along with many others on the Right, was sympathetic towards the Palestinians, but this sort of behaviour lessens my interest in being so. Of course I still detest the Israeli cold heartedness, especially to the children, but I'm sick and tired of Muslims who have zero respect for any of us.
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