Latest German Lunacy

Whatever else you can say about this, I'd say the cops are right. Soccer hooligans will be less of a problem stoned than drunk.
The English football hooligans of today are not nearly as threatening as those of generations past. I remember that during the 2016 cup in France, English hooligans were routinely getting their butts whooped by the Russian hooligans. Because the English are very out of shape and would get piss drunk before the match, while the Russians were organized, stayed sober, and came with martial arts training. I wouldn't want to mess with the Serbian hooligans either, those guys are ruthless.
The English football hooligans of today are not nearly as threatening as those of generations past. I remember that during the 2016 cup in France, English hooligans were routinely getting their butts whooped by the Russian hooligans. Because the English are very out of shape and would get piss drunk before the match, while the Russians were organized, stayed sober, and came with martial arts training. I wouldn't want to mess with the Serbian hooligans either, those guys are ruthless.
The whole idea of sports fans routinely behaving in a violently criminal manner seems outrageous to me. I expect no violence at all at an American sports ball game, and it is a scandal when isolated violence happens at something like a championship celebration.

It seems to me like European soccer hooligans need to be rounded up by riot police and sent to prison work camps.
The English football hooligans of today are not nearly as threatening as those of generations past. I remember that during the 2016 cup in France, English hooligans were routinely getting their butts whooped by the Russian hooligans. Because the English are very out of shape and would get piss drunk before the match, while the Russians were organized, stayed sober, and came with martial arts training. I wouldn't want to mess with the Serbian hooligans either, those guys are ruthless.
The whole idea of sports fans routinely behaving in a violently criminal manner seems outrageous to me. I expect no violence at all at an American sports ball game, and it is a scandal when isolated violence happens at something like a championship celebration.

It seems to me like European soccer hooligans need to be rounded up by riot police and sent to prison work camps.
Yes indeed by golly!Why not let ali baba and his forty thieves loot and burn the city centers of Europe but woe betide the European cracker head footy hooligan who decides to dook it out with his weekend oppo thug from the other side.Yeah!Fists and boots never hurt no one as opposed to yer liberal imported immigrant of whatever shiittystan shithole he came from,wielding his blade of steel against any Euro he comes across in the name of jihad n'stuff or merely cuz he's offended because whitey insulted Mohammed.

I reckon you've never been to a hooligan infested English football match especially those of the early seventies and eighties.
Depending which ground you went,you first had to run the gauntlet of thug coppers to get to the turnstiles.Once in,off you went.Singing and chanting ,you're going to kick everybody's f-----g head in.The refs a fat b-----d! Ooing and aaghing with every near miss etc etc.The odd scuffle on the terrace cuz some 'ard bastard' from the other side decided he's going to take on the home crowd in their own end.Ha ha ha lunatics galore,you gotta luv em.Give him a good thrashing till the cops come and rescue him and then throw him out of the ground.

Yeah.Football on a Saturday afternoon.At least the authorities knew where all the nutters were.
Now look at the sad state of European football fans.Sit down,do as you're ordered.Cant drink,cant smoke,cant say 'you black bastard' or 'fuc--n faggot'.Best of it is,the dude sitting ,yes,sitting next to you(crowd control) will dobb you into the authorities accusing you of unbridled racism or homophobia and so so a five year match ban awaits you along with passport confiscation.Welcome to British football where your neighbor is a grass, a lick spittle of a turd,a yes man,a coward.

You see folks,todays 'football' is not about the game or the sport,it's about the total control off all of society,the gambling.Bread and circus for the plebs where white male bravado will not be tolerated.Hardly a copper in sight.'Crowd control' by remote spy cameras,fat git stewards in tango orange florescent garb and of course,yer next door friendly snitch.Where are the coppers anyway?Oh yeah.....policing gay pride events and hassling the ever growing homeless populations of white folks on yer streets.

There is Thomas, a certain naivete to your world view.At least 'football hooligans' of yesteryear,like criminals,kept the violence amongst their own kind as opposed to picking on random bystander/s like yer crazed Mohammedans.

They never drive vehicles into crowds at Christmas time.They didn't and dont blow up kids and concert goers out for a more than memorable night out.There is no Bataclan in Man Utd or Chelsea or Tottenham as far as I know.

You advocate for more state/police control over the thuggier elements of your own kind.Maybe the British authorities should create a British 'Azov' battalion and send all the lunatics to Ukraine to fight Vlads' marauders.'s Sunday and time for Euro footy.The chews have got it all sewn up and Europe's been done up like a kipper.
Rant over and out
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Yes indeed by golly!Why not let ali baba and his forty thieves loot and burn the city centers of Europe but woe betide the European cracker head footy hooligan who decides to dook it out with his weekend oppo thug from the other side.Yeah!Fists and boots never hurt no one as opposed to yer liberal imported immigrant of whatever shiittystan shithole he came from,wielding his blade of steel against any Euro he comes across in the name of jihad n'stuff or merely cuz he's offended because whitey insulted Mohammed.

I reckon you've never been to a hooligan infested English football match especially those of the early seventies and eighties.
Depending which ground you went,you first had to run the gauntlet of thug coppers to get to the turnstiles.Once in,off you went.Singing and chanting ,you're going to kick everybody's f-----g head in.The refs a fat b-----d! Ooing and aaghing with every near miss etc etc.The odd scuffle on the terrace cuz some 'ard bastard' from the other side decided he's going to take on the home crowd in their own end.Ha ha ha lunatics galore,you gotta luv em.Give him a good thrashing till the cops come and rescue him and then throw him out of the ground.

Yeah.Football on a Saturday afternoon.At least the authorities knew where all the nutters were.
Now look at the sad state of European football fans.Sit down,do as you're ordered.Cant drink,cant smoke,cant say 'you black bastard' or 'fuc--n faggot'.Best of it is,the dude sitting ,yes,sitting next to you(crowd control) will dobb you into the authorities accusing you of unbridled racism or homophobia and so so a five year match ban awaits you along with passport confiscation.Welcome to British football where your neighbor is a grass, a lick spittle of a turd,a yes man,a coward.

You see folks,todays 'football' is not about the game or the sport,it's about the total control off all of society,the gambling.Bread and circus for the plebs where white male bravado will not be tolerated.Hardly a copper in sight.'Crowd control' by remote spy cameras,fat git stewards in tango orange florescent garb and of course,yer next door friendly snitch.Where are the coppers anyway?Oh yeah.....policing gay pride events and hassling the ever growing homeless populations of white folks on yer streets.

There is Thomas, a certain naivete to your world view.At least 'football hooligans' of yesteryear,like criminals,kept the violence amongst their own kind as opposed to picking on random bystander/s like yer crazed Mohammedans.

They never drive vehicles into crowds at Christmas time.They didn't and dont blow up kids and concert goers out for a more than memorable night out.There is no Bataclan in Man Utd or Chelsea or Tottenham as far as I know.

You advocate for more state/police control over the thuggier elements of your own kind.Maybe the British authorities should create a British 'Azov' battalion and send all the lunatics to Ukraine to fight Vlads' marauders.'s Sunday and time for Euro footy.The chews have got it all sewn up and Europe's been done up like a kipper.
Rant over and out
u wot m8?
Yes indeed by golly!Why not let ali baba and his forty thieves loot and burn the city centers of Europe but woe betide the European cracker head footy hooligan who decides to dook it out with his weekend oppo thug from the other side.Yeah!Fists and boots never hurt no one as opposed to yer liberal imported immigrant of whatever shiittystan shithole he came from,wielding his blade of steel against any Euro he comes across in the name of jihad n'stuff or merely cuz he's offended because whitey insulted Mohammed.

I reckon you've never been to a hooligan infested English football match especially those of the early seventies and eighties.
Depending which ground you went,you first had to run the gauntlet of thug coppers to get to the turnstiles.Once in,off you went.Singing and chanting ,you're going to kick everybody's f-----g head in.The refs a fat b-----d! Ooing and aaghing with every near miss etc etc.The odd scuffle on the terrace cuz some 'ard bastard' from the other side decided he's going to take on the home crowd in their own end.Ha ha ha lunatics galore,you gotta luv em.Give him a good thrashing till the cops come and rescue him and then throw him out of the ground.

Yeah.Football on a Saturday afternoon.At least the authorities knew where all the nutters were.
Now look at the sad state of European football fans.Sit down,do as you're ordered.Cant drink,cant smoke,cant say 'you black bastard' or 'fuc--n faggot'.Best of it is,the dude sitting ,yes,sitting next to you(crowd control) will dobb you into the authorities accusing you of unbridled racism or homophobia and so so a five year match ban awaits you along with passport confiscation.Welcome to British football where your neighbor is a grass, a lick spittle of a turd,a yes man,a coward.

You see folks,todays 'football' is not about the game or the sport,it's about the total control off all of society,the gambling.Bread and circus for the plebs where white male bravado will not be tolerated.Hardly a copper in sight.'Crowd control' by remote spy cameras,fat git stewards in tango orange florescent garb and of course,yer next door friendly snitch.Where are the coppers anyway?Oh yeah.....policing gay pride events and hassling the ever growing homeless populations of white folks on yer streets.

There is Thomas, a certain naivete to your world view.At least 'football hooligans' of yesteryear,like criminals,kept the violence amongst their own kind as opposed to picking on random bystander/s like yer crazed Mohammedans.

They never drive vehicles into crowds at Christmas time.They didn't and dont blow up kids and concert goers out for a more than memorable night out.There is no Bataclan in Man Utd or Chelsea or Tottenham as far as I know.

You advocate for more state/police control over the thuggier elements of your own kind.Maybe the British authorities should create a British 'Azov' battalion and send all the lunatics to Ukraine to fight Vlads' marauders.'s Sunday and time for Euro footy.The chews have got it all sewn up and Europe's been done up like a kipper.
Rant over and out
I think the people below your post haven't understood it. I've been to football in the old days, I understand what you were saying.

Times were different then, life was different. Football was really tribal and you were fighting for and representing your area. What passes for football today is just more bread and circus, corporatised money fueled bullshit. Generic teams playing in different colours. All the teams play the same way these days, it's so boring.

I prefer ice hockey these days. It's still got some violence to it and it's way faster and more skillful.
The AfD will probably fail to crack 20% at the next Bundestag election.

Even if they do reach it, what next?

CDU/CSU still show a woeful disdain for the AfD and could foreseeably form another grand coalition with the Socialists, or even with the Free Democrats and Greens.

Until you see a total repudiation by the “conservatives” of the craziness under Merkel’s time and a solemn promise to never repeat it and diligently reverse it, the madness will just continue.
This is exactly what happened in the last elections in Saxony. The majority voted conservative, but the left-wing parties got into office. Maybe it's because of the number of voters.



CDU & AfD got 83 seats
CDU & Greens & Social Democrats got 67 seats
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The German cops make me think of Benny Hill skits, running around and freaking out whenever someone says the wrong word, sings "Ausländer Raus", or uses a hand gesture. It's so predictable and like the country is run by kindergarten snowflakes. That's how you could totally troll the government: everyone all over the country coordinate to say this phrase, sing that song, or do the gesture at the same time all over the country. Like nationwide flashmobs. The cops' heads would explode and nothing else would get done. It would be front-page news for weeks each time, and the establishment handwringing would be hilarious.
in particular, don't raise two fingers to the upper lip like the man near the start of this video :

...that really gets them worked up!
Just another day in paradise.

Because of insult to group rapist – woman has to go to prison

Woman must go to prison for insulting gang rapist
JF-Online2-2 minutes 06/24/2024
HAMBURG. The Hamburg-Wandsbek district court has sentenced a 20-year-old to a weekend of youth detention for insulting and threatening. The young woman had found out the cell phone number of one of the ten Hamburg city park rapists and verbally abused him. According to the Hamburger Abendblatt, she is said to have written to him on the WhatsApp messenger service that he was a "disgusting freak", a "rapist pig" and that he would "not be able to go anywhere" in the future without being beaten up.

The convicted woman must spend a weekend in the Hahnöfersand youth detention center - from Friday evening to Sunday evening, as reported by Die Welt. The woman was already on record and had previously received an educational measure for minor theft of goods worth less than 25 euros. The current verdict against her is not yet final.

Only one gang rapist has to go to prison
The act of the threatened and insulted man caused horror across the country. In Hamburg's city park, he and nine other men repeatedly raped a drunken 15-year-old girl. Of the ten defendants, one was acquitted, eight got away with 60 hours of community service and suspended sentences, and only one had to go to prison for two years and nine months.

The young men who have since been convicted are between 16 and 20 years old. Five of them are German citizens, the others come from Montenegro, Syria, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Armenia. (st)
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Nobody here has mentioned it as of yet, but once the new self-determination law is in action, probably from the 1st of August onward, it would be a good idea to change your legal gender if you're a male German citizen.
Use the cleaner toilets, use women's parking, etc. It will be there for at least another year or two. It's hilarious and given the many quotas that currently are in effect, you might actually get benefits out of it. I do not think there is any standard for fraudulent sex changes, as they go as far as accepting fluidity and allowing everybody to change it annually, like a facebook name.

It's hilarious and 100% legal. I know that "owning the libs" is a stale meme, but this is quite the open flank, and it should be used to bring joy and laughter in these dark times.
Nobody here has mentioned it as of yet, but once the new self-determination law is in action, probably from the 1st of August onward, it would be a good idea to change your legal gender if you're a male German citizen.
Use the cleaner toilets, use women's parking, etc. It will be there for at least another year or two. It's hilarious and given the many quotas that currently are in effect, you might actually get benefits out of it. I do not think there is any standard for fraudulent sex changes, as they go as far as accepting fluidity and allowing everybody to change it annually, like a facebook name.

It's hilarious and 100% legal. I know that "owning the libs" is a stale meme, but this is quite the open flank, and it should be used to bring joy and laughter in these dark times.
The funny thing is, the German bureaucracy takes itself SO seriously, that they won't question your "choice", especially if you give even minimal pushback. It is incapable of even a modicum of self-reflection. Gotta follow the rules to the letter of the law...always.
I really appreciate this kind of news because it will wake up the average Joe to the fact that Germany's laws are beyond insane. Hopefully my people will start asking questions about who is behind all this.
On the other hand, I'm skeptical, because all the rape news doesn't have that effect, and I wonder what else has to happen before the average German gets angry about this.

But one thing is for sure: the persecution of the messenger will become standard procedure in your (Western) country, too, while the real criminals will go free.
Nobody here has mentioned it as of yet, but once the new self-determination law is in action, probably from the 1st of August onward, it would be a good idea to change your legal gender if you're a male German citizen.
Use the cleaner toilets, use women's parking, etc. It will be there for at least another year or two. It's hilarious and given the many quotas that currently are in effect, you might actually get benefits out of it. I do not think there is any standard for fraudulent sex changes, as they go as far as accepting fluidity and allowing everybody to change it annually, like a facebook name.

It's hilarious and 100% legal. I know that "owning the libs" is a stale meme, but this is quite the open flank, and it should be used to bring joy and laughter in these dark times.
I think it's a myth that women's toilets are cleaner.