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Latest German Lunacy

China basically proved that if you do Perestroika right, there is no need for Glasnost.

Yeah, you get the vaccine pass and a tracker. May be burn alive in quarantine hotel. At least I traveled freely through most of the continental US including California throughout the whole scamdemic time. People discard freedoms too easily.
Yeah, you get the vaccine pass and a tracker. May be burn alive in quarantine hotel. At least I traveled freely through most of the continental US including California throughout the whole scamdemic time. People discard freedoms too easily.
Again, form and content. Freedoms in the US have nothing to do with them having a (theoretical) multiparty system. In Germany, you wouldn't have been able to travel like that. In Russia, you could have gone hundreds of miles without anybody bothering you.
The formal structure of the system isn't what grants you those freedoms, it's the people the culture produces and a combination of national idiosyncrasies.
Again, form and content. Freedoms in the US have nothing to do with them having a (theoretical) multiparty system. In Germany, you wouldn't have been able to travel like that. In Russia, you could have gone hundreds of miles without anybody bothering you.
The formal structure of the system isn't what grants you those freedoms, it's the people the culture produces and a combination of national idiosyncrasies.

One of the many things I love about Russia. Very low population density, which means you can choose the way you live and work. If your profession allows you to be remote, even better.

This is actually a funny thing to point out. Only Germany has overt pro-government "protests". It really is weird. Like, setting up a protest WHILE you are in power instead of just speaking through press conferences or the state media that gives you all the time you want.

People go to these events because it's fun to get drunk there and immigrants can hope for some bobs & vagene while not going to work.
Merkel is the one who let the minimum 1.5 million “Syrian refugees” into Germany and it is her party that began the outright schizophrenia of modern German politics by effectively branding the AfD as “Nazis”.

So the problem has always been the CDU (and increasingly FDP as well). Until a sufficient percentage of voters eviscerate these two supposedly more center-right parties by switching to AfD and make it clear they will never vote for them again unless they stay rightwing enough permanently, disaster will continue to strike.

Inasmuch as 100 or so AfD members is great, the Bundestag’s functional number of politicians is always the official number minus the number of AfD members as the CDU and FDP refuse to work with the AfD.

At least 200 Bundestag seats, more likely 225-250, would need to be AfD-held before the CDU even temporarily grew up.
Merkel is the one who let the minimum 1.5 million “Syrian refugees” into Germany and it is her party that began the outright schizophrenia of modern German politics by effectively branding the AfD as “Nazis”.

So the problem has always been the CDU (and increasingly FDP as well). Until a sufficient percentage of voters eviscerate these two supposedly more center-right parties by switching to AfD and make it clear they will never vote for them again unless they stay rightwing enough permanently, disaster will continue to strike.

Inasmuch as 100 or so AfD members is great, the Bundestag’s functional number of politicians is always the official number minus the number of AfD members as the CDU and FDP refuse to work with the AfD.

At least 200 Bundestag seats, more likely 225-250, would need to be AfD-held before the CDU even temporarily grew up.
I agree. Green and red voters are brainwashed beyond repair. CDU/CSU voters are disgusting copium addicts and weaklings. This is made clear when you find our that more than 60% of German voters would be okay with an AfD coalition.
It's like "okay you gaylords, then why the H don't you just vote that?".

The thing in my opinion is just that Germany has too many boomers whose brains have been turned into mush by 70 years of propaganda.

The good thing about the complete blockade of the AfD in my opinion is that they will have to shoot for absolute majority without compromises, and be it only due to their inability to make any. It's probably going to take another couple of years though.

The regime is going crazy though. Everyone I know who's been to Germany or a German university is getting flooded with all sorts of messages and adverts about how all institutions are going to fail or become illegal as soon as the AfD has a majority.

They are totally off the goop.
Wow, this thread gets action almost every day now...

The real story of what happened to the German people during World War II continues to be erased. In Dresden, a memorial inscription about the bombing of the city by the American and British Air Forces in February 1945 was removed. The firebombing of Dresden was the real holocaust. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were "burnt whole."

Remember, no one is allowed to be a victim except (((the self-chosen))).

2024-01-17 16.45.02.jpg
The burns are still there on the older buildings, the soot and the black ash is caked onto the stone. It is an unsettling reminder for those who know. There is a morose serenity in the old district like that of a medieval cemetary, and in times of silence when no wind is present, an in-tune soul can hear the screams, the wails of lambs slaughtered by a fire serpent in the aether of a lost time. I do not think more people have ever been killed in one location so callously and devilishly in such a short amount of time.

This dishonor and travesty, along with every other location in Europe that was destroyed by the brother-war-waging jewish servants, will not be forgotten.
The burns are still there on the older buildings, the soot and the black ash is caked onto the stone. It is an unsettling reminder for those who know. There is a morose serenity in the old district like that of a medieval cemetary, and in times of silence when no wind is present, an in-tune soul can hear the screams, the wails of lambs slaughtered by a fire serpent in the aether of a lost time.
You should become a script writer for the next holocaust movie. Good stuff.

I think Dresden is vastly exaggerated. I think it's political play that it's pushed up, a nice new trope to create division.

1. Well Auschwitz, so bad, evil nazis
2. Well Dresden, so bad, evil west

I don't say nothing happened, I say zoom out, why is this coming up? I hear it from many different sides.

To me Dresden is the same as Hiroshima. Also vastly exaggerated.

"Dresden" is used as a tool to say, now it needs to stop, this never again, we went to far, we need international peace now.

Which means secured US hegemony over the world.
You should become a script writer for the next holocaust movie. Good stuff.

I think Dresden is vastly exaggerated. I think it's political play that it's pushed up, a nice new trope to create division.

1. Well Auschwitz, so bad, evil nazis
2. Well Dresden, so bad, evil west

I don't say nothing happened, I say zoom out, why is this coming up? I hear it from many different sides.

To me Dresden is the same as Hiroshima. Also vastly exaggerated.

"Dresden" is used as a tool to say, now it needs to stop, this never again, we went to far, we need international peace now.

Which means secured US hegemony over the world.

You know it all so well so let's hear your story of when/if the US collapses?
You know it all so well so let's hear your story of when/if the US collapses?
I'm very curious, what would happen then.

Everyone is always speaking on the collapse, but every signal we see is that the hegemony is very strong.


Dollar by far the strongest currency, by far the strongest navy, almost a monopoly on internet infrastructure (all the tech companies/cloud services), financial dominance in the stock market, regulatory dominance (veto right in the UN), control energy (though that's changing a bit with China)


I think what we now see is a very strong US empire (elite) but for the common man it's not that great.

A bit like Rome I think, there is a moment when the slaves leave the city, but as it seems now, they can prop up the slaves well enough. And otherwise they bring in some new meat from India or Bangladesh.

I don't see anything collapsing in the wordly sense, in the spiritual sense it does ofcourse. That's in deep decay.

But I think history has shown, the spiritual kingdom is different from the worldly kingdom.

I seee a severe lack of soul in all industries here, law, tech, housing, it's all so measured, KPI structured, in parenting, state school take moral education now (completely skip it, or good is bad and bad is good)

I see a lot of depression, people feeling lack of meaning, saw 2 suicides relatively close to me in a week.

I believe the lack of love for God will have a worldly consequence.

German School - Revelation 18 Babylon burning 1st edition from the Luther Bible c1530 (coloure...jpg

And they want us to believe Dresden and Hiroshima were the holocausts, I think they were not, it's largely propaganda, burning cities that were already empty, I think we live in Babylon and the more we deny God, the closer the real fire will come.
And they want us to believe Dresden and Hiroshima were the holocausts, I think they were not, it's largely propaganda, burning cities that were already empty, I think we live in Babylon and the more we deny God, the closer the real fire will come.
The cities were not empty, everyone fleeing the receding and collapsing eastern front, including many non-Germans who also did not want to be caught up by the red army of rapey mongols were funneled through Dresden as it is a major crossroads, the first hub in Germany just west of the border of Moravia / Bohemia / Czechia (where Prague is).

You should become a script writer for the next holocaust movie. Good stuff.

I think Dresden is vastly exaggerated. I think it's political play that it's pushed up, a nice new trope to create division.

1. Well Auschwitz, so bad, evil nazis
2. Well Dresden, so bad, evil west

I don't say nothing happened, I say zoom out, why is this coming up? I hear it from many different sides.

To me Dresden is the same as Hiroshima. Also vastly exaggerated.

"Dresden" is used as a tool to say, now it needs to stop, this never again, we went to far, we need international peace now.

Which means secured US hegemony over the world.
One side has been suppressed, and one side has been vastly exaggerated to the realm of the fictitious, not both. It doesn't work that way. The winners write the records and impugn the loser with all kinds of slander. This is human nature, and worse when jews are running the narrative.

They will never take down one of their phony holohoax memorials in any of these European cities, they will probably start putting more up the more every other memory of the truth becomes suppressed.

What you're saying here is that both sides are liars, and outsiders who hear this will be more confused, that the truth is as arbitrary as an atheist postulating an abstract mathematical formula. The truth does not fear investigation, and the fact that so many forces are at work to prevent these investigations from taking place is proof that the lies are only what is pushed.

If what you believe is true, then the Germans would be able to advocate for themselves on the victim totem pole of atrocities for this, the rapes from the Stalinist hordes, the bombings of also Hamburg and Cologne and Berlin as well, and the Rhine-Meadows starvation camps, but they are not allowed to, even to this day. I tried to go look at the Rhine-Meadows but there were huge areas off limits to anyone, because people will find human remains there still in Wehrmacht uniforms, and some people have found some before being forcibly removed and fined by brainwashed German law enforcement.

There are no huge major headlines about removing this memorial from Dresden, they want the Germans to shut up and stop thinking about this time period, except for their continued browbeating and submission based on the warped and twisted psychological guilt trip their judeo-masonic overlords have imposed on them. The German people are forbidden self-autonomy in any kind of political or national interest. I thought you understood this.

You are right about US Hegemony, but the US is controlled by jews who are profiting massively off of their lolocaust racket, a racket that only exists and survives by completely suppressing the truth.

The camps in Poland are pathetic, hyper-sensationalized. As for Auschwitz in particular, the chimney of the fabled crematorium isn't even attached to the building, and it is obvious that the "gas chambers" were former latrines that had walls broken down to appear larger (if anyone's ever done a remodeling, they can see the breaks in the continuous floor and walls).

Unlike the jewish fable, these scorch marks are not an exaggeration:


You really can't say what you think or know until you visit the place in person, and talk to enough people there. I know you've done some traveling yourself, but this is my take on any place. This city was completely wiped off the map save for a few structures that could withstand the infernos. There is a wild mix of old-old and new-old buildings, most obvious along the river banks in the city where classical architecture is mixed with socialist structures from the Soviet East Germany rule. Kreuzkirche is still showing evidence of the damage. When it was rebuilt, the inside of the church was reconstructed using very bland and ugly concrete, so it is clearly visible how much of the church was destroyed during the bombings. That’s also the reason, why many consider this church to be the ugliest in the city, because it was deliberately made ugly to add salt on already opened wounds. Most damaged buildings were demolished soon after the war so at most you would find a few empty lots, but nowadays even those have been mostly filled out. Two of the most prominent remnants of the war during DDR times were the palace and the Frauenkirche in the city center, as they weren't deemed important enough to maintain by the Soviets, but they've also been rebuilt now.

Unless you're from the area you're visiting, you're never going to know the full story about any queries you may have about things there. This architecture introspective talks about the details of the cities reconstruction:
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Thanks for your reply, let me try to answer your points.
The cities were not empty, everyone fleeing the receding and collapsing eastern front, including many non-Germans who also did not want to be caught up by the red army of rapey mongols were funneled through Dresden as it is a major crossroads, the first hub in Germany just west of the border of Moravia / Bohemia / Czechia (where Prague is)
I believe the receding German army and the coming Russian army, the fiercest winter in many years, made Eastern a totally detached place where many died of hunger.

Not rapey mongols, that's propaganda, not Dresden was the pinnacle of death, but the hinterland, I think many Germans, Poles and Jews died of hunger in the winter of 45. Camps without supplies, ghettos without food, roads broken down, a weakened Soviet union that didn't supply.

All across the east mass graves are found, not camps, but unclaimed, ofcourse the Jewish lobby tries to claim them, but I doubt that.

One side has been suppressed, and one side has been vastly exaggerated to the realm of the fictitious, not both. It doesn't work that way. The winners write the records and impugn the loser with all kinds of slander. This is human nature, and worse when jews are running the narrative.
I think the holocaust is 10-20x exaggerated (i think many jews died after the russians pushed back the germans, no systemic murder) and I think Dresden is distractionary propaganda to reduce the war to Auschwitz and Dresden. I think Dresden is also 10 x exagerated. If they say half a million I think at max 20.000.

They will never take down one of their phony holohoax memorials in any of these European cities, they will probably start putting more up the more every other memory of the truth becomes suppressed.

What you're saying here is that both sides are liars, and outsiders who hear this will be more confused, that the truth is as arbitrary as an atheist postulating an abstract mathematical formula. The truth does not fear investigation, and the fact that so many forces are at work to prevent these investigations from taking place is proof that the lies are only what is pushed.
Replacing lies with other lies is not helpful, you are just perpetuating the divisionary dialectical process then.

If what you believe is true, then the Germans would be able to advocate for themselves on the victim totem pole of atrocities for this, the rapes from the Stalinist hordes, the bombings of also Hamburg and Cologne and Berlin as well, and the Rhine-Meadows starvation camps, but they are not allowed to, even to this day. I tried to go look at the Rhine-Meadows but there were huge areas off limits to anyone, because people will find human remains there still in Wehrmacht uniforms, and some people have found some before being forcibly removed and fined by brainwashed German law enforcement.
I don't believe the stalinist hordes.

I think the story "the Russian were the real nazis" is just not true.

But of course you're right that any research is forbidden.

Societal history is not about truth, but about nation building.

There are no huge major headlines about removing this memorial from Dresden, they want the Germans to shut up and stop thinking about this time period, except for their continued browbeating and submission based on the warped and twisted psychological guilt trip their judeo-masonic overlords have imposed on them. The German people are forbidden self-autonomy in any kind of political or national interest. I thought you understood this.
I agree. The Germans live in a very special indoctrination state.

You are right about US Hegemony, but the US is controlled by jews who are profiting massively off of their lolocaust racket, a racket that only exists and survives by completely suppressing the truth.
I don't think jew-controlled. But with a very strong Jew lobby. There is no group with this amount of power. Always funny when they set up the blacks to the whites. While there is one group which has this amount of power and privilige. (I wouldnt be surprised there will be a moment this will bite the jews in the ass)

The camps in Poland are pathetic, hyper-sensationalized. As for Auschwitz in particular, the chimney of the fabled crematorium isn't even attached to the building, and it is obvious that the "gas chambers" were former latrines that had walls broken down to appear larger (if anyone's ever done a remodeling, they can see the breaks in the continuous floor and walls).
Unlike the jewish fable, these scorch marks are not an exaggeration:

Looks like uncleaned chalkstone in a rainy cold climate to me. (I don't say there were no bombs)

You really can't say what you think or know until you visit the place in person, and talk to enough people there.
I have done that, been there around 5 times.

I know you've done some traveling yourself, but this is my take on any place. This city was completely wiped off the map save for a few structures that could withstand the infernos. There is a wild mix of old-old and new-old buildings, most obvious along the river banks in the city where classical architecture is mixed with socialist structures from the Soviet East Germany rule.
Exactly. Agree. Don't forget that many unbombed cities have been destroyed with socialist architecture in Europe. Post WW2 all across Germany, Netherlands, old architecture was destroyed and replaced with brutalist architecture. (Amsterdam is a great example, if you walk out of the canals that becomes clear)

Kreuzkirche is still showing evidence of the damage. When it was rebuilt, the inside of the church was reconstructed using very bland and ugly concrete, so it is clearly visible how much of the church was destroyed during the bombings. That’s also the reason, why many consider this church to be the ugliest in the city, because it was deliberately made ugly to add salt on already opened wounds.
Yes. Go to Berlin, same, beautiful things were destroyed and replaced. This is part of the cultural program.

Most damaged buildings were demolished soon after the war so at most you would find a few empty lots, but nowadays even those have been mostly filled out. Two of the most prominent remnants of the war during DDR times were the palace and the Frauenkirche in the city center, as they weren't deemed important enough to maintain by the Soviets, but they've also been rebuilt now.

Unless you're from the area you're visiting, you're never going to know the full story about any queries you may have about things there. This architecture introspective talks about the details of the cities reconstruction:
Brutalism was a cultural political movement to shape a new man.
You should become a script writer for the next holocaust movie. Good stuff.

I think Dresden is vastly exaggerated. I think it's political play that it's pushed up, a nice new trope to create division.

1. Well Auschwitz, so bad, evil nazis
2. Well Dresden, so bad, evil west

I don't say nothing happened, I say zoom out, why is this coming up? I hear it from many different sides.

To me Dresden is the same as Hiroshima. Also vastly exaggerated.

"Dresden" is used as a tool to say, now it needs to stop, this never again, we went to far, we need international peace now.

Which means secured US hegemony over the world.

The kosher version of the Dresden bombing (which you are promoting here), where 1 million residents and refugees were crammed into that city and most of it was incenerated, claims that "up to 25,000 people died":

So they're not vastly exaggerating that bombing, they are vastly lying about the true scale of the bombing!!! Over a quarter million people were incinerated in that monstrosity of a war crime, they've killed over 10 times more civilians in 24hrs in Dresden than the Israelis killed in 3 months of Gaza bombing.

What do you think are the odds of the people crammed in those neighborhoods surviving such demolition, knowing as well that most people died incinerated from the firestorm, not from the kinetic effects of the bombs?



The RAF and USAF did an odious "double-tapping" operation where thousands of bombers were sent in the first wave, followed several hours later by a second wave to finish off the survivors as well as the rescuers. And then after that, hundreds of Mustangs and Thunderbolt fighters were sent to strafe off hapless Germans survivors leaving the city.

Dresden was the real "holocaust" or "burned offering sacrifice" of WW2.
The kosher version of the Dresden bombing (which you are promoting here), where 1 million residents and refugees were crammed into that city and most of it was incenerated, claims that "up to 25,000 people died":


These were the destructed areas. Dresden was bombed more often in the war. Probably large parts were destroyed already.
The areas are a few km2. Only a limited amount of people can live there. And people left the cities in the war, not housing million.

At max maybe 25.000 people lived here?

So they're not vastly exaggerating that bombing, they are vastly lying about the true scale of the bombing!!! Over a quarter million people were incinerated in that monstrosity of a war crime, they've killed over 10 times more civilians in 24hrs in Dresden than the Israelis killed in 3 months of Gaza bombing.

How do you know?
What do you think are the odds of the people crammed in those neighborhoods surviving such demolition, knowing as well that most people died incinerated from the firestorm, not from the kinetic effects of the bombs?

I don't believe the firestorm. If I look at the pictures look like normal bombs. (see no charred black buildings)


The RAF and USAF did an odious "double-tapping" operation where thousands of bombers were sent in the first wave, followed several hours later by a second wave to finish off the survivors as well as the rescuers. And then after that, hundreds of Mustangs and Thunderbolt fighters were sent to strafe off hapless Germans survivors leaving the city.

Dresden was the real "holocaust" or "burned offering sacrifice" of WW2.
I think this is the dialectical process. "German lies" vs "Jewish lies" Everyone exagerating, never finding truth.
These were the destructed areas. Dresden was bombed more often in the war. Probably large parts were destroyed already.

No, it wasn't. It was largely untouched, which also made it a haven for refugees from the eastern territories.

I don't believe the firestorm. If I look at the pictures look like normal bombs. (see no charred black buildings)

Well, then you don't believe thousands of first-hand witnesses including allied pilots and POWs. Fair enough.

The Dresden bombing is being treated the same way the Katyn massacre was treated in Poland when it was under Soviet occupation. Everyone in Poland knew that the Soviets did it, but the official story and what everybody had to pretend was that the Germans did it. Fortunately for Poland their occupation ended before all first hand knowledge of the event was gone.

Germany is not that lucky. Still under occupation by the US/UK, and with all witnesses dead by now, the occupiers can safely erase the last monuments.
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Germany's Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which monitors democratic parties who oppose replacement level migration, should tell American libertarian conservatives and members of any remaining country clubs that haven't gone LinkedIn-style corporate-cringe, all they need to know.
It appears that the UK's renowned foreigner friendy benefits system has some competition from Germany and it, like the UK, is also open to exploitation:

Knife related crime is on the rise in Germany - the article doesn't shy away from talking demographics:
