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Latest German Lunacy

For those not familiar with German news: He's getting hounded for some of the most harmless stuff you could imagine. It all started when there was a clash between leftists and rightists in Chemnitz a few years ago, and some video went viral of a skinhead getting angry and chasing one of the leftards, and this short clip was used to illustrate the claim that there had been organized political "hunts" of left wing activists. It was a big bunch of BS, and he went to the media and said that his GO had no evidence of such hunts and that the video had originally been shared by hardcore left wing extremists and might not even relate to that particular date.

That's when they started to defame him. He later had a meeting with some AfD members, ostensibly to counsel them on how they should prudently deal with accusations of extremism and extremism in their own ranks. Totally legitimate, any party could ask for a get-together like that, and particularly for the Left, you'd think it'd be in order. Whatever.

The guy is essentially a classical liberal and the media portrays him as Heinrich Himmler.

He also compared Swiss media to Western media during the Cold War, implying that Germans have to read foreign news in order to know what's up in their country. Which is true, by the way. But also, it's a harmless remark. Swiss media is slightly less tropey than German media, but it feels a lot more sane to regular Germans.

The German elite tries to kill you if you even so much as openly say that the Mainstream Media is dishonest. In fact, you're not even allowed to use "Mainstream Media" as a term. I used to live in a house with a retard leftist a couple of years ago, and we had a discussion about something and I said Mainstream Media, sort of in passing, and he immediately accused me of using "Nazi dogwhistles". I later realized that all the goy slop media had actually declared it as such.

It was only a matter of time until THOSE would show up.
Superstition and taboo: Germany retreats into the Middle Ages as its economy declines
This belongs here. I started reading this, but is a bit long winded..
Does remind me of that book that came out a few years ago Deutschland schafft sich ab
Switch off the nuclear power stations, don't defend a valuable gas pipeline until other geopolitical actors pop it.
Das Land der Dichter und Denker
Why must the economically strongest country in Europe snuff itself like this?
I'm not totally a fan of the 'lunacy' title as it makes it sound like everything from Germany is lunacy, but this time it really is -
That place Ribnitz-Damgarten is right up the top of Germany on the Baltic sea, had never heard of it.

Elon Musk made a small comment on it..

She said in a TicTok video :
„Was haben Deutschland und die Schlümpfe gemeinsam: Sie sind beide blau.“
What does Germany and the smurfs have in common? They are both blue.

Blue is the colour of the AfD party. Does anyone have a link to the TicTok video, would be good to see for oneself what caused the fuss, I had a look in TicTok but couldn't find it. Well, she said a few other things previously but that was the comment which triggered the police action, the smurfs.

It was enough for them to send the police to collect her out of the classroom in front of the other students.

There's a text of an interview with her in English :
Loretta: I posted other things on Tiktok, like that AfD party leader Alice Weidel is my role model, or AfD-politician Björn Höcke’s quote „You raise your children to be sheep and let wolves into the country“, because that’s exactly what I’m afraid of as a girl! But they weren’t mentioned by the police.
Great that the youth of Germany are becoming fans of politicians like Weidel and Höcke.

Once upon time 35 years ago.

It still looked kind of nice but their minds were already destroyed with propaganda.

They and their kids are degenerate fools. Lothar Mattheus (first pic) just got married for the 5th time. A sex addict.

Took the US just 3 generations to destroy the old Germany after WW2.

A grand success for the current global ruler. Turning your opponents into trash.

What about the ideas in their heads? They have to be demobilized and got back to work. But let one man or woman who still believes in the Nazi regime or the destiny of the German people to rule the world take office and you have the beginnings of another war. So they are put through a screen. To begin with, selected Germans interrogate them and fill in their demobilization papers.
/Note this meek little man who looks like a clerk or a grocer. Here is his portrait in Luftwaffe uniform. Then all their thumbprints are taken for record, and they are stripped and examined for the SS mark tattooed under the left armpit. Then their past history and character is examined by our intelligence officers, German speaking ex-commandos, and parachutists.
/The majority of Germans get through this close examination and are demobilized. But every so often there appears one who is suspect, or who is wanted, whose papers are too good, or whose answers are not good enough.
/Rejected. Back to the cage.
I'm not totally a fan of the 'lunacy' title as it makes it sound like everything from Germany is lunacy, but this time it really is -
That place Ribnitz-Damgarten is right up the top of Germany on the Baltic sea, had never heard of it.

Elon Musk made a small comment on it..

She said in a TicTok video :

What does Germany and the smurfs have in common? They are both blue.

Blue is the colour of the AfD party. Does anyone have a link to the TicTok video, would be good to see for oneself what caused the fuss, I had a look in TicTok but couldn't find it. Well, she said a few other things previously but that was the comment which triggered the police action, the smurfs.

It was enough for them to send the police to collect her out of the classroom in front of the other students.

There's a text of an interview with her in English :

Great that the youth of Germany are becoming fans of politicians like Weidel and Höcke.
It appears that the spirit of the Stasi is well and truly alive in modern Germany - my grandmother would not be amused.

Below is a short film celebrating high quality German engineering:
