Latest German Lunacy

I went to some Latin dance events in Germany. The crowd was great, had solid conversations with a bunch of people there and I'd say that the women seemed pretty feminine both in appearance and behaviour (there was even one that, in hindsight, might have been a decent long term option. But I digress). However, towards the end of the events when the women started leaving I noticed how many of them had backpacks. They would then pull out full blown track suits, hoodies, beanies, baggy clothing, old boys' sneakers, shades etc. that they would then put on.

This made them shockingly unrecognizable. Subsequently, I understood that they were doing it to avoid getting approached or harassed by men on the street because that attire rendered them unattractive.

Anyway, PJW actually covered the topic of women getting harassed today.

And I wasn't familiar with the chant "say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here."
However, towards the end of the events when the women started leaving I noticed how many of them had backpacks. They would then pull out full blown track suits, hoodies, beanies, baggy clothing, old boys' sneakers, shades etc. that they would then put on.

This made them shockingly unrecognizable. Subsequently, I understood that they were doing it to avoid getting approached or harassed by men on the street because that attire rendered them unattractive.

So basically the western version of an islamic burka.