Latest German Lunacy

And who lets them vote eh?

@SkiPro you need to understand that women shouldn't vote at all and that emancipation let up to this mess. And who was behind that?

Women should be able to walk alone in the dark in a just society. Once you understand that women are more like children it will all make sense.
Completely agree with you
And yet, Demographically, Germany is still, what, 90% German?
That is not true.

"Germany: Immigrants made up over 18% of 2022 population​

04/20/2023April 20, 2023
Some 15.3 million people in Germany, just under one in five nationwide, immigrated there at some point in their lives, according to new government statistics for 2022. Almost 5 million more were born to migrant parents."

"Destatis counted another 4.9 million, roughly 6%, whose parents both migrated to Germany.

And it noted that another 3.9 million had one parent who was a migrant though it said it was not counting them as having a full "immigration story," rather a "one-sided" one.

You might have seen or heard slightly higher figures for migrant population size in Germany in the past. That's because Destatis was tracking what it describes as people with an Einwanderungsgeschichte, an "immigration history," but it also regularly reports on people in Germany with a Migrationshintergrund, a "migration background."

The statistics are separate yet the data also overlaps considerably. The difference is that to classify as having a "migration background," one or more parents not having been born a German citizen suffices.

Some 23.8 million people in Germany, or 28.7% of the population, fit that definition, Destatis said on Thursday, a slight increase on their last tally.

So there you have it 28.7% of the population are non-Germans (or at least mixed race). So no Germany is not over 90% German.
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That is not true.

"Germany: Immigrants made up over 18% of 2022 population​

04/20/2023April 20, 2023
Some 15.3 million people in Germany, just under one in five nationwide, immigrated there at some point in their lives, according to new government statistics for 2022. Almost 5 million more were born to migrant parents."

"Destatis counted another 4.9 million, roughly 6%, whose parents both migrated to Germany.

And it noted that another 3.9 million had one parent who was a migrant though it said it was not counting them as having a full "immigration story," rather a "one-sided" one.

You might have seen or heard slightly higher figures for migrant population size in Germany in the past. That's because Destatis was tracking what it describes as people with an Einwanderungsgeschichte, an "immigration history," but it also regularly reports on people in Germany with a Migrationshintergrund, a "migration background."

The statistics are separate yet the data also overlaps considerably. The difference is that to classify as having a "migration background," one or more parents not having been born a German citizen suffices.

Some 23.8 million people in Germany, or 28.7% of the population, fit that definition, Destatis said on Thursday, a slight increase on their last tally.

So there you have it 28.7% of the population are non-Germans (or at least mixed race). So no Germany is not over 90% German.

Of those 15 million the vast majority are from European countries. Most of them integrated seamlessly and participate in all German cultural events. This is also because they're not taught some separate culture by their parents. That's why it was never an issue historically. The typical Italian-German doesn't have dreams of going back to Naples because he doesn't speak the language anyway or speaks it terribly. That's the reason why everyone considers them Germans, although they definitely aren't ethnic Germans, but they identify as Germans are some of the most German people you'll ever meet from a character standpoint.

Turks, however, always separated themselves from German society and adamantly displayed a high degree of national pride for their homeland, in addition to not wanting to be called Germans. Turks were always allowed to skip religion at German schools too. The girls don't always participate in PE etc. The list goes on.
With the huge migrant influx and growth of the Muslim community this has become even more pronounced. Furthermore, it is now evident that the common denominator of those who refuse to assimilate and fully integrate into society is that one "special" faith.

Interestingly, as a result of the ethnic Germans submissive behaviour and woke mind virus, even those fully integrated European non ethnic Germans are now starting to avoid calling themselves Germans because they don't want people to assume they are weak or homosexual.
Of those 15 million the vast majority are from European countries. Most of them integrated seamlessly and participate in all German cultural events. This is also because they're not taught some separate culture by their parents. That's why it was never an issue historically. The typical Italian-German doesn't have dreams of going back to Naples because he doesn't speak the language anyway or speaks it terribly. That's the reason why everyone considers them Germans, although they definitely aren't ethnic Germans, but they identify as Germans are some of the most German people you'll ever meet from a character standpoint.

Turks, however, always separated themselves from German society and adamantly displayed a high degree of national pride for their homeland, in addition to not wanting to be called Germans. Turks were always allowed to skip religion at German schools too. The girls don't always participate in PE etc. The list goes on.
With the huge migrant influx and growth of the Muslim community this has become even more pronounced. Furthermore, it is now evident that the common denominator of those who refuse to assimilate and fully integrate into society is that one "special" faith.

Interestingly, as a result of the ethnic Germans submissive behaviour and woke mind virus, even those fully integrated European non ethnic Germans are now starting to avoid calling themselves Germans because they don't want people to assume they are weak or homosexual.

Right, so Germany is still what, 90% White? They've a long way to go before they Weimerica levels.

Every freaking week. And in response the Germans will march in protest against right wing extremism. Can't even make this stuff up. It's embarrassing.

Anyway, luckily for chancellor Scholz this news will probably eclipse the racial slurs he used against a black member of the marginally conservative CDU party yesterday.

I checked my Instagram feed and the usual woke NPCs that were friends with George Floyd since preschool have not uttered a word against Scholz. Therefore, I expect more hypocrisy and silence from them.
Right, so Germany is still what, 90% White? They've a long way to go before the Weimerica levels.
Comparisons with Germany will always be somewhat pointless.

In 1990 during reunification Germany was almost entirely European and almost almost entirely German, except for a sizeable Turkish population in West Germany.

Even with communism, East Germany was a functional German ethnostate. Ironically, the former GDR, despite Merkel and the CDU being turncoats as “conservatives”, is what has prevented Germany from a fate far worse than France’s right now.

The US as a country has always been under the pump in terms of cohesion and demographics because of slavery (one of the few times slavery can honestly be blamed for something!).

13% of the population is black (and this used to be higher). That conservatively means America’s European population has always been capped at 87% at best since the 1700s, probably the 1600s.

1-2% minimum have been Native American (let’s say 2% to account for mixed race European-blacks and European-Amerindians who don’t identify as either ethnicity individually).

So now that’s an 85% cap and one reduced by both mestizo Hispanic migration and higher birth rates from both mestizo Hispanics and African-Americans. The mixed race population should probably be much higher than the 1% I added for safety.

US demographics are bad, for sure, but this issue has been known to all and sundry for decades. The writing on the wall generally has been clear for several hundred years.

Yet the US is still more conservative than Germany. Go figure.

There’s also the geographic barriers Germany has and the US lacks.

Hundreds of people die at sea trying to get to Europe and far less make the attempt than otherwise would due to the Mediterranean. The Arabs also often detest each other based on nationality, impeding access via land routes (plus Israel straddling the coast past the Sinai), and Arabs positively hate Sub-Saharan Africans.

If Europe had a kind of Rio Grande (Ceuta, Gibraltar and southern Spain are bottlenecks that can be managed), Germany would have been overrun entirely by the latest in the 1990s/2000s.
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"Car crashes" says the (((media))). No mention of the garbage invader driving it.
Surely “Afghan” is some new sarcastic-ironic term for a 20s or 30s-something ethnic German “incel” from non-diverse rural Niedersachsen with a thick Plattdeutsch accent and the dialectical knowledge of Plattdeutsch to match?

Or perhaps a 20s or 30s-something ethnic German “incel” from equally non-diverse small town Mecklenburg-Vorpommern whose “extremist” dad once inexplicably voted for the NPD in the 2000s after his business failed and none of the major parties cared?

Because in no way can the totally integrated and always-way-better-than-ethnic-Germans Afghan community be responsible for ANYTHING bad in Germany.

Every freaking week. And in response the Germans will march in protest against right wing extremism. Can't even make this stuff up. It's embarrassing.

Anyway, luckily for chancellor Scholz this news will probably eclipse the racial slurs he used against a black member of the marginally conservative CDU party yesterday.

I checked my Instagram feed and the usual woke NPCs that were friends with George Floyd since preschool have not uttered a word against Scholz. Therefore, I expect more hypocrisy and silence from them.
I saw this; hard to find confirmation though:


It's a very old meme yet the liberal tradition of welcoming muslims into christian countries never seems to get old.

German masochism made worse by Angela Merkel.

Munich is a beautiful city however it too now has had its car squishing event just like Berlin had its one with the truck at the Christmas market. Indeed there was the Christmas markets in Magdeburg wasn't there, that was another major squishing despite the concrete pillars installed following the lessons of Berlin. Very interesting that that the Magdeburg one was actually carried out by a qualified medical doctor.

Just gotta try not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time these days..

The conservative German press is saying more or less what we all say here. I dared to briefly look in the MSM 5ueddeutsch3 Zeitung and indeed the term judische Lügenpresse is not inappropriate. What can one say. I never usually look at those sources but as well as all the liberal nonsense about this recent unfortunate event, the newspaper is a stinking sewer of all the kind of wrongness that is polluting Gods clean Earth.
We are definitely not discussing enough in this thread how it’s not just a cultural problem in Germany or a case of laws on the books there being perverted or misapplied.

European countries like Germany have truly ridiculous “honor” laws for verbal statements.

Robert Habeck and his Green colleague Foreign Minister, the Chicken Hawk Cow Who Shall Not Be Named, are repeatedly issuing private prosecutions for milquetoast political statements.

Habeck will come after you with the law if you call him a “moron”:

We talk about the UK, Canada and Australia being toilets for free speech but even in the Anglosphere you can still officially call Trudeau and others a moron without threat of consequences.

Maybe people from Ottawa and the like will come after you in certain ways, but definitely not according to the letter of the law like with Habeck’s cases in Germany.
We are definitely not discussing enough in this thread how it’s not just a cultural problem in Germany or a case of laws on the books there being perverted or misapplied.

European countries like Germany have truly ridiculous “honor” laws for verbal statements.

Robert Habeck and his Green colleague Foreign Minister, the Chicken Hawk Cow Who Shall Not Be Named, are repeatedly issuing private prosecutions for milquetoast political statements.

Habeck will come after you with the law if you call him a “moron”:

We talk about the UK, Canada and Australia being toilets for free speech but even in the Anglosphere you can still officially call Trudeau and others a moron without threat of consequences.

Maybe people from Ottawa and the like will come after you in certain ways, but definitely not according to the letter of the law like with Habeck’s cases in Germany.

I agree, but this was never really an issue. Insulting someone has always been considered a crime in Germany. Remember that there was a whole band that turned Gerhard Schröder into the topic of their parody album. They were basically making fun of him the entire time and were known all around Germany. Yet Schröder would never have considered going at them.

Fast forward and these new "politicians" are abusing the laws that have always been in place. Anyway, this is something I've been critical of for a while. A lot of the laws make sense, provided people use common sense. Unfortunately, with the whole woke mind virus and victim mentality a lot of these laws can be used to the detriment of people and, of course, free speech.