Jews' Own System Turning Against Them


Test Account

Undergraduate Enrollment​

700 Jewish Students (9.8%)
7,178 Students

Graduate Enrollment​

2,500 Jewish Students (52.5%)
4,765 Students

You can now see a lot of places where Jews are being discriminated against. Or where it's coming. The soft leftist safe space society they created to serve their rabbis self interest has been turned on them. That they've spent decades saying "fellow white people" has not helped them. They are the biggest fattest privileged constituency, protected by an epoch of kvetching. That's now going.

Jewish hedge fund manager has been trying to lead the charge against countersemitism, saying "Hey, fellow whites, Asians. We're all being discriminated against. Lend your voice to us persecuted Jews!"

Hopefully no one takes the bait. Discrimination and more only becomes a problem when Jews suffer, or they can use a group to take power.
This is probably the best place for this, mods can move but it needs to go somewhere -
Moscow slams ‘provocative and unacceptable’ remarks by Israeli envoy
An Israeli diplomat in Russia got into conflict by trying to claim that the holocaust was only targeted at Jews and why does Russia not have a national holocaust day? It comes down to a matter of words, but there were great numbers of deaths in World War 2, so should one group give a subset of that a special name and go overboard with the victim card.

This story shows the excessive sense of entitlement of the Israelis, that every country must have a special holocaust day.

I heard on the radio once some Israeli politician being interviewed and it showed this similar entitlement on a different topic, basically why has the rest of the world not gone enormously out of the way to help them in the predicament, as if the rest of the world had done nothing at all.

Very arrogant and entitled they are.
When I was growing up, it was rather commonly stated that "6 million" jews died in the camps, but 6 million non-jews also died in them. This would include the political prisoners, Communists, gays, gypsies, Christian pastors, priests, nuns, etc. (including Dietrich Bonhoeffer und Edith Stein, who is now a Catholic saint). There is also Alexander Schmorell, who was beheaded by the Nazis for being a member of the White Rose anti-Nazi organisation, that distributed leaflets. He is now a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. I doubt we'll ever know the true number, but if we let them, the jews will certainly twist the narrative to the point that only they died in the camps. The Russians lost over 20 million fighting the Nazis and basically saved Europe and the US (indirectly) through their sacrifice. I doubt they will ever bow the knee again to the jewish pressure, especially after the Bolshevik Revolution, as well.
The jews can't allow the world to believe that anyone anywhere or at any time has suffered more than jews have, because that is one of the chief bludgeons they use to weild extreme power, influence, money, and control. It's a massive grift. Global extortion. Take away their narrative, or punch holes in it, and they lose.
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When I was growing up, it was rather commonly stated that "6 million" jews died in the camps, but 6 million non-jews also died in them. This would include the political prisoners, Communists, gays, gypsies, Christian pastors, priests, nuns, etc. (including Dietrich Bonhoeffer und Edith Stein, who is now a Catholic saint). There is also Alexander Schmorell, who was beheaded by the Nazis for being a member of the White Rose anti-Nazi organisation, that distributed leaflets. He is now a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. I doubt we'll ever know the true number, but if we let them, the jews will certainly twist the narrative to the point that only they died in the camps. The Russians lost over 20 million fighting the Nazis and basically saved Europe and the US (indirectly) through their sacrifice. I doubt they will ever bow the knee again to the jewish pressure, especially after the Bolshevik Revolution, as well.
The jews can't allow the world to believe that anyone anywhere or at any time has suffered more than jews have, because that is one of the chief bludgeons they use to weild extreme power, influence, money, and control. It's a massive grift. Global extortion. Take away their narrative, or punch holes in it, and they lose.

6 million is a number in old jewish prophecies made long before world war 2 where it was predicted a jewish stare would be created with the loss of 6 million of their race. Therefore it is imperative that this number be repeated as often as possible to justify the prophecy coming true, even if it is a false number with little historcial evidence.

Hundreds of news articles used the "6 million jews" affected by this or that, EVEN before 1939 as well, to prepare for the eventual establishment of a jewish state.
When I was growing up, it was rather commonly stated that "6 million" jews died in the camps, but 6 million non-jews also died in them. This would include the political prisoners, Communists, gays, gypsies, Christian pastors, priests, nuns, etc. (including Dietrich Bonhoeffer und Edith Stein, who is now a Catholic saint). There is also Alexander Schmorell, who was beheaded by the Nazis for being a member of the White Rose anti-Nazi organisation, that distributed leaflets. He is now a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. I doubt we'll ever know the true number, but if we let them, the jews will certainly twist the narrative to the point that only they died in the camps. The Russians lost over 20 million fighting the Nazis and basically saved Europe and the US (indirectly) through their sacrifice. I doubt they will ever bow the knee again to the jewish pressure, especially after the Bolshevik Revolution, as well.
The jews can't allow the world to believe that anyone anywhere or at any time has suffered more than jews have, because that is one of the chief bludgeons they use to weild extreme power, influence, money, and control. It's a massive grift. Global extortion. Take away their narrative, or punch holes in it, and they lose.
The "murdered jews of europe" memorial in Berlin is of course the largest one but there is also a small one somewhere I've seen it for the murdered gays. Not sure about the other victims but they've probably got one somewhere as well, just a smaller one.
They are both oddly designed monuments, concrete blocks. From that article -
In 2008, the Holocaust survivor and historian Israel Gutman questioned its location near the Jewish Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. "The location was particularly poorly chosen for this monument," Gutman told Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita. "If visitors have the impression that there was not a great difference between the suffering of Jews and those of homosexuals – exclusively German – it's a scandal." He explained that the German people "understood the immense scope of the crime of the Holocaust which they had committed, but this time, they made an error," because "a sense of proportion must be maintained.
The victimhood Olympics.
The official number seems to be 5 million, it's got to be less than 6 of course. Total of 11.
The Romani lost a few -
As did the Sinti -
Does anyone know who those people are, or were? I think Romani are the gypsy types you see hanging around train stations.
Also, Charlie Chaplin belonged to one of those groups, one of their more successful. All this history is really not pleasant but we are compelled to keep discussing it as long as there remains a group intent on misrepresenting and lying about it.

It is almost like Elie Wiesel opened the gates for mass, non-European immigration to the US, Canada and Australia in the mid-60s.

I doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking of mass immigration, did you know that MANY decades before that, the poem on the Statue of Liberty The New Colossus, was written by an ardent young Zionist named (((Emma Lazarus)))? "A homeland for me and The United States of America for EVERYBODY else..." :alien:
Speaking of mass immigration, did you know that MANY decades before that, the poem on the Statue of Liberty The New Colossus, was written by an ardent young Zionist named (((Emma Lazarus)))? "A homeland for me and The United States of America for EVERYBODY else..." :alien:

I did indeed. Perhaps someone should start a Jewish pro-immigration to white Christian countries thread. It is a worthwhile study when Ziocons are more concerned about Israel's borders than their own.

I was wondering the other day if pro-immigration Jews have cocked things up for themselves. When they advocated for mass non-European immigration to white countries, did they assume that after the Six Day War and Israel becoming a nuclear power that they would have the Zionist ethnostate to move to when western multicultural societies collapsed?
When I was growing up, it was rather commonly stated that "6 million" jews died in the camps, but 6 million non-jews also died in them. This would include the political prisoners, Communists, gays, gypsies, Christian pastors, priests, nuns, etc. (including Dietrich Bonhoeffer und Edith Stein, who is now a Catholic saint). There is also Alexander Schmorell, who was beheaded by the Nazis for being a member of the White Rose anti-Nazi organisation, that distributed leaflets. He is now a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. I doubt we'll ever know the true number, but if we let them, the jews will certainly twist the narrative to the point that only they died in the camps. The Russians lost over 20 million fighting the Nazis and basically saved Europe and the US (indirectly) through their sacrifice. I doubt they will ever bow the knee again to the jewish pressure, especially after the Bolshevik Revolution, as well.
The jews can't allow the world to believe that anyone anywhere or at any time has suffered more than jews have, because that is one of the chief bludgeons they use to weild extreme power, influence, money, and control. It's a massive grift. Global extortion. Take away their narrative, or punch holes in it, and they lose.

What do you call 6 million dead Jews?

A good start
Something appears to be afoot with the protests on campuses in the US. An American university has for example locked out a pro-israel academic.
Thanks these guys:

Follow the money. Soros is funding the pro-Palestine/anti-Israel protests across college campuses.

Full text
Something odd about those campus tent encampments. Almost all the tents are identical - same design, same size, same fresh-out-of-the-box appearance. Which suggests that rather than an organic process, whereby students would bring a variety of individual tents, someone or some organization has supplied them and organized the event. I think it would be instructive if we can determine who that someone is.

Because rather than spontaneous demonstrations, these are choreographed events by hidden actors - and the students, sincere though they may be, are merely manipulated props.

George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests​

George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.

The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.

Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.

The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor.

At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).

USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based “fellows” in return for spending eight hours a week organizing “campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.”

They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.”

The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

It has three “fellows” who have been major figures in the nationwide protest movement.

Nidaa Lafi, a former president of the University of Texas Students for Justice in Palestine, was seen at an encampment at UT Dallas Wednesday making a speech demanding an end to the war in Gaza.

Lafi, a former legislative intern for the late Democratic Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, graduated from the school last year with a degree in global business and is now a law student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

In January, she was detained for blocking the route of President Biden’s motorcade after he arrived in Dallas for the funeral of Johnson, her former boss.

At Yale, USCPR’s fellow Craig Birckhead-Morton was arrested Monday and charged with first-degree trespassing when SJP’s branch, Yalies4Palestine, occupied the school’s Beinecke Plaza, the Yale Daily News reported.

Birckhead-Morton — also a former intern for a Democrat, Maryland rep John Sarbanes — emerged from custody to address a sit-in blocking traffic in New Haven.

The most high-profile of the fellows is Berkeley’s Malak Afaneh, co-president of the Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine.

She has been a serial speaker at an anti-Israel protest on the campus this week — which came after she first shot to prominence by hijacking a dinner at the law school dean’s home to shout anti-Israel slogans, then accused the dean’s wife of assaulting her when she asked the radical to leave.

The cash from Soros and his acolytes has been critical to the Columbia An analysis by The Post shows that all three got cash from groups linked to Soros. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also gave cash to JVP.

The fund is chaired by Joseph Pierson, and includes David Rockefeller Jr, a fourth-generation member of the oil dynasty, on its board of directors. The non-profit gives money to “sustainable development” and “peace-building.”

And a former Wall Street banker, Felice Gelman, a retired investment banker who has dedicated her Wall Street fortune to pro-Palestinian causes, funded all three groups.

Three groups set up the tent city on Columbia’s lawn last Wednesday: Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Within Our Lifetime.

At the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” students sleep in tents apparently ordered from Amazon and enjoy delivery pizza, coffee from Dunkin’, free sandwiches worth $12.50 from Pret a Manger, organic tortilla chips and $10 rotisserie chickens.

An analysis by The Post shows that all three got cash from groups linked to Soros. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also gave cash to JVP.

The fund is chaired by Joseph Pierson, and includes David Rockefeller Jr, a fourth-generation member of the oil dynasty, on its board of directors. The non-profit gives money to “sustainable development” and “peace-building.”

And a former Wall Street banker, Felice Gelman, a retired investment banker who has dedicated her Wall Street fortune to pro-Palestinian causes, funded all three groups.Both SJP and JVP were expelled from Columbia University in November for “threatening rhetoric and intimidation.” JVP blamed Israel for the Oct 7 Hamas terrorist attack that left 1,200 Israelis dead.