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Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina


Other Christian
Sadly argentinian elections are looking to go the way of recent elections like trump and bolsonaro.

Economy minister surprises by beating populist in first round of Argentina’s presidential election

With 98.3% of the votes counted, Massa had 36.7% and Milei was at 30%, meaning the two will go to a November runoff. Most pre-election polls, which have been notoriously unreliable, gave Milei a slight lead and put Massa in second place.

'' Politically, Milei has been described as right-wing libertarian. While Milei himself identifies with the philosophy of anarcho-capitalism. Regarding economic matters, he aligns with the Austrian School, and contends that Argentina is a tax hell. He advocates for a swift reduction in government spending to achieve a balanced budget. He gained widespread recognition through regular television appearances where he criticized the administrations of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Mauricio Macri, and Alberto Fernández, citing what he saw as their rampant spending and a lack of fiscal adjustment as concerns. His proposed abolition of the Central Bank of Argentina and dollarization has been among the most controversial in economic matters.

Several of Milei's political positions have caused controversy, such as his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape, the rejection of sex education in schools, skepticism about COVID-19 vaccines, support for the free possession of firearms by the civilian population, promotion of the far-right cultural Marxism conspiracy theory, and climate change denial. Due to those controversies, as well as his far-right political positions and radical conservative economic and social policies, his primaries win has been considered an election upset, and he has been characterized as a far-right populist. ''

Just posted this in the Geopolitical lounge.. This is actually a better thread for this.

"Argentina's new president will be Milei.

Not sure what to make of it.. He's got some good ideas on weapon ownership, small government, central banking and communism.

But he's a raging Zionist and Jewish convert that worships the US Dollar to the point that he wants to dollarize the Argentinian economy (byebye sovereignty?)

Obviously this will also kill Argentina's BRICS accession"

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From what I've seen so far, he's probably a ((globalist)) mole, rather than an Orban or even Bolsonaro-type of patriot. He's going to attack the woke left while keeping Argentina in the IMF plantation and away from BRICS. Sort of like Italy's Meloni.

LONDON, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Argentina's surprise presidential front-runner, radical libertarian Javier Milei, pitched models of dollarizing the South American country's economy in a meeting with major lender the International Monetary Fund on Friday, two sources said.

The meeting, confirmed by both sides, comes as the lender looks to better understand the dark horse candidate who came top in a shock primary election last week and his potential policies, which could impact the country's $44 billion IMF loan deal.

Very polarizing figures like him or Trump also serve to reshape politics along a culture war divide, which plays to the globalists' hands. Neoliberal economies generate liberal values, you cannot separate them.

Not to rain on anyone parade...


I believe he's off of there now. I did see a times of Israel article that asked him about conversion, and he said maybe he'd do it after his political career.

We will see what happens to Argentina now, it should be interesting at least.
I believe he's off of there now. I did see a times of Israel article that asked him about conversion, and he said maybe he'd do it after his political career.

We will see what happens to Argentina now, it should be interesting at least.

Milei's self declared 'spiritual guide' is rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish. His ties to a Jewish Argentinian oligarch are well documented, as his is outspoken support for Israel

Milei has many plans and ideas that could benefit ordinary Argentinians. Also his popularity is in part due to his opposition to the Puebla/Forum de Sao Paolo Trotskyite/leftwing takeover of much of South America.

But recent populist right 'victories' elsewhere (Trump, Bolsonaro, Brexit, Meloni) show that his term will likely be a bust. And by being hostile to Russia and especially China he'll steer Argentina straight back onto the neoliberal plantation.


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From what I've seen so far, he's probably a ((globalist)) mole, rather than an Orban or even Bolsonaro-type of patriot. He's going to attack the woke left while keeping Argentina in the IMF plantation and away from BRICS. Sort of like Italy's Meloni.

Very polarizing figures like him or Trump also serve to reshape politics along a culture war divide, which plays to the globalists' hands. Neoliberal economies generate liberal values, you cannot separate them.

Saw it coming with that physiognomy. Seriously, that face screams bad news, not sure why I never saw anyone comment on that. You know, these days, I think it's quite clear that the media has realized that when they scream "FAR RIGHT! THIS GUY IS FAR RIGHT!", the people excitedly go "oh boy, and where is this glorious lea- er, I mean, this evil nazi you speak of?"

So basically they just never talk about people like Andrew Anglin or Nick Fuentes, unless it's truly unavoidable like when the whole Ye24 arc happened. Not to condemn them, not to analyze what the nahtzees are up to, nothing. They actively avoid even uttering their names. If you hear them denounce someone, it's safe to assume that it's just more controlled op dialectic theatre. Just go watch WWE at that point.

When I first heard about him, it was a TV in the background that I was listening to against my will, because in modern society you just have to deal with the fact that there is always a random talmudvision or two on, in all public and private spaces. Some news woman was saying he was some scary nazi. I thought to myself "I'll believe it when I see it." Looks like I won't be believing it, then.
From what I've seen so far, he's probably a ((globalist)) mole, rather than an Orban or even Bolsonaro-type of patriot. He's going to attack the woke left while keeping Argentina in the IMF plantation and away from BRICS. Sort of like Italy's Meloni.

Globalist stooge, Meloni 2.0.

Anti-Chinese, called them “assassins” 🤡
Wants Argentina to leave BRICS
Anti-Iran, Venezuela, Russia, North Korea and Nicaragua

The answer in part is that we can't get leaders who have liberty even remotely in their platforms, so when some come that have at least a few sane points, they are talked about or celebrated.

For those of us who are cheering a particular trajectory, again, would the status quo of Argentina be a better outcome? Ha, sometimes I don't understand these boards. Because a guy isn't perfect, Hillary would have been better. Right?
They got threatened 8 months ago by the US congress because of their chinese military deals, now they have a globalist pro US president that is loyal to Israel.

In Spain, the government is openly anti-zionist and suddenly one of the leaders of a right wing party gets shot, and there is mass protests all over the country against the socialist government.

It's all about US-Israel.

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