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Irish Politics Thread


Other Christian
A 23 year old Irish woman was murdered in Ireland by a gyspey immigrant with a history of sexual violence. The treacherous Irish colonial government did nothing.


Boxing legend Connor McGregor has weighed in (language):

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We are appalled with you all! You can’t fix this, no problem it is a war then and God is with us!! 💣🔫🇮🇪 #ForAshling #ForIreland 🙏

Opposition to immigration is very vocal. There are regular protests against every facility unwanted illegal immigrants are housed in. But the government is completely controlled. The foreign taoiseach (prime minster) recently said he's not afraid to walk in public, after growing violence and the deployment of armed police to the streets.
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I have great affinity for the Irish and their beautiful and ancient culture. I was just there a few weeks ago, and fell in love with the country all over again. But they have been neutered as a people and are far too docile and accepting of their destruction. Where is the old Irish spirit that fought the Vikings and the British?

The state of Europe - foreigners rabidly engage in their self-interest. Vying for your support. But would never support your self interest. Particularly not the self-interest for them to have never arrived in your country in the first place.

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Isn’t that something. The absolute picture of weak and feeble. The most divisive of all is the weak man. One of the most horrific crimes this nation ever seen has occurred, we do not care anymore what you sad cases have got to say. In a war you are nothing. We are not backing down, we are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real change is implemented for the safety of our nation. We are not losing any more of our woman and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place. Call it what you want. We do not care. May God help us all. Ireland for victory.

Blame anyone but themselves. Typical. Worthless you are Michaél. Worthless and spineless! Ryan Casey called you all out last week grieving the love of his life, stolen by pawn scum, and nothing but waffle from you all since. Zero action! Everything from our lax border with gravy train benefits, to our pitiful mental health services, to our country in flames is ON YOUR WATCH! And still no plan of action!! Where is our plan of action? What are we going to do to ensure this stops happening? How are we going to ensure this ceases to continue in our country? Ireland is fed up of you and YOUR TYPE. We are not stopping here until real change is implemented. We need safety. We need security. We need leadership! As of now we have none of the 3. Shame on you and YOUR TYPE.