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Internet Censorship


Other Christian
'duckduckgo' seems unfortunately as censored as 'google' these days but this one is showing some promise :

I read about it and tested it. Every time another search engine seems to be cleansed of wrongthink I try that one instead
May have found a new favourite :

Only issue is it bothers you a bit with 'Turing' tests to see if you are a real person.

Censorship is carried out by the standard search engines including duckduckgo by returning pages of search results with nothing but
Pages are written for SEO, filler content. Mostly everyone is selling something, political, commercial.
Problems with Remix News this morning, as I'm unable to access any of the lead articles (this article is down at the time of posting):

Hopefully, this is an IT glitch, and not a sign of something more serious, and sinister.
Not looking good - the home page hasn't updated and I still can't access anything. Additionally, some pages are showing "Not found" , as opposed to an error.
Conservative right wing english-chinese newspaper Epoch Times accused of money laundering

That's kind of a dilemma, because The Epoch Times is hardcore anti-China and lines up with the deep state on that subject, but pro-Trump, it kind of tells you which faction of the deep state is doing the censoring here. On the other hand, the shutting down of TikTok has been done by the other side of the DS, mostly.
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