How to properly date / court as a Christian being formerly in "game"


I have been recently dating and I must say as convert to Christianity it's very different for me now.

Somehow in 10+ years of PUA style dating I was always focused on the goal; sex.
I recently dated a girl, part of me falls back in that role, the teasing, the type of joking, making her feel (un)comfortable, the touches. But that's a lot smaller now.

I now more had the feeling what am I doing here? Do I want to marry her? I feel more desire to show myself, also my dark side.

Like: This is who I am, broken and whole, and this is what I stand for.

I felt I could have played my "game" and could have "won". But instead I tried to get to know her and I felt disgusted to be honest with the liberalism she displayed. I notice I can't handle relativism anymore (everyone believes what they want, great if it "supports" you style thinking)

It becomes a lot more important to me to see if our outlooks on life match. If we are complementary. If we can have God as a primary position in life.

I'm wondering do any of you have similar experiences, and how did / do you go about it? Which restraints do you set? Let's say a date #1 to #3?

Or any good books on courtship, how to get to know each other? (I feel I need to unlearn all my tricks)
Thanks for starting this thread. I'll be following it. Despite never being into PUA and having lived a relatively chaste life with just one girlfriend that I made way too many mistakes with when younger, my default behaviour accidentally puts me into PUA territory.

The way I dress, staying fit, being overly jokey, always teasing, etc. Most of that is just me trying to be healthy, not look like a slob, and spreading positive energy, though I would argue I do those things possibly for the dopamine hit from getting attention, which falls into sin and effeminate habits.

Many have commented that I always look like I'm flirting with girls, even though I'm not trying to. In many occasions it ends up with the girl being the one trying to initiate sexual contact with me, and in worse occasions, the girl might have already been committed with a boyfriend or long-term relationship and I may have caused them to sin.

It's sort of a catch-22. I've always been looking for a chaste girl but I attract what players would attract. I feel if I don't behave like I do normally, many traits which have coincided with PUA techniques, I wouldn't attract anyone at all in this day and age.

Anyway, in the Courting Protocol thread, @Callixtus posted a great link to Fr. Ripperger's conference on Courtship. That's a great reminder of how to act and what to do on "dates" #1 to #3. I would even go as far to say they're not "dates", particularly in the secular sense, with the first weeks seeing her being platonic friendship with the known intention of wanting to proceed to exclusivity and courtship.

I understand this method, while traditionally successful, is incredibly hard to do in today's culture. I'm struggling, particularly with women with weak or no ties to Christianity and being endlessly bombarded with bad music, television and social media constantly reminding them of the (((modern))) way of forming relationships.
This post isn't meant to brag, but perhaps looking for some advice as I keep "striking out" in a non-conventional way. It highlights for me that virtuous women really are on short supply.

Recently, I've been on very friendly terms with a girl. I thought she was very honest, and she showed all signs that she wanted me to "ask her out". Well today was that day, and sure enough, as has happened to me several times now in the past, as soon as I ask, she says she has a boyfriend. Makes me wonder after all that time invested, as in months, "why?"

One of them in the past actually broke up with her boyfriend pretty quickly and then "chased" after me, which I alluded to in my previous post. She was a serial monogamist that waited until I popped the question.

I ended up not going along with it because she already demonstrated a lack of virtue. What's not causing her to simply do that again if she meets another man that stirs the same emotions?

Am I off in my thinking here and am being too harsh? Because now I just immediately tell these girls that they're sinning (or the equivalent in secular terms if they are not of faith). It's just a cold hard truth that they need to know, because clearly their fathers or anyone else is not teaching them the value of virtue.

I'm desensitized to the "strikeouts" now because the routine has now become repetitive. Perhaps I need to alter my behavior to not attract these types of women, but wouldn't that be dishonest? And as I mentioned before, I feel like I wouldn't attract anyone at all if I try to temper my current habits, which I honestly don't think are bad habits.
I've had the same thing happen a few times. Women with boyfriends that aren't necessarily looking to cheat on their boyfriend, but want to monkey branch to an older guy. I flirt with them for a while and even try to ask them out, then find out about the boyfriend. Or they aren't looking to monkey branch, and just like the attention and feelings you give her.

This is usually a big red flag and you are correct in thinking the same thing could happen to us down the line. There might be certain cases where it could work out though. Depends on their age, how serious they are with the boyfriend, if they've had sex, if they're looking for a husband. But generally it's a red flag.
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I've had the same thing happen a few times. Younger girls with boyfriends that aren't necessarily looking to cheat on their boyfriend, but want to monkey branch to an older guy. I flirt with them for a while and even try to ask them out, then find out about the boyfriend. Or they aren't looking to monkey branch, and just like the attention and feelings you give her.

This is usually a big red flag and you are correct in thinking the same thing could happen to us down the line. There might be certain cases where it could work out though. Depends on their age, how serious they are with the boyfriend, if they've had sex, if they're looking for a husband. But generally it's a red flag.
Thanks for that input. I agree with it being a huge red flag. I haven't heard of the term "monkey branching" before, but I guess that just means facilitated hypergamy. Hopefully I'm doing my part correcting this social corruption by now just outright telling them about their lack of virtue. Modern society has fallen off a cliff, but there may be still a calling for single men that understand the demonic forces at play, even though we may be destined to never marry and have a family.

Any thoughts about the second question I posed? How do we save time by not attracting these women? They do a really good job of being deceptive and hiding their red flags as long as possible, whereas I am really transparent and straightforward now so the uninterested women can skip me as fast as possible and save us both a lot of grief (it doesn't happen though, they like the attention and try to keep the company as long as possible). I generally want to not have to spend another few months in the friendship phase every single time, though that's an important phase, only to find out she maintained a lie right before proceeding to courtship/dating.
Thanks for that input. I agree with it being a huge red flag. I haven't heard of the term "monkey branching" before, but I guess that just means facilitated hypergamy. Hopefully I'm doing my part correcting this social corruption by now just outright telling them about their lack of virtue. Modern society has fallen off a cliff, but there may be still a calling for single men that understand the demonic forces at play, even though we may be destined to never marry and have a family.

Any thoughts about the second question I posed? How do we save time by not attracting these women? They do a really good job of being deceptive and hiding their red flags as long as possible, whereas I am really transparent and straightforward now so the uninterested women can skip me as fast as possible and save us both a lot of grief (it doesn't happen though, they like the attention and try to keep the company as long as possible). I generally want to not have to spend another few months in the friendship phase every single time, though that's an important phase, only to find out she maintained a lie right before proceeding to courtship/dating.
I'm not sure there's much we can do. Trying to meet a woman to marry one day really is like fishing. Lots of patience and failure to get the girl that makes it worth it. I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing lately. Start to notice a girl that I've seen around a few times, get to know her if she seems interested, and try to get a date. If she has a boyfriend, oh well. At least I tried. I spend most of my time around conservative Christians so naturally the majority will already be in relationships.

So maybe make it clear that you're interested relatively soon, and try to find out about the boyfriend situation. There's actually a girl I'm really interested in right now and I'm going through this. Need to find out if she has a boyfriend or not. Haha your post was a good reminder.
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The issue with courting is the traditional way and not doing anything physical until marriage (as advised) is that you will constantly run into these situations. You will waste tons of time and be used for attention by attached women or ones that are straight deceptive.

To the original question, I’m not sure traditional courting ever really existed. Even trad parents who want to raise their kids religious won’t usually tell them they had other relationships or they weren’t both virgins.

From my observation these traditional arrangements only worked with lots of family and or church involvement usually forcing the marriage or setting a couple up. But today with people left to their own devices? Good luck. Also once you get past a certain age and are not paired up, it becomes increasingly more difficult. Age gaps are shamed and even if they are not, you always have to wonder if that younger attractive foreign woman just wants you for a green card or for money.
The issue with courting is the traditional way and not doing anything physical until marriage (as advised) is that you will constantly run into these situations. You will waste tons of time and be used for attention by attached women or ones that are straight deceptive.

To the original question, I’m not sure traditional courting ever really existed. Even trad parents who want to raise their kids religious won’t usually tell them they had other relationships or they weren’t both virgins.

From my observation these traditional arrangements only worked with lots of family and or church involvement usually forcing the marriage or setting a couple up. But today with people left to their own devices? Good luck. Also once you get past a certain age and are not paired up, it becomes increasingly more difficult. Age gaps are shamed and even if they are not, you always have to wonder if that younger attractive foreign woman just wants you for a green card or for money.
You may be right but I'm not giving up. I'll have to just probe that much faster to avoid wasting too much time, and each "strikeout" I will do my best to straight up tell them about their lack of virtue. If they are Instagram thots, easy to say that straight up. Golddiggers, "Monkey branchers", etc. I think there's some benefit to point out the sadness that they likely feel deep down but never show publicly to maintain their image. I might as use whatever desirability I have that causes me to be in these situations to try to save at least one soul by sowing the seeds of doubt about their modern behavior.

The root issue I believe, and thanks to St. Thomas Aquinas for eloquently summarizing this with one word, is the effeminacy of males and male authority figures. The men in society have failed to put their foot down. So as a single person, even though it won't make a drop of a difference in today's sea of dysfunction, the best I can do is try to encourage a return to a society of strong men.

So I've also have become very transparent with men too, calling out any fathers that let their daughters go wild, and calling out all the simps that would've chosen the "friend zone" or "orbiter" route, giving these attention seekers the attention they do not deserve and perpetuating the modern problem. Basically I'm calling out everyone that uses social media. Guys that use social media for anything outside of business reasons are effeminate.

But what else can we do? As single people what is our calling to do God's will? It can't be nihilism and just complaining about being born in the wrong generation. That sort of victim mentality falls into this same trend of rising effeminacy.
Age gaps are shamed and even if they are not, you always have to wonder if that younger attractive foreign woman just wants you for a green card or for money.
Forgot to address this part.

I am not concerned if a potential wife finds me desirable because I have money or come from a country with a more stable economic or peaceful situation. As a husband, I'm supposed to be provide those things to her.

The part I need to find out about her is will she submit and be virtuous, being willing to stick it out with me in tough times, and not simply just run to her Plan Bs (and thus she shouldn't have any Plan Bs in the first place, which is the red flag we just pointed out above with all the attention seeking). If she is not submissive and virtuous, she will cave to the cash and prize incentive offered by the state, that is, divorce in Western societies. She does not know any better that that "easy way out" will leave her soul destroyed and that she will feel it in her subsequent single life/second/third/fourth marriage.

In other words I believe there are "golddiggers" that want just your money, and there are good wives that genuinely want you, but both will be attracted by your age, money, status, so we are tasked to separate those two groups apart.
Paternos obviously I'm in the same boat as you, and my advice is just to take the good parts of game and leave out the bad. I keep the parts that make women happy, feel good, and listen to me, but throw out the parts that lead to speedy sex. I'm only interested in women who could be a wife.
Talk about God, reading the Bible, attending church. These don't have to be the only things you talk about, but bring them up early to screen out the secular women. The truth is, if an attractive woman is offering you sex, you very doubtfully have the strength to resist that temptation. So don't allow it to get that far by showing them you are passionate about following God's ordinances, for marriage and for all things.

I have "lost out" on women by making it a point to share the Gospel. I realize now that rejection was God's protection.

If at any point you catch yourself feeling the need to suppress the truth of the Gospel within yourself in order to secure the woman's affection, then that shows where your heart truly lies. You will either be drawn back to God, by the agency of the Holy Spirit working within you, or you will give in to your lust and idolatry.
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Never been into the PUA thing. I thought of it as being a snarmy little turd. No one likes “that guy.” Plus, it only works on thots. A lot women will look at you like you’re a loser if you run game for my experience.

However, I’m struggling with the existential dread of croaking alone yet no single moms for me. Is my above perception of game wrong? Can you pull non hoes with game? Can you game your way to a good wife and solid marriage?
I have been recently dating and I must say as convert to Christianity it's very different for me now.

Somehow in 10+ years of PUA style dating I was always focused on the goal; sex.
I recently dated a girl, part of me falls back in that role, the teasing, the type of joking, making her feel (un)comfortable, the touches. But that's a lot smaller now.

I now more had the feeling what am I doing here? Do I want to marry her? I feel more desire to show myself, also my dark side.

Like: This is who I am, broken and whole, and this is what I stand for.

I felt I could have played my "game" and could have "won". But instead I tried to get to know her and I felt disgusted to be honest with the liberalism she displayed. I notice I can't handle relativism anymore (everyone believes what they want, great if it "supports" you style thinking)

It becomes a lot more important to me to see if our outlooks on life match. If we are complementary. If we can have God as a primary position in life.

I'm wondering do any of you have similar experiences, and how did / do you go about it? Which restraints do you set? Let's say a date #1 to #3?

Or any good books on courtship, how to get to know each other? (I feel I need to unlearn all my tricks)

I think if this is a serious endeavour for you, rather than an intellectual exercise, I would suggest the following:

In your own thread (e.g., "Paternos' action and reflection journal"), think about going into more detail about your own personal situation: goals, values, red/green/yellow flags, life situation, work, experiences, strengths, areas to improve, experiences on dates etc. Sharing all this may feel vulnerable but ultimately this will get you the best ROI for your consultation seeking. This can be done without compromising your identity, e.g. you can say you are "mid 30s" instead of 33.

Without discussing your personal situation the best you will get is general advice that may or may not apply to your situation. This advice can still be gold, but its broad nature will limit its utility to you as a unique individual.

For example, threads like this* are similar to yours, and tend to revolve around concepts that remain generalised and are either not applicable to the OP's situation (if he shared one at all), and/or** represent a mere thought exercise rather than a starting point for real-life behaviour change, and follow-up with post-action reflections.



Here is an example of a thread which details an individual's situation and thus includes more personalised advice:

I hope this helps.

Thanks for that input. I agree with it being a huge red flag. I haven't heard of the term "monkey branching" before, but I guess that just means facilitated hypergamy. Hopefully I'm doing my part correcting this social corruption by now just outright telling them about their lack of virtue. Modern society has fallen off a cliff, but there may be still a calling for single men that understand the demonic forces at play, even though we may be destined to never marry and have a family.

Any thoughts about the second question I posed? How do we save time by not attracting these women? They do a really good job of being deceptive and hiding their red flags as long as possible, whereas I am really transparent and straightforward now so the uninterested women can skip me as fast as possible and save us both a lot of grief (it doesn't happen though, they like the attention and try to keep the company as long as possible). I generally want to not have to spend another few months in the friendship phase every single time, though that's an important phase, only to find out she maintained a lie right before proceeding to courtship/dating.

A. Keep in the mind this essential principle of understanding women:

Attention itself is the end game for many women.

Never ever EVER forget that. I cannot emphasise this enough. Some of them will literally use you for validation, attention, resources, etc for years and then when you escalate they will put you in the friendzone... which is where you were all along.

B. Think of all those favours you did for a woman, and imagine them all disappearing. They are gone. When it comes to calling on reciprocity from old times... the past is largely over for women. This applies to any stage of the relationship, including marriage.

Video blurb:

If you're a man considering going down the path of marriage and children, it is essential that you learn how to maintain a woman's long-term commitment. This is because the more you invest in any one woman, the more leveraged you are and the riskier that relationship becomes, especially in contemporary society. The key to maintaining that commitment is to understand that everything you've ever done for a woman is irrelevant. I explain more in this episode.

C. "Her words mean nothing, her behaviour means everything" - this is a very simplified protocol but achieves this gist of the message concisely. Don't invest too much into what she says in the early stage of the relationship, especially when it comes to her expressing possible signs of interest in you.

D. If you play things too safe and don't escalate then you could be stuck in this limbo for years on end. Conversely if you act out of neediness and come on too strong you will push her away quickly. A potential solution includes:

  • Consider your sources and quality of women. Are you meeting women at church, at the gym, online etc? Are you screening women based on looks above all else?

  • Consider your part in this - your presentation, vibe, communications etc. Are you being the friendly guy that gives out time, energy and effort for "free", while holding a covert mental contract that she "owes" you something? Are you playing things safe?

  • Do what you can to escalate things slowly but steadily, based on the context. At church, it can take many months to have any alone time with a girl before getting more investment. I know couples at church that were "church buddies" for years before they even went on a date. In a coffee shop you can check for investment much, much quicker by asking her to walk with you outside the shop etc. These are variations of the "investment ladder" and it is essential to facilitate her investment in you through many, small steps.
E. Try to accept that a feeling of "wasted time" is inevitable when taking on the monumental task of building yourself up as father material and searching for a woman to have your children. Going on dates that lead nowhere etc is unavoidable. You must be willing to take risks here by potentially spending time with women who turn out to be incompatible. Avoidance of investing in a woman because of worry about losing out in time, energy etc is a losing strategy. It simply won't work. Men have to take risks and face rejection.

That said, the above approaches can help minimise the feeling of frustration as part of this process.

Never been into the PUA thing. I thought of it as being a snarmy little turd. No one likes “that guy.” Plus, it only works on thots. A lot women will look at you like you’re a loser if you run game for my experience.

However, I’m struggling with the existential dread of croaking alone yet no single moms for me. Is my above perception of game wrong? Can you pull non hoes with game? Can you game your way to a good wife and solid marriage?

See here for discussion:

Bonus video on the topic:

Video blurb

If a game is anything with rules and a goal, then relationships are a game. We know there is a goal, because we want things from other people. And we know there are rules, because we can't act however we want to get whatever we want. In this episode, I'll respond to the most common negative reaction to the conceptualization of relationships as a game: that "game playing" is "immature" and "manipulative." My rebuttal is that you can't not play, and that "maturity" and "honesty" are as much "game playing" strategies as their opposites.
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Thanks so much for taking the time to write up that response. I read through it all and will consider adjustments that I think are reasonable and will improve my situation.

I see a lot of links to this PsycHacks channel. Is it reputable from a Christian perspective? I watched the video quoted above, and it makes sense, though he puts a lot of onus on the man to maintain a "carrot on stick" for the wife which really seems unnatural and "PUA"-like to me.

I would think that avoidance of grave sin would be what keeps her in the relationship if she has any virtue. That would be the continuous incentive that the PsycHacks video suggests to have so that the wife remains by her husband. But I suppose we're now living in a time where she thinks she never does any wrong, even to God, and it's always anyone but her to blame. It's supposed to be the job of the husband to protect her from committing that grave sin, but if she never submits to him in the first place, there's just no chance.
Talk about God, reading the Bible, attending church. These don't have to be the only things you talk about, but bring them up early to screen out the secular women. The truth is, if an attractive woman is offering you sex, you very doubtfully have the strength to resist that temptation. So don't allow it to get that far by showing them you are passionate about following God's ordinances, for marriage and for all things.

I have "lost out" on women by making it a point to share the Gospel. I realize now that rejection was God's protection.

If at any point you catch yourself feeling the need to suppress the truth of the Gospel within yourself in order to secure the woman's affection, then that shows where your heart truly lies. You will either be drawn back to God, by the agency of the Holy Spirit working within you, or you will give in to your lust and idolatry.
I did this on a 2nd date, invited her over for dinner, she saw the cross and told me she was shocked by it.

We talked over it and I noticed how the cross made her uncomfortable. Part of me felt, I should have put it away. Next to that she used the Lord's name (unconsciously) a few times in vain. (I got so sensitive to that, also at work, I can't handle that anymore)

I notice how my words on God and the Gospel in normal life encourage some, make people happy, with her I saw the opposite. It's like it pressured on her. The cross pressured on her.

Partly I think, she is also a child of God, and we all need to learn the truth. I have been on the other side. She reminded me of myself, I would have felt uncomfortable finding a cross at a girl's home in the past.

Anyhow I think you advice is good, speaking on God, and seeing how she reacts is a good way to approach it.

And I don't need to meet a saint, but I want a girl that's curious about it, that I can see going to church with, in joy, and have a similar feeling on kids and education and what's important in life.

Anyhow for me this was a no. And I see the main need is to unite in faith. And discover God's plan for us.

To be honest it's also refreshing, I have always been trying my "best" trying to seduce a woman and win or not win. Now I feel for the first time, how it is to relate to a person and I am confronted with what I look for in woman, and asking what God wants in a relationship.

I think I want blessed relationships. Relationships that can take a blessing, that can be in and withstand the full light of God.
We talked over it and I noticed how the cross made her uncomfortable. Part of me felt, I should have put it away. Next to that she used the Lord's name (unconsciously) a few times in vain. (I got so sensitive to that, also at work, I can't handle that anymore)
Even in PUA terms, it would've been bad game to put the cross away. That would've been weak frame. And I can't stand people who take the Lord's name in vain. I can tolerate profanity but I hate blasphemy.

I notice how my words on God and the Gospel in normal life encourage some, make people happy, with her I saw the opposite. It's like it pressured on her. The cross pressured on her.
I have seen this before. Remember, "everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, lest their deeds be exposed."

Partly I think, she is also a child of God, and we all need to learn the truth. I have been on the other side. She reminded me of myself, I would have felt uncomfortable finding a cross at a girl's home in the past.
Do not be unequally yoked. You should only be with a Christian woman. Getting with them in an attempt to convert them is a hail mary that will backfire on you more often than not.

To be honest it's also refreshing, I have always been trying my "best" trying to seduce a woman and win or not win. Now I feel for the first time, how it is to relate to a person and I am confronted with what I look for in woman, and asking what God wants in a relationship.

I think I want blessed relationships. Relationships that can take a blessing, that can be in and withstand the full light of God.
Amen. PUA, taken to it's logical conclusion, is another form of idolatry. It is shrugging aside the Word of God in an attempt to take matters into your own hands. Be charming, be funny, take care of yourself, all of that, but do not compromise on God's character in you. Trust in Him that He will provide what is best for you.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write up that response. I read through it all and will consider adjustments that I think are reasonable and will improve my situation.

Great to hear that 👊👊

I see a lot of links to this PsycHacks channel. Is it reputable from a Christian perspective?

I won't comment on his overall work from a Christian perspective as I'm not a theological expert.

I will say that the automatic aversion to anything related to consciously improving yourself and your interactions with women represents a missed opportunity. This passive, feminine approach only holds back Christian men from achieving their potential to have the relationships and life they yearn for. Taking control over what you can influence doesn't have to be at odds with accepting that the greater scheme of things are beyond any of our hands. I've addresses these issues in detail here:

That said, I do try to present content, ideas, and solutions that are compatible with fundamental Christian values, while having contemporary, practical applications to relationships and other issues.

I watched the video quoted above, and it makes sense, though he puts a lot of onus on the man to maintain a "carrot on stick" for the wife which really seems unnatural and "PUA"-like to me.

The whole reward and punishment topic opens up a large, new area of discussion. So, I won't go there for now, except to say that feeling unnatural is an inevitable part of the process of becoming natural:


I would think that avoidance of grave sin would be what keeps her in the relationship if she has any virtue. That would be the continuous incentive that the PsycHacks video suggests to have so that the wife remains by her husband. But I suppose we're now living in a time where she thinks she never does any wrong, even to God, and it's always anyone but her to blame. It's supposed to be the job of the husband to protect her from committing that grave sin, but if she never submits to him in the first place, there's just no chance.

Decent insight.

Many guys here and all over the world are struggling with the modern dating world.
I have seen many couples pair up in my church, yet many others with good hearts and righteous actions remain single or unsatisfied and keep wondering... "why?"

99.9% of women who go to church still have phones that are connected to the internet. This fact alone is of huge significance. Thus, I believe that modern situations require a combination of biblical wisdom and modern solutions, as applied within the framework of the Christian ethos.

Last, in the absence of knowledge regarding a members' specific situation, only broad, generalised advice can be provided which may or may not apply to the individual's circumstances.

I hope this helps 👍
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Yesterday I met a girl (probably around 19-20) and her mom. We were at a coffee shop I go to a lot and they were sitting across from me. I've never tried to meet a girl while they're with a parent but it went pretty well. Most of the talking was actually with the mother, and we talked about church, where I'm from, etc. The father is even a pastor at one of the local churches. The mother asked my age (33) and did not seem bothered by it. She even kept the conversation going for quite a bit longer after. She was almost acting like a wingman because her daughter was pretty shy (a good sign in my opinion).

My question is should I have asked for the girls number then, or would it look too thirsty so soon (especially considering the age difference)? This is a Christian coffee shop with many regulars so the odds of seeing them again are high. Also, would it have looked bad to ask the girl out in front of her mother? I think I handled it ok by letting it end on a high note.
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Yesterday I met a girl (probably around 19-20) and her mom. We were at a coffee shop I go to a lot and they were sitting across from me. I've never tried to meet a girl while they're with a parent but it went pretty well. Most of the talking was actually with the mother, and we talked about church, where I'm from, etc. The father is even a pastor at one of the local churches. The mother asked my age (33) and did not seem bothered by it. She even kept the conversation going for quite a bit longer after. She was almost acting like a wingman because her daughter was pretty shy (a good sign in my opinion).

My question is should I have asked for the girls number then, or would it look too thirsty so soon (especially considering the age difference)? This is a Christian coffee shop with many regulars so the odds of seeing them again are high. Also, would it have looked bad to ask the girl out in front of her mother? I think I handled it ok by letting it end on a high note.
Sounds like you did well. If there's a good chance you'll see them again probably best that you didn't ask for that number first time meeting them. I imagine that if the girl's interested they'll make an effort to be there frequently.

That's cool that they didn't seem to have a problem with the age gap. Such a rarity nowadays when Clownworld approves of every type of relationship except older man younger woman, which is also the type most likely to lead to a family with children in a stable environment. In my opinion a 10 to 15 year age gap is ideal as long as you're in your 30s or 40s and able to support a wife and kids and she's at peak fertility somewhere in her late teens or twenties. Hope it goes well next time you see her or if not with her with some other young woman who's good wife material.
The mother asked my age (33) and did not seem bothered by it. She even kept the conversation going for quite a bit longer after. She was almost acting like a wingman because her daughter was pretty shy (a good sign in my opinion).
Why would the mom be bothered about your age? Did she know you got the hots for the daughter? I've seen moms run interference in those cases. And a girl's shyness is not always a good sign. It can be but it can also be that they don't like you, are uncomfortable, and hoping that you don't like them.

That's cool that they didn't seem to have a problem with the age gap. Such a rarity nowadays when Clownworld approves of every type of relationship except older man younger woman, which is also the type most likely to lead to a family with children in a stable environment. In my opinion a 10 to 15 year age gap is ideal as long as you're in your 30s or 40s and able to support a wife and kids and she's at peak fertility somewhere in her late teens or twenties. Hope it goes well next time you see her or if not with her with some other young woman who's good wife material.
It's funny to me how liberals are cool with every type of sexual degeneracy under the sun, but become puritans when it comes to age gaps. Where does all that hand wringing go when it comes to age gaps in gay relationships?