How to properly date / court as a Christian being formerly in "game"

It's funny to me how liberals are cool with every type of sexual degeneracy under the sun, but become puritans when it comes to age gaps. Where does all that hand wringing go when it comes to age gaps in gay relationships?
I believe Clownworld's top priority is destroying families and preventing families from ever forming in the first place. It's nowhere more evident than in the opposition to a man in his 30s or middle age who's financially secure marrying and having children with a young woman at peak fertility. Instead he's expected to settle down with someone "age appropriate" who is at best toward the end of her childbearing years, if not entirely past them.

Conversely if a middle aged woman or older gets together with a younger man she is, of course, stunning and brave. Any sexual relationship between the same sex is fine too. Obviously the common denominator is that healthy children and stable families are unlikely or impossible to result.
Why would the mom be bothered about your age? Did she know you got the hots for the daughter? I've seen moms run interference in those cases. And a girl's shyness is not always a good sign. It can be but it can also be that they don't like you, are uncomfortable, and hoping that you don't like them.

It's funny to me how liberals are cool with every type of sexual degeneracy under the sun, but become puritans when it comes to age gaps. Where does all that hand wringing go when it comes to age gaps in gay relationships?
The mom asked about my age because they were discussing a young adult group through their church. She wanted to see if I'd be interested in something like that. But obviously too old. I'm not sure if she knew I was interested in the daughter. I'm guessing yes. The daughter might not have been interested, but they were not uncomfortable. The conversation would not have lasted as long as it did if they were. The mom even kept it going and they ended up sitting there for a long time after it ended. Uncomfortable women would have left.

In my experience, almost every woman I've met through church or other churches are shy and awkward at first. I like scary robot music's idea of seeing if they show up again. I've actually met women at this place and had that happen where you start seeing them more often.
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The mom asked about my age because they were discussing a young adult group through their church. She wanted to see if I'd be interested in something like that. But obviously too old. I'm not sure if she knew I was interested in the daughter. I'm guessing yes. The daughter might not have been interested, but they were not uncomfortable. The conversation would not have lasted as long as it did if they were. The mom even kept it going and they ended up sitting there for a long time after it ended. Uncomfortable women would have left.

In my experience, almost every woman I've met through church or other churches are shy and awkward at first. I like scary robot music's idea of seeing if they show up again. I've actually met women at this place and had that happen where you start seeing them more often.
That's fair. But it's difficult to get a good read on the situation without talking to the daughter directly. It seems more like you were talking to the mom. If you tried talking to the daughter directly, the mom would get out of the way if she's rooting for you. But if she's interfering in that, then that isn't ideal. In any event, I agree with Bender's advice. I wouldn't have asked for a number or a date either. And if you bump into them again, you'll have a better chance.
At that coffee shop now. One of the baristas that goes to my church, and is showing lots of interest, is working now. If I'm being honest, I think about her a lot and have lots of interest too.

There's also this hot blonde here that I've met before. She's looking really good, and giving the signals. I want to approach and get her number but don't want to look like a piece of garbage in front of the other girl. Damn!
At that coffee shop now. One of the baristas that goes to my church, and is showing lots of interest, is working now. If I'm being honest, I think about her a lot and have lots of interest too.

There's also this hot blonde here that I've met before. She's looking really good, and giving the signals. I want to approach and get her number but don't want to look like a piece of garbage in front of the other girl. Damn!
Get both of their numbers!!

Quit being the little goldfish in the pond and be the shark!

Create a feeding frenzy!

Get both of their numbers!!

Quit being the little goldfish in the pond and be the shark!

Create a feeding frenzy!

In hindsight that's exactly what I should have done. Abundance menality.

I think that barista is a party girl anyway. Not getting good vibes after getting to know her some more. I might try to hang out with her, but will not be taking her seriously. Same thing with that blonde.

I was talking to another girl that takes church seriously and you could tell it was pissing that party girl off. Too bad thot.
I believe Clownworld's top priority is destroying families and preventing families from ever forming in the first place. It's nowhere more evident than in the opposition to a man in his 30s or middle age who's financially secure marrying and having children with a young woman at peak fertility. Instead he's expected to settle down with someone "age appropriate" who is at best toward the end of her childbearing years, if not entirely past them.

Conversely if a middle aged woman or older gets together with a younger man she is, of course, stunning and brave. Any sexual relationship between the same sex is fine too. Obviously the common denominator is that healthy children and stable families are unlikely or impossible to result.
I've been wondering for a while why they started pushing these beliefs onto our society but couldn't figure out why they were punishing older men but not younger men. Now it all makes sense. The older man, younger woman can still have a child but the younger man, older woman can't because the latter is too old.
I've been wondering for a while why they started pushing these beliefs onto our society but couldn't figure out why they were punishing older men but not younger men. Now it all makes sense. The older man, younger woman can still have a child but the younger man, older woman can't because the latter is too old.
Yes, it just hit me at one point that that's the main reason every type of sexual relationship is fine except older man and younger woman. It's even more telling with how they love women who get together with far young men than it is with homosexual relationships. I may have had this realization when I first got together with my wife-to-be when I was in my forties and she in her twenties. I got pretty frequent, unsolicited advice from American women that she was too young for me. These women were almost always quite a bit older and heavier than my wife.

Heartiste, if you were ever familiar with his blog before it got shut down, used to say that the end game of feminism is to maximize women's sexual options while minimizing men's. That's part of the dynamic too. Most American and other types of Western women want to have fun, travel, and concentrate on their careers while retaining the option to settle down and have a family if they choose to near the end of their years of fertility, sometime after 35. Western men marrying younger, thinner, more feminine foreign women throws a big monkey wrench in their plans, so they oppose it bitterly.
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I believe Clownworld's top priority is destroying families and preventing families from ever forming in the first place. It's nowhere more evident than in the opposition to a man in his 30s or middle age who's financially secure marrying and having children with a young woman at peak fertility. Instead he's expected to settle down with someone "age appropriate" who is at best toward the end of her childbearing years, if not entirely past them.

I got pretty frequent, unsolicited advice from American women that she was too young for me. These women were almost always quite a bit older and heavier than my wife.

Yes, this has been one of my main fixations, as it is so clearly the case, and as I have said, the solution to the problem is to recommend age gaps, especially now that the future is so poor for young women and the corresponding age cohort of young men. It doesn't help that there is no messaging to do this, so there is no incentive and women don't think big picture - which is part of the sabotage - as is the social taboo put forth by jealous women and men that are old (neither group generally wants to think about you slaying young p even if you have good intentions and want to be a family man). For the women, they're just old, salty and bitter, and for the men it's competitive thing since so few are secure in themselves, like most people in general.

Some people are recommending other faithful women to me right now, but there's a bit of a catch - they rarely tell me how old the girl is and/or we don't live by one another. I've met some women before to try to reward or encourage people for actually trying to make matches, which I appreciate. But what I've found is that mostly they are trying to just match you with a woman, for better or worse, who is rapidly declining in value (30s) while you are a successful man. I don't know why I should expend that much energy, even if the person is a good woman in general, if they are asking me to trade higher value for limited years. Is there an age, if you are 40 and successful, that you wouldn't entertain. At a minimum, the girl has got to relatively knock your socks off if she's that old. The only odds I see in that from a woman that age are a strict cultural/religious tradition that she's trying to please her family/parents. I'm not trying to be an ego, but when you are the prize, don't people need to be coming with the goods? Also, if they haven't seen you they probably are also pairing you up with some mediocre, fairly old woman, I'm guessing. Sigh*
Why is it that every time I meet a woman who works in a store, there's always some douchebag co-worker of hers who does something to break up our conversation? Every. Damn. Time.

The men these days are pathetic. They are like jealous women who have to destroy other men's romantic possibilities just so they can feel some sort of satisfaction in their own pathetic lives.
So I recently met two sisters on separate occasions. Both very nice and attractive. It looks like they come from a big Christian and conservative family. The kind of people that marry the person they start dating.

My question is should I keep trying to get to know both of them, or just pick one and try to take her on a date if she seems interested? There's one I'm more interested in, so I'm leaning towards focusing on her.
Interesting thread. After breaking up with a girl I was seeing for a while who I didn’t feel had long term potential, I’ve realized I don’t really know how to court properly as a Christian. Considering in a lot of my previous relationships my goal with a woman was to have the possibility of sex, that’s no longer on the table.

Recently went on a few ‘dates’ / hung out with a devout RC (or so she says anyway). I feel that considering sex isn’t going to happen she’s getting what she wants (companionship, connection) and investing little. I mean we communicate, and she puts in effort to meet and stuff, but we all know from our previous days that until sex happens, the investment from a woman’s side is little and we can be dropped. Or maybe I’m wrong and just have to hope God guides us both to do the right thing,

I’m beginning to think that these religious rules may just be very outdated and no longer applicable today. They may be platitudes that sound nice, but aren’t followed. I mean what percentage of RC or Christian couples really don’t have any sex before marriage?

Let me see how this goes.
So I recently met two sisters on separate occasions. Both very nice and attractive. It looks like they come from a big Christian and conservative family. The kind of people that marry the person they start dating.

My question is should I keep trying to get to know both of them, or just pick one and try to take her on a date if she seems interested? There's one I'm more interested in, so I'm leaning towards focusing on her.

That's a good dilemma- having two quality women to choose from. Most guys would be lucky to have one. Obviously it would be nice to find out which you liked more before committing but it sounds like you already know which one that is. Start dating her.
Why is it that every time I meet a woman who works in a store, there's always some douchebag co-worker of hers who does something to break up our conversation? Every. Damn. Time.

The men these days are pathetic. They are like jealous women who have to destroy other men's romantic possibilities just so they can feel some sort of satisfaction in their own pathetic lives.

Yes, many of these guys are complete tools. They were probably lusting after the chick you were talking to for months.
That's a good dilemma- having two quality women to choose from. Most guys would be lucky to have one. Obviously it would be nice to find out which you liked more before committing but it sounds like you already know which one that is. Start dating her.
Yeah this is why I'm glad I'm taking my time and not getting too thirsty. I've already dodged some bullets and finally starting to meet better women. And more importantly, have the confidence to talk to better women.

These two sisters and their family are the real deal though. I'm not sure if they'd be interested in me in the first place. But I'm going to go for it if I see the one sister again.