This has mentioned in this thread last year, but I thought it would be nice to have a short summary of the Christian symbolism in "Home Alone"
Stigmata wounds on both sides of the same hand of saint/holy man who provides protection and guidance
Healing of stigmata and reconciliation/forgiveness
Christian cross in background
Christian cross over his shoulder on right (Out of focus)...(Last shot of the film he runs upstairs and you just see the cross still out of focus)
Prayer before battle with robbers provides miraculous divine protection from being harmed (Household was apparently atheist before this)
Sanctuary and protection from harm in church (one the robbers
is played by a jewish actor)
Guardian angel or Holy Ghost in background (yellow) appears at crucial moment to prevent loss of soul to the devil (Watch how actor John Candy reacts horrified at the moment she mentions the idea of selling her soul)
There's probably more, but that's all I could think of now...