Holiday movies you watch every year

Surprisingly, the funniest character is not Ralphie, but his little brother. The funniest moments in the film come from him.
I see what you mean, but you could also say that about the dad. The mom is the only straight character, and even she has her moments.
For me at Christmas, its watching the old war movies I grew up on as a kid.

So far, I have watched:
- Dirty Dozen
- Dambusters (uncut version)
- A Bridge too Far
- Where Eagles Dare
- The Great Escape

And a couple of John Wayne westerns.
I watched Godfather 2 with a few family members during Christmas yesterday. My uncle claims he watched it 4 times. Apparently he speaks Italian, and I was too shy to bring up the no subtitles thing until one or two scenes. Most of my family doesn't handle 3 hours of movie, so for the most part there were pauses every hour with a few of them joining every once in a while. Part 3 was also discussed since everyone there only watched it on release at the stone age.
Good stuff.
Slightly OT but there is a very good modern series about the making of the Godfather (original) film. It's on Paramount and called The Offer. Very interesting seeing the director, producer, and movie executives (the film was made by Gulf Western, an oil company) all interact. This was Al Pacino's first big role and I can't remember the big name guy the studios wanted but the director fought for no name Pacino.

It's a very fun series. The guy who plays Bob Evans is outstanding (though foul mouthed). There's a great scene where he is looking for his wife (Ali MacGraw) and finds her shacked up with Steve McQueen (whom she later married). There are some interesting things I learned, such as Frank Sinatra punching out the producer because he's afraid the film will be anti-Italian, the producer being kidnapped by a mafia boss but winning him over after explaining the script, and an appearance by Henry Kissinger.

I'm a big fan of this "making of "genre in general. Mostly because people today cannot write, and these "making of" films are really just true stories, so you don't have to rely on a millennial screenwriter to come up with a good story. Another really good one is RKO 281, about the making of Citizen Kane.

Anyway, neither are really Christmas films but I felt the need to shill them as Godfather was brought up. (there is a bit of Christmas stuff in both movies).

Here's a quick clip of the real life Bob Evans from his autobiography The Kid Stays In The Picture (he even mentions how this was the first mafia film made without Jews). Gonna watch this one next.
Here's a quick clip of the real life Bob Evans from his autobiography The Kid Stays In The Picture (he even mentions how this was the first mafia film made without Jews). Gonna watch this one next.

That's a great film. I'm glad it was done as an autobiography as Bob Evans has incredible charm which comes through in his narration.