Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

...und den Krieg haben wir auch verloren!

Could Germany have won the war just by being a bit less ambitious - not trying to invade Russia, not bombing the UK, not occupying Norway..

Just being content with taking back the Polish and Baltic regions up to Kalinengrad / Königsberg, Sudetenland, keeping some parts of France like Alsace, maybe a bit more, annexing Austria into Germany, getting the jews out of media and government.

Did they have to go for „totaler Krieg“ , couldn't they have been a bit more modest about it..
The Ultimate Question was, would the Judeo-Masonic West done eventually to Germany regardless of a more sensible leader since the Overt Policy was to Exterminate Germany that was going to Threaten the Judeo-Masonic Banking Elites plan of Commercial and Political Dominion. See below..

Kinda hard to Go up against something as entrenched around the world than another King sitting a castle with 500k troops waiting to roll and line up like European Gentleman.
This is completely false, there was no need for a cult of Hitler, the Hitler Oath, and Hitler mania. The Nazi party could have existed just fine without Hitler. The Hitler worship is nonsense and he was a parasite on the party who took power and lead Germany to its doom. The Nazi party without Hitler would have done immeasurably better and made far more strategic military decisions that probably would have won them the war.

He was a megalomaniac who managed to seize absolute power, and it is to the lasting shame of Germans they were willing to make a King out of a fool. The regular Nazi party had some of the most intelligent men in the world, and Hitler wasn't in that list. He was just the commoner who knew how to appeal to the masses, and his ability to gain absolute power is totally baffling.
Wherever you are getting your education on Hitler from is false if this is the kind of perception it leaves on you. Undoing Versailles was not megalomania by any means. If anything, the conditions of Versailles were megalomania of the victors of WW1 to the extreme. Undoing them was justice and righteousness under God's sight. He was welcomed as a hero in every area he annexed back into German territory as it was pre WW1.

He was also not worshiped the way you think, he was simply revered as a national leader because of the social programs he designed which saved his country while everyone else was either a liar feigning sympathy for the German people whilst scheming with communists or an enemy actively destroying them. He was selfless in all personal regards, and he even had Goebbels publicly announce that Hitler was not to be elevated to any kind of deistic status. The oath of the SS and the Waffen-SS, which eventually included many nationalities even non-Aryan peoples, was based on the oaths of the Teutonic Knight orders of the middle ages. The entire structure was a revival of that rigidity.

The NSDAP did not gain ground without him. The party was proscribed for 2 years from late 1923-1925 and once the ban on his public speeches was lifted he began rallying greater masses of supporters than before the Munich Putsch. He turned it into an unstoppable force and was able to leverage power with Hindenburg and the entrenched establishment, not the likes of the Strasser Brothers and others who were kicked out, who promptly sided with communists and plutocrats upon their boot, revealing their true colors to form. He personally axed the SA's communist-leaning elements to gain the favor of the people and the military entirely in 1934.

Ernst Zundel owed his entire existence to Adolf Hitler, as did millions of other Germans who survived post-war and became successful in the world despite losing their country. Many children would never have been born if not for the genius of Adolf Hitler to revitalize the German economy, which allowed the millions of unemployed men to find work and afford a family. His efforts created more lives than ultimately were lost from all the murderous puppet empires. So when you measure that metric, as tragic as it is, Adolf Hitler is ultimately responsible for creating more German life, around 12 million than what was lost during the war. The guilt of the genocide falls upon the murderers and the traitors who willingly chose to destroy life, not those who resisted. That's how a morality of justice works, not cherry-picking who to blame based on a priori biases.

If you blame Hitler for all the dead Germans that were bombed and shelled and shot and raped to death you are taking an un-Christian stance that these murderous souls in the USA, England, and USSR have zero moral agency and that their decision to carry out the Marshall Harris, Ehrenburg, and Kalergi genocide of the Germans and Eastern Europeans somehow relieves them of their crime and their sins because Adolf Hitler attempted to resist their jewish masters. Ergo the same spineless morality of the rape victim scenario and the man who refuses to help. You clearly hate this man, and are concocting morally ambiguous strawmans to vilify him for no tangible purpose.

What you think you know about Hitler is not true, as is many others who are uninformed or misinformed, that is why this thread is here. Many of your opinions on him are literally word for word the same criticism from the Strassers and the egotistical German aristocrats who wanted nothing but to discredit him at every opportunity, even if it would mean keeping their cushy lives at the expense of the German nation. The generals who betrayed Germany constantly belittled him and called him a "lowly corporal" among other insults as they were busy purposefully sabotaging the war effort.

By your own admission his ability to gain power is baffling to you, but it is not baffling when you analyze it year by year. An imbecile does not gain power against the grain. We see plenty of imbeciles in power today, but they have no real power because they are simply pawns and prostitutes. No one made him a King. Read the works of those who knew him personally to understand him more, not post-war doctored accounts that are allowed to be published freely by the judenpresse.

Here are the German traitors you should be blaming:

Admiral Canaris: if not for Canaris' treachery, Hitler would have secured Gibraltar with Franco's help (he would not do this on his own) and forced Great Britain to surrender.

Hans Paul Oster, Wehrmacht General, deputy head of the counter-espionage bureau in the Abwehr. He encouraged field commanders to support the resistance.

Wilhelm von Stülpnagel, Wehrmacht general, commander of the military in the occupied France. Member of the 20 July Plot, being in charge of the conspirators' actions in France.

Erich Fellgiebel, German Army general of signals, head of the cipher bureau of the Ministry of the Reichswehr, was a key source for the 'Red Orchestra'. Fellgiebel released classified German military information to Rudolf Roessler (codename "Lucy" of the Lucy spy ring) about Operation Citadel which allowed Soviet forces to deploy an effective counteroffensive.

Hans Gisevius, German OKH intelligence officer who relayed tactical operation plans to Moscow.

Eberhard Finckh, sabotaged and withheld winter gear, munitions, food, and other supplies to the 6th Army in Stalingrad.

Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of the Wehrmacht Foreign Armies, intelligence officer. Resistance saboteur.

Hans Speidel, served as chief of staff to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. During the invasion of Normandy, Speidel waited 4 hours to issue orders to his troops, and then redirected nearby Panzer divisions in the opposite direction towards Calais. Speidel answered the phone when Alfred Jodl, the OKW chief of staff, called Field Marshal Walter Model, commander in chief of the western front, with Hitler's order to start targeting the occupation forces with V1 and V2 rockets. Model was not in. Speidel never did pass on the order to his superior.

If not for the traitors sabotaging defenses, relaying secrets to the enemy and undermining orders, the USSR would have been defeated within 3 months, and the Allies at Normandy would have never even made it onto the beaches. A squadron of Luftwaffe spy planes were recalled on June 5th and inexplicably re-routed to the Eastern front the day before the invasion. Also, war drills were called off the same day by the aforementioned traitor General Speidel. If the exercises were not called off the German troops would have been on high alert, and easily defended the beaches. Most aristo

The fact that you don't know any of these nor brought them up shows you have not looked deeper into this war. I implore you to do this so you have a better understanding. Hitler was always a scapegoat for the jews and their servants who were obsessed with destroying the most racially pure people on Earth, to them it was always a spiritual war. Those who blame Hitler are merely perpetuating this trope of him as a scapegoat, only from the other side. He was simply in their way, as the decades before Hitler proved and the last 80 years have shown us.

Here is a relevant documentary in 2 parts, this information holds the key to the truth of WW2 more than any other I've seen so far:

"The Truth about Hitler's so-called "Military Blunders" part 1"

"The Truth about Hitler's so-called "Military Blunders" part 2"
Göring, whom Hitler appointed as head of the Luftwaffe, was a completely inept leader, he and Hitler severely handicapped the Luftwaffe by for instance hampering the Me262 program, which would have been a complete gamechanger. First flight was in 1941, developed in large numbers as was required by German aces like Adolf Galland, it would have rendered Allied bombers obsolete. Göring also royally botched the Battle of Britain.

Just one example of Hitler's military incompetence. Most of the arguments brought by MFTP are ideologically driven.
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Here are the German traitors you should be blaming:

Admiral Canaris: if not for Canaris' treachery, Hitler would have secured Gibraltar with Franco's help (he would not do this on his own) and forced Great Britain to surrender.

Hans Paul Oster, Wehrmacht General, deputy head of the counter-espionage bureau in the Abwehr. He encouraged field commanders to support the resistance.

Wilhelm von Stülpnagel, Wehrmacht general, commander of the military in the occupied France. Member of the 20 July Plot, being in charge of the conspirators' actions in France.

Erich Fellgiebel, German Army general of signals, head of the cipher bureau of the Ministry of the Reichswehr, was a key source for the 'Red Orchestra'. Fellgiebel released classified German military information to Rudolf Roessler (codename "Lucy" of the Lucy spy ring) about Operation Citadel which allowed Soviet forces to deploy an effective counteroffensive.

Hans Gisevius, German OKH intelligence officer who relayed tactical operation plans to Moscow.

Eberhard Finckh, sabotaged and withheld winter gear, munitions, food, and other supplies to the 6th Army in Stalingrad.

Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of the Wehrmacht Foreign Armies, intelligence officer. Resistance saboteur.

Hans Speidel, served as chief of staff to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. During the invasion of Normandy, Speidel waited 4 hours to issue orders to his troops, and then redirected nearby Panzer divisions in the opposite direction towards Calais. Speidel answered the phone when Alfred Jodl, the OKW chief of staff, called Field Marshal Walter Model, commander in chief of the western front, with Hitler's order to start targeting the occupation forces with V1 and V2 rockets. Model was not in. Speidel never did pass on the order to his superior.

Gee, I wonder why there were so many traitors inside the Nazi party? Could it be they did not want to give total power to a megalomaniac who would execute anyone that did not swear an oath to them?

Here is an actual Catholic saint, recently beatified by your Church, who was executed in 1943 for refusing to take the oath:

Anyone who refused to take the oath faced the death penalty. And you wonder why people might be inclined to betray Hitler, things that make you go HMMMMM....

By the way, never in the Teutonic ages did someone face the death penalty for refusing to swear unconditional obedience to a man, at worst they would be striped of citizenship or their property and turned into a beggar. Executing a man was simply insane and evil, by any metric.

Frankly if you read the below you're sufficiently informed on both sides of the pro and anti Hitler argument.

Hiter and Churchill were two sides of the same coin. Both were installed by Zionists, both were used to advance Talmudic interests. Both led their countries to their doom and destruction.

They were essentially along the same caliber of George W. Bush of their time, except 1000x worse.
Admiral Canaris
Hans Paul Oster
Wilhelm von Stülpnagel
Erich Fellgiebel
Hans Gisevius
Eberhard Finckh
Reinhard Gehlen
Hans Speidel

Colonel von Tresckow (Chief of Staff of Army Group Center, 1941–1944): He tried multiple times to assassinate Hitler but failed. He spent his days activelly spreading defeatism and division among the German officer corps.

General Wagner (Quartermaster General of the Wehrmacht, 1941–1944): he had enormous control over supply lines. Imagine the man responsible for logistical planning in the Eastern Front being an active subverter. He spread division at every turn during Barbarossa and actively sabotaged Army Group Center during Bagration.

Colonel von Gersdorff (Intelligence Officer, Army Group Center, 1941–1943): attempted to assassinate Hitler on March 21, 1943, at the Zeughaus Military Museum in Berlin and later testified in post-war trials about "Nazi war crimes".

Col.General Halder (Chief of Staff OKH): manipulated planning, logistics and resource allocation to favor his preferred Moscow-first strategy, counter to Barbarossa's broader objectives, which included prioritizing Ukraine and Leningrad. His actions created internal friction in the German High Command and contributed to operational delays. Grossly incompetent if not an outright traitor.

General Speidel (Chief of Staff of Army Group B in 1944): among his various treasonous activities was organizing an officer party on the night of June 5th in Paris with most of the German panzer officers in France attending. In Rommel's absense, he made sure all reserve forces slated for the immediate counterattack (as per Rommel's orders) were delayed and mismanaged. Under normal circumstances the panzer reserves in France could have thrown the "allies" to the sea within a week or two.

General von Witzleben (Commander, Army Group D – Western Front, 1941–1942): other than actively participating in the July 20th plot, he spent his time in France sabotaging defensive preparations.

General von Stülpnagel (Military Governor of France, 1942–1944): Sabotaged anti-partisan operations and allowed the French resistance movement to grow.
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Gee, I wonder why there were so many traitors inside the Nazi party? Could it be they did not want to give total power to a megalomaniac who would execute anyone that did not swear an oath to them?

Do you understand aristocracy? Many of them are freemasons, and they always choose gold over blood. Since you are wondering, I will explain it clearly for you. You're going to have to remove your blinders in order to understand deeper.

Virtually all of the traitors in the NSDAP were part of Germany’s traditional aristocracy aka the old nobility. Hitler’s social programs designed to uplift the working classes directly threatened the entrenched privileges of the aristocracy. His policies promoted class cooperation and sought to align labor with industry, something that fundamentally contradicted the aristocratic worldview which saw itself as the ruling class. These elites were used to privilege and a hierarchical society that Hitler's economic reforms threatened.

Hitler’s emphasis on social equity, state-directed economy, and military expansion clashed with the interests of the financial elites and aristocratic families who had close ties to foreign powers (such as the UK and US) and stood to lose power under National Socialist reforms. Many high-ranking military officers, industrialists, and aristocrats feared the end of their control over the economy and the shifting power dynamic within German society.

Some of the elites who betrayed Hitler were indeed Freemasons, who the NSDAP was adamantly opposed to. Freemasonry was viewed as part of a globalist network as a force that undermined national sovereignty and encouraged a cosmopolitan and an occult worldview that was contrary to National Socialist ideals.

His policies were rooted in a coherent ideological vision: the idea of a revitalized Germany, independent from international finance and domination, based on national unity and strength. The betrayal of his vision by the aristocratic elite was rooted in their opposition to these transformative policies, not some supposed failure of his leadership. Leon Degrelle literally confirms this in many of his post-war speeches.

Here is an actual Catholic saint, recently beatified by your Church, who was executed in 1943 for refusing to take the oath:

Anyone who refused to take the oath faced the death penalty. And you wonder why people might be inclined to betray Hitler, things that make you go HMMMMM....
This guy didn't even exist, and if he did, his identity and story are a portmanteau of post-war atrocity propaganda concocted and leveraged to perpetually demonize NS Germany and Hitler. All your research on Hitler and the NSDAP is from wikipedia garbage and emotional assumptions based on Allied propaganda.

Figures like Jagerstatter and Reinisch were only beatified long after the war (2007 and 2013) by a Vatican II Church heavily influenced by globalist and postwar narratives. The contemporary Catholic Church has used WWII figures selectively to push a "resistance" narrative that aligns with liberal Western ideals.

Ultimately this is all fake propaganda. They literally have the same story for every one of these scripted war-resisters just like the fake "White Rose" martyrs. Remarkably all these stories involve something tangential to the holohoax, making all of them suspect immediately. The legal execution method in NS Germany for capital offenses was either hanging or shooting, the use of "guillotines" is also suspect as there is very little evidence of them and no actual footage or pictures.

Many conscripted citizens and soldiers who objected were sent to penal battalions, labor camps, or prison, not sentenced to death. The NSDAP was pragmatic; wasting manpower on executions instead of utilizing forced labor for the war effort was counterproductive. To believe that they simply killed people for refusing oaths is the same idiocy as believing the people who invented rockets put wooden doors on gas chambers.

By the way, never in the Teutonic ages did someone face the death penalty for refusing to swear unconditional obedience to a man, at worst they would be striped of citizenship or their property and turned into a beggar. Executing a man was simply insane and evil, by any metric.
Again you're buying this wikipedia sensationalism nonsense. It didn't happen that way. You believe jewish myths and refuse to do any deep dives that offer more evidenced truths.

Your knowledge of Teutonic traditions is flawed. Medieval German warriors swore absolute fealty to their liege, even unto death. The SS oath was a continuation of that tradition. The idea that refusing to swear loyalty was always met with exile instead of death is historically inaccurate, traitors and deserters in medieval times almost always faced execution.

Here are all the oaths broken down by category and the punishment for refusal:

Wehrmacht (Regular Army) Oaths 1934 - 1945:

After President Hindenburg died in August 1934, the military oath changed from allegiance to the state to allegiance to Hitler personally. This was a political move to secure military loyalty amid concerns about rivals (like the SA), which he had just crushed to ensure standardization with policy, loyalty from the military body, and prevent conflict from arising within the Reich.

New Wehrmacht Oath (August 2, 1934):
"I swear this holy oath before God that I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, Führer of the German Reich and people, supreme commander of the Wehrmacht, and that as a brave soldier I will be ready at any time to give my life for this oath."

This was an oath of military obedience, not ideological fanaticism. The Wehrmacht was NOT part of the NSDAP or SS. Refusing to take this oath did NOT mean execution, many were dismissed or reassigned. Which means the story of Jagerstatter and Reinisch are pure propaganda.

Waffen-SS Oath (Elite Military Units):

Unlike the Wehrmacht the Waffen-SS was directly affiliated with the NSDAP and had a deeper ideological commitment. Their oath reflected both personal fealty to Hitler and a National Socialist worldview.

Standard Waffen-SS Oath:
"I swear to you, Adolf Hitler, as Führer and chancellor of the Reich, loyalty and bravery. I vow to you and the superiors appointed by you obedience unto death, so help me God."

Unlike the Wehrmacht oath, this one emphasized “bravery” and was more personal. The “unto death” clause reinforced that the SS was a political-military force, not just a combat unit. The SS had a different legal system from the Wehrmacht. Refusal to swear resulted in imprisonment or transfer. Only men found to be homosexuals were executed summarily.

Allgemeine-SS (General SS) Oath

The General SS (administrative and security division) had an even stronger ideological commitment than the Waffen-SS.

General SS Oath:
"We swear to you, Adolf Hitler, loyalty and obedience. We pledge to you and to those you have appointed to command us, our lives. So help us God."

This was the closest to a Teutonic-style knightly vow emphasizing sacrifice. The Allgemeine-SS were political soldiers unlike the Waffen-SS, many weren’t combat troops. Refusal to swear this oath often led to removal from the SS.

Now let's look at actual historical oaths from the Teutonic ages, the First Reich, and the Second Reich:

Teutonic Order (circa 1190 AD):

The Teutonic Knights, a Catholic religious military order, required initiates to take vows emphasizing chastity, poverty, and obedience. While exact wordings may vary, a commonly referenced version of their oath is:

"I do profess and promise chastity, giving up all property, and obedience to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary and to you, Brother Master of the Teutonic Order, and to your successors, according to the rules and practices of the order, so help me God."

link: https://www.lordsandladies.org/teutonic-knights.htm

First Reich (Holy Roman Empire, 962–1806 AD):

During the Holy Roman Empire oaths of fealty were customary between vassals and their lords. While specific texts of these oaths are scarce they included commitments to loyalty, military support, and counsel. The vassal would pledge to be "faithful to my lord, never cause him harm, and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit.

Among soldiers serving directly under the Holy Roman Emperor (the Reichsarmee or imperial army), they would swear allegiance to the Emperor personally. They would take an oath promising to fight for the Empire and protect the Emperor’s power against both internal and external enemies:

"I swear to serve my lord with loyalty and obedience, to uphold his honor, protect his lands, and fight on his behalf as a soldier in his army. I pledge my life to the defense of his realm, and I will remain true to this oath until my lord releases me or the contract ends."

Second Reich (German Empire, 1871–1918 AD):

In the German Empire under Kaiser Wilhelm I and his successors military personnel swore allegiance to the Emperor. The oath (in German) was:

"Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid, dass ich dem Kaiser Wilhelm II, dem Obersten Kriegsherrn, meine unbedingte Treue und Gehorsam leisten werde..."

Translated: "I swear by God this sacred oath, that I will render unconditional loyalty and obedience to Emperor Wilhelm II, the Supreme Warlord..."

As anyone can see the tradition of swearing oaths to a central figure or leader in Germany can be traced back to the earliest days of the Holy Roman Empire and even earlier to the times of Charlemagne. This practice is deeply embedded in the history of German-speaking lands where loyalty to the monarch or emperor was an integral part of the political structure. That’s why the SS oath and similar oaths throughout German history reflect longstanding traditions, not a reflection of Hitler's alleged egotism or madness.

Hiter and Churchill were two sides of the same coin. Both were installed by Zionists, both were used to advance Talmudic interests. Both led their counties to their doom and destruction.
This is historically absurd. This lazy theory has been debunked so many times. Churchill indeed was, and there is ample proof of this, but Hitler was not. Only low-IQ and easily manipulated people believe that Hitler was controlled opposition, and even more mislead people believe he was some kind of zionist stooge. Would you kindly provide evidence to your claims if you wish to keep perpetuating obvious jewish lies?

If zionists “installed” Hitler, why did the World jewish Congress declare an economic war on Germany in 1933?

Churchill was openly funded by jewish bankers including Sir Henry Strakosch and Bernard Baruch and others in the Focus Group. Churchill pushed for war with Germany, rejected peace offers, and ensured Germany was annihilated. Churchill’s policies led to Britain becoming an American vassal state, while Hitler fought for German sovereignty.

If both men were “zionist puppets,” why did one push for Germany’s total destruction while the other fought against globalism?

There is absolutely zero evidence that Rothschilds or zionists funded the NSDAP. All jewish financial and political groups opposed Hitler from the beginning as evidenced by the embargo and the boycott.

Early NSDAP Finances (1919–1930) came primarily from party members’ donations and small German businesses. Once the party gained significant Reichstag seats in 1930, major German industrialists (Krupp, IG Farben, Siemens, etc.) contributed larger funds to the NSDAP seeing it as a bulwark against communism. Unlike Bolsheviks who received money from Wall Street (Jacob Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.), no Western capitalists funded Hitler. German rearmament (1933–1939) was financed internally through Mefo bills (credit system), not foreign loans. The tanks and war materials were built in European industrial bases like the Sudetenland, which had major arms factories.

That is one of the reasons why the jews lie about him so much. They can't let Europeans have a hero to rally behind.

They were essentially along the same caliber of George W. Bush of their time, except 1000x worse.
The jews wanted Germany destroyed even before Hitler's rise to power. They hate Germans just like they hate the Slavs and all Christians everywhere after being kicked out by them from the host nations for thousands of years. Without Hitler the jewish war against the Aryan Christian peoples would have continued far worse than Weimar.

"The present Congress is duty bound to put the jewish problem in Germany before the entire world…We [jews] must destroy, destroy, destroy them, not only with the boycott, but politically, supporting all existing forces against them to isolate Germany from the civilized world…our enemy [Germany] must be destroyed.”

--Vladimir Jabotinsky, speech to Polish jews on June 16, 1933

“Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her. It is our task to organize the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war."

--Bernard Lecache, President of the World jewish League, 1932

Churchill was the shabbos driver for every bit of destruction that befell Europe, and Churchill alone among European leaders. FDR and Stalin are more than guilty, with FDR being the most guilty out of all the schemers leading up to the war.

The only reason why you continue to ignore evidence is because you're attempting to push a farcical agenda in the face of truth, or you have some deranged hatred for a man you know absolutely nothing about. Under your sad little rule here he must be vilified and the truth not be allowed to be told about him so that the ideas of the time cannot be studied unbiasedly. Since no one "cuts your checks" your assumptive posts on Hitler and the NSDAP are revealing you to be of the latter vitriolic category. I am not telling you that you have to "like" Hitler, but you are just making up lies about him no different than any other pawn of the jews.

Lies will be exposed no matter who they come from and who they are said about.

So here's your TL;DR since you have such a busy schedule that you can't afford to do research but can afford to spew out jewish regurgitation:
-Not taking oaths means immediate execution - post-war propaganda to demonize Hitler and the NSDAP while ignoring the realities of military hierarchy and discipline and the long history of Germanic oaths.
-Hitler being a megalomaniac - The "megalomaniac" narrative is a false, post-war construct aimed at delegitimizing the man who attempted to restore his country from Versailles and defend his country from the horrors of the world order that followed.
-Hitler being funded or installed by zionists - lazy conspiracy theory crafted by jews like Ron Unz and Henry Makow to keep people from exploring NS thought.
-Hitler being responsible for the aggressive war crimes of the USA, England, and USSR - cowardly morality with no basis in reality. You're absolving genocidal murderers and shifting the blame to the innocent, very jew-approved tactic.

Can you start posting actual history here or will your irrational hatred for Adolf Hitler keep getting in the way? I can go all day in this arena.
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...und den Krieg haben wir auch verloren!

Could Germany have won the war just by being a bit less ambitious - not trying to invade Russia, not bombing the UK, not occupying Norway..

Just being content with taking back the Polish and Baltic regions up to Kalinengrad / Königsberg, Sudetenland, keeping some parts of France like Alsace, maybe a bit more, annexing Austria into Germany, getting the jews out of media and government.

Did they have to go for „totaler Krieg“ , couldn't they have been a bit more modest about it..

Addressing each of your points as succinctly as I can:

...und den Krieg haben wir auch verloren!

Could Germany have won the war just by being a bit less ambitious - not trying to invade Russia
It didn't invade Russia. Russia was gone, it was the USSR and controlled by jews.

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union that was supposed to ensure peace on the Eastern Front, but Stalin repeatedly violated this pact. Even before Hitler's invasion of the USSR in 1941, Stalin had already shown his belligerence in multiple ways:

-Invasion of Finland (Winter War): In 1939, Stalin invaded Finland, a neutral nation, breaking the terms of the non-aggression pact. This was a clear violation of international agreements that revealed Stalin’s aggressive expansionism.
-Demands in Bessarabia and the Balkans: Stalin made demands on Romania and other countries, which were a direct violation of the pact. He not only sought to extend Soviet influence but also forcibly occupied Bessarabia and parts of Romania, a key flashpoint in the buildup to the war.
-Bolshevik Partisans: Even before the war began in earnest Soviet-backed partisans were actively bombing and murdering civilians in neutral countries, including Sweden. These were direct acts of terror that went largely unreported in Western media but were part of a growing Soviet strategy of destabilization.

Stalin’s actions painted a clear picture: He was not interested in peace with Germany. The largest buildup of Soviet military power along Germany’s eastern borders made a preemptive strike against Soviet Russia not just inevitable, but necessary.

It's worth noting that millions of Russians defected to the German and Axis cause while no one defected to the Soviet cause.

, not bombing the UK,
Don't forget that Britain declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939, despite Hitler's efforts at peace, and from the moment that declaration was made, it was Germany that was forced into defensive actions, not the other way around. The British response to Germany’s push for a just peace wasn’t diplomacy, it was total war, and their bombing campaigns were nothing short of barbaric.

Under the leadership of Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris, Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) took to targeting German cities with area bombing that was designed to destroy civilian infrastructure and break the morale of the German people.

That same Marshall Harris, the architect of the Allied bombing campaign, explicitly stated his belief in terror bombing to force a quick German surrender. This meant the mass murder of German civilians was seen as a legitimate strategy, not a mistake or consequence of war.

The idea that Germany could have been more “modest” than they were is laughable when one considers that Britain’s intentions were explicitly to break the country’s will to fight no matter the cost.

The amount of bombs dropped on England was also nothing compared to what was dropped on Germany by England. Again, Germany waited months to retaliate, and only bombed certain areas. The Germans never behaved like rabid bulldogs.
not occupying Norway..
In Norway Germany didn’t go on the offensive for the sake of expanding territory. They were forced to act preemptively to prevent the British from occupying the country, which would have had catastrophic consequences for the Reich. Norway’s geographical location was key to control of vital maritime shipping routes, and with the British already eyeing occupation, Germany had no choice but to secure the country before it fell under the control of their enemies. The help of Vidkun Quisling's government with the Germans was vital in preventing a worse occupation by Britain. The idea that Norway could remain neutral and untouched by war was simply unrealistic. The country was caught between the rock of British imperialism and the hard place of German survival.

Just being content with taking back the Polish and Baltic regions up to Kalinengrad / Königsberg, Sudetenland, keeping some parts of France like Alsace, maybe a bit more, annexing Austria into Germany, getting the jews out of media and government.

The annexation of Austria in 1938 was a highly popular move, both among Austrians and Germans alike. Ethnic Germans in Austria had been treated as second-class citizens, and the idea that they should remain separate from Germany was an insult to their national identity. The reunification was not about imperial conquest but about reaffirming the right of Germans to live united under one state. This was a recovery of lost sovereignty, not a new conquest.

The Versailles treaty’s provisions were seen as illegal and unjust by the Germans particularly given the fact that the victors of World War I imposed terms that would destroy Germany’s future. The idea that Germany should accept its post-Versailles borders and live with the oppression of its ethnic groups was simply not realistic. This is why undoing Versailles was seen as a moral imperative, and it wasn’t about greed or ambition but about righting an egregious wrong. The suffering of Germans in these regions, whether in the Sudetenland or in the areas of the Polish Corridor, made it clear that reunification and territorial reclamation were necessary for the survival and dignity of the German nation.

The brutality faced by ethnic Germans in areas of th East like the Sudetenland and Poland, including massacres and forced expulsions, made the restoration of these lands not just a strategic necessity but a moral imperative. The call to simply “accept” the dismemberment of Germany and the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Germans in these areas ignores the real human suffering caused by the unjust post-Versailles world order. For Germans to sit idly by while their ethnic brothers and sisters were brutalized by foreign powers was simply unacceptable.

Did they have to go for „totaler Krieg“ , couldn't they have been a bit more modest about it..

The decision for "Totaler Krieg" in 1943 was forced on Germany. With the war becoming increasingly desperate Goebbels’ famous speech reflected the dire reality faced by the German people. The idea of a “total war” wasn’t born out of some misguided lust for conquest, it was an urgent call for the entire nation to unite and prepare for the final showdown. Germany was facing overwhelming forces on all sides, and the only option was to fight back with everything at its disposal. The Allied powers were not offering terms of peace, their only goal from the beginning was to crush Germany, its people, and its way of life. To “modestly” surrender or negotiate was simply out of the question; it was survival or annihilation.

The war in Europe by 1943 was not a simple matter of territorial conquest. It had evolved into a battle for the very soul of Europe. Dozens of ethnicities fought for their right to exist under the leadership of the Reich. The Allies, especially the United States and the Soviet Union, were intent on reshaping the world according to their ideologies, regardless of the cost to the European people. For Germany, the decision to fight a “total war” was a fight to protect its civilization, culture, and identity from being consumed by the twin dangers of bolshevism and capitalist imperialism. The German people were being forced into an existential struggle, not only for territory, but for their freedom, heritage, and future. The rest of Europe followed suit as they were caught between the US and the USSR as well.

To suggest that Germany could have pursued a “modest” approach in the war ignores the brutality and injustice that was being inflicted upon the German people. Had Germany failed to respond with total war, it would have been giving up its right to exist. As the war dragged on the destruction of German cities and civilians escalated and any hope for a negotiated peace was obliterated by the Allied powers’ unyielding desire for total victory. The idea of “modesty” in such a context is untenable, Germany’s leadership and especially its people had no choice but to rally together and fight to the bitter end.

A common phrase heard during the war among the Wehrmacht was "Enjoy the war, for peace will be hell."
Göring, whom Hitler appointed as head of the Luftwaffe, was a completely inept leader

Goring was a decorated veteran. As an ace fighter pilot in World War I he demonstrated exceptional skill and courage amassing 22 aerial victories which earned him the prestigious Pour le Mérite ("Blue Max"), one of Germany's highest military honors. His heroism in combat and his leadership qualities were undisputed within the German military at the time.

He was founded by Weimar police in the Munich Putsch which is why he had to take morphine for his bullet wounds the rest of his life.

Under Goring's leadership the Luftwaffe was established and developed into one of the most formidable aerial forces in the world that played a pivotal role in Spain's Civil War (1936-1939) where Göring's oversight and support were vital to Francisco Franco’s Nationalist forces in their victory against the Marxist Republicans. German pilots under Göring's command effectively utilized air superiority and strategic bombing to support Franco’s fight, most notably during the bombing of Guernica in 1937.

, he and Hitler severely handicapped the Luftwaffe by for instance hampering the Me262 program, which would have been a complete gamechanger. First flight was in 1941, developed in large numbers as was required by German aces like Adolf Galland, it would have rendered Allied bombers obsolete. Göring also royally botched the Battle of Britain.

Once again your lazy approach to attempt a forced reductionism of WW2 to the ME-262 is as yawning as Jeb Bushs energy.

While the ME-262 had its first flight in 1941 the aircraft wasn’t ready for large-scale production until much later. The ME-262 wasn’t operationally viable until late 1944. Even if it had been available sooner, logistical limitations meant that Germany could not have built enough of them to tip the balance of the war. The Allied air superiority by 1944, coupled with their ability to outproduce Germany’s jet aircraft, meant that the ME-262 was essentially a technological marvel in a losing war.

The production of the ME-262 was significantly hampered by material shortages, bombing raids, and the fact that jet engine technology was still in its infancy. Furthermore, the aircraft required advanced fuel and complex maintenance, making it hard to scale up production. The idea that the ME-262 could have rendered Allied bombers “obsolete” is unrealistic when you consider the scale of industrial output the Allies had compared to Germany.

Your argument that the ME-262 could have changed the course of the war is based on an idealized version of what the aircraft could have achieved. In reality the ME-262’s impact was limited by the strategic realities of the war:

The ME-262 was a late-stage entry into the war and could not have turned the tide by itself. Even if it had been deployed earlier, its numbers would have been insufficient to overcome the Allied bombing offensive. By 1944 Germany was not just fighting the air war; it was already under constant assault from the ground forces of the Allies on the Western and Eastern fronts. The Allied bombing campaigns were devastating, and Germany’s ability to produce aircraft like the ME-262 was severely constrained by resource shortages, Allied air superiority, and bombing raids.

The ME-262 was an advanced jet fighter but its production was costly and required highly specialized materials, which Germany could not afford to prioritize over other essential war efforts. The resources needed to mass-produce ME-262s were needed for other, more crucial areas of the war effort, such as tanks, artillery, and infantry equipment. In the grand scheme of things Germany’s industry was already stretched thin.

While the ME-262 had significant technological advantages over Allied bombers and fighters, it was not the end-all-be-all solution. The Allies had overwhelming numbers, and despite its advanced technology, the ME-262 could not outmatch the sheer industrial might of the United States and the Soviet Union. The Allies could replace losses in aircraft and equipment much faster than Germany could.

Germany was forced into fighting a war on multiple fronts against overwhelming industrial powers and no single weapon could have altered the outcome once the Allies gained the upper hand. The failure of the ME-262 program was not due to incompetence, but to the fact that Germany’s industrial base was too small and too stretched to sustain such advanced technological programs.

Even with Galland’s tactical brilliance the Luftwaffe was dealing with severe resource shortages. As the war wore on, Germany was faced with growing material shortages, especially in critical metals and other resources needed to sustain aircraft production. Galland might have been able to optimize the use of available resources better than Goring, but the fact remained that there simply wasn't enough to go around. These armchair historians on social media don't delve into the deeper details.

The failure of the ME-262 to alter the course of the war reflects not poor decision-making, but the devastating cumulative effect of war on the German war machine, which was unable to sustain production of advanced weaponry under the intense pressure of a total war effort.

Just one example of Hitler's military incompetence. Most of the arguments brought by MFTP are ideologically driven.
You write for the choir, as do I, but you think that people will dismiss someone who is seen as an ideologue is foolish. Both you and Samseau think that smearing me with that title somehow delegitimizes my work. I receive plenty of DM's from people thanking me for my exposures. I'll take die-hard ideology that inspires the search for the truth in all things over boomer jewish history channel level fan-fiction any day.
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Addressing each of your points as succinctly as I can:

It didn't invade Russia. Russia was gone, it was the USSR and controlled by jews.

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union that was supposed to ensure peace on the Eastern Front, but Stalin repeatedly violated this pact. Even before Hitler's invasion of the USSR in 1941, Stalin had already shown his belligerence in multiple ways:

-Invasion of Finland (Winter War): In 1939, Stalin invaded Finland, a neutral nation, breaking the terms of the non-aggression pact. This was a clear violation of international agreements that revealed Stalin’s aggressive expansionism.
-Demands in Bessarabia and the Balkans: Stalin made demands on Romania and other countries, which were a direct violation of the pact. He not only sought to extend Soviet influence but also forcibly occupied Bessarabia and parts of Romania, a key flashpoint in the buildup to the war.
-Bolshevik Partisans: Even before the war began in earnest Soviet-backed partisans were actively bombing and murdering civilians in neutral countries, including Sweden. These were direct acts of terror that went largely unreported in Western media but were part of a growing Soviet strategy of destabilization.

Stalin’s actions painted a clear picture: He was not interested in peace with Germany. The largest buildup of Soviet military power along Germany’s eastern borders made a preemptive strike against Soviet Russia not just inevitable, but necessary.

It's worth noting that millions of Russians defected to the German and Axis cause while no one defected to the Soviet cause.

Don't forget that Britain declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939, despite Hitler's efforts at peace, and from the moment that declaration was made, it was Germany that was forced into defensive actions, not the other way around. The British response to Germany’s push for a just peace wasn’t diplomacy, it was total war, and their bombing campaigns were nothing short of barbaric.

Under the leadership of Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris, Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) took to targeting German cities with area bombing that was designed to destroy civilian infrastructure and break the morale of the German people.

That same Marshall Harris, the architect of the Allied bombing campaign, explicitly stated his belief in terror bombing to force a quick German surrender. This meant the mass murder of German civilians was seen as a legitimate strategy, not a mistake or consequence of war.

The idea that Germany could have been more “modest” than they were is laughable when one considers that Britain’s intentions were explicitly to break the country’s will to fight no matter the cost.

The amount of bombs dropped on England was also nothing compared to what was dropped on Germany by England. Again, Germany waited months to retaliate, and only bombed certain areas. The Germans never behaved like rabid bulldogs.

In Norway Germany didn’t go on the offensive for the sake of expanding territory. They were forced to act preemptively to prevent the British from occupying the country, which would have had catastrophic consequences for the Reich. Norway’s geographical location was key to control of vital maritime shipping routes, and with the British already eyeing occupation, Germany had no choice but to secure the country before it fell under the control of their enemies. The help of Vidkun Quisling's government with the Germans was vital in preventing a worse occupation by Britain. The idea that Norway could remain neutral and untouched by war was simply unrealistic. The country was caught between the rock of British imperialism and the hard place of German survival.

The annexation of Austria in 1938 was a highly popular move, both among Austrians and Germans alike. Ethnic Germans in Austria had been treated as second-class citizens, and the idea that they should remain separate from Germany was an insult to their national identity. The reunification was not about imperial conquest but about reaffirming the right of Germans to live united under one state. This was a recovery of lost sovereignty, not a new conquest.

The Versailles treaty’s provisions were seen as illegal and unjust by the Germans particularly given the fact that the victors of World War I imposed terms that would destroy Germany’s future. The idea that Germany should accept its post-Versailles borders and live with the oppression of its ethnic groups was simply not realistic. This is why undoing Versailles was seen as a moral imperative, and it wasn’t about greed or ambition but about righting an egregious wrong. The suffering of Germans in these regions, whether in the Sudetenland or in the areas of the Polish Corridor, made it clear that reunification and territorial reclamation were necessary for the survival and dignity of the German nation.

The brutality faced by ethnic Germans in areas of th East like the Sudetenland and Poland, including massacres and forced expulsions, made the restoration of these lands not just a strategic necessity but a moral imperative. The call to simply “accept” the dismemberment of Germany and the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Germans in these areas ignores the real human suffering caused by the unjust post-Versailles world order. For Germans to sit idly by while their ethnic brothers and sisters were brutalized by foreign powers was simply unacceptable.

The decision for "Totaler Krieg" in 1943 was forced on Germany. With the war becoming increasingly desperate Goebbels’ famous speech reflected the dire reality faced by the German people. The idea of a “total war” wasn’t born out of some misguided lust for conquest, it was an urgent call for the entire nation to unite and prepare for the final showdown. Germany was facing overwhelming forces on all sides, and the only option was to fight back with everything at its disposal. The Allied powers were not offering terms of peace, their only goal from the beginning was to crush Germany, its people, and its way of life. To “modestly” surrender or negotiate was simply out of the question; it was survival or annihilation.

The war in Europe by 1943 was not a simple matter of territorial conquest. It had evolved into a battle for the very soul of Europe. Dozens of ethnicities fought for their right to exist under the leadership of the Reich. The Allies, especially the United States and the Soviet Union, were intent on reshaping the world according to their ideologies, regardless of the cost to the European people. For Germany, the decision to fight a “total war” was a fight to protect its civilization, culture, and identity from being consumed by the twin dangers of bolshevism and capitalist imperialism. The German people were being forced into an existential struggle, not only for territory, but for their freedom, heritage, and future. The rest of Europe followed suit as they were caught between the US and the USSR as well.

To suggest that Germany could have pursued a “modest” approach in the war ignores the brutality and injustice that was being inflicted upon the German people. Had Germany failed to respond with total war, it would have been giving up its right to exist. As the war dragged on the destruction of German cities and civilians escalated and any hope for a negotiated peace was obliterated by the Allied powers’ unyielding desire for total victory. The idea of “modesty” in such a context is untenable, Germany’s leadership and especially its people had no choice but to rally together and fight to the bitter end.

A common phrase heard during the war among the Wehrmacht was "Enjoy the war, for peace will be hell."
@MusicForThePiano Good post. Do you think there is any way Germany could have won? I'm no expert, but I don't see any. I agree that the USSR would have attacked Germany sooner or later. I've often wondered if it would have been better for Germany to wait and fight a defensive war against the Soviets. No need to deal with long supply lines and Soviet scorched earth tactics, and massive invasions in general favor the defender.

Then again, they'd have been fighting a defensive war in the East while dealing with attacks from the UK in the West, and probably also eventually from the USA. So it seems unlikely that waiting for the USSR to attack would have worked out better, and of course it couldn't have worked out worse for Germany than what actually happened.

A lot of what I know about National Socialist Germany beyond the normie narrative comes from the book "Into the Darkness." It's by Lothrop Stoddard, who you probably know, but for those who don't, he was a highly articulate and intelligent American journalist and KKK member who, among other things, felt that the Nazi eugenics program was not harsh enough. I actually wasn't aware he was in the KKK until I got to the chapter on eugenics and his opinions tipped me off, which led to my reading up on the author himself.

Anyway, my point is that Stoddard was very sympathetic toward the German Nazis and Italian Fascists and had met Hitler, Mussolini, and many other high level officials in their governments like Himmler and talked to them directly (he spoke excellent German), so I think his views are generally sincere and trustworthy. "Into the Darkness" was written in the very early stage of the war when Germany is only fighting the UK, the USSR is something of a German ally, and America is still officially neutral. In contrast to the normie idea that the world was terrified of German world domination at the time, he and his fellow journalists often debate whether Germany can somehow hold out against just the British Empire and the general opinion seems to be that it will be very difficult for the Germans. This is before the Soviet invasion, when Germany is still receiving a massive amount of raw materials from the USSR.

Stoddard depicts the German economy at this stage as nearing advanced stages of collapse. He writes with pity about the living standard of the typical German at the time and all the shortages and hardships they deal with, contrasting it unfavorably with the bounty he's used to as an American. Basically, the National Socialists realized they had to at least dominate continental Europe to prop up their economy and their massive Socialist programs and the British and French had stopped conceding territory to them without a fight, so war was necessary. But also hopeless, as near as I can tell.

One of my main takeaways from the book is that although the normie view, in rare cases when normies even know what shortened name "Nazi" means, is that it's the nationalism part was the problem, in fact it was actually the socialism part that made war necessary and doomed Germany.
@MusicForThePiano Good post. Do you think there is any way Germany could have won? I'm no expert, but I don't see any. I agree that the USSR would have attacked Germany sooner or later. I've often wondered if it would have been better for Germany to wait and fight a defensive war against the Soviets. No need to deal with long supply lines and Soviet scorched earth tactics, and massive invasions in general favor the defender.

Then again, they'd have been fighting a defensive war in the East while dealing with attacks from the UK in the West, and probably also eventually from the USA. So it seems unlikely that waiting for the USSR to attack would have worked out better, and of course it couldn't have worked out worse for Germany than what actually happened.

If you look at the entire timeline, it was very time-critical even before 1933. Germany would have been destroyed with a whimper in 1934-1935 under the increasing weight of Weimar and Versailles, and it would never have risen again.

The German High Command determined that if the Soviet buildup on the borders of the Reich had indeed struck first that it would have been difficult to stop because of the defensive nature of that attack. The initial days of Barbarossa with the rapid surprise attack and aerial raids cutting off convoys and supplies and bombing the newly-built airfields that Stalin had constructed in Poland and the other border nations was what dealt the USSR the death-blow that would have allowed them to finish it off in months had it not been for the sabotage of certain generals as well as USA/UK Lend-Lease coming in streams of barges in the arctic to Murmansk in northern USSR.

Leon Degrelle believes the war was still winnable until late in the game, and with a few alterations earlier on. He was an SS General who survived the war by fleeing to Spain and lived in exile until the mid 1990s, writing about his experiences.

His book "Hitler: Democrat" is the most truthful telling of these events that were never obfuscated by any non-European agenda or Allied narrative. I would recommend reading this and ignoring anyone who offers an opinion on Hitler who has not read it:

"If Mussolini’s disastrous adventure on the Greek frontier at the end of 1940, opening the Balkans to the British, had not cost Hitler five weeks in the spring of 1941 and he had been able to launch his invasion of the USSR on May 10, 1941, as planned, rather than 40 days later as it turned out, Guderian’s tanks would have been beyond Moscow by mid-October of 1941, in perfect weather. The following month the war in the USSR would have been over, before the new young Soviet commanders had come to the fore. The government authorities, the diplomatic corps, and even Lenin’s mummy, looking quite yellow in its glass case, had been evacuated to a location hundreds of kilometers from Moscow. It was only on account of this historic delay that Stalin escaped total defeat in 1941 and the elimination of his regime – and no doubt also of his person. He would still have to endure terrible reverses at the Dnieper and the Don, at the Kuban and in the Caucasus, and see the Germans get clear to the Volga River in August of 1942 before it had been possible somehow to form some fairly decent cadres. Her belated adjustment cost Russia millions of deaths. Had they been well led, the Soviet armies would have been spared nine-tenths of their losses. They would remain very deficient right to the end, supporting themselves thanks only to the crutches – the tens of thousands of planes and tanks – provided by Mr. Roosevelt, the true „Hero of the Soviet Union.”
Another book, Campaign in Russia, also by Degrelle, provides a very logistical and chronological journal of the Eastern Front. I would also not listen to people shouting about German "megalomania" or "Germany invading Russia" if they have not read this book:


A lot of what I know about National Socialist Germany beyond the normie narrative comes from the book "Into the Darkness." It's by Lothrop Stoddard, who you probably know, but for those who don't, he was a highly articulate and intelligent American journalist and KKK member who, among other things, felt that the Nazi eugenics program was not harsh enough. I actually wasn't aware he was in the KKK until I got to the chapter on eugenics and his opinions tipped me off, which led to my reading up on the author himself.

Anyway, my point is that Stoddard was very sympathetic toward the German Nazis and Italian Fascists and had met Hitler, Mussolini, and many other high level officials in their governments like Himmler and talked to them directly (he spoke excellent German), so I think his views are generally sincere and trustworthy. "Into the Darkness" was written in the very early stage of the war when Germany is only fighting the UK, the USSR is something of a German ally, and America is still officially neutral. In contrast to the normie idea that the world was terrified of German world domination at the time, he and his fellow journalists often debate whether Germany can somehow hold out against just the British Empire and the general opinion seems to be that it will be very difficult for the Germans. This is before the Soviet invasion, when Germany is still receiving a massive amount of raw materials from the USSR.

Stoddard’s view of the German economy being on the verge of collapse is a classic post-war narrative driven by Allied propaganda that intentionally downplays Germany’s economic resilience under National Socialism. Germany did face shortages and hardships, but this was largely due to the Allied blockade and relentless bombing campaigns, not inherent inefficiency or collapse within the National Socialist system. These factors would be far more critical in crippling German production in the later stages of the war, especially by 1943-44. While he notes the strain on the economy, he does not yet fully appreciate how the bombing of industrial centers and oil refineries would cause Germany’s economy to falter in a way that was not the result of poor economic planning.

Germany was a highly organized, resource-efficient economy that had already weathered the worst of the global depression, and much of what Stoddard attributed to a collapse was actually a response to the strategic destruction of vital infrastructure. Strange he would write that during the war. Leon Degrelle was there and his work is the most trustworthy of insider knowledge on the Axis, and he specifically stated that the German economy was self-sufficient until the end, and that is partly what allowed them to last until 1945. The war was never intended to go on that long by the Rothschilds, they had expected to get rid of Hitler and reinstitute a Weimar puppet before 1940.

Here is a pdf of his book, I'm assuming this is the one you have?

link: https://ia801408.us.archive.org/34/...0053.Into-The-Darkness-Nazi-Germany-Today.pdf

Stoddard depicts the German economy at this stage as nearing advanced stages of collapse. He writes with pity about the living standard of the typical German at the time and all the shortages and hardships they deal with, contrasting it unfavorably with the bounty he's used to as an American. Basically, the National Socialists realized they had to at least dominate continental Europe to prop up their economy and their massive Socialist programs and the British and French had stopped conceding territory to them without a fight, so war was necessary. But also hopeless, as near as I can tell.

One of my main takeaways from the book is that although the normie view, in rare cases when normies even know what shortened name "Nazi" means, is that it's the nationalism part was the problem, in fact it was actually the socialism part that made war necessary and doomed Germany.

The claim that it was the socialism that “doomed Germany” rather than nationalism reflects a misunderstanding of National Socialism itself. The ideology was not about a stark choice between Nationalism and Socialism, but rather a synthesis of the two with the goal of creating a strong, united, and self-sufficient German state.

Hitler’s "Socialism" was not akin to Soviet-style Marxism. Instead it focused on corporatism, the integration of class interests for the good of the Volk (people), and the protection of traditional German industries. Germany under National Socialism sought to align economic interests with national interests, avoiding the destructive extremes of capitalism and communism. It was a third way rejecting both liberalism and Bolshevism and aiming to achieve economic independence, not subjugation to global financial powers.

Though Stoddard is a sympathetic observer of Germany he misunderstood the true nature of National Socialism by attempting to equate it with some form of industrialized state socialism. The National Socialist economic model was not about some abstract, theoretical “socialism”; it was about creating a sustainable economy capable of standing against the Allied powers, securing Germany’s independence, and forging alliances with other nations (like Italy and Japan) that shared similar ideologies. It was a pragmatic solution to the looming threat of economic collapse under Anglo-American control of international finance.

The National Socialist economy was not massively expensive. The labor treasury certificate system (the Mefo bills) allowed Germany to finance its war and rearmament efforts without relying on massive debt or external borrowing. This was an innovative system that mobilized resources efficiently and kept inflation in check. The cost of social programs (such as public works projects, housing, and welfare) was not so high as to make war "hopeless" or economically unsustainable.

It was the three empires and their endless barrage on Germany that doomed Germany, with traitors helping them.
Everyone please note - zero sources provided by Piano.

This guy didn't even exist, and if he did, his identity and story are a portmanteau of post-war atrocity propaganda concocted and leveraged to perpetually demonize NS Germany and Hitler. All your research on Hitler and the NSDAP is from wikipedia garbage and emotional assumptions based on Allied propaganda.

You are a total liar - he was survived by his wife and children, and community parish, all who vouched for him.

Pretty sad all you can do is deny and lie at this point, it's obvious you are too emotional to have a rational discussion on this subject. I will pray for you.
Everyone please note - zero sources provided by Piano.
They can see what you are doing here Sam. The cat's out of the bag. I provide plenty of sources, and I give the time to explain the content of what is in all of them. Instead of addressing any of the actual points I made you’ve resorted to personal attacks and emotional appeals which tells me you have no counterargument.

If this subject does not interest you enough to learn the details that disprove the sensationalism, then why even bother reading it?

You are a total liar -

Calling me a liar without addressing a single historical point I made is not an argument it’s a deflection. On the contrary, I seek to expose lies because it is both pleasing to God and it upsets the jews and their servants.

he was survived by his wife and children, and community parish, all who vouched for him.

That proves nothing. A person being “survived” by family and a church community doesn’t validate their story it just means they had a family. The question isn’t whether Jagerstatter existed, it’s whether the narrative built around him is accurate or post-war sensationalism. Many post-war figures were elevated for propaganda purposes, and the fact that people “vouched” for him decades later, under Allied occupation and coerced "denazification" policies means the full truthful historical record was never told.

Pretty sad all you can do is deny and lie at this point, it's obvious you are too emotional to have a rational discussion on this subject. I will pray for you.
This is classic projection, you’re the one dodging the points resorting to emotional appeals and throwing around empty insults instead of countering with historical sources. I presented a logical breakdown of why Jagerstatter’s case is exaggerated and manipulated for propaganda purposes. Instead of responding with facts, you hand-waved everything away with name-calling.

It's a bummer that you keep coming in here with 4th-grade level rhetorical attacks on historical figures and others with no substantiated evidence for your smears. This thread is supposed to be educational and vindicating the lies ceaselessly told about the millions of Christian Europeans of the Axis, as well as the millions of non-Europeans, who gave their lives fighting what became the NWO.

Here is what really happened with Franz Jagerstatter:

The Anschluss was overwhelmingly supported by Austrians Catholics. The 1938 referendum showed an overwhelming 99.73% approval rate in Austria. Even taking potential pressure into account, public celebrations and mass participation indicate genuine popular support.

Austrian Catholic clergy widely supported the Anschluss, seeing it as a reunification of the German people. Even the Vatican tacitly accepted it at the time. The idea that a single rural farmer opposed what the entire Austrian people overwhelmingly embraced sounds less like history and more like post-war mythmaking.

The wikipedia narrative conveniently omits that he willingly served in the military in 1940-41 before refusing in 1943. This is not a case of a civilian refusing conscription, he was already a sworn soldier.

Jagerstatter was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1940 and took the military oath without issue. After a few months his local mayor intervened and got him positioned back to his farm which was a common practice at the time to ensure food production in wartime. This means he was already an enlisted soldier under military jurisdiction.

His refusal in 1943 was during “Total War” (Totaler Krieg), when the Reich’s very survival was at stake. His actions were not a peaceful protest but a deliberate dereliction of military duty during wartime.

By this point, every German soldier knew that refusal to fight meant execution, this was not some unpredictable ‘brutal knotsee atrocity’ but a universal reality in every nation at war, including the Allies.

The narrative that Jagerstatter foresaw "German evil in the East" is obviously retroactive moralizing, the reality was far more complex and he wouldn’t have had access to such information anyway. His behavior is almost suicidal, which contradicts Catholic teaching on self-preservation. If he truly cared for his family, why take an action that he knew would lead to certain execution?

Perhaps he was mentally unstable. His decision makes no rational sense given that he already served and then refused in a time of total war. If he had deep-seated pacifist beliefs, why did he accept military service in 1940? His letters and statements about the war were only published long after his death meaning they were curated, edited, and fabricated to fit a post-war anti-German narrative.

They also do you and every other reader the disservice of not explaining the legal details of his charges. He was convicted of Wehrkraftzersetzung ("undermining military morale" a seditious offense), not for “refusing to take an oath to Hitler” as post-war narratives claim. This wasn’t about his “conscience” as he was actively encouraging resistance within the military at a time when Germany was fighting for survival.

These charges are explained here in the Oxford Companion to World War II: https://archive.org/details/oxfordcompaniont0000unse_y4p2

Do you know of the hate and harassment that conscientious objectors face in the US military, not just pre and during WW2, but from post-WW2 until the present? Try talking with one of them to see how a military organization treats those who would "change their mind".

Some claim he should have been sent to a labor camp instead of executed. However as an active-duty soldier, not a civilian conscript his refusal was legally treated as military insubordination during wartime which was a capital offense in most nations. If he had been a civilian conscientious objector he might have been imprisoned or sent to labor, but as a soldier he was already under military law.

The hypocrisy of the Allied-Post-War narrative is rich in chutzpah. The same people who praise Jagerstatter for refusing to fight are the ones who ignore or justify Allied executions of their own soldiers for refusing to fight. British and American forces ruthlessly executed their own soldiers for desertion, but no Hollywood movies or glorified biographies are written about them. Eisenhower personally approved the execution of Private Eddie Slovak to keep the ingrates in the US army in line, he made his approval public information among the ranks.

Soviet “blocking detachments” executed more than 150,000 of their own soldiers for refusing to advance, yet no one makes martyrs out of them. "Not one step back."

The sensationalization of Jagerstatter's story is part of a concerted post-war effort to delegitimize National Socialist Germany and Operation Barbarossa. Atrocity propaganda against the Germans in the East was manufactured to justify the war and criminalize any resistance against Bolshevism. Ignoring the daily suffering of Germans, who were being bombed, starved, and destroyed, while crying about Jägerstätter’s “martyrdom” reeks of enemy propaganda. Demonizing German soldiers who fought in the East conveniently ignores the mass rapes, genocidal slaughter, and enslavement committed by the Soviets, which German soldiers were actively resisting.

The post-war occupation narrative needed martyrs to bolster the idea that "good Germans resisted Hitler." Jagerstatter was perfect, he was:
-A Catholic farmer (so he appealed to religious circles)
-Completely unknown during the war (meaning his story could be shaped however needed)
-Executed by the Reich, making him a natural "victim"

In reality, he was neither a hero nor a true resistor, just an isolated man whose irrational decision was later exploited for propaganda.
His “unique opposition to the Anschluss” is historically nonsensical. His refusal was legally and militarily treated as any other wartime insubordination, nothing extraordinary or uniquely “evil” about it. The same fate awaited soldiers in every major army of the war especially in the Allied nations. The glorification of Jagerstatter is just another example of post-war mythmaking designed to vilify National Socialist Germany while ignoring the Allies’ own hypocrisy. And you fell for it. So who is being emotional here?
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Many post-war figures were elevated for propaganda purposes, and the fact that people “vouched” for him decades later, under Allied occupation and coerced "denazification" policies means the full truthful historical record was never told.

Do you really believe your own Church would elevate someone to sainthood, almost 70 years after the fact, just to score political points? Even I have a higher opinion of your Church despite my belief that it is schismatic. I cannot imagine why would they would go through all the trouble of fabricating sainthood on someone, it would seriously risk injuring their reputation for only a little temporary gain.

But, turns out, the Catholics did their homework, because the man left behind a huge correspondence to his wife which she lovingly preserved.

The Anschluss was overwhelmingly supported by Austrians Catholics. The 1938 referendum showed an overwhelming 99.73% approval rate in Austria. Even taking potential pressure into account, public celebrations and mass participation indicate genuine popular support.

Austrian Catholic clergy widely supported the Anschluss, seeing it as a reunification of the German people. Even the Vatican tacitly accepted it at the time. The idea that a single rural farmer opposed what the entire Austrian people overwhelmingly embraced sounds less like history and more like post-war mythmaking.

Just because you have difficulty believing it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The fact is, Pope Pius XI had already expressed great concern over Hitter's never-ending ambitions and idolatrous racial ideology:

8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community - however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things - whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.

17. The peak of the revelation as reached in the Gospel of Christ is final and permanent. It knows no retouches by human hand; it admits no substitutes or arbitrary alternatives such as certain leaders pretend to draw from the so-called myth of race and blood. Since Christ, the Lord's Anointed, finished the task of Redemption, and by breaking up the reign of sin deserved for us the grace of being the children God, since that day no other name under heaven has been given to men, whereby we must be saved (Acts iv. 12). No man, were every science, power and worldly strength incarnated in him, can lay any other foundation but that which is laid: which is Christ Jesus (1 Cor. iii 11). Should any man dare, in sacrilegious disregard of the essential differences between God and His creature, between the God-man and the children of man, to place a mortal, were he the greatest of all times, by the side of, or over, or against, Christ, he would deserve to be called prophet of nothingness, to whom the terrifying words of Scripture would be applicable: "He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them" (Psalms ii. 3).

So, turns out Jagerstatter was the only one brave enough to follow the Pope at the time. This is why the Catholics call him a Saint.

Buoyed by these witnesses, Jagerstatter was still the only person in his whole town to disavow Anschluss, or the German annexation of Austria. He was dismayed to see many Catholics support the Nazis. One cardinal even demanded that all parishes fly the Nazi flag from their churches on Hitler’s birthday.

“I believe there could scarcely be a sadder hour for the true Christian faith in our country,” he wrote.

You continue in your falsehoods:

The wikipedia narrative conveniently omits that he willingly served in the military in 1940-41 before refusing in 1943. This is not a case of a civilian refusing conscription, he was already a sworn soldier.

No, he was drafted. That is not "willingly served."

Jagerstatter was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1940 and took the military oath without issue. After a few months his local mayor intervened and got him positioned back to his farm which was a common practice at the time to ensure food production in wartime. This means he was already an enlisted soldier under military jurisdiction.

His refusal in 1943 was during “Total War” (Totaler Krieg), when the Reich’s very survival was at stake. His actions were not a peaceful protest but a deliberate dereliction of military duty during wartime.

No, he took an oath to his country, similarly to how we do in America. Pledging oneself to a country has always been acceptable for Christians, and Franz willingly did so when he was initially drafted in 1940. He also asked to be relegated to tending to the wounded and refused front-line service. He was then pulled out to help grow food since he was a farmer. He was a conscientious objector, of which there were tens of thousands in America as well. In America, such men were also tasked with labor or medical duties.

However, once Hitler decided on "Total War," he was drafted again and forced to take the oath under penalty of treason. He refused to take the Hitler oath, then he was executed. Whether or not it was beheading or from a firing squad really makes little difference. The simple fact of the matter was that he refused to take the oath to a man. He was willing to do so for his people or country, but not to a man.

Even Stalin did not have this level of megalomania; here is the USSR's oath:

I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, do hereby take the oath of allegiance and do solemnly vow to be an honest, brave, disciplined and vigilant fighter, to guard strictly all military and State secrets, to obey implicitly all Army regulations and orders of my commanders, commissars and superiors.

I vow to study the duties of a soldier conscientiously, to safeguard Army and National property in every way possible and to be true to my People, my Soviet Motherland, and the Workers' and Peasants' Government to my last breath.

I am always prepared at the order of the Workers' and Peasants' Government to come to the defence of my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - and, as a fighter of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, I vow to defend her courageously, skilfully, creditably and honourably, without sparing my blood and my very life to achieve complete victory over the enemy.

And if through evil intent I break this solemn oath, then let the stern punishment of the Soviet law, and the universal hatred and contempt of the working people, fall upon me.

So, sure, Lenin and Stalin were evil demons who murdered tens of millions of Orthodox - who, by the way, are almost universally considered martyrs by the Church - but they never required men to swear an oath of unconditional obedience as did Hitler.

Really, what saved Stalin in WW2 was that his opponent was retarded - had Hitler been a competent commander, the USSR would have been crushed. Hitler was more concerned with being worshipped. He was more concerned with pushing racial idolatry of which he would be crown emperor over, than he was with winning the war. And that's why Zionists loved the guy, they could see what a fool he was, and how much it would help them cement control over the world. That's why Zionists supported Hitler's initial campaign in the early stages of the Weimar Republic.

They needed a guy who could both drive Talmudic Jews into Israel (Haavara agreement) and simultaneously destroy itself with delusions of grandeur. One of the Zionists best investments of all time, it continues to pay off dividends nearly 100 years later.
Do you really believe your own Church would elevate someone to sainthood, almost 70 years after the fact, just to score political points? Even I have a higher opinion of your Church despite my belief that it is schismatic. I cannot imagine why would they would go through all the trouble of fabricating sainthood on someone, it would seriously risk injuring their reputation for only a little temporary gain.

The Church's position in matters of historical truth depends on the men it employs. When too many weak and compromised men join the Church, the Church suffers. This is exactly what Vatican II brought to it, which is another discussion entirely.

So yes its not a matter of belief when the facts speak to the truth that this man was not a heroic resistor but a coward who would rather put his family through endless trouble by his own retarded decisions during a time when his people fought for their very existence against aggressive super predatory powers.

But, turns out, the Catholics did their homework, because the man left behind a huge correspondence to his wife which she lovingly preserved.

A key motivation for many Austrians supporting the Anschluss was economic. Under NSDAP control Austria was integrated into the German economic system and many Austrians benefited supremely from the economic policies of the Third Reich, particularly the economic recovery that Germany experienced after the Great Depression. This financial relief was a major factor in the apparent popularity of the Anschluss, something a simple farmer like Jagerstatter may not understand the sufferings of all his kin, or refuses to understand. The only reason for someone to vote against this huge relief policy would be either for partisan purposes or literally being agents of the enemy. Strange that in all of Jagerstatter's writings he never demonizes the filth of the USSR. This is what gives it away as propaganda immediately. These are fictitious writings, with the intent of being anti-German propaganda from the get go.

Just because you have difficulty believing it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The fact is, Pope Pius XI had already expressed great concern over Hitter's never-ending ambitions and idolatrous racial ideology:

First it is important to clarify the two popes of this time period:
-Pius XI (1922-1939) was the Pope who led the Vatican when the Reichskonkordat was signed in 1933, and Mit Brennender Sorge was issued in 1937.
-Pius XII (1939-1958) was raised to the pontiff after Pius XI’s death and continued the Vatican’s relationship with Germany during World War II until it's eventual defeat.

Mit Brennender Sorge was not a rejection of the Germany government or Hitler himself, it was merely a critique on alleged racialism that if we look deeper, is not truly what it seems. The Vatican was aligned with Germany during the entirety of Hitler's rule. They never severed relations with the Reich nor threatened to.

The aforementioned Reichskonkordat signed on July 20, 1933 was a treaty between the Holy See and The Third Reich. It was the first treaty the Reich signed with a foreign power marking the beginning of formal relations between the Vatican and the new German government, proving absolutely that the two are compatible.

The Reichskonkordat guaranteed that the Catholic Church in Germany would have the freedom to operate without interference from the German government. This included maintaining Catholic schools and religious freedom for Catholics, while the Reich gained support from the Church in the form of political legitimacy. It was a mutual agreement that allowed both sides to protect their interests. The Vatican wanted to ensure that the Church’s rights were preserved in a rapidly changing Germany, while Hitler sought to maintain support for the German Catholic population given that half of the nation was Protestant.

Pius XII born Eugenio Pacelli was a career diplomat within the Vatican and was involved in negotiations with both the the Reich and the Allies before his appointment as Pope in 1939. Eugenio Pacelli as Vatican Secretary of State played a key role in the negotiations that led to the Reichskonkordat in 1933. They liked to chide him by calling him Hitler's Bishop, especially because he never condemned Germany during or after the war. This was why Vatican II was brought down on the Church that completely did a 180 on all of its stances towards Hitler and National Socialism. Also, Pacelli was suspiciously murdered just prior to Vatican II's initial talks.

So, turns out Jagerstatter was the only one brave enough to follow the Pope at the time. This is why the Catholics call him a Saint.

That Jagerstatter’s opposition to the Anschluss is portrayed as an isolated and courageous stand is laughable. This narrative overlooks the whole context of Austrian society. Millions of Austrian Catholics including many church leaders supported the Anschluss. Jagerstatter’s dissent is not an exemplary moral stand but rather a contrived post-war narrative that conveniently aligns with the victimization trope pushed by certain elements within the Catholic Church after WWII. His story became the exceptional narrative of resistance amplified by post-war propaganda while the much larger Catholic participation in the Anschluss was downplayed or outright ignored.

So it makes no sense to call this man a saint when a majority of Church leaders and congregations were taking part in the Anschluss and actively benefitting from it. If anything it was men like him who put a strain on relations between Catholics and their government on purpose when they had a greater enemy in the USSR that waited to devour them all, whom the Church had already issued decrees vehemently against.

You continue in your falsehoods:

No, he was drafted. That is not "willingly served."
You continue being misled by sensationalism.

Jagerstatter was conscripted into the Wehrmacht in 1940. At this point he willingly accepted military service as was the practice for most men in Germany and Austria. This means he took the oath then. After serving in 1940 and 1941 he was released to return to his farm due to the needs of the war economy and his role as an agricultural worker.

No, he took an oath to his country, similarly to how we do in America. Pledging oneself to a country has always been acceptable for Christians, and Franz willingly did so when he was initially drafted in 1940. He also asked to be relegated to tending to the wounded and refused front-line service. He was then pulled out to help grow food since he was a farmer. He was a conscientious objector, of which there were tens of thousands in America as well. In America, such men were also tasked with labor or medical duties.

What you and this account do not mention is that during this time he did not refuse to take an oath or resist in any significant way. He served his time as a regular conscript and was even considered a member of the military at that point, as you noted. There is a clear distinction between willing service and later objections which is important to recognize in understanding why his actions in 1943 would eventually lead to charges of sedition.

Also Franz' lack of involvement in the realities of war especially in the East calls into question the legitimacy of his personal moral opposition as representative of the true realities on the front lines. He had no direct experience on the Eastern Front or in the "brutalities" that were allegedly taking place in Soviet-occupied territories. So his conscientious objection that allegedly stems from his experiences on the Eastern Front which never happened is a major red flag with his account. Someone in his position living in rural Austria would have had zero exposure to the actual conditions on the Eastern Front, and all his morally contrived opposition stems from literal Allied propaganda at the time.

The charge against Jagerstatter was not about refusing an oath to Hitler. The charge that led to his execution was “Wehrkraftzersetzung” (undermining military strength), which was considered a form of sedition or treason. This charge could be brought against anyone deemed to be hindering or disrupting the German war effort.

However, once Hitler decided on "Total War," he was drafted again and forced to take the oath under penalty of treason. He refused to take the Hitler oath, then he was executed. Whether or not it was beheading or from a firing squad really makes little difference. The simple fact of the matter was that he refused to take the oath to a man. He was willing to do so for his people or country, but not to a man.

First off it wasn't Hitler who decided on Total War. Total War was being waged upon them ceaselessly at this point by all the Allied Nations, especially England and the USA. It was the unfortunate reality that Germany had to mobilize every able-bodied man. You seem to think there was a way out of this for them. Germany was intended to be destroyed by the jews and their servants long before the kinetic phase of WW2 began, as I have provided evidence from all the jewish newspapers and boycotts and sterilization plans that you continually ignore.

Any man in Germany and Austria at that time, especially a Catholic who could look around and see their kinfolk being bombed into oblivion, and not stick up for their own people, was a spineless coward and deserved more than a quick execution than what Jagerstatter got. The Wehrmacht had thousands of Chaplains on all fronts, all who took oaths. The SS even had Chaplains and Priests in some divisions, who took those more serious oaths. So millions of Catholics not only took the oaths, but also served with conviction to the Axis cause. The globohomo Churches never honor their sacrifice so that we didn't have to experience infinity invaders and child trannies.

Had Jagerstatter been a conscientious objector from the outset things may have gone differently for him. In 1940 and 1941 he could have potentially applied for such status, which, if granted, would have meant that he would not have faced the harsh punishment he eventually did. Conscientious objectors were sent to labor camps (not necessarily front-line combat), where they would be required to perform work in support of the war effort, but they could be granted certain protections, including the possibility of limited release and visitation from their families.

However, by 1943 the war situation had become increasingly dire. His refusal to serve after having already participated combined with the failure to seek conscientious objector status earlier placed Jagerstatter in a different legal category. Since he did not witness the Eastern Front, his objections are entirely irrational and it is precisely why his account was chosen for post-war propaganda.

By refusing to serve he left his family vulnerable during a time when they needed support the most. His refusal was, in hindsight, detrimental to his own community. His actions served no greater moral purpose at a time when the war was already well underway, and the fate of Austria seemed all but decided under the pressure of the Allies especially with Soviet and American forces closing in. No matter his stance, Austria was destined for hardship regardless of whether he fought or not. His decision thus was irrational as it had no real impact on the larger war and it did little to protect his family from the suffering that would come after the war by guaranteeing his absence.

Jagerstatter’s refusal was also a direct challenge to the Catholic Church's position at the time. The Vatican under Pius XII had to navigate a delicate political situation where it sought to maintain peaceful relations with all Axis powers. The Church encouraged its followers to support the legal authorities and avoid actions that would cause unnecessary division within their communities. The Church did not foster nor support resistance movements. In light of this Jagerstatter's refusal to serve was reckless and seen as counterproductive by many within the Church, especially as his behavior undermined the Church’s goal of national reconciliation during a time of war. By refusing to serve he was not only rejecting the idea of serving in the military but also essentially rejecting a government that had brought stability and security to a country that was struggling economically.

Jagerstatter's case is extremely weak for your argument. You're harping on this guy's story as a linchpin to proving Allied propaganda just like EMJ harps on his communist "father lenz," only that case was much worse and falls flat when exposed. There isn't enough information about Jagerstatter other than his writings proving he was a defeatist and a coward who didn't realize the gravity of the situation. Also there are reasons he was not recognized by the Church at the time and for decades after the war.

The Catholic Church under the influence of Vatican II sought to create a narrative of resistance to "tyranny" and Jagerstatter’s experiences were idealized and propagated to concoct a moral opposition to Hitler. While he may have genuinely believed in his refusal based on religious grounds the postwar narrative of his martyrdom has been constructed by others who sought to align his story with globalist ideological purposes to distance Christians from researching how to free themselves from jewish debt-slavery.

I'll take the words of a true Catholic warrior who was persecuted for nearly 50 years after the war until his death in the mid 1990s, General Leon Degrelle, whose works survived unmolested and unbiased by victor propaganda, over this heavily propagandized account that took an unknown man's irrational decisions and unfortunate execution as a result of those decisions, and made him a "saint" for them. Detractors like you never read Degrelle's work because it causes too much cognitive dissonance for your Allied beliefs in "madman Hitler".

Leon Degrelle was a hero. Franz Jagerstatter was a coward. Two types of Catholics, but only one is "honored" by this limp-wristed post Vatican II globohomo juggernaut.

Even Stalin did not have this level of megalomania; here is the USSR's oath:

It is an absolute joke to compare Stalin to Hitler, which you do frequently. There is no comparison. Once again your delving is barely scratching the surface.

Stalin’s personality cult eclipsed that of any other Soviet leader in history and this wasn’t just confined to state media it was embedded into the fabric of Soviet life. Stalin's control over the USSR was complete and his propaganda machine worked relentlessly to deify him. Entire cities were renamed after him, Stalingrad being the most prominent example. Stalin's image was everywhere, and his name became synonymous with the Soviet state. This type of control over a nation's identity is nothing short of megalomania., which you say he was not.

Stalin’s authority was far more absolute than Hitler’s because under Stalin there was no alternative. Hitler’s authority was counterbalanced by the influence of the military and other key figures within the NSDAP but Stalin’s control over every aspect of Soviet life was unchallenged. This includes his near-total power in internal purges, where anyone real or imagined could be sent to labor camps or executed without trial.

You acknowledge he was evil, but you just leave it at that. The Great Purges and forced collectivization alone resulted in the deaths of millions. The Holodomor famine in Ukraine, which Stalin orchestrated, led to the deaths of millions of Ukrainians through deliberate starvation, and this was done while no war was going on.

Stalin’s regime purged millions of people who were seen as disloyal or suspect. Military leaders were purged in 1937-1938, and the Great Purge resulted in millions of executions for individuals who were accused of “treason” or “disloyalty.” Stalin’s reign involved complete totalitarian control, where anyone could be executed based on unsubstantiated accusations of disloyalty. The terror and surveillance were relentless, and loyalty to Stalin was synonymous with survival.

They blamed the Germans for Katyn, Stalin's Torchmen burned their own villages in dead German uniforms to rile up resistance among the steppe peasants, every wartime action they did was completely maniacal. The captured Germans from Stalingrad were paraded through Moscow with chemical truck spraying the ground following them to "wipe away Fascist footprints".

Soviet forces committed widespread sexual violence and murder in their invasion of Germany. It's well-documented that Russian Asiatic soldiers took part in the mass rape of German women some estimates put the number of victims at over two million. Soviet officials like the jew Ilya Ehrenburg on Stalin's orders encouraged this behavior through propaganda, which depicted German civilians as subhuman. Then there was all the millions of deaths after the war had concluded.

So, sure, Lenin and Stalin were evil demons who murdered tens of millions of Orthodox - who, by the way, are almost universally considered martyrs by the Church - but they never required men to swear an oath of unconditional obedience as did Hitler.

While Stalin didn’t have a formal oath to his person, coerced loyalty to Stalin was enforced in many other ways. Stalin was not just a leader he was an ideological force. Loyalty to the Communist Party and its central figure was expected under threat of death or imprisonment (and then later death). There were no alternatives. Party members, soldiers, and workers were all forced to swear loyalty to the state and the party which in effect demanded unquestioning obedience to Stalin’s regime.

Soviet soldiers, workers, and even young children in the Komsomol (the Soviet youth organization) were indoctrinated to swear loyalty to the Communist Party. Conversely the Hitler Youth were not required to do so. There were numerous loyalty oaths in which people pledged their loyalty to Stalin's leadership and to the ideology of the Soviet state. These were not optional; they were enforced with severe punishments for anyone who dared to defy the regime.

Really, what saved Stalin in WW2 was that his opponent was retarded - had Hitler been a competent commander, the USSR would have been crushed. Hitler was more concerned with being worshipped. He was more concerned with pushing racial idolatry of which he would be crown emperor over, than he was with winning the war.

Your chiding statements reveal your own emotions. You keep bringing this up time and time again that Hitler was a bad commander and he worshiped race, and that somehow these two are both true and synonymously interrelated. This is blatantly inaccurate and historically dishonest.

Your "logic" here is also completely flawed. These two aspects of his leadership, biological views and military leadership, are mutually exclusive. The idea that the Axis military forces were homogenous and exclusively Germanic is completely false. Many non-German volunteers fought on the side of the Axis including non-Aryans (Arabs, Hindus, Persians, Siamese, Japanese). Many of these non-Aryans fought to the last because they knew what Hitler was fighting against and his cause was their cause. Even the French, often portrayed as the most cowardly men of Europe, were the last defending his bunker in May of 1945 even after he had died. There were also Persians and Arabs with them.

Davud Monshizadeh went on to found SUMKA in Iran post-war as a new National Socialism intended for Iranians, the way Hitler envisioned each race adopting their own version of Third Position to free themselves from the system.

http://www.mourningtheancient.com/index1.htm "Adolf Hitler and the Army of Mankind" Ctrl+F "Iran" on page two.

There is a ridiculous amount of evidence against this lie of "German race worship." These men were all volunteers, meaning no one forced them to sign anything, yet they fought and many died honorably for a true cause:


So your argument is invalid. German racialism was not the driving force behind his military decisions. This reductionism doesn't hold any water or relevance.

You completely ignore how Hitler was adept at diplomatic strategy, successfully regaining key territories lost after World War I. Through a combination of military pressure and political maneuvering he managed to reoccupy the Rhineland (1936), reclaim Austria (Anschluss, 1938), annex the Sudetenland and the rest of Czechoslovakia (1938-1939) without firing a shot. These strategic moves allowed Germany to regain territory, strengthen its military position, and isolate its potential enemies. A retard could not do this.

Hitler’s leadership combined with his generalship and diplomatic maneuvering enabled Germany to achieve remarkable victories in the early stages of the war. The Blitzkrieg strategy was groundbreaking and highly successful in the Poland, France, Belgium, Norway, the Balkans, and Greece. These campaigns were characterized by decisive victories with relatively low losses compared to the scale of the wars they fought.

When it comes to many of the so-called blunders I have already posted evidence for why those are not the fault of Hitler. You do not engage properly in a debate if you do not view the sources. View the sources or exit stage right.

You also never mention FDR and Lend-Lease to the USSR, which shows you know very little on this subject. It wasn't just through Murmansk, England had bombed Afghanistan, Iraq, and every other Axis supporter in the Middle East into submission of Allied demands and together with the USSR invaded and occupied Iran and used it as a transit for more Lend-Lease up the "Persian Corridor." They were literally resurrecting Soviet forces nonstop until the war ended to wear down the Germans through attrition. General Leon Degrelle confirms this in his works, which again the likes of you never read.

Stalin's "retarded opponent" kept much of Orthodoxy outside of Russia alive during WW2. Out of all the Christians and alleged-Christians who bash Hitler, they never mention how Orthodoxy fully supported Barbarossa and Orthodox Bishops in Prague blessed General Anton Vlasov's Russian Independence Army of USSR defectors working for the Axis to overthrow Stalin's regime.

And that's why Zionists loved the guy, they could see what a fool he was, and how much it would help them cement control over the world. That's why Zionists supported Hitler's initial campaign in the early stages of the Weimar Republic.

Wrong. They never "supported" any phase of his campaign ever. You don't even know Weimar history. You really are unprepared for a debate of this caliber Samseau.

During the early Weimar years Hitler and the NSDAP were insignificant players in the German political landscape. The country was in political turmoil following Germany's defeat in World War I and the subsequent signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The Weimar Republic faced widespread instability and numerous factions from both the left and right sought to remedy the situation.

Hitler’s NSDAP was only one of many right-wing parties at the time and it wasn't until the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 that Hitler gained any significant attention. Even after his release from prison in 1924 Hitler’s political influence remained limited. The NSDAP only began gaining real traction after Hitler was able to speak publicly again, following the lifting of his speaking ban in 1927.

During this early period of struggle, the jewish community in Germany was relatively prosperous and integrated into German society. With many of their kin holding high positions of power, they had no reason to support Hitler. The jewish organizations and the zionist movement were focused on expediting the Balfour Declaration's demands. They were not sympathetic at all to National Socialist ideology.

There is ridiculous amounts of evidence of zionist collaboration with the British authorities in the inter-war period, but absolutely none with Hitler and the NSDAP. Here is his own opinion during Weimar, whilst he was imprisoned nonetheless:


They needed a guy who could both drive Talmudic Jews into Israel (Haavara agreement) and simultaneously destroy itself with delusions of grandeur. One of the Zionists best investments of all time, it continues to pay off dividends nearly 100 years later.

"Hitler was NOT a zionist" [some language]

The Haavara agreement was not an agreement between Germany and zionism, it was an agreement between Germany and the British Empire. It was not Germany moving jews to Palestine to setup israel, but the Germans trading jews with the British Empire to get them out of Europe. The Madagascar plan eventually split into Haavara agreement and a second plan established in 1942 in Wannsee that is always mislabeled as the "final solution via extermination" which was resettlement of the jews to the Pale of Settlement initially established by Catherine the Great. The jews were in work camps during the war because after the war was over they intended to expel them back to the Pale.

Here are Hitler's own words on Palestine, he wanted the jews nowhere near it:

"What Hitler said about Palestine"

He literally says "it's freedom is being restricted and it's independence is being deprived and that it is enduring the most cruel mistreatment for the benefit of jewish invaders."

He also says "And it is our responsibility my fellow countrymen, to ensure that right does not become wrong here. I am by no means willing to allow a second Palestine to emerge here in the heart of Germany through the efforts of other statesmen. The poor Arabs are defenseless and perhaps abandoned."


You have zero evidence for this horse manure jewish argument that Hitler benefitted zionism, was a zionist, was a Rothscild agent, or some combination of them.

"Hitler was not a controlled agent. He was not a Rothschild."

So by echoing this lie that Hitler was kosher you deny the following which this video above truthfully states:

Adolf Hitler issued interest free and debt free money when he was in power. This was against jews and judaism which is a reconstruction out of Pharisaism opposed by Jesus Christ.

The jews worldwide declared war on Germany on March 24, 1933 immediately after Adolf Hitler came to power. In the "Sermon of the Week", 8th May 1942, the jewish Chronicle wrote: "We have been at war with him (Hitler) from the first day he gained power."

When Adolf Hitler was in power, he arrested Baron Louis de Rothschild. Baron Louis de Rothschild was released by National Socialists on April 8th, 1938 and the Rothschild Bank was confiscated. On September 22nd, 1939, the fortune of Julius Rothschild, a member of the well known jewish banking house, was confiscated by the National Socialists.

In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry wrote: "Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today."

The jews and their accomplices always promote lies about their enemies. They promote lies about Andrew Jackson, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, etc It is not surprising considering the fact that the enemies of Jesus Christ promoted lies about Jesus Christ and His disciples (Matthew 28:5-15) and these lies were widely circulated when the Gospel of Matthew was written.

More and more historical researchers come to the conclusion that he was not part of any Rothschild scheme, the evidence against this claim is overhwelming:


By lying about Hitler you do the jews work. You don't have to like the man, but you don't have to hate him either. You are engaging in the continuation of the jewish lies that perpetuate their power by demonizing him for no apparent reason. Just admit that you hate Hitler for personal arbitrary reasons and be done with this nonsense already.

Your gatekeeping will be the death of this forum as your trashcan performance as a leader has already shown by driving away many senior RVF members.
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The amount of lies you make per post are just staggering, a wall of lies, pretty much would require a full time job to answer them all. Your assertions that his wife created fake letters is just a bogus lie without evidence.

I will address the most egregious ones:

Mit Brennender Sorge was not a rejection of the Germany government or Hitler himself, it was merely a critique on alleged racialism that if we look deeper, is not truly what it seems. The Vatican was aligned with Germany during the entirety of Hitler's rule. They never severed relations with the Reich nor threatened to.

They never aligned with anything and always stayed politically neutral. You are hamstering, trying to rationalize some hidden approval of the Catholic Church for Nazism, or straight up lying.

Also, Pacelli was suspiciously murdered just prior to Vatican II's initial talks.

You'll need to provide a source for this. Big claims require strong evidence. A Pope murdered in his own chambers of the Vatican and no one is the wiser?

This type of control over a nation's identity is nothing short of megalomania., which you say he was not.

Never said Stalin did not have megalomania, I said that Stalin did not have it as much as Hitler did, which really says something. Stalin was objectively more evil than Hitler, and yet Hitler made people take an unconditional oath of obedience to his person, something not even Stalin dared to do. Pretty much only an idiot would do something like that, because it would cause even more insubordination and raise the risk of betrayal from troops.

But Hitler wasn't concerned with winning the war, he was concerned with glorifying himself at the expense of the country he was claiming to "protect."

Finally, as for Hitler not being a Zionist stooge, we can just go straight to the horse's mouth who have kept records of Hitler's agreements with Zionists:

HAAVARA, a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods. The Haavara Agreement is an instance where the question of Jewish rights, Zionist needs and individual rescue were in deep tension. Jewish organizations outside of Germany had declared a boycott against German goods and hoped to delegitimate the Nazi regime. The Zionists saw this agreement as a way of attracting Jews to Palestine and thus rescuing them from the Nazi universe even if that meant cooperation with Hitler. For a time the Nazi program of making Germany Judenrein and the Zionist policy of seeking olim coincided.

That Hitler imprisoned a Rothschild and took his money to fund the war wasn't disputed by me. Simple fact of the matter is that Hitler being a Zionist does not contradict persecuting Talmuds, or going to war against them in his vicinity. Hitler saw Zionism as a way to get rid of Talmudic Jews in Europe. He did it as long as the seas were open to Germany, but once they closed after going to war with Britian, he needed a new plan of expulsion. What this plan would have been is up for debate, but I don't care enough to speculate. The fact is, Hitler and other "antisemites" were encouraged and financially supported by Zionists in order to encourage emigration of Talmuds from Europe into Israel.

All of this is within the Zionists own checkbooks and history books, and it does not make them look good to share this info either. They are just honest so they can flex; "We supported Hitler and no one is going to do anything about it."


Hitler was one of the worst commanders and leaders of all time, who started with massive advantages and lost to inferior enemies. He is hands down one of the worst Generals I have knowledge of, which is in the hundreds of different commanders I have studied across 3000+ years. His blunders are up there with the Athenian invasion of Sicily at the height of the Peloponnesian War, General Crassus's death at Carrhae, Emperor Maxentius' suicide charge at Milvian Bridge, King Karl's invasion of St. Petersburg, Napoleon's invasion of Russia, etc.

He invaded Poland, even though it was a natural buffer state against his hated enemy, which triggered massive wars with France and England, both of whom could have stayed as neutral or friendly nations. His stated cause of helping out his fellow Germans in the city of Danzig could have easily been resolved without a full scale invasion of Poland. He could have evacuated the citizens into the rest of Germany proper, as Danzig was on a coastline, or simply moved German troops into the city to protect the people there without invading Poland.

Had Poland been left alone, then we know from Operation Pike that eventually the other allies would have moved to attack the Soviets eventually on their own, or were at least seriously thinking about it. Not to mention the USSR probably would have invaded Poland no matter what, and had they done so without Germany, then the Nazi party would have found itself allied with France and Britain instead of in a death match with them.

But there was no strategy with Hitler, he was a vainglorious sinner obsessed with his self-image, who descended into madness the more he botched the war, eventually requiring all troops to swear an oath of unconditional obedience to his person at the penalty of death, which we see with Saint Franz.

Hitler was a useful tool and fool for the Talmudic Jews, and no amount of lying can undo the failures of this man.
He invaded Poland, even though it was a natural buffer state against his hated enemy, which triggered massive wars with France and England, both of whom could have stayed as neutral or friendly nations.
Sure they would.

France and England were Jewish puppets that would have attacked Germany no matter what. If Poland was not invaded, the Allies would have armed it to the teeth and eventually transfer troops there, essentially making the historical 1945 materialize 5-6 years earlier.

Operation Pike was just a bombing raid on Baku and Grozny and was considered only because Germany was at the time allied with the Soviet Union. Nothing like the large scale land invasion you imagine. Considering that the Allied Ploesti raids were entirely ineffective, taking out the Caucasus oil fields was just a pipe dream, the usual nonsensical operation coming out of the alcohol-addled brain of Churchill.
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The amount of lies you make per post are just staggering, a wall of lies, pretty much would require a full time job to answer them all.

The amount of things and details that you do not know about World War II, about Hitler, about National Socialism, and about Church relations in that time is staggering. You rely on cursory glances at best. That's not how deciphering the truth works for historical events.

Your assertions that his wife created fake letters is just a bogus lie without evidence.

I didn't say his wife wrote fake letters, but that the content is the ramblings of a man who knew nothing about the Eastern Front and had no basis to claim "German atrocities in the East" when he was not there. His story doesn't make sense and many facts are clearly missing from the official post-war kosher-approved narrative. Why is his case elevated and millions of other pro-German pro-National Socialist pro-Hitler cases ignored? Just more jewish lies.

The evidence is in the account itself. All mediums of information were controlled from the top-down after 1945. You cannot trust a single mainstream book, movie, documentary, or interview on the subjects of Hitler, the NSDAP, Germany, and WW2 without running into a host of lies. This is their biggest cash cow, beginning with the holohoax. The extension of this financial grift is to perpetually keep Aryans subdued with guilt propaganda until our eventual extermination at the hands of their golems.

Therefore, these "atrocity propaganda" stories from the overlords is pure garbage. Every now and then they throw one like this our way to make us think everyone was against Hitler. I see right through it. Multiple layers.

What you see without filtering: Church beatification. Conscientious objector. Poor man resisted peacefully. Hitler lunatic.
What I see knowing their lies. Corrupted Vatican. Geopolitical victim narrative. Irrational and seditious man. Nothing to do with Hitler.

I rebuke these lies and their queasy stench that befouls my Aryan soul.

I will address the most egregious ones:

They never aligned with anything and always stayed politically neutral. You are hamstering, trying to rationalize some hidden approval of the Catholic Church for Nazism, or straight up lying.

Why don't you take a stab at the Reichskonkordat without consulting either Vatican II-approved or jew-approved sources? That's how it works. They've had 80 years to mold history against this man. There are layers upon layers of deception.

The Vatican was politically "neutral" but they were far more than aligned than neutrality with the Axis leaders and Axis states. Every single Axis leader was either a devout Catholic or Orthodox barring Japan and Siam. Not a single one was a freemason, who the Church would excommunicate one for. By that metric all of the freemasons in charge of the Allies could never be among the Church.

The Catholic Church viewed Bolshevism as its greatest enemy even more than liberalism or Protestantism. The 1937 encyclical "Divini Redemptoris" by Pope Pius XI outright condemned Communism as "intrinsically perverse" and a threat to Christian civilization. Pius XI may have been cautious about the sudden urge in racialism, but he never condemned National Socialism. The Church never excommunicated Hitler, Himmler, or Goebbels. All of them had devout Catholic backgrounds.

The most public backing of a specific Axis power, who was much more violent than National Socialist Germany, was Pius XII's immediate recognition and backing of Ante Pavelic's Ustase in the Independent State of Croatia. Pavelić was personally received by Pope Pius XII in Rome in 1941. Catholic Archbishop Aloysius Stepinac openly supported the Ustaše and even blessed their military campaigns to wipe out communism in Europe. The Ustase were merciless with partisans, as they should have been. Some clergy members even directly joined the Ustaše militia. The Church hated Stalin and anything to do with that jewish Eurasian nightmare of the USSR and any of its tentacles afoot in Europe.

The Church was even complicit in forced conversions of Balkan Slavs to Catholicism. After the war, Vatican escape routes helped Ustaše veterans accused of "war crimes" escape to South America, including Pavelic, who was the only other Axis leader to survive unmolested like Degrelle.

Bishop Alois Hudal, a high-ranking Vatican official, personally oversaw the escape of major figures in the NSDAP including Adolf Eichmann, Franz Strangl, and Klaus Barbie. The Vatican provided forged documents and travel permits for fleeing SS officers.

Furthermore, the Slovak fascist state under Catholic Priest Jozef Tiso, was pro-German and pro-National Socialism and supported by the Vatican directly. Tiso claimed that deporting jews was a "Christian duty," and the Vatican never excommunicated him. Pope Pius XII sent blessings to Slovakia throughout the war and never rebuked Tiso’s actions. Kind of hard to ignore that when a Catholic Priest is your head of state.

The Vatican endorsed Barbarossa. When Germany invaded the USSR, Pope Pius XII refused to condemn it and instead encouraged Axis Catholic soldiers to fight Bolshevism.

The Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s official newspaper, published articles that framed the invasion as a necessary fight against godless Communism. Catholic leaders in Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, and Spain blessed soldiers fighting in Russia as "crusaders for Christian Europe." Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, who was backed by the Vatican, sent the ‘Blue Division’ to fight alongside the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front.

The 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS "Charlemagne" was made up of French volunteers who swore loyalty to Hitler and fought on the Eastern Front. French Catholic priests provided religious services for SS troops. Even when the war was lost, these troops fought to the last man in Berlin in 1945, holding out in Hitler’s bunker. A neutral Vatican wouldn’t have allowed clergy to serve in Waffen-SS units.

So yes the Catholic Church was invested heavily in an Axis victory, and remained loyal to all the Catholic men even after they were defeated and beset upon by the jewish dogs of the USA and USSR, which is why Vatican II was brought down as punishment..

Never said Stalin did not have megalomania, I said that Stalin did not have it as much as Hitler did, which really says something. Stalin was objectively more evil than Hitler,

You still believe that Hitler was evil, so therefore you still believe jewish lies. This man truly loved Germany and his people, and one day you will see that.

Stalin was definitely a verifiable megalomaniac. His paranoia was up there with those NDST3's, which is one of the defining hallmarks of a megalomaniac. How many people were disappeared under Stalin's suspicions we may never know, but no matter how much of an intelligent and committed communist he was, his indifference to human life gave way to a view of something truly psychotic that never inhabited Hitler.

and yet Hitler made people take an unconditional oath of obedience to his person, something not even Stalin dared to do. Pretty much only an idiot would do something like that, because it would cause even more insubordination and raise the risk of betrayal from troops.
Your overreliance on this "oath" semantics is revealing how you backup a weak argument with incessant emotional appeals in light of the fact that Stalin's acts were the worst of the 20th century, and likely in many centuries. Did you even read the German oaths?

I don't think you can wrap your mind on how a system of government like this works. A nationalized authoritarian state is not a liberal democracy full of capitalist plutocrats, nor is it a dictatorship of the proletariat like communist marxist countries. There is a strong central leader, a shepherd who keeps the wolves away from the flock. As I showed, there is clear Teutonic evolution that took form in the highest of these oaths, among the elite Waffen-SS, let alone the watered-down version for the Wehrmacht.

And no, these "stricter" oaths on Hitler's side did just the opposite. There was about a 1000% more insubordination rate on Stalin's side than Hitler's, even with these oaths that give you nightmares. For every aristocratic officer that disobeyed orders, 1000 enemy combatants threw down their arms and joined the Axis. Over 2 million Slavs of Ukraine and Russia defected to Hitler, with half of them who eventually formed the ROA taking their own oath very similar to the Wehrmacht. The other half were mostly auxiliaries and support crews.

But Hitler wasn't concerned with winning the war, he was concerned with glorifying himself at the expense of the country he was claiming to "protect."

First off he never started the war. You keep missing that one over and over again. He was concerned with stopping the war waged on him by jewish powers given the 17 peace proposals he issued to England alone. The bloodlust was always on the Allied nations hands and it will forever stain their souls for what they destroyed.

I know you are making this up because nowhere in the far corners of the internet does any hasbara troll use this kindergarten-level claim. No, he was not concerned with glorifying himself at the expense of Germany. You completely ignore everything he did to bring Germany out of the Weimar gutter and into the most powerful country in the world short of being a superpower.

Finally, as for Hitler not being a Zionist stooge, we can just go straight to the horse's mouth who have kept records of Hitler's agreements with Zionists:

I just explained to you the Haavara in the last post. Even reading between the lines there is nothing there which says they contributed anything to Hitler. The Fascifist describes it best in his production here, you are repeating "special-interest propaganda with a complete ignorance of context":

"On the accusation that Hitler created israel"

"It is crucial to understand that the state of israel was well on it's way to becoming a reality long before Hitler's rise to power in Germany."

You are literally invoking this misreading of history and you believe it. Since you do not outright deny the holohoax like everyone else who woke up does, I can only assume that you believe some kind of downplayed version of that pustule of lies as well. Unless you admit otherwise, which you have been free to do your entire life.

The Haavara Agreement was not some direct "zionist-NS alliance" but rather a pragmatic deal involving the British authorities in Palestine given that the territory was under British Mandate rule at the time. The agreement was arranged between Germany and the "jewish Agency," but ultimately it was the British who had the final say on whether jews could immigrate to Palestine. Even with their acquiescence to the Balfour Declaration, they did not do this all right away. That's why there was a massive appeal to nations in the 1930s to take in the jews, which even the USA wanted no part of.

The British allowed it at their own pace because it suited their own imperial interests. They wanted to control jewish immigration into Palestine while managing Arab resistance. They later backtracked on this policy in the 1939 White Paper, severely limiting jewish immigration.

Freedman speech from 1961 on WW1 and the zionists:

That Hitler imprisoned a Rothschild and took his money to fund the war wasn't disputed by me. Simple fact of the matter is that Hitler being a Zionist does not contradict persecuting Talmuds, or going to war against them in his vicinity.

Only he was not a zionist, so your flawed logic here falls through the thatched roof you used to construct it. You are the only internet personality that calls them "talmuds". They are racial Edomites if you want to be historically accurate.

If Hitler was a "zionist tool," then why did the British control jewish immigration and later restrict it? Why did the British continue to be reluctant about a jewish homeland in Palestine? Why did Hitler actively push for the Madagascar Plan instead of Palestine?

The 1938 Madagascar Plan (formally drafted in 1940) was Hitler’s original vision for solving the "jewish question." Madagascar was a French colony, and Hitler wanted to seize it after France’s defeat and ship Europe’s jews there as a de facto concentration colony under SS control. The problem was that the British navy controlled the seas making mass deportation impossible after 1940.

If Hitler wanted a Zionist state, why did his own SS documents describe Madagascar as an "exile colony," not a sovereign jewish state?

The Haavara was a temporary forced agreement for both factions who had conflicting objectives, a temporary deal brokered under British oversight to expel jews from Germany. Hitler did not want to create a jewish homeland, he wanted jews gone from Europe. The zionists saw Haavara as a lifeline for allegedly persecuted jews, not an endorsement of Hitler.

As for talks of war, Why did zionist organizations around the world push for war against Germany if he was helping their cause? None of your claims hold up under the slightest examination.

Hitler saw Zionism as a way to get rid of Talmudic Jews in Europe.

No he didn't. He warned against zionism numerous times, as I just posted above. Here's another:


He did it as long as the seas were open to Germany, but once they closed after going to war with Britian, he needed a new plan of expulsion. What this plan would have been is up for debate, but I don't care enough to speculate.

You still believe the Allied propaganda on the causes of the war being German aggression. You simply can't escape jewish lies.

By your own admission, a supposed history lover, that you do not care to ascertain the truth speaks volumes. You do not care, you have come to some conclusion after minimal study and you think in your egotistical mind that it is correct. You would be upstaged in any competent historical debate in the first few minutes without any effort from the opposition argument if you keep thinking this way.

Why do you not care? Why do you not want to read further to understand things that you do not?

The fact is, Hitler and other "antisemites" were encouraged and financially supported by Zionists in order to encourage emigration of Talmuds from Europe into Israel.

No it's not a fact. Again you provide zero evidence for this. Hitler was not encouraged nor supported by any zionists and I have provided ample proof for this. More talmudic lies you believe.

Here is more proof against these lies:

"On the accusations that Hitler was financed"

All of this is within the Zionists own checkbooks and history books, and it does not make them look good to share this info either. They are just honest so they can flex; "We supported Hitler and no one is going to do anything about it."

Nowhere even reading between the lines does it say "we supported Hitler". You missed the rest of the quotation in your citation. Here's an important sentence that contains a thousand more unwritten sentences within it:

" The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities."

They never wanted it as they were vehemently opposed to what the British were doing in Palestine, which I have posted in my last response in a video of Hitler talking about the crimes of the British in preparing a jewish state at the expense of the Arabs. Those "vigorous attempts to stop or curtail it's activities" was the Madagascar plan which eventually became the eastward expulsion plan that eventually fizzled out as the war ended.

Hitler was one of the worst commanders and leaders of all time, who started with massive advantages and lost to inferior enemies. He is hands down one of the worst Generals I have knowledge of, which is in the hundreds of different commanders I have studied across 3000+ years.

Unless you are an autodidact, the kosher-approved institution that bestowed you with a diploma of history would never have the resources to allow an in-depth study into the true facts of such recent events. The kind of misguided armchair historians these indoctrination centers churn out make sweeping generalizations and reductionisms without taking into account the regionalisms, constant fluctuations in populations, laws, religions, politics, and governments, and they know even less on the jewish angle.

I have studied over 6000 years, and I don't claim to be an expert. The further back one goes in history, the more aggrandized the claim, and the less likely we are to know the absolute truth. If so much of history is a lie as we see with this subject, then consider the rest of those 2900 years you have studied and how much of them are filled with victor narratives.

If Hitler was a “trashcan commander,” how did he achieve some of the fastest and most decisive victories in military history from 1939 to 1941? No other leader, ancient or modern, conquered so much territory, so quickly, against multiple powerful enemies.

-The German military crushed Poland in less than a month using superior coordination, armor, and airpower.
-Germany completely outmaneuvered the French, British, and Belgian armies, destroying what was considered the strongest army in Europe in just six weeks, something Napoleon never achieved.
-For all the controversy around Dunkirk, it was not a British victory, but a strategic disaster for the Allies, who lost most of their heavy equipment.
-In the Balkans Hitler’s forces smashed Yugoslavia and Greece in less than a month despite the terrain favoring defenders.
-In North Africa even with limited resources Erwin Rommel under Hitler’s orders humiliated the British Empire repeatedly.
-In the first six months of Barbarossa, Hitler’s armies obliterated entire Soviet divisions, capturing 3 million Soviet troops and his forces reached within sight of Moscow, something Napoleon never achieved in his Russian campaign.

Your argument that Hitler “lost to inferior enemies” is a historical lie. In reality Hitler’s Germany was facing the largest and most well-resourced military-industrial alliance in history. The Allies were anything but "inferior" they had overwhelming resources, intelligence, and manpower.

His blunders are up there with the Athenian invasion of Sicily at the height of the Peloponnesian War, General Crassus's death at Carrhae, Emperor Maxentius' suicide charge at Milvian Bridge, King Karl's invasion of St. Petersburg, Napoleon's invasion of Russia, etc.

This is liberal abstraction and the epitome of the false equivalency fallacy. You cannot compare Hitler to ancient generals.

For all your alleged studying of military history you make the fundamental historical error of equating pre-modern warfare with mechanized, total war.

Comparing Hitler's strategic difficulties to Crassus at Carrhae or the Athenian Sicilian Expedition is intellectually dishonest because WW2 was the first true "Total War" in human history. It was a war of complete economic, industrial, and logistical mobilization that had never been seen before. The speed and scale of operations were unprecedented unlike ancient or even Napoleonic warfare, which were limited by slow troop movements, small standing armies, and localized battles. The number of factor's beyond a commander's control in WW2 dwarfed those of ancient times. Hitler was not simply commanding armies, he was managing an international industrial-military-political war effort against superpowers with unmatched resources.

The complexity of modern warfare requires entirely different metrics to judge a commander’s effectiveness. By equating Hitler’s command with ancient or pre-modern leaders, you ignore the fact that no other military leader in history had to coordinate such a rapid, global, industrialized war across multiple continents.

So none of the ones you mentioned are applicable here. Even the familiarity of Napoleon's march on Russia was undone by the Waffen-SS who kept that road open for almost 4 years despite losing in the end.

Germany did not lose because of Hitler’s alleged military command mistakes. There were systemic issues that doomed Germany regardless of strategy, starting with their lack of resources. Germany had no oil supply of its own and had to rely on Romanian oil fields and synthetic fuel production. Germans were relying on pellet fed boilers to power their tanks and automobiles. The Allies bombed German industry relentlessly crippling fuel production and transport by 1944.

Then there was the massive Allied espionage and intelligence operations. British codebreakers (Ultra) intercepted and decrypted German communications, giving the Allies a massive intelligence advantage. Soviet spy rings inside the Wehrmacht and Abwehr provided Stalin with key German plans. The worst aspect, which I already told you, was the treacherous Generals and internal betrayals. Many of Hitler’s generals particularly in 1944-45 sabotaged his efforts. Loyal Generals like Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guderian were repeatedly undermined by aristocratic officers loyal to the old German monarchy.

If Hitler was an incompetent military leader, how did he conquer most of Europe by 1941? If Hitler was so bad, why did his enemies have to form the largest military-industrial alliance in history to defeat him? If Hitler made all the wrong decisions, why did many of his campaigns go down in history as textbook examples of military genius (e.g., Fall Gelb, the Manstein Plan, early Barbarossa)? If Hitler was such a “garbage commander,” then why do military academies around the world still study his early campaigns as examples of tactical and strategic excellence? I don't expect someone who has never served in a military to understand that, so go back to your pedagogy of helium-balloon authority.

You cherry-pick failures while ignoring massive successes. No leader in history wins every battle, Napoleon, Alexander, and even Caesar had massive defeats. The fact that Hitler was able to fight off the most powerful coalition in history for nearly six years is itself proof of military competence.

He invaded Poland, even though it was a natural buffer state against his hated enemy, which triggered massive wars with France and England, both of whom could have stayed as neutral or friendly nations. His stated cause of helping out his fellow Germans in the city of Danzig could have easily been resolved without a full scale invasion of Poland. He could have evacuated the citizens into the rest of Germany proper, as Danzig was on a coastline, or simply moved German troops into the city to protect the people there without invading Poland.

I already explained to you the Polish situation. Here are more details. It was much more than Danzig. A majority of the Germans were between Danzig in East Prussia and Germany proper as the entire stretch of land was German before Versailles.

Leon Degrelle breaks down the events more succinctly, alternatively you can listen to Benjamin Freedman talk about it, who was present at Versailles.

Degrelle on the Polish Situation:

"However, the war in Poland started for reasons other than Danzig's self determination or even Poland's. The Poles were ready to work with Hitler. If Poland turned against Germany it is because the British government did everything in its power to poison German-Polish relations. Why? Much has to do with a longstanding inferiority complex British rulers have felt towards Europe."

"The British manipulated the Polish government against Germany. The Poles themselves were more than willing to live in peace with the Germans. Instead, the unfortunate Poles were railroaded into war by the British. One must not forget that one and a half million Germans lived in Poland at the time, at great benefit to the Polish economy. Apart from economic ties with Germany, the Poles saw a chance that with Germany's help they would be able to recover their Polish territories from the Soviet Union, territories they had tried to recover in vain since 1919. In January 1939 Hitler had proposed to Beck, the Polish leader, a compromise to solve the Danzig issue: The Danziger's vote to return to Germany would be honored and Poland would continue to have free port access and facilities, guaranteed by treaty."

"With a little patience a peaceful solution would have been found Danzig. Instead, the international press unleashed a massive campaign of outright lies and distortions against Hitler. His proposals were willfully misrepresented by a relentless press onslaught. Of all the crimes of World War Two, one never hears about the wholesale massacres that occurred in Poland just before the war. I have detailed reports in my files documenting the mass slaughter of defenseless Germans in Poland. Thousands of German men, women and children were massacred in the most horrendous fashion by Press-enraged mobs. The photographs of these massacres are too sickening to look at!

Hitler decided to halt the slaughter and he rushed to the rescue. The Polish campaign showed Hitler to be a military genius. History had already started to recognize this most startling of Hitler's characteristics: his rare military genius. All the successful military campaigns of the Third Reich were thought out and directed by Hitler personally, not the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Hitler inspired a number of generals who became his most able executives in later campaigns."

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 speech again on this exact sequence of events:

transcript of his speeches: https://archive.org/stream/thebenjaminh.freedmanfiles-uneditedwillardhotelspeechmuchmore-audiovideopdf/Zionism; The Hidden Tyranny (Benjamin H. Freedman) (2)_djvu.txt

These paragraphs specifically mention the Polish issue:

"Germany and Poland reached a basis that would serve to prevent Germany’s resort to more aggressive action. Adolf Hitler was the head of the German government at the time. Talmudists throughout the world opposed the peaceful adjustment between Germany and Poland of the Danzig Corridor situation. Unrestricted access of traffic between the western half and the eastern half of Germany would soon make Germany again the most powerful country in the world. Talmudists throughout the world dreaded the thought. In spite of the difficulties placed in the way of reaching a solution for the Danzig Corridor problem, Germany and Poland finally agreed upon a formula. Preparations were being made to consummate their understanding in a treaty. Both Germany and Poland were satisfied the formula agreed upon served both governments.

Shortly before the agreement with Germany was to be signed, Poland secretly signed a treaty with Great Britain dated August 25. 1939. Great Britain agreed in that treaty to hasten the military assistance of Poland ’’with all the support and assistance in its power” if Poland were attacked by Germany. With that assurance from Great Britain, Poland broke off negotiations with Germany. Germany did not understand the reason for Poland’s sudden change of mind and decided to proceed with the terms of the arrangement agreed upon with Poland.

That was the start of World War II. Great Britain knowingly deceived Poland when Great Britain actually promised military assistance to Poland if Poland were attacked by Germany. Great Britain could not come to Poland’s assistance and Great Britain knew it when Great Britain’s offer of military assistance to Poland was made. Poland fell into Great Britain's trap and discontinued negotiations with the Germans."

Germany and Poland were building a blossoming friendship between Hitler and Pilsudski. When the latter died, his replacement Ritz-Smigley was a vile warmonger who hated Germany. Never trust a man with a hypenated last name, even last century proves this.

After a dozen attempts to settle the Polish Corridor and bridging Germany to East Prussia and halt the genocide of Germans who were unfortunate to be Polish subjects living in redrawn Versailles maps, the Polish military opened fire on the German troops on the border first. They lobbed bombs at them first. They drew first blood, and they did not respond to any of the delegations Hitler sent because of the traitorous Ritz-Smigley and the empty promises from FDR. They even openly attacked Danzig which was German.

"This night for the first time Polish regular soldiers fired on our own territory. We have now been returning the fire since 5:45 a.m.! (Seit 5.45 Uhr wird jetzt zuruckgeschossen!) Henceforth, bomb will be met with bomb." - Hitler speech to German Reichstag Sept 1st 1939

Hitler explained this many times in speeches:

"Adolf Hitler Explains the Conflict with Poland"

Had Poland been left alone, then we know from Operation Pike that eventually the other allies would have moved to attack the Soviets eventually on their own, or were at least seriously thinking about it. Not to mention the USSR probably would have invaded Poland no matter what, and had they done so without Germany, then the Nazi party would have found itself allied with France and Britain instead of in a death match with them.

Your chronology is off. Operation Pike was never even close to being approved as an actual operation. It was only a theoretical draft made in early 1940, after the Soviet invasion of Finland during the Winter War (1939-40). It had nothing to do with Poland. The British and French considered targeting Baku oil fields, but only as a way to cripple Germany's access to Soviet oil, not to go to war with the USSR directly. The plan was immediately abandoned after the Fall of France (June 1940) because Britain could no longer afford to anger Stalin.

Remember, contingency plans do not equal intent. The Allies drew up hundreds of hypothetical war plans (e.g., War Plan Red for war with the U.S., War Plan Black against Germany). None of these mean they were actually going to happen.

Churchill and Stalin were both freemasons and would have found reconciliation one way or another as Germany was always the target. Your idea that “if Hitler had left Poland alone, the Allies would have fought the USSR instead” ignores the blatant anti-German stance of the Anglo-French elite.

-1933-39: Britain and France ignored or appeased every single Soviet action, including the purges and mass killings under Stalin. No sanctions, no embargoes, no military preparations.
-March 1939: Britain and France only declared war guarantees to Poland after Hitler’s reclamation of former German territories in Czechoslovakia. They did not issue one against the USSR.
-September 1939: Germany and the USSR both invaded Poland. Britain and France only declared war on Germany. Masonic allies no matter the cost.
-Winter War (1939-40): The USSR invaded Finland. Britain and France gave token support but never declared war.
-1941: The moment Germany pre-emptively attacked the USSR buildup at its Eastern borders, Churchill immediately embraced Stalin as an ally, calling him "Uncle Joe."

The British war machine was dependent on global resources, they could not risk losing Soviet raw materials like manganese, oil, and timber. France and Britain were financially exhausted from WWI and had no appetite for another two-front war. The Bank of England had financial ties with Soviet trade, so cutting those ties would hurt their own war effort.

The idea that Churchill and Stalin were potential enemies contradicts what happened. Churchill actively courted Stalin the moment Barbarossa began. Britain immediately supplied Stalin with weapons, tanks, and planes under Lend-Lease. Churchill personally flew to Moscow to meet Stalin in 1942, pledging full support. The idea that Britain would have fought the USSR is nonsense when Churchill bent over backwards to be Stalin’s ally as soon as it was convenient.

Churchill’s speech (June 22, 1941): “The Russian danger is our danger, and the cause of any Russian fighting for their homes is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe.”

Every wartime goal was the utter destruction of Germany from the beginning. As history has unfolded since, all the warmongering of the Allies has proven to bear their fruit of this hateful tree true.

-1933-39: Germany was vilified for rearming and reuniting peacefully; the USSR was ignored for murdering millions.
-1939: Germany and the USSR invaded Poland. Britain and France only declared war on Germany purposefully.
-1940: Britain and France flirted with attacking resources that happened to be in USSR territory but never made actual plans. Their fevered plans were to deny anything the Germans may take advantage of.
-1941: The moment Germany began Barbarossa, the Western Allies rushed to Stalin’s side with unlimited aid.
-1945: The Allies handed over Eastern Europe to Stalin on a silver platter.

But there was no strategy with Hitler, he was a vainglorious sinner obsessed with his self-image, who descended into madness the more he botched the war, eventually requiring all troops to swear an oath of unconditional obedience to his person at the penalty of death, which we see with Saint Franz.
Every male soul is a vainglorious sinner at some point in their lives. You and I are still sinners, and we will always be until our last breaths. You exaggerate on what you think you know about Hitler. Your criticisms of him are unfounded, and you are simply repeating like a parrot the jewish lies told in excess.

The "Hitler descending into madness" trope is another Allied propaganda that aristocratic Germans parroted for brownie points post-war. Once again you use this terminal reductionist language "he botched the war" which is completely false. The only verifiable condition Hitler was suffering from among the laundry list of medical maladies the jews fictitiously ascribed to him to make him seem like a monster crawling in slime was some type of neurological poisoning akin to Parkinsons which was from the metal in the shrapnel wounds in his legs from WWI.

You haven't studied deeper into Barbarossa and the callously chaotic sequence of events of 1939 to 1941 in the "Phony War" and the lead up to all out war. There was always a strategy, but this war was the most brutal in terms of how rapidly and how often lines changed on a map and so did the objectives, and how it was the first of its kind. There were ramifications across the world from the action of the contenders long before it began, like the Japanese initial expansions westward resulting in their defeat at Khalkhin Gol. If you want a massive black hole of hypothetical what ifs, look into that battle.

If death for refusing to swear an oath was so common, then why is Franz Jagerstatter the only example one can find of this? Many people were killed for similar offenses but it all relates to undermining the German military, and many of them deserved it for ushering in the victors and destroyers of their people. Traitors need to be removed from the stock. This is the martial reality of the military. It is not a place for morally confused simpletons to FAFO, even if it is a joke today.

The oaths were there from 1934 until 1945, as I posted above, so the oaths did not change during the course of the war, even after "Totaler Krieg". I will not call any Vatican II political beatification a saint, and neither will SSPX or any other traditionalist faction. We agitative Catholics are calling out all the BS in the corrupted papacy and its modernist political canonization agendas.

Why Leon Degrelle isn't a saint is baffling. Every White and European man who is a detractor of Hitler and the Germans should be thanking God for men like Degrelle and the brave Waffen-SS legions who held the road for 1000 days from the outskirts of Moscow to Berlin and gave the rest of western Europe time.

Hitler was a useful tool and fool for the Talmudic Jews, and no amount of lying can undo the failures of this man.

No, he was not a useful tool he literally set their plans back almost 13 years in Europe and nearly 30 in the USA. Every single anti-Hitler smear is a jewish psyop and you fall for it hook line and sinker. I take no joy in repetitive arguments for arguments sake. You need to dig deeper and your understanding of this recent history will change.

You also need to stop thinking I am an antagonist and that I am coming up with lies. I clearly have more of an investiture in this subject as my family was a part of it and I am determined to remove the yoke of jewish lies from my people.

Studying hundreds or thousands of random commanders leads to a blurring effect which has led you to make the erroneous conclusions I pointed out. Your approach to evaluating military commanders across a 3,000-year span creates a false sense of objectivity as if war is a game of checking boxes rather than understanding the specific geopolitical, technological, and logistical realities of each conflict.

Your errors here stem from applying simplistic, reductionist criteria to a uniquely complex war. You are not assessing Hitler as a commander, you are making a political statement using broad historical analogies to push an agenda rather than critically analyzing the unique challenges Germany faced.

I resonate with your apparent love of history, and I encourage you to look deeper. Our disagreements are colossal, but that is not a negative thing. There is solidarity in that. I can see that beneath the surface you do want the knowledge as it makes you more powerful than those around you. Knowledge is power, but "all knowledge comes from somewhere else." Hitler told that to his cleaning staff. It is a great conduit that waits for no one, only those who dare to discover more will find more.