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Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

That's not correct. The jews declared war upon Germany in 1933, not the other way around. Hitler did everything he could to abstain from warfare. England and France were the main aggressors. Every single instance that was lambasted in the press from the late 1930s was all judaically warped and twisted to suit the "aggressor" narrative. This is your bias and not something historical, otherwise I would ask you where you're getting these sentiments from. I have to reply to this, not just for you, but because I am seeing these exact statements, word for word sometimes, other times in a permutation of what you have said, yet all of them defy the facts.

In the 'Christianity and Race' thread you said he was weak for not wiping out talmudic England, here he's fighting a war against the jews. If he was fighting a war against the jews, he would have made an attempt to wipe out talmudic England. He had no such desire. France was just as judaized and talmudic, yet they did not get wiped out, and a huge number of Frenchmen joined the Axis cause in defense of Europe. The French and the Walloon were more ardent than many other nationalities on the Axis side about the true purpose of the war: to keep communism out of Europe and for it to remain Christian. That is why after all the Germans surrendered, the French and Belgian divisions of the Waffen SS fought the Soviet hordes in Berlin to the last man. The jewish element had to be contained, and not cemented in European governance. There were many documents for homeland for the jews. As ridiculous as it sounds, the Madagascar plan was logistically developed but had to be scrapped after 1941, wherein the Pale of Settlement was then proposed, once more, hence the great move of the jews eastward.

In that thread you also state he was clever and smart, yet here he's a complete idiot. Which one is it? I see this back and forth of extreme opinion from plenty of people who claim to know the politics, the logistics, and the context of spiritual matters of that time. These sentiments are even in much of the post-WW2 literature that the narrative allows because its so confusing and could never lead anyone to the truth.

Also, what other reasons do men need "not" to take lives? You're posing a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" scenario. Would Tsar Nicolas II and Hitler have been better Christians if they slaughtered all the jews in their territories? Or all of their ethnic brethren who were under the control of the jews? That seems to be what you're implying here. The Soviet political movement was "successful" for 74 years and it was the most anti-Christian movement on earth since Nero's reign.

I implore you to read more on the truth of World War Two. I encourage you to read more about Hitler from sources that are not goyed, but it's going to be difficult to overcome your a priori bias. If you are only using theological stances to purport a view of history, then you are missing out on much. People like EMJ do this, and this is a source of contention between Catholic historians. People like EMJ are significantly misinformed and misaligned because they are not historians, only questionable theological historians.

Churchill was an unknown freemason politician who was bought and paid for to agitate for war with Germany from 1938 onwards because David Lloyd George and Neville Chamberlain wouldn't. FDR was the same, and his financiers were responsible for Huey Long's death. Stalin proved to be against all Europe when Operation Thunder became known.

This is not correct. The claim that the German Army, or even the Axis coalition combined, was twice the size can be disproved with simple demographics. The Soviet forces alone outnumbered every other belligerent, they had over 20 million combatants. The United States had over 16 million men down on their luck from FDR's new steal, England had between 4 and a half to 5 million, and France had between 2 and a half to 3 million. The Germans had over 10 million men, but the exact numbers are lost when looking into the citizenship status of each man. Germans from Mexico and Argentina and other countries joined but were only de facto "German" citizens, and their statistic would be counted different. When the forces of judeo-masonry surrounded Europe, those odds were thinned at each front. In the east, the Soviets sometimes outnumbered the Germans 10 to 1, greater in the last days of the war.

The German military was even less-equipped than the Polish military when they had to rescue German citizens from being slaughtered by Bolsheviks in the re-drawn borders of the Bromberg region. They had very few supplies that couldn't be produced in-country due to the British Empire and France taking their colonies, and had to rely on clever countertactics to overcome a much larger enemy, even in France.

The millions of dead women and children of the Germanic peoples were the results of English Marshall "bomber" Harris' campaign to specifically target civilian city centers to force a capitulation, along with the USAAF bombers joining these missions after 1941, and all the Soviet slaughters of the east. The German men perished after the war in Siberian Gulags, as well as labor camps in France and Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows camps, which are still off-limits by the occupied German government of today because people find skeletons there all the time, some even with remains of Wehrmacht uniforms. I tried to trespass there unsuccessfully.

Also of the estimated 22 million dead Germans, only 8 million died during the war, with a majority of them being military-aged males, while over 13 million dead from starvation, disease, and murder after "peace" had been established between 1945-1955, a mix of women and children rivaling the adult male statistics.

This is incorrect as well. Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross in WWI for his bravery in combat, so he did not "adopt" it when he became Chancellor for the German armed forces since it has been in use since Napoleonic times, and was Prussian in its military usage origin, not German. Do you know how many Cross designs there are, and have been throughout history? Who are you to say a Cross "barely looks Christian"? The Crux Immissa, the crutch Cross, the Fleur-de-Lis, and yes, even the Tetragammadion, otherwise known as Fylfot and Hakenkreuz, are symbolic of the Cross of Our Lord. I don't think the Orthodox Cross looks any less Christian than the Latin, representations of the faith hold different symbolic visuals which vary from place to place.The fact that there are non-Christian religions and cultures that interpret its meanings differently does not detract from its symbolic importance to historical Christendom, these symbols can be found with a unique presence in nature. Many of these designs were from the 13th century or prior, including the Formy and the Patonce, which is the clearest direct connection to the Iron Cross.



These are just the quadrate crosses, I'm sure you recognize many of these other ones:


There are Orthodox Churches in Ethiopia built between the700s and the 1300s that have Fylfot/Tetragammadion/Hakenkreuz on them, the Bete Maryam Church is one famous location:


a closeup:


Here is one from Byzantine Macedonia on the mosaic of the floor of the ancient Plaosnik Baptistery near the Basilica of St. Pantaliemon, estimated to be built in the 800s:


If you travel extensively through Europe, North Africa, Turkey, or the Levant, you will find many of these crosses in mosaics, carvings, wall designs, and more. If they "barely look Christian" then the viewer's scope of historical Christendom is either missing or severely undereducated.

Usury is materialistic, and he got rid of that. Same with banning pornography, an easily profitable materialistic enterprise, but for spiritual reasons, they outlawed it. I also fail to see how a winter relief charity held every December in the 1930s to bring food for millions of starving Germans is materialistic. None of the so-called "Christian Political movements" who were allying with communists behinds closed doors in Germany, and who used the Church as a scapegoat for their lack of successes did this, and they accused the NSDAP of being Pagans the same way confused Christians do to any White who organize for themselves beyond the Church now. It's all so tiresome to see pretentious dogmatic types call someone "materialistic" or "pagan" when they are either gatekeeping by leading Christians away from solutions, or allowing the enemy in through the backdoor, as they were in those days just as they are now. Did not Christ teach us to feed the hungry? What about pushing the moralities of Christianity and rejecting the amoralities of various Paganisms? Are we not to cleave to one another in marriage only? The German state had virtually no out-of-wedlock births. No abortion clinics either.

One of the most egregious things anyone can lie about with history, especially now that so much information is coming out all across the world due to ZOG and globohomo losing face and power, is to continue to come up with excuses to blame this man's ideas for imaginary crimes when they were working magnificently. I know you mean well, but this is not correct. With the advent of internet communications technology, they can no longer keep a lid on these subjects, instead all they can do is use barrages of mis- and dis-information dissemination mediums (e.g. sensationalized personalities). Millions of people are realizing that Hitler is not this caricature of insanity he has been painted by the vile jewish media and their stooges, and neither is the NSDAP, but damage control is still required. Hence in the Christian realm, where this truth hits hardest because of the struggle of Christianity against Communism, this subterfuge grew into the accusation of "race idolization," which is nothing more than a communist derivative from a trotskyite conception (Trotsky coined "racism"). It is pointing the finger at someone for doing something to protect themselves from those with evil intentions to their people, something that an antichrist Bolshevik devised in order to sow division among Christian populations and see that harm done.

The 20th century was when this racial vector of attack was normalized by all jewish assets in order to maintain their master's place on top.

Hitler did not "idolize" his race any more than Tsar Nicolas II, Tsar Nicolas I, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Otto Von Bismarck, King Charles I of England, King Charles V of Spain, King Leopold I of Belgium, Ivan the Great or any other historical monarchical leader did. The difference is that in Hitler's time, the racial tinder box had been lit by the Bolshevik Talmudics in occupied Russia, and they used this new language as a mask of their method for genetically wiping out an entire people. Russia was a White Christian nation until it was viciously and brutality mongrelized by world jewry, Tsar Nicolas I even sent navy ships to help protect US ports from jew-controlled British and French interlopers during the jew-instigated US civil war. Other countries were using similar tactics in the preceding centuries, it was known that certain breeding can lead to a victory or a defeat of your enemy, but now with endless hordes of Africans, Asiatics, Indians, and other atavists at jewish disposal, they could utilize this weapon to great effect, and knowingly so. There's a reason why more than half of Russia is mongoloid now, and everywhere you go in the west you see multitudes of mulattos completely unknown that their existence derives from ongoing jewish warfare. Coincidentally these people are the most unaware of history.

In contrast to accusations of race idolization, the jews are very prone to pushing a mongrelized idolatry for everyone but themselves. The mere efforts of resisting mongrelizing by any race, and continuing in natural pairs the way God intended, is combating the very materialistic jewish spirit that infests the modern world and contributes to antichrist behavior. It's not so much White men marrying White women having White children that bothers the jew, as much as European men marrying European women having European children that bother them. A White without their historical background is easy prey to the alien. A cultured European who speaks their ancestor's language and carries the same faith as his forefathers did a thousand years ago is not a hapless victim to identity theft and brainwashing.

The reason why there were Nuremberg laws in 1935 that made someone's pedigree a classification was mainly for citizenship purposes in the Reich, and this was because the German people were under a racial attack beforehand. The betrayal of the German jews to the Kaiser's Reich and their part in the defeat and humiliation of the Germans in WWI was never forgotten. Then the jews were pushing their bestial race-mixing on them during the Weimar to such a disgusting extent that it would even shame some of the present-day jewish pornographers who do it with reckless abandon and demonic intent. The French (under jewish control) were also guilty of using their colonial Senegalese divisions to rape German villages, creating an entire epidemic of mixed-race half-German half-Senegalese babies when they invaded western Germany in 1923 for "war reparations from their phony Versailles treaty. They were collectively known as "the Rhineland Bastards." We all know what this does to a country.

Most of this belongs in it's own Hitler thread, but it is relevant to the jewish question. They are the agent provocateurs for the racial strife that all of us face, no matter what race we are, or mix thereof.

In a way, the discussions we are having now are much more racial than the ones that took place in Germany between 1933-1945. Why is that I wonder? Have the jews played this variable too far? Or are we simply living in the result of a world where a biological element has been thrown to a completely chaotic reality and we realize that humanity made a collective mistake with all the blending the last hundred years? Ideally, as a population becomes more cohesive and monolithic, the discussions would become less racial. But as a nation's population becomes more "diverse" and "multi-cultural," the only benefits go to the aliens promoting the dissolution of that nation's population.
Cant you write shorter texts? It’s impossible to read this.

Hitler lost. Germany was completely decimated. And most of Europe was left in shambles. That was the outcome of nazism.
It's not a question of Galland's understanding of logistics but rather the practical constraints faced by the Luftwaffe and the German war economy as a whole. His perspective may have been focused more on operational effectiveness rather than the broader logistical challenges of sustaining a large fleet of jet aircraft.

While Germany did increase its aircraft production in 1944, reaching around 25,000 planes, the majority of these were conventional piston-engine aircraft. Shifting production to jet-powered aircraft like the Me-262 would have required significant retooling of factories and training of workers, which would have taken time and resources from other more critical areas.

While the Me-262's engines were designed for accessibility and ease of maintenance compared to piston engines, they still required specialized knowledge and spare parts. Additionally, the introduction of a new type of aircraft would have required logistical adjustments in terms of training personnel, establishing supply chains, and coordinating maintenance efforts. While the Jumo 004 engines may have been less expensive in terms of materials, they were more complex and technologically advanced, requiring skilled labor and precise manufacturing processes.

Even if more Me-262s had been produced, their effectiveness would have depended on factors beyond sheer numbers. The Luftwaffe faced challenges in training pilots to fly jet aircraft, developing appropriate tactics for their use, and countering overwhelming Allied air presence once the USA was joining the Brits for the bombings.

Blaming individuals like Goering and Hitler oversimplifies the complex realities of wartime decision-making, like I've said in other posts. It is literally a cog with millions of components going at the same time, and this was a war like no other in our history. What other military decisions do you believe were solely made by an individual that led to disaster? Let's look at all of them.

There is not much that is different between the Me262 and the FW190 or Me109 in terms of challenge to produce, they use similar body materials, guns, gear etc, and the Jumo 004 engines are actually simpler, cheaper and with fewer moving parts than the piston engines. Here is the FW-190 BMW piston engine:



And here is the Jumo 004:

Once again thinking that Galland doesn't understand logistics or the challenges of training new pilots is naive. The tactics of the Me-262 were very simple as well, boom and zoom, cut through bomber formations at high speed, quasi invulnerable to Bomber gunners.
Your googling powers are most impressive but I can match them.
Or maybe you happen to be William Thornton Parker, M.D. (Formerly US Surgeon Indian Services).
If you're not, then you're plagiarizing, presenting his text as your own.

Here is a quote from the book "The Swastika: A Prophetic Symbol" by William Thornton Parker, M.D. (Formerly US Surgeon Indian Services), a chapter of which you can read in this link (warning: don't, it's a waste of time):

You wrote:

Here is another quote from the same book, a few paragraphs down:

You wrote:

Another quote from the book:

You wrote (you changed the word it for the word swastika in the beginning, everything else is the same):

Then you jump to page 545 of the book, to find this phrase and paste it in your answer:

You skip afew paragraphs and paste this into "your" answer:

Wow, you inserted the word "just" in there, what a scholar.

You conveniently omitted these two phrases:

Maybe you thought words like "pagan" and "Hindu" would detract from your argument, which they do, something the original author seems to be largely unconcerned with, perhaps because he doesn't try to hide the fact that he is a Gnostic.

P.S. It is interesting that you capitalized the word Him, in reference to Hitler.

Well... this explains a lot. Nice sleuthing.
So does plagiarism.
Did you read the entire source? Where did I claim it to be my own? So I forgot to paraphrase, my mistake then. I would read it and make your own conclusion, don't listen to him or me until you read something and process it for yourself first.

Your googling powers are most impressive but I can match them.
Or maybe you happen to be William Thornton Parker, M.D. (Formerly US Surgeon Indian Services).
If you're not, then you're plagiarizing, presenting his text as your own.

Here is a quote from the book "The Swastika: A Prophetic Symbol" by William Thornton Parker, M.D. (Formerly US Surgeon Indian Services), a chapter of which you can read in this link (warning: don't, it's a waste of time):

You wrote:

Here is another quote from the same book, a few paragraphs down:

You wrote:

Another quote from the book:

You wrote (you changed the word it for the word swastika in the beginning, everything else is the same):

Then you jump to page 545 of the book, to find this phrase and paste it in your answer:

You skip afew paragraphs and paste this into "your" answer:

Wow, you inserted the word "just" in there, what a scholar.

You conveniently omitted these two phrases:

Maybe you thought words like "pagan" and "Hindu" would detract from your argument, which they do, something the original author seems to be largely unconcerned with, perhaps because he doesn't try to hide the fact that he is a Gnostic.

P.S. It is interesting that you capitalized the word Him, in reference to Hitler.
I don't use jewgle. I also don't claim any of what I post to be my own knowledge other than analysis. The pdf of the book that I have doesn't copy over through the clipboard properly so I mostly have to rewrite everything I use. I see I did capitalize "Him" one time out of 17 times on this page when refering to Hitler. If I could edit it out I would, don't get all spooked from a typo.

I posted this book before on RVF along with the video narration of "The Swastika: A Prophetic Symbol". If you read the entire essay, it goes into the use of the swastika by other cultures, but that is not relevant to your inquiry, nor is it to this objection you have.

You claim that it has nothing to do with Christianity and that it is a "pagan heretic" symbol when it was clearly used by Christians for almost 2000 years. Therefore I pasted the relevant information pertaining to its use by Christians. Whether the author is a gnostic or not, the locations of the swastikas in specific Christian sites is a historical fact. I think you don't understand symbology.

You yourself are advertising a Church that has swastika symbology on it by the way. You have a picture of the Hagia Sophia as your username thumbnail, have you ever been inside of it?

Crux Gammata and Byzantine Swastikas are adorned in multiple locations within the building:


full sized picture of the fresco:

It's also on the bronze doors, and on trim patterns on the walls, none of which have been changed even after the Muslim occupation. Here is the gate to the narthex where it also applied in a perimeter pattern:

I am only sharing information. All knowledge comes from somewhere else.

It's evident that your perspective is limited by your own biases and dogma. The historical record unequivocally demonstrates that the swastika symbol, or crux gammata, has been an integral part of Christian iconography for over two millennia. To deny its significance within Christianity is to ignore centuries of evidence found in Byzantine and Romanesque cathedrals, where the symbol adorns walls, ceilings, and even sacred objects. The Eastern Orthodox Church, to which you adhere, has a rich history of using this symbol in its sacred art and architecture.

Your insistence on dismissing the swastika's association with Christianity as a product of gnostic interpretation reveals a lack of understanding of Christian history and iconography.

Rather than allowing your personal dogma to cloud your judgment, I encourage you to examine the wealth of historical evidence that supports the use of the swastika within Christian tradition. All believers should acknowledge the broader scope of Christian iconography and its abundant variety, which includes symbols that may not fit neatly within your personal interpretation.

Or perhaps you should change your avatar to another Church since your own personal dogma doesn't believe this symbol to be related to Christianity whatsoever.

Since you are either a Greek or a Serbian, given your disdain for Macedonia and your a priori anti-German bias, I would think you would have some information on World War Two that we could debate, there is a lot to talk about what went on in the Balkans that I believe will clear things up for many people like you.
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Cant you write shorter texts? It’s impossible to read this.

Hitler lost. Germany was completely decimated. And most of Europe was left in shambles. That was the outcome of nazism.
It was the outcome of any organized resistance to international jewry's financial slave system. I never contest that Hitler didn't lose the war.

Germany being completely decimated and most of Europe left in shambles was the result of judeo-masonic bolshevism and the bombing campaigns of the USA and England. They somewhat trusted each other to wipe out Germany but to be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best. There were over 5000 American POW's in Soviet hands in Poland after the war that neither the Truman administration nor any top brass ever once tried to negotiate for repatriation or even release. Eisenhower "mentioned" them in talks but never was there any move to attempt to return them due to fears of straining relations with the USSR.

What do you think would have happened at the crossroads of 1932 if Europe did not begin to build itself up in the face of Bolshevism? Mussolini played a great deal into repelling the presence of the reds in southern Europe, and Franco did the same in the Atlantic west.

It is evident that what happened to Russia in 1917 was planned for every single country in Europe. The red terror did not die with the cold war, it just transmuted into endless hordes of creatures who live only on impulse being sent into all European countries the same way the hordes of the red army were driven west, only this time they are doing a slow genocide and perpetual transformation of Europe.

It is important to break down these recent histories because much of today's "world order" exists on the mountain of bodies they laid down during these years, and by them living off of the fruits and innovations of more civilized people are we seeing how they don't rightfully deserve what they inherited, their little jew-run world system is both satanic and mediocre and desperately striving to maintain power whilst falling apart.
More than the plagiarism, what is unacceptable is the source you used itself.
It's not Christian, it's sencretistic to the core. This type of gnosticism existed early in the history of the Church and is counter to our Tradition.
If you tried to present your thesis to a priest with a sound theological basis, you would be rebuked.
No Christian denomination today or in the past would accept it as part or our Tradition.
You would have more luck presenting it to a freemasonic lodge or a theosofic society.

p.s. As for the "Byzantine swastikas", you can find the all-seeing eye as well in 17-18th century churches too. That doesn't mean that the freemasonic appropriation of the symbol is refering to the same meaning and that there is no difference between the two symbols.
Nazis were theosofists and theosofists appropriate Christian symbols and archetypes (even our Lord Jusus Christ) and twist their meaning. That's what satan does.
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I appreciate your candid feedback, but I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of the source material. Your characterization of "The Swastika: A Prophetic Symbol" as "not Christian" and "syncretistic to the core" demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of religious symbolism and historical interpretation.

Firstly, to dismiss the source as "unacceptable" without engaging with its content reflects a closed-minded approach to theological inquiry. This text offers valuable insights into the historical significance of the swastika, drawing from a wide range of scholarly sources and primary evidence. To label it as "syncretistic" is to overlook the complexity of religious symbolism and its many interpretations within Christian tradition, including Orthodoxy and Catholicism, because it is found in both.

Furthermore, your assertion that this type of interpretation is reminiscent of early gnosticism is misguided. While gnostic influences have indeed existed within Christianity, it is fallacious to equate any alternative interpretation with gnosticism. The text in question presents a thoughtful and well-researched analysis of religious symbolism, grounded in historical evidence and theological reflection.

Your assertion that "no Christian denomination today or in the past" would accept interpretations involving symbols like the swastika is a sweeping generalization and ignores the historical reality of Christianity's varied and developing traditions. I clearly have shown through this and other evidence that they did. Throughout history Christian denominations that were not gnostic have used a wide range of symbols and theological interpretations into their practices, reflecting the cultural contexts in which they developed.

A priest would likely approach the interpretation of ancient Christian iconography with reverence and caution, seeking to understand the symbolic significance within the broader context of Christian theology and tradition. They would emphasize the importance of interpreting symbols in light of Scripture, Church teachings and tradition, and the historical development of Christian symbolism. You seem keen on the second, but not the first or third.

In that case, I must ask are you a priest? Or a hieromonk? I have consulted with several priests who specialize in the study of ancient iconography to inquire about the prevalence of swastikas in millennia-old Churches, Cathedrals, Baptisteries, and Sepulchers. While many priests may not be familiar with the specific theological significance of these symbols, I have received insights from a few who shed light on their potential meanings: the swastika, or the fylfot, the hakenkreuz, the tetra-gammadion / crux gammata, or any variation symbolizes the eternal nature of God and His unchanging presence throughout time, can also signify divine protection, and can be interpreted as a symbol of Christ's victory. It's important to note that these interpretations reflect the perspectives of individual theologians in the present day and age and are not a single definition.

All of the great Churches and Cathedrals were designed with elements of sacred geometry, and so were their facades, artwork, and carvings. This skill is not layman knowledge, but it is not "esoteric" or "gnostic" either.

I have to reiterate because maybe you didn't read the first time: I don't claim "The Swastika: A Prophetic Symbol" as my own interpretation, therefore it's not plagiarism but merely a misquote on my behalf as I noticed several grammar errors in that post of mine. Your other claims are debatable, but your position is very demanding for the simplistic arguments you put forth.

I have to remind you again that your Hagia Sophia has a multitude of swastikas all over it and you don't seem to be calling that place pagan, heretical, or gnostic.

You would have more luck presenting it to a freemasonic lodge or a theosofic society.

p.s. As for the "Byzantine swastikas", you can find the all-seeing eye as well in 17-18th century churches too. That doesn't mean that the freemasonic appropriation of the symbol is refering to the same meaning and that there is no difference between the two symbols.
Nazis were theosofists and theosofists appropriate Christian symbols and archetypes (even our Lord Jusus Christ) and twist their meaning. That's what satan does.

So you are acknowledging here that the Swastika symbols are a part of Christian history and Church tradition, yet before you said they weren't. Now your argument shifts to the claim that these symbols were stolen by non-Christians. In the case of freemasonry it is a direct descendant of the Babylonian mystery schools who relish in esotericism. However, occultism does not fight occultism. The satans don't stand against each other. They all stand in accordance with their dark principalities against Christianity and anyone who defends Christianity. You cannot deny, even without all of this, that the Axis powers defended Traditional Christianity against judeo-masonic-bolshevism.

When you bring in Theosophy, you're using debunked goy-pill arguments now. National Socialism had nothing to do with Theosophy, the Thule Society, or any other occult kooks of the 20th century. This is both a clever jewish and post-war allied propaganda to make everything that had to do with Germany's miraculous economic, moral, and spiritual recovery omitted and appear strange to curious investigators.

Theosophy and National Socialism are fundamentally incompatible, especially in the context of Positive Christianity. Theosophy, with its diverse spiritual and philosophical beliefs does not align with the racialist aspects of German National Socialism, it is more universalist. Furthermore, the NSDAP actively outlawed, banned, and openly repressed occultists and esotericists, which contradicts any notion of alignment with theosophical beliefs. Let that cement for a minute: this included the arrest, imprisonment, and execution of prominent occultists, freemasons, and esotericists, including theosophists.

As for your claim of them appropriating and changing Our Lord and Savior, that's a very steep accusation. They never attempted to alter anything in salvific terms. Catholics, Protestants, and even German Orthodox still carried on in their churches for the 12 years of National Socialist government in Germany, Austria, even occupied France, and many more in the 3 years of freedom on the Eastern Front when they weren't repressed by Bolsheviks. In a way, Germany's open de-judaizing of elements of Christianity which the jews, who are the born and sworn enemies of Christ, had been working so subversively to build up, was the first fight back against Christian Zionism, which began in the 1890s. Look at how spiritually ravaged the western world is today with these jew-infused lies in the 2000-year-old Christian faith. The entirety of America is content to believe them and send their children to die in jewish wars none the wiser that they are being made fools of in every sense of existence, and that they blaspheme their divine mission in this life by wasting it on jewish lies.

You spend the entire time making up false claims about Hitler but none about the real enemy of Christians then as now: Rothschild and his servants.
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It was the outcome of any organized resistance to international jewry's financial slave system. I never contest that Hitler didn't lose the war.

Germany being completely decimated and most of Europe left in shambles was the result of judeo-masonic bolshevism and the bombing campaigns of the USA and England. They somewhat trusted each other to wipe out Germany but to be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best. There were over 5000 American POW's in Soviet hands in Poland after the war that neither the Truman administration nor any top brass ever once tried to negotiate for repatriation or even release. Eisenhower "mentioned" them in talks but never was there any move to attempt to return them due to fears of straining relations with the USSR.

What do you think would have happened at the crossroads of 1932 if Europe did not begin to build itself up in the face of Bolshevism? Mussolini played a great deal into repelling the presence of the reds in southern Europe, and Franco did the same in the Atlantic west.

It is evident that what happened to Russia in 1917 was planned for every single country in Europe. The red terror did not die with the cold war, it just transmuted into endless hordes of creatures who live only on impulse being sent into all European countries the same way the hordes of the red army were driven west, only this time they are doing a slow genocide and perpetual transformation of Europe.

It is important to break down these recent histories because much of today's "world order" exists on the mountain of bodies they laid down during these years, and by them living off of the fruits and innovations of more civilized people are we seeing how they don't rightfully deserve what they inherited, their little jew-run world system is both satanic and mediocre and desperately striving to maintain power whilst falling apart.
Nazism failed. Hitler was a lunatic. Who drowned his people in a sea of pain and suffering. Germans wherever they go are hated in Europe. Solutions for jews is attack their leadership. All important jews left you know? There was one Rothschild I think (rothschild by marriage if him not mistaken) who got caught probably by mistake.

Jews should be forbidden to marry between themselves. It´s religion totally forbidden. And all synagogues replaced by christian churches. In a gradual process 10-30 years. But never any type of other harmful restriction or damage. At best one synagogue per country for a while. But shutting down them completely with time. Same goes for mosques or any other type of religion which is not christian. It would be good for them. To forget about their paranoid religion or whatever it is and integrate into christianity. Even though I think Israel is a west colony in ME. Jews are just frontmen. But I could be wrong.
Nazism failed. Hitler was a lunatic. Who drowned his people in a sea of pain and suffering. Germans wherever they go are hated in Europe.
Bold claims without any evidence. Under his vision and leadership Germany was brought out of a sea of pain and suffering they were drowning in from Weimar which was was nothing but hyper-inflation, starvation, homelessness, joblessness, absolute spiritual and moral decay, and suicide. All of you Hitler detractors never talk about the years of peace, or the economic miracle, or the advancements they made. Lunatics don't create millions of jobs and fix the economy. Lunatics don't build millions of homes, not apartments, but homes, so that every family can have their own space and garden. Lunatics don't ban freemasonry, pornography, usury, vivisection, human zoos, homosexuality, abortion, and many other things that are inhumane and anti-Christian.

The jew-corrupted west made sure all of that highly-functioning advanced civilization was wiped off the face of the Earth. The Allied powers inflicted immense damage and suffering on the German people through relentless bombing campaigns and the widespread devastation of cities and infrastructure. This indiscriminate destruction reversed nearly all of the gains made during Hitler's rule and they never returned.

Perhaps the reason why Germans are "hated" now like I have heard from Greeks and others I know is because the jews use modern Germany as their financial goy-center in Europe, and all problems that "Germany" creates economically now for other countries, is indeed happening but not by the will of the German people but by the will of the jews who utterly control Germany. Don't be so quick and sharp to chastise the Germans based on jewish deception.

Everything else you said about jews is verifiable and would be beneficial if a series of nations in modern times enacted policies to hinder their control and enforced it against them.
Bold claims without any evidence. Under his vision and leadership Germany was brought out of a sea of pain and suffering they were drowning in from Weimar which was was nothing but hyper-inflation, starvation, homelessness, joblessness, absolute spiritual and moral decay, and suicide. All of you Hitler detractors never talk about the years of peace, or the economic miracle, or the advancements they made. Lunatics don't create millions of jobs and fix the economy. Lunatics don't build millions of homes, not apartments, but homes, so that every family can have their own space and garden. Lunatics don't ban freemasonry, pornography, usury, vivisection, human zoos, homosexuality, abortion, and many other things that are inhumane and anti-Christian.

The jew-corrupted west made sure all of that highly-functioning advanced civilization was wiped off the face of the Earth. The Allied powers inflicted immense damage and suffering on the German people through relentless bombing campaigns and the widespread devastation of cities and infrastructure. This indiscriminate destruction reversed nearly all of the gains made during Hitler's rule and they never returned.

Perhaps the reason why Germans are "hated" now like I have heard from Greeks and others I know is because the jews use modern Germany as their financial goy-center in Europe, and all problems that "Germany" creates economically now for other countries, is indeed happening but not by the will of the German people but by the will of the jews who utterly control Germany. Don't be so quick and sharp to chastise the Germans based on jewish deception.

Everything else you said about jews is verifiable and would be beneficial if a series of nations in modern times enacted policies to hinder their control and enforced it against them.
I had a German girlfriend. And I almost went to Germany to work in a law office there. But it’s a shithole. Had to break her heart. Having sundown after lunch its not for me. It was also in Berlin. Which is Germany biggest shithole. Punks everywhere. Piss smell also. Munich is ok. Wouldnt live there either.
Not only are Germans hated by other nationalities but even among themselves. In Germany they don’t realize it. But as soon as they leave the country. They are discriminated. By their own also.

Hitler destroyed Germany. Actually Germany is still today an occupied country. And because he was so excessive and totally failed. Now we can’t even criticize jews. Jews are not evil. As a group they are just impossible to deal with. Individually they re fine. So what must be attacked is not the individual but what makes them a group. Which is their fucked up religion. But it’s a decades work. No harm should be done to them. Just remove what makes them lunatics. This is a non stop effort. Not something to be done in 2-3 years. I think there was a time in history they almost integrated.
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Where did I claim it to be my own?
Personally, I don't really care. Your writing is good, you're obviously smart, and a rose by any other name still smells as sweet. However, not copping to the seamless blending of your writing and someone else's (including "editing" their writing to blend better with yours) in an attempt to seem smarter than you actually are is "weird."

I forgot to paraphrase.
Over, and over, and over again? You "forgot"?

"One lie leads to another." - Tony Bennett
I almost went to Germany to work in a law office there. But it’s a shithole.
So you were going to go into the jew lawfare business in Germany? Interesting. Germany is still an incredibly beautiful country with amazing white culture, infrastructure, and architecture. I actually like Berlin, and have stayed there for months at a time. Sure, pockets are ruined forever by muzzies, but there is still a deep national white pride buried deep within the countryside of Germany that can never be uprooted. Go to the German countryside in October and celebrate conservative whiteness to your hearts content. Good times.
So you were going to go into the jew lawfare business in Germany? Interesting. Germany is still an incredibly beautiful country with amazing white culture, infrastructure, and architecture. I actually like Berlin, and have stayed there for months at a time. Sure, pockets are ruined forever by muzzies, but there is still a deep national white pride buried deep within the countryside of Germany that can never be uprooted. Go to the German countryside in October and celebrate conservative whiteness to your hearts content. Good times.
Went to a club called Panorama by the river. It was the most fucked up place I had ever been.

I was going to do an internship. In Unter Den Linden.

Berlin is really ugly. Dirty and unorganized. Cold. Full of grafitis. Punks. Smell of piss everywhere. Strange kitsch bars like your in the communist 80´s. Currywurst was good. Crazy sex stores every corner. At the time the discussion was what to do with communist buildings. If you should keep the heritage or replace it by historical buildings. Historical buildings only had façade. The rest was new buildings. The girl was an architect student. Batshit crazy.

Would never expect Berlin the capital of Germany to be this bad. Expected something completely different.

Can´t tell much about countryside. Been to Karlsruhe it was normal. Constitutional court. There was a small town nearby that was pretty. I think it was Heidelberg. That was nice. Really silent. Streets are silent. Buses are silent. Restaurants are silent. And it gets dark at 2PM.

Would like to rent a Porsche Turbo and hit a autobahn and blast to the max. I might go to Luxembourg soon. And was thinking about going over the border to do it. But my time has passed. It´s my kids time now. Will bring them along with wifey. And eat chocolates in Brussels with them.
Personally, I don't really care. Your writing is good, you're obviously smart, and a rose by any other name still smells as sweet. However, not copping to the seamless blending of your writing and someone else's (including "editing" their writing to blend better with yours) in an attempt to seem smarter than you actually are is "weird."

Over, and over, and over again? You "forgot"?

"One lie leads to another." - Tony Bennett
Did you read the source? What matters is the truth, not who wrote it, every piece of knowledge we have comes from somewhere else. It's not about "appearing smart," a simple man with words of truth speaks louder than any incessant academic touting citations.
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I had a German girlfriend. And I almost went to Germany to work in a law office there. But it’s a shithole. Had to break her heart. Having sundown after lunch its not for me. It was also in Berlin. Which is Germany biggest shithole. Punks everywhere. Piss smell also. Munich is ok. Wouldnt live there either.
Not only are Germans hated by other nationalities but even among themselves. In Germany they don’t realize it. But as soon as they leave the country. They are discriminated. By their own also.

Hitler destroyed Germany. Actually Germany is still today an occupied country. And because he was so excessive and totally failed. Now we can’t even criticize jews. Jews are not evil. As a group they are just impossible to deal with. Individually they re fine. So what must be attacked is not the individual but what makes them a group. Which is their fucked up religion. But it’s a decades work. No harm should be done to them. Just remove what makes them lunatics. This is a non stop effort. Not something to be done in 2-3 years. I think there was a time in history they almost integrated.
Yes, Berlin is now ugly, and full of piss-reek foreigners. However you don't understand why Germans are hated and why they "hate" themselves. This shows how little you know of history. They have been propagandized to hate themselves first by the Allied victors, then by their own "democratically-elected" puppet governments which enforce the bidding of NATO/UN and now the EU. It is entwined in their academic system. The Allied powers declared in 1949 to have complete control of Germany's media, academia, and research for 150 years, until 2099, enough time to eternally snuff out any natural German blood and patriotism, or so they thought. It is generational brainwashing now, the eternal max repped White guilt laden on them at birth to keep a docile population servile to the jews forevermore, while slowly eradicating them with violence from non-Europeans and jewish vaxxes.

However, my experience with Germans is different than yours. They are the most humble and kind people I've ever met, and still very faithful to God to this day. Spend time in rural Bayern or Saxony and you will see a different side.

Your blanket statements like "Hitler destroyed Germany." are incredibly inaccurate. I just explained to you how he built Germany up from the Weimar Republic and Great Depression into the best standard of living it ever experienced. You keep focusing on how it is nowadays and blame Hitler for everything the jews and their puppets have done to Europe.

You blame him for us not being able to criticize jews? As if the state of affairs the jews were putting over Europeans and Americans before Hitler would have gone on forever without interruption. Your anger at our present-day mediocre civilization is normal, I have it too, any self-resepcting European does. However, blaming Hitler is exactly what the satanic jews want you to do. If he did not come along, or someone like him, we would be in a much worse situation nowadays, further accelerated along jewish plans which have been in development for several centuries.

You don't know much about things that went on before Hitler do you?
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Yes, Berlin is now ugly, and full of piss-reek foreigners. However you don't understand why Germans are hated and why they "hate" themselves. This shows how little you know of history. They have been propagandized to hate themselves by the Allied victors. It is generational brainwashing now, the eternal max repped White guilt laden on them at birth to keep a docile population servile to the jews forevermore, while slowly eradicating them with violence from non-Europeans and jewish vaxxes.

It wasn´t just foreigners. Punk native germans were everywhere. Pissing. vomiting. Hearing loud music. Harassing people. Tube looked like an open toilet.

Germans hate themselves abroad. Not in Germany. Inside Germany they have no idea people dislike them so much. And abroad sometimes they will be racist against other germans.

Kreuzberg area looked like third world. Turkishland.

However, my experience with Germans is different than yours. They are the most humble and kind people I've ever met, and still very faithful to God to this day. Spend time in rural Bayern or Saxony and you will see a different side.

Where did I say they weren´t humble or kind? But they actually aren´t. They are very introspect. Asking for a direction in Frankfurt is a nightmare.

They have a strong eco conscience. Nature. It´s a trait I found in a lot of germans. The nature conscience.

Your blanket statements like "Hitler destroyed Germany." are incredibly inaccurate. I just explained to you how he built Germany up from the Weimar Republic and Great Depression into the best standard of living it ever experienced. You keep focusing on how it is nowadays and blame Hitler for everything the jews and their puppets have done to Europe.
You think anybody in Europe didn´t study Weimar Republic? How they were whoring children? Hyperinflation? workers buying stuff at lunch time cause it would be more expensive when they would leave the factory at night. Carts of cash. Humilation from the peace treaty. Even today in ECB germans are terribly afraid of inflation.

But guess what? Hitler gave them a temporary relief. And made things even worse after.

I don´t like the fact he gave animals rights. Giving animal rights degrades humans. And his personal life was strange. No children. And Hitler himself looked like a lunatic. All the third Reich is abnormal. A propaganda hysteria. Best is having normal people in leadership positions.

You blame him for us not being able to criticize jews? As if the state of affairs the jews were putting over Europeans and Americans before Hitler would have gone on forever without interruption. Your anger at our present-day mediocre civilization is normal, I have it too, any self-resepcting European does. However, blaming Hitler is exactly what the satanic jews want you to do.

You don't know much about things that went on before Hitler do you?

Hitler lost. Don´t you get it? He lost. Now we can say it was because of X, Y or Z. It can be an interesting discussion. But it won´t alter the fact Hitler lost. And therefore he is a loser. Whatever strategy is set in motion was wrong.

Hitler strategy was disastrous for Germany. So disastrous that even today Germany is still not a sovereign country.

People praise a lot germans. I don´t see the fascination. They´re cars used to be good. They´re industry is not bad. But a lot of inventions also come from France and England. And US.

Roman empire. Greece. Or even Spain were empires. That lasted. If you want culture and arts. You don´t go to Germany. You go to France and Italy.

BTW there was a name for the wealthy jews Hitler didn´t touch. A fiend of mine told me how their were called. But I don´t remember. It´s nothing conspirative or secretive. It´s on wikipedia.
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But aren't their Germanic Peoples essentially in France, Great Britain, Scadenavia, and Northern Italy? Don't remember the exact number of tribes, couple 100? Granted different language and culture rose up around that, but essentially you have large chunk of Germanic bloodlines in different Nations. It's just several were controlled by The Jewish Banking Elite.

Evidently it's been an ongoing thing since before Christ on their Subversion and Infiltration ebb and flow.

My thing is, when is it the right time to challenge, who has this Privilege as a Gentile, and how do it without your Opposition Party being Infiltrated? Was Franco's method of dealing with them better? How would've Hitler Focused on the Eastern Front, knowing well that the Two Judeo Masonic Nations (US & UK) were funding the Soviets and probably knew that they were instrumental in the Bolshevik Revolution?

Seems almost mind boggling to discern such International Intrigue when dealing with a Group that is set-up around the world to channel Information in a manner to subvert National Policy.

And saying all that tripe, it's almost in Our Interest to at least give Hitler somewhat of a pass, since the Commisar Jews made overt claims about Nazi War Crimes that were blown way out proportion and large amounts of Accusations were just bald-faced lies and slander toward the Reich and Hitler.
Hitler lost.
No, not existentially, as stated before, his legacy in Germany (and elsewhere) is deep and lives on, even if "covertly." Many people are starting to realize that Hitler was onto something regarding the jews. I would wager that in less than 100 years Hitler will be somewhat vindicated and held in a higher regard than he is now. Ultimately, even if it takes 500 years, history will be kind(er) to Hitler as the Multicultural New World Order of Technocratic-jewry explodes.