• ChristIsKing.eu has moved to ChristIsKing.cc - see the announcement for more details. If you don't know your password PM a mod on Element or via a temporary account here to confirm your username and email.

Heritage Request Thread

Due to no specific decision about the heritage badge being made and differences in communicating what it is and how it can be obtained, specific rules have been posted here -

There are now three badges depending on your level of engagement on RVF.

Heirloom, please.

Edit: that was fast! It changed as soon as I clicked post.


Commemorative edition.
These are great! Are they AI? With mine, that's actually one of the best pictures I've seen of the real historical Thomas More.

I'd steal it for my avatar, but I like how my current one is actually made as a round image.
I was a member on the RooshVforum for many many years from the original forums heydays. I was banned in October 2022 with the reason given being "secular poster". I respect other religions especially Christianity but I am an agnostic and that was eventually not welcome on the Rooshvforum towards the end.